6.17 Vertical Reporting Task Force

The Vertical Reporting Task Force has the following responsibilities:

Click here for non-normative background/supplementary documentation from this group.

6.17.1 ReportAuthorityInfo

This object contains information on authorities that provide ReportManifest objects and/or collect SIF_ReportObject objects, such as state departments of education, regional service agencies, or other report collecting agencies.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.17.1-1: ReportAuthorityInfo ReportAuthorityInfo RefId AuthorityName AuthorityId AuthorityDepartment AuthorityLevel ContactInfo Address PhoneNumber SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object contains information on authorities that provide ReportManifest objects and/or collect SIF_ReportObject objects, such as state departments of education, regional service agencies, or other report collecting agencies.


The unique identifier for this agency/report authority.


Name of the agency/report authority.


The zone unique case-sensitive identifier for the authority. This will be the contents of the SIF_SourceId element in the header of requests for reports.


Department, office, or subdivision of the agency/report authority.


Level of the authority.


Information on the contact person in this agency.

 AddressO Address
 PhoneNumberO PhoneNumber
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.17.1-1: ReportAuthorityInfo
Example 6.17.1-1: ReportAuthorityInfo

6.17.2 ReportManifest

This object provides a way to define a report within a SIF zone. It contains metadata about the report. This object represents a mutual agreement between senders and receivers of the report.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.17.2-1: ReportManifest ReportManifest RefId ReportAuthorityInfoRefId SIF_Version SIF_MaxBufferSize ReceivingAuthority SIF_RefObject ReportName Description ReportingPeriod BeginReportDate EndReportDate BeginSubmitDate EndSubmitDate DueDate ReportDefinitionSource Type QueryLanguage ReportFormatList ReportFormat Type ContentType SIF_QueryGroup SIF_Query SIF_ExtendedQuery SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides a way to define a report within a SIF zone. It contains metadata about the report. This object represents a mutual agreement between senders and receivers of the report.


The unique identifier for this report manifest.


ID (GUID) of the authority providing this manifest.


Specifies which SIF Specification version should be used when returning the report data; wildcards are allowed. When a wildcard is specified, the responding agent SHOULD attempt to return the report data in the version specified by SIF_Message/@Version, if that version matches the wildcard version. If not, the responding agent can return the data in any version it chooses that matches the wildcard version.


Specifies the maximum size of a packet to be returned to the report authority.


The GUID of the authority for whom the report is intended, usually the same authority that defines this manifest.


The name of the object referenced.


The authority's accepted name for the report.


The description for the report.


Information on the period of time over which the report spans.


The first date for which the report contains information.


The last date for which the report contains information. May be the same as BeginReportDate for snapshot-type reports.


The first date on which the report may be submitted to the authority.


The last date on which the report may be submitted to the authority.


The official due date of the report.


Indicates where the report definition can be found. If Type is Embedded or Base64Binary, this element's value contains the report definition. If Type is URL, this element's value is the location of the external definition. A Type value of SIF_Query indicates that the SIF_QueryGroup element contains the definition.


This attribute indicates the source of the report definition.


The vendor-defined query language used in the report definition (e.g. SQL, ExampleObject, Description, com.vendor.format, etc.). If the Type attribute is SIF_Query, then QueryLanguage should also be SIF_Query. If the Type attribute is SIF_ExtendedQuery, then QueryLanguage should also be SIF_ExtendedQuery.


An optional list of one or more third-party formats that describe the visual representation of the report data. If more than one report format is associated with a manifest, the implementation can choose the most applicable format by examining the ContentType attribute.


A third-party format that describes the visual representation of the report data.


This attribute indicates the encoding of the format reference.


The vendor-defined content type (e.g. com.vendor.format, PDF, etc.


Parent element containing the querying criteria for extracting the report information if ReportDefinitionSource/@Type is SIF_Query.

 SIF_QueryGroup/SIF_QueryMR SIF_Query

Query criteria for extracting the report information if ReportDefinitionSource/@Type is SIF_ExtendedQuery.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.17.2-1: ReportManifest
<ReportManifest RefId="C234516384746B387459000F84723A00" ReportAuthorityInfoRefId="84756373645746363738484848484832"> <SIF_Version>2.0</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>102400000</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <ReceivingAuthority SIF_RefObject="ReportAuthorityInfo">84756373645746363738484848484812</ReceivingAuthority> <ReportName>December 1 IDEA Students</ReportName> <Description> A report of all IDEA-eligible students receiving services on December 1 </Description> <ReportingPeriod> <BeginReportDate>2003-12-01</BeginReportDate> <EndReportDate>2003-12-01</EndReportDate> <BeginSubmitDate>2003-12-02</BeginSubmitDate> <EndSubmitDate>2004-01-15</EndSubmitDate> <DueDate>2004-01-15</DueDate> </ReportingPeriod> <ReportDefinitionSource Type="URL" QueryLanguage="Description">http://www.state.edu/IDEAEligible.html</ReportDefinitionSource> <SIF_QueryGroup> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="StudentPersonal" /> </SIF_Query> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="StudentSchoolEnrollment" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="And"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>EntryDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>LE</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>20031201</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> <SIF_Conditions Type="Or"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>ExitDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>20040530</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>ExitDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>GE</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>20031201</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="StudentParticipation" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="And"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@Type</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>IDEA</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>ProgramPlacementDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>LE</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>20031201</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> <SIF_Conditions Type="Or"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>ProgramExitDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value /> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>ProgramExitDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>GE</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>20031201</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> </SIF_QueryGroup> </ReportManifest>
Example 6.17.2-1: ReportManifest

6.17.3 SIF_ReportObject

This object is an envelope used to send other data objects, typically reports, to authorities such as state departments of education, district offices, other schools, etc. It is also used to signal a data collector agent that a report is compiled and ready to be requested. SIF_ReportObject contains a data object, which is either complete or partial (a partial data object is one that contains a subset of the elements for the data object). One or a series of SIF_ReportObjects contained within one or a series of related SIF_Response messages makes up a complete report.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Click here for non-normative background/supplementary documentation on this object.

Figure 6.17.3-1: SIF_ReportObject SIF_ReportObject RefId ReportInfo ReportManifestRefId CalculationDate SubmissionNumber SubmissionReason ReportSubmitterInfo SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject SubmitterName SubmitterDepartment ContactInfo Address PhoneNumber SubmitterNotes Description ReportData SIF_ExtendedQueryResults SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object is an envelope used to send other data objects, typically reports, to authorities such as state departments of education, district offices, other schools, etc. It is also used to signal a data collector agent that a report is compiled and ready to be requested. SIF_ReportObject contains a data object, which is either complete or partial (a partial data object is one that contains a subset of the elements for the data object). One or a series of SIF_ReportObjects contained within one or a series of related SIF_Response messages makes up a complete report.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this instance of a report.


Identifies the manifest for the report and characteristics of the submission. This element is a conditional element. This element, the ReportData element, or the SIF_ExtendedQueryResults element is included but never more than one at the same time within an instance of this object. See examples of the usage of the object below.


The report manifest corresponding to this report.


The date on which the report was calculated.


A number that identifies the submission; beginning at 1 and incremented each time a submission is done for a particular report; used to indicate resubmission(s).


Reason for the report submission.


Identifies the submitter of the report.

This element is conditional depending on the context in which the SIF_ReportObject is used. It must be present in the ReportInfo element when a SIF_ReportObject is sent to a report authority in a SIF_Event message. However, its presence is optional in SIF_ReportObject packets delivered to report authorities in SIF_Response messages.


If the submitter is described by another SIF data object such as a SchoolInfo or LEAInfo instance, this element references that object by RefId.


The name of a SIF data object. When used in the context of ReportSubmitterInfo, this attribute must have one of the following values.

The submitter of the SIF_ReportObject is the district or other agency referenced by a LEAInfo object
The submitter of the SIF_ReportObject is the school referenced by a SchoolInfo object

Name of the report submitter.

This is a descriptive string that names the entity submitting the SIF_ReportObject to the report authority. It could be the name of an agency, a district, a school, the SIF_SourceId of the submitting agent, or any other string that a report authority could use to identify the submitter of a report. This element may be present regardless of the presence of the SIF_RefId and SIF_RefObject elements. When those elements are used, it is recommended that collector agents reproduce the name of the LEA or school here.


Department, office, or subdivision of the agency submitting the report.


Information on the contact person in this agency submitting the report.

O Address
O PhoneNumber

Optional notes for the report authority, such as information about a district's reporting policies and procedures, instructions for contacting the district for technical support, etc.

 ReportInfo/DescriptionO xs:string

Container element for the report content; one valid SIF object can occur as a child here. This element is conditional. This element or ReportInfo or SIF_ExtendedQueryResults is included but never at the same time. See examples of the usage of the object below.


The report content resulting from a SIF_ExtendedQuery-based report. This element is conditional. This element or ReportInfo or ReportData is included but never at the same time.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.17.3-1: SIF_ReportObject
<SIF_Message Version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Response> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>FAE9D90A38F84B729C92F868CB63C9F3</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-15T09:23:26-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>XXXX Agent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>STATE</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_RequestMsgId>EB79C3D1FF1911D785138B604A511DAD</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_ObjectData> <SIF_ReportObject RefId="B234516384746B387459000F84723A00"> <ReportInfo ReportManifestRefId="B234516384746B387459000F84723A00"> <CalculationDate>2003-08-19</CalculationDate> <SubmissionNumber>1</SubmissionNumber> <SubmissionReason>Initial</SubmissionReason> <ReportSubmitterInfo> <SubmitterName>Wasatch School District 441</SubmitterName> <SubmitterDepartment>Central Data Services Center</SubmitterDepartment> <ContactInfo> <Name Type="02"> <LastName>Reynolds</LastName> <FirstName>Patricia</FirstName> </Name> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>(555) 555-1010</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </ContactInfo> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>(555) 555-1010</Number> </PhoneNumber> <SubmitterNotes>Wasatch School District's Vertical Reporting policies can be found on-line at http://www.wasatchsif.org/policies/vr.html. Please contact Patricia Reynolds, Central Data Services Center, at (555) 555-1010 for more information.</SubmitterNotes> </ReportSubmitterInfo> </ReportInfo> </SIF_ReportObject> <SIF_ReportObject RefId="B234516384746B387459000F84723A00"> <ReportData> <StudentPersonal RefId="5D1F2390F33F11D7B64CD17E020C45AB"> <LocalId>2983</LocalId> <Name Type="04"> <LastName>Gedzyk</LastName> <FirstName>David</FirstName> </Name> <Demographics> <Gender>M</Gender> <PlaceOfBirth>West Allis</PlaceOfBirth> <CountyOfBirth>Milwaukee</CountyOfBirth> <StateOfBirth>WI</StateOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth>US</CountryOfBirth> <CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountryOfCitizenship>US</CountryOfCitizenship> </CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountriesOfResidency> <CountryOfResidency>US</CountryOfResidency> </CountriesOfResidency> <CitizenshipStatus>1017</CitizenshipStatus> <EnglishProficiency> <Code>1633</Code> </EnglishProficiency> </Demographics> <AddressList> <Address Type="0123"> <Street> <Line1>6799 33rd Ave.</Line1> <StreetNumber>6799</StreetNumber> <StreetName>33rd</StreetName> <StreetType>Ave.</StreetType> </Street> <City>West Allis</City> <County>Milwaukee</County> <StateProvince>WI</StateProvince> <Country>US</Country> <PostalCode>53219</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>(414) 775-9644</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <EmailList> <Email Type="Primary">DavidGedzyk@sifinfo.org</Email> </EmailList> <OnTimeGraduationYear>2005</OnTimeGraduationYear> </StudentPersonal> </ReportData> </SIF_ReportObject> <SIF_ReportObject RefId="B234516384746B387459000F84723A00"> <ReportData> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="5DF9A510F33F11D7B64C970DE3494F35" StudentPersonalRefId="5D1F2390F33F11D7B64CD17E020C45AB" SchoolInfoRefId="56E86900F33F11D7B64CBCCE0CB2E03A" MembershipType="Home" TimeFrame="Current" SchoolYear="2003"> <EntryDate>2002-09-02</EntryDate> <EntryType> <Code>1838</Code> </EntryType> <GradeLevel> <Code>12</Code> </GradeLevel> <Homeroom SIF_RefObject="RoomInfo">5A9BD410F33F11D7B64CB911AF996C9B</Homeroom> <Advisor SIF_RefObject="StaffPersonal">59B1E940F33F11D7B64CB2D1D11E84A2</Advisor> <FTE>1.00</FTE> <FTPTStatus>FullTime</FTPTStatus> </StudentSchoolEnrollment> </ReportData> </SIF_ReportObject> <SIF_ReportObject RefId="B234516384746B387459000F84723A00"> <ReportData> <SchoolInfo RefId="56E86900F33F11D7B64CBCCE0CB2E03A"> <SchoolName>John Tyler High</SchoolName> <SchoolType>2403</SchoolType> <SchoolURL></SchoolURL> <PrincipalInfo> <ContactName>Barbara Riedy</ContactName> </PrincipalInfo> <AddressList> <Address Type="0765"> <Street> <Line1>14604 31st Ave.</Line1> <StreetNumber>14604</StreetNumber> <StreetName>31st</StreetName> <StreetType>Ave.</StreetType> </Street> <City>Boca Raton</City> <County>Palm Beach</County> <StateProvince>FL</StateProvince> <Country>US</Country> <PostalCode>33486</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>(561) 702-7199</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <IdentificationInfoList> <IdentificationInfo Code="0175">00126</IdentificationInfo> </IdentificationInfoList> <SessionType>0830</SessionType> <GradeLevels> <GradeLevel> <Code>09</Code> </GradeLevel> <GradeLevel> <Code>10</Code> </GradeLevel> <GradeLevel> <Code>11</Code> </GradeLevel> <GradeLevel> <Code>12</Code> </GradeLevel> </GradeLevels> </SchoolInfo> </ReportData> </SIF_ReportObject> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Response> </SIF_Message>
Example 6.17.3-1: SIF_ReportObject

6.17.4 StudentLocator

This object provides a mechanism for requesting and updating state student identifiers. While communicated using SIF's request/response model, this object is an exception case in terms of how it interacts especially with SIF's query mechanisms (e.g. one wouldn't request certain elements be returned from StudentLocator). The use of this object is dictated by external use cases and best practices.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Click here for non-normative background/supplementary documentation on this object.

Figure 6.17.4-1: StudentLocator StudentLocator IdStatus TransactionId StateProvinceId Confidence LocalId StudentPersonalRefId RequestingAgencyId Type GradeLevel SSN Name Address Demographics Contact Relationship Name OtherId EducationalLevel EffectiveDate StartDate EndDate GraduationDate SchoolAttendedName SchoolAttendedLocation OtherId SIF_Error SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides a mechanism for requesting and updating state student identifiers. While communicated using SIF's request/response model, this object is an exception case in terms of how it interacts especially with SIF's query mechanisms (e.g. one wouldn't request certain elements be returned from StudentLocator). The use of this object is dictated by external use cases and best practices.


Communicates the orchestration status for the object.

Because the Cancel and Cancelled values model application behavior and may not be implemented by all systems that are otherwise capable of supporting StudentLocator objects, they are optional. If the requester (district) receives a Cancelled reply but does not support this functionality, the reply should be ignored without taking further action. If the responder (typically state) receives a Cancel request but does not support this functionality, it should reply with a SIF_Response where the SIF_Response/SIF_Error element is set to indicate an error. The SIF_Category should be set to 8 (Request and Response) and SIF_Code set to 9 (Unsupported query in request). Note: In this case the SIF_Response/SIF_Error element is used per normal SIF request/response protocol; not to be confused with the StudentLocator/SIF_Error element, which is to be used when a student lookup results in a processing error.

This is a request to the state for an ID. The StateProvinceId element may not necessarily be blank—if the requesting agency believes they know the student's state-assigned ID, StateProvinceId can be pre-filled for validation by the state.
Some states require notification when a student leaves the district. This request, accompanied by a valid StateProvinceId, instructs the state to release the binding between this student and the LEA.. The response should also be qualified "Release."
Marks a response from the state with a valid StateProvinceId. If the Request included a StateProvinceId, the value of StateProvinceId in the response could be different.
Marks a response where the state couldn't uniquely identify the student based on the information provided. The state may respond to the request with a single StudentLocator object marked "Ambiguous" and an empty StateProvinceId. Alternatively, if the district agent supports it, the state response may include one or more StudentLocator objects with candidate matches. Each of these objects would be marked "Ambiguous," and populated per the particular state's policies. StateProvinceId need not be empty in these objects.
If the state and district choose to resolve ambiguities via StudentLocator, the district might follow up an "Ambiguous" response that included match candidate(s) with a "Resolve" request populated with the information from the match candidate selected by the district.
If the state and district choose to resolve ambiguities via StudentLocator, the district might follow up an "Ambiguous" response that included match candidate(s) with a request marked "New" to notify the state that none of the match candidates is appropriate and a new state-assigned ID should be created.
A district can cancel a StudentLocator transaction in progress as follows: The requester issues a SIF_Request where IdStatus is set to Cancel and @TransactionId is set to the GUID of a previous transaction. This instructs the responder to cancel that transaction in progress. If successful, the responder replies with a SIF_Response where IdStatus is set to Cancelled. If the TransactionId is invalid, the cancel operation was not successful, or an exception occurred, the responder replies with a SIF_Response where IdStatus is set to Error and the SIF_Error element describes the error. Both sides consider the transaction cancelled.
A state can inform a district that it has cancelled a StudentLocator transaction as follows: The responder (typically state) replies to a prior SIF_Request with a SIF_Response where IdStatus is Cancelled. This informs the requester (typically district) that the transaction has been cancelled for whatever reason (usually at the direction of state administrative staff through some application user interface). The transaction ends.
When IdStatus is set to Error, the SIF_Error element provides details about the error.

GUID that allows requesters and responders to refer to the same logical StudentLocator "transaction" over more than one SIF_Request/SIF_Response exchange.


This is the student's state-assigned ID. May be empty in a response where IdStatus is "Ambiguous."

NOTE: Although used in the context of a Request query, this field conveys information to (and from) the state and typically does not participate in the matching logic.


Confidence score. The main use of this element is when IdStatus equals "Ambiguous" and the state returns one or more* candidate matches. The interpretation is that the information populated in each returned object matches the information in the request to the extent expressed in this score. The matching/scoring algorithms (and resultant values) are defined by the particular state.

States may also choose to use this element for the district to indicate in the query what score threshold it wants associated with the request.

*A response marked "Ambiguous" with a single match candidate populated likely means that the Confidence score is below the state's threshold for assignment but above the threshold for creating a new state-assigned ID.


This is the requesting agency's unique ID for the student.

NOTE: Although used in the context of a Request query, this field conveys information to (and from) the state and typically does not participate in the matching logic.


Requesting agency's local zone GUID of the student's StudentPersonal object.

NOTE: Although used in the context of a Request query, this field conveys information to (and from) the State and typically does not participate in the matching logic.


Identification of the agency and/or location requesting the state ID. Optional because the SIF Zone infrastructure may provide adequate information for the state to ascertain the origin of the request.

NOTE: Although used in the context of a Request query, this field conveys information to the state and typically does not participate in the matching logic.


The functional level of the requesting agency.

Educational Services Agency
Local Educational Agency (District)

The student's current grade level.


Social security number of the student.


The name(s) of the student.


The address(es) of the student.


Demographic information about the student. This will typically be the core matching information. Privacy considerations may mean that it is filled differently here than it might be in a local StudentPersonal, but it must include enough to drive the state's matching algorithms.


Typically used to provide the state information about a student's parents and legal guardians.


Relationship to the student.


The name(s) of the contact.


An other ID associated with the contact.


Highest level of education completed by the contact.


For Requests, this should match StudentSchoolEnrollment/EntryDate.

For Releases, StudentSchoolEnrollment/ExitDate.

NOTE: Although used in the context of a Request query, this field conveys information to the state and typically does not participate in the matching logic.

 StartDateOBegin date for a range that is being requested. Note: In most cases this will correspond to the school entry date. xs:date
 EndDateOEnd date for a range that is being requested. Note: In most cases this will correspond to the school exit date. xs:date

Indicates the date the student graduated—Year, Year and Month, or Year, Month and Day may be specified. Intended to facilitate locating students that may not be currently enrolled in a school or district, particularly in the context of locating student identifiers for initiating a request for a student's academic record. Supplied date values may often be approximations made by the entity endeavoring to request a student's academic record.


The name of the school last attended by the student.


The location of the school last attended by the student (e.g. city or county name, district name, etc.).


Additional student identifier not represented elsewhere in StudentLocator (e.g. the driver's license number of the student).


When IdStatus is set to Error, this element provides details about the error. Rather than the specification defining a list of possible error categories and codes for StudentLocator transactions, the SIF_Category and SIF_Code elements may contain values defined by the application that is responding to the StudentLocator request. It is recommended the requester convey these values in log files or error reports, along with the SIF_Desc and optional SIF_ExtendedDesc elements.


SIF_Metadata/TimeElement may be specified as metadata of a StudentLocator SIF_Request to indicate a time duration to which the request parameters apply (as opposed to adding new elements to the StudentLocator object). This metadata may be supplied by systems that know a student existed in a district during a certain time period (e.g. a system initiating a student record exchange). If the responder is able to make use of the metadata, it may do so to narrow down the student look-up; otherwise the metadata can be ignored or logged.

 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.17.4-1: StudentLocator
<SIF_Message Version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Request> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>800D2581E7DA4E64AC298CA0ACE51C18</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-01-29T16:21:23-06:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>DistrictAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Version>2.0</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>8000</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="StudentLocator" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="And"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@IdStatus</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Request</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>LocalId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>123456</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/Gender</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>F</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/BirthDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>1989-01-02</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/PlaceOfBirth</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Miami</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/CountyOfBirth</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Dade</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/StateOfBirth</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>FL</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/CountryOfBirth</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>US</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/CountriesOfCitizenship/CountryOfCitizenship</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>US</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>EffectiveDate</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>2003-08-01</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>RequestingAgencyId[@Type="LEA"]</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>98</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>RequestingAgencyId[@Type="School"]</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>1010</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Name[@Type="04"]/LastName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Doe</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Name[@Type="04"]/FirstName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Cameron</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Name[@Type="04"]/MiddleName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>K</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/RaceList/Race[Code="1002"]/Proportion</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>75</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Demographics/RaceList/Race[Code="0999"]/Proportion</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>25</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Contact[Relationship/Code="1735"]/EducationalLevel</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>1050</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Contact[Relationship/Code="1735"]/Name[@Type="04"]/LastName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Fung</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>Contact[Relationship/Code="1735"]/Name[@Type="04"]/FirstName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Connie</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> </SIF_Request> </SIF_Message>
Example 6.17.4-1: StudentLocator Query
<SIF_Message Version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Request> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>800D2581E7DA4E64AC298CA0ACE51C18</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-01-29T16:21:23-06:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>DistrictAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Version>2.0</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>8000</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="StudentLocator" /> <SIF_Example> <StudentLocator IdStatus="Request" TransactionId="A731E63562984A00B02543E87DC5906D"> <LocalId>123456</LocalId> <RequestingAgencyId Type="LEA">98</RequestingAgencyId> <RequestingAgencyId Type="School">1010</RequestingAgencyId> <Name Type="04"> <LastName>Doe</LastName> <FirstName>Cameron</FirstName> <MiddleName>K</MiddleName> </Name> <Demographics> <RaceList> <Race> <Code>1002</Code> <Proportion>75</Proportion> </Race> <Race> <Code>0999</Code> <Proportion>25</Proportion> </Race> </RaceList> <Gender>F</Gender> <BirthDate>1989-01-02</BirthDate> <PlaceOfBirth>Miami</PlaceOfBirth> <CountyOfBirth>Dade</CountyOfBirth> <StateOfBirth>FL</StateOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth>US</CountryOfBirth> <CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountryOfCitizenship>US</CountryOfCitizenship> </CountriesOfCitizenship> </Demographics> <Contact> <Relationship> <Code>1735</Code> </Relationship> <Name Type="04"> <LastName>Fung</LastName> <FirstName>Connie</FirstName> </Name> <EducationalLevel>1050</EducationalLevel> </Contact> <EffectiveDate>2003-08-01</EffectiveDate> </StudentLocator> </SIF_Example> </SIF_Query> </SIF_Request> </SIF_Message>
Example 6.17.4-2: StudentLocator Query (SIF_Example)
Example 6.17.4-3: StudentLocator Response

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