Appendix G: Index of Tables

Table‑1 Register
Table‑2 Virtual Table Example (Register)
Table‑3 Access Control
Table‑4 Virtual Table Example (Access Control)
Table‑1 Key Lengths
Table‑1 HTTP Request Headers
Table‑1 HTTP Response Headers
Table‑1 SIF_Register Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Unregister Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Provide Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Unprovide Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Subscribe Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Unsubscribe Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Provision Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Event Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Request Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Ping Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Sleep Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Wakeup Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_GetZoneStatus Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_GetAgentACL Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_GetMessage Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Ack Protocol (Push-Mode)
Table‑1 SIF_Ack Protocol (Pull-Mode)
Table‑1 SIF_Message Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Event Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Request Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Event Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Ping Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Sleep Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Wakeup Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Message Delivery Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Ping Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Sleep Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Wakeup Protocol
Table‑1 SIF_Message Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Register Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Unregister Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Provide Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Unprovide Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Subscribe Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Unsubscribe Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Provision Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Event Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Request Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Response Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Ping Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Sleep Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Wakeup Handling
Table‑1 SIF_GetZoneStatus Handling
Table‑1 SIF_GetZoneStatus Handling
Table‑1 SIF_GetMessage Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Ack Handling
Table‑1 SIF_Ack Handling
Table 5.1.1‑1 SIF_Message
Table 5.1.2‑1 SIF_Header
Table 5.1.3‑1 SIF_EncryptionLevel
Table 5.1.4‑1 SIF_AuthenticationLevel
Table 5.1.5‑1 SIF_Contexts
Table 5.1.6‑1 SIF_Context
Table 5.1.7‑1 SIF_Protocol
Table 5.1.8‑1 SIF_Status
Table 5.1.9‑1 SIF_Error
Table 5.1.10‑1 SIF_Query
Table 5.1.11‑1 SIF_ExtendedQuery
Table‑1 Mapping SIF_Query to SIF_ExtendedQuery
Table 5.1.12‑1 SIF_ExtendedQueryResults
Table 5.2.1‑1 SIF_Ack
Table 5.2.2‑1 SIF_Event
Table 5.2.3‑1 SIF_Provide
Table 5.2.4‑1 SIF_Provision
Table 5.2.5‑1 SIF_Register
Table 5.2.6‑1 SIF_Request
Table 5.2.7‑1 SIF_Response
Table 5.2.8‑1 SIF_Subscribe
Table 5.2.9‑1 SIF_SystemControl
Table 5.2.10‑1 SIF_Ping
Table 5.2.11‑1 SIF_Sleep
Table 5.2.12‑1 SIF_Wakeup
Table 5.2.13‑1 SIF_GetMessage
Table 5.2.14‑1 SIF_GetZoneStatus
Table 5.2.15‑1 SIF_GetAgentACL
Table 5.2.16‑1 SIF_Unprovide
Table 5.2.17‑1 SIF_Unregister
Table 5.2.18‑1 SIF_Unsubscribe
Table 5.3.1‑1 SIF_ZoneStatus
Table 5.3.2‑1 SIF_AgentACL
Table 6.2.1‑1 Address
Table 6.2.2‑1 AddressList
Table 6.2.3‑1 BirthDate
Table 6.2.4‑1 CongressionalDistrict
Table 6.2.5‑1 ContactInfo
Table 6.2.6‑1 Country
Table 6.2.7‑1 CourseCode
Table 6.2.8‑1 CourseCredits
Table 6.2.9‑1 CourseTitle
Table 6.2.10‑1 Demographics
Table 6.2.11‑1 DistrictCourseCode
Table 6.2.12‑1 EarnedStatus
Table 6.2.13‑1 EconomicDisadvantage
Table 6.2.14‑1 EducationalLevel
Table 6.2.15‑1 ElectronicId
Table 6.2.16‑1 ElectronicIdList
Table 6.2.17‑1 ELL
Table 6.2.18‑1 Email
Table 6.2.19‑1 EmailList
Table 6.2.20‑1 EntryDate
Table 6.2.21‑1 ExceptionalityCategories
Table 6.2.22‑1 ExitDate
Table 6.2.23‑1 FirstName
Table 6.2.24‑1 Gender
Table 6.2.25‑1 GiftedTalented
Table 6.2.26‑1 GradeLevel
Table 6.2.27‑1 GradeLevels
Table 6.2.28‑1 GraduationDate
Table 6.2.29‑1 GraduationRequirement
Table 6.2.30‑1 GridLocation
Table 6.2.31‑1 HispanicLatino
Table 6.2.32‑1 Homeless
Table 6.2.33‑1 HomeroomNumber
Table 6.2.34‑1 IDEA
Table 6.2.35‑1 IdentificationInfo
Table 6.2.36‑1 IdentificationInfoList
Table 6.2.37‑1 Immigrant
Table 6.2.38‑1 InstructionalLevel
Table 6.2.39‑1 LastName
Table 6.2.40‑1 LEAName
Table 6.2.41‑1 LocalId
Table 6.2.42‑1 MealStatus
Table 6.2.43‑1 MealType
Table 6.2.44‑1 MeetingTime
Table 6.2.45‑1 MiddleName
Table 6.2.46‑1 Migrant
Table 6.2.47‑1 Name
Table 6.2.48‑1 NCESId
Table 6.2.49‑1 NeglectedDelinquent
Table 6.2.50‑1 OnTimeGraduationYear
Table 6.2.51‑1 OperationalStatus
Table 6.2.52‑1 OtherCodeList
Table 6.2.53‑1 OtherId
Table 6.2.54‑1 OtherNames
Table 6.2.55‑1 PhoneNumber
Table 6.2.56‑1 PhoneNumberList
Table 6.2.57‑1 PlannedAssessmentParticipation
Table 6.2.58‑1 Program
Table 6.2.59‑1 ProgramStatus
Table 6.2.60‑1 ProgramType
Table 6.2.61‑1 ProjectedGraduationYear
Table 6.2.62‑1 PublishInDirectory
Table 6.2.63‑1 RaceList
Table 6.2.64‑1 Relationship
Table 6.2.65‑1 SCEDCode
Table 6.2.66‑1 SchoolContactList
Table 6.2.67‑1 SchoolName
Table 6.2.68‑1 SchoolURL
Table 6.2.69‑1 SchoolYear
Table 6.2.70‑1 Section504
Table 6.2.71‑1 SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.2.72‑1 SSN
Table 6.2.73‑1 StateCourseCode
Table 6.2.74‑1 StateProvince
Table 6.2.75‑1 StateProvinceId
Table 6.2.76‑1 SubjectArea
Table 6.2.77‑1 SubjectAreaList
Table 6.2.78‑1 TermSpan
Table 6.2.79‑1 Title1
Table 6.2.80‑1 VocationalConcentrator
Table 6.3.1‑1 Assessment
Table 6.3.2‑1 AssessmentAdministration
Table 6.3.3‑1 AssessmentForm
Table 6.3.4‑1 AssessmentPackage
Table 6.3.5‑1 AssessmentRegistration
Table 6.3.6‑1 AssessmentSubTest
Table 6.3.7‑1 StudentResponseSet
Table 6.3.8‑1 StudentScoreSet
Table 6.4.1‑1 SIF_Metadata
Table 6.4.2‑1 TimeElement
Table 6.4.3‑1 LifeCycle
Table 6.4.4‑1 RightsElement
Table 6.5.1‑1 AggregateStatisticInfo
Table 6.5.2‑1 AggregateCharacteristicInfo
Table 6.5.3‑1 AggregateStatisticFact
Table 6.6.1‑1 FoodserviceItem
Table 6.6.2‑1 FoodserviceItemPortion
Table 6.6.3‑1 FoodserviceItemSales
Table 6.6.4‑1 FoodserviceItemUnit
Table 6.6.5‑1 FoodserviceMealPrices
Table 6.6.6‑1 FoodserviceMenuPlan
Table 6.6.7‑1 FoodserviceMilkSales
Table 6.6.8‑1 FoodservicePurchaseTransaction
Table 6.6.9‑1 FoodserviceReimbursementRates
Table 6.6.10‑1 FoodserviceSales
Table 6.6.11‑1 FoodserviceStaffEnrollmentCount
Table 6.6.12‑1 FoodserviceStaffMealCounts
Table 6.6.13‑1 FoodserviceStudentEnrollmentCount
Table 6.6.14‑1 FoodserviceStudentMealCounts
Table 6.6.15‑1 FoodserviceTransaction
Table 6.6.16‑1 FoodserviceTransactionDetails
Table 6.6.17‑1 FoodserviceTransactionPayMethod
Table 6.6.18‑1 StaffMeal
Table 6.6.19‑1 StudentMeal
Table 6.7.1‑1 GradingAssignment
Table 6.7.2‑1 GradingAssignmentScore
Table 6.7.3‑1 GradingCategory
Table 6.7.4‑1 MarkInfo
Table 6.7.5‑1 MarkValueInfo
Table 6.7.6‑1 OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance
Table 6.7.7‑1 SectionMarkInfo
Table 6.7.8‑1 StudentPeriodAttendance
Table 6.7.9‑1 StudentSectionMarks
Table 6.8.1‑1 AccountingPeriod
Table 6.8.2‑1 Billing
Table 6.8.3‑1 EmployeeAssignment
Table 6.8.4‑1 EmployeeContract
Table 6.8.5‑1 EmployeePersonal
Table 6.8.6‑1 EmployeePicture
Table 6.8.7‑1 EmployeeWage
Table 6.8.8‑1 EmploymentRecord
Table 6.8.9‑1 FinancialAccount
Table 6.8.10‑1 FinancialAccountAccountingPeriodLocationInfo
Table 6.8.11‑1 FinancialAnnual
Table 6.8.12‑1 FinancialBudget
Table 6.8.13‑1 FinancialClass
Table 6.8.14‑1 FinancialIncomeStatement
Table 6.8.15‑1 FinancialTransaction
Table 6.8.16‑1 FiscalYear
Table 6.8.17‑1 LocationInfo
Table 6.8.18‑1 Payment
Table 6.8.19‑1 Purchasing
Table 6.8.20‑1 TimeWorked
Table 6.8.21‑1 VendorInfo
Table 6.8.22‑1 W4
Table 6.9.1‑1 Authentication
Table 6.9.2‑1 SIF_LogEntry
Table 6.10.1‑1 Activity
Table 6.10.2‑1 Assignment
Table 6.10.3‑1 CurriculumStructure
Table 6.10.4‑1 LearningResource
Table 6.10.5‑1 LearningStandardDocument
Table 6.10.6‑1 LearningStandardItem
Table 6.10.7‑1 Lesson
Table 6.11.1‑1 LibraryPatronStatus
Table 6.12.1‑1 ActivityProvider
Table 6.12.2‑1 EmployeeCredential
Table 6.12.3‑1 EmployeeCredit
Table 6.12.4‑1 EmployeeRecertification
Table 6.12.5‑1 ProfessionalDevelopmentActivities
Table 6.13.1‑1 StudentParticipation
Table 6.13.2‑1 StudentPlacement
Table 6.13.3‑1 TestAccommodation
Table 6.14.1‑1 AttendanceCodeInfo
Table 6.14.2‑1 CalendarDate
Table 6.14.3‑1 CalendarSummary
Table 6.14.4‑1 DisciplineIncident
Table 6.14.5‑1 LEAInfo
Table 6.14.6‑1 RoomInfo
Table 6.14.7‑1 RoomType
Table 6.14.8‑1 SchoolCourseInfo
Table 6.14.9‑1 SchoolInfo
Table 6.14.10‑1 SectionInfo
Table 6.14.11‑1 StaffAssignment
Table 6.14.12‑1 StaffPersonal
Table 6.14.13‑1 StudentAttendanceSummary
Table 6.14.14‑1 StudentContact
Table 6.14.15‑1 StudentDailyAttendance
Table 6.14.16‑1 StudentPersonal
Table 6.14.17‑1 StudentPicture
Table 6.14.18‑1 StudentSchoolEnrollment
Table 6.14.19‑1 StudentSectionEnrollment
Table 6.14.20‑1 StudentSnapshot
Table 6.14.21‑1 TermInfo
Table 6.15.1‑1 StudentRecordExchange
Table 6.15.2‑1 StudentDemographicRecord
Table 6.15.3‑1 StudentAcademicRecord
Table 6.15.4‑1 StudentSpecialEducationRecord
Table 6.15.5‑1 StudentRecordPackage
Table 6.16.1‑1 BusEquipment
Table 6.16.2‑1 BusInfo
Table 6.16.3‑1 BusPositionInfo
Table 6.16.4‑1 BusRouteDetail
Table 6.16.5‑1 BusRouteInfo
Table 6.16.6‑1 BusStopInfo
Table 6.16.7‑1 StudentTransportInfo
Table 6.17.1‑1 ReportAuthorityInfo
Table 6.17.2‑1 ReportManifest
Table 6.17.3‑1 SIF_ReportObject
Table 6.17.4‑1 StudentLocator
Table A.1‑1 AbstractContentPackageType
Table A.2‑1 BaseNameType
Table A.3‑1 DefinedProtocolsType
Table A.4‑1 ExtendedContentType
Table A.5‑1 FSAmountType
Table A.6‑1 FSCountType
Table A.7‑1 GUIDType
Table A.8‑1 IdRefType
Table A.9‑1 MonetaryAmountType
Table A.10‑1 MsgIdType
Table A.11‑1 NameOfRecordType
Table A.12‑1 OtherNameType
Table A.13‑1 RefIdType
Table A.14‑1 ReportDataObjectType
Table A.15‑1 ReportPackageType
Table A.16‑1 SIF_EventObjectType
Table A.17‑1 SIF_ProvideObjectNamesType
Table A.18‑1 SIF_RequestObjectNamesType
Table A.19‑1 SIF_ResponseObjectsType
Table A.20‑1 SIF_ResponseObjectType
Table A.21‑1 SIF_SubscribeObjectNamesType
Table A.22‑1 URIOrBinaryType
Table A.23‑1 VersionType
Table A.24‑1 VersionWithWildcardsType
Table E.1‑1 Agent Message Queue - Example 1
Table E.1‑2 Agent Message Queue - Example 2
Table E.1‑3 Agent Message Queue - Example 3
Table E.1‑4 Agent Message Queue - Example 4

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