6.4 Data Model Task Force

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6.4.1 SIF_Metadata

Metadata is commonly referred to as data about data and includes information such as author, grade level, or keywords relating to a learning object, as examples. Metadata can be used to structure and contain any of this kind of information in a consistent manner. In the context of SIF, SIF_Metadata provides a consistent structure to appropriate SIF objects for the purpose of cataloging and object discovery, as well as other metadata functions and purposes. One recurring use case within the SIF data model is the requirement for some form of temporal constraints and tagging on objects (see TimeElement). Other metadata elements are based on needs brought to the Data Model Task Force.


This data is not designed to be permanent. It is designed to frame an object instance and could dissolve as soon as it leaves the SIF framework for the application space. A data warehouse could be used to store metadata for later tracking.


Any usage of metadata is optional unless made a requirement within individual SIF objects, or if a SIF or local profile or zone installation mandates it. SIF_Metadata allows for the usage of metadata in agents and applications that choose to support it.

This element is designed to operate much like SIF_ExtendedElements. It is an approved common element that is part of any data object.

Figure 6.4.1-1: SIF_Metadata SIF_Metadata TimeElements TimeElement LifeCycle RightsElements RightsElement

A commonly defined container for metadata elements defined within SIF.

 TimeElementsO List
 TimeElements/TimeElementOR TimeElement
 LifeCycleO LifeCycle
 RightsElementsO List
OR RightsElement
Table 6.4.1-1: SIF_Metadata
Example 6.4.1-1: SIF_Metadata

6.4.2 TimeElement

A common metadata element designed to contain time data, both self-defined and by type.

Figure 6.4.2-1: TimeElement TimeElement Type Code Name Value StartDateTime EndDateTime SpanGaps SpanGap Type Code Name Value StartDateTime EndDateTime IsCurrent

A common metadata element designed to contain time data, both self-defined and by type.


This element is designed to contain the time period attached to an object. Very long periods (school year, quarter, etc.) and very small periods (second, millisecond, etc.) can be defined. This element provides a scoping description of the time metadata enclosed.

Because the educational environment varies so greatly we are including here a suggested but not prescriptive list of values. Although there may be unique needs for values not covered here—and we may have missed a major one—a best practice would be to utilize the examples here to enhance interoperability.

Full school year
Long session
Spring Vacation
Summer Term

 CodeM This element provides a place for the application to send structured data (code values, unique identifier, timestamps). This code value can, depending upon the use case agreement between agents, be used to qualify the data in the Value element.


 NameM Contains a human-readable description of the value in Value.

Class of '07
Fall 2007 Parent-Teacher Conferences

 ValueMContains the human-readable value.

Evening of 10/12/06

 StartDateTimeO xs:dateTime
 EndDateTimeO xs:dateTime
 SpanGapsOA container element for holding multiple possible span gaps. List
 SpanGaps/SpanGapOR This structure duplicates much of the structure of TimeElement and is designed to represent a gap in the parent time period defined by StartDateTime and EndDateTime above.   
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/TypeM xs:normalizedString
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/CodeM xs:token
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/NameM xs:normalizedString
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/ValueM xs:normalizedString
O xs:dateTime
O xs:dateTime
 IsCurrentM This element allows for the system to tag an object as being explicitly current. Although the baseline assumption in SIF is that objects are always current (default value is typically true), there are use cases when that is not the case.  xs:boolean
Table 6.4.2-1: TimeElement
Example 6.4.2-1: TimeElement

6.4.3 LifeCycle

This common metadata element describes the life cycle of the object it represents, based on the IEEE LOM LifeCycle element [LOM].

Figure 6.4.3-1: LifeCycle LifeCycle Created DateTime Creators Creator Name ID ModificationHistory Modified By DateTime Description TimeElements TimeElement

This common metadata element describes the life cycle of the object it represents, based on the IEEE LOM LifeCycle element [LOM].

 CreatedO When the object was created by whom. This is a more persistent creation date than the date/time in the object's SIF_Header. Depending on the use case being implemented, this value could contain the date the data in the object first entered the zone or was actually created.   
 Created/DateTimeM xs:dateTime
 Created/CreatorsO List
M Human-readable name of the data's creator. If the object contains system-generated data, the name should identify the creating service or application.  xs:normalizedString
MUnique identifier of the creator. An email address or URI could be used here. xs:normalizedString
 ModificationHistoryO An ordered set of Modified elements describing which system modified the data, when the modification took place, and a brief description of the modification.  List
ORA single modification event.  
MIdentifier of the system or person that modified the data. xs:normalizedString
MThe date/time the modification occurred. xs:dateTime
OHuman readable description of the data modifications. xs:string
 TimeElementsO List
 TimeElements/TimeElementOR TimeElement
Table 6.4.3-1: LifeCycle
Example 6.4.3-1: LifeCycle

6.4.4 RightsElement

A common metadata element designed to carry any intellectual property or copyright information, based on the IEEE LOM Rights element [LOM].

Figure 6.4.4-1: RightsElement RightsElement Cost FeesForUse FeeForUse UseType MeteringType MeteringURL PerUseCharge CopyrightStatement TermsOfUse

A common metadata element designed to carry any intellectual property or copyright information, based on the IEEE LOM Rights element [LOM].

 CostO xs:boolean
 FeesForUseOA container for fees for use of the content in the object. List
 FeesForUse/FeeForUseORDescription of one fee structure applying to the use of this resource.  
M A description of the fee structure for this resource. Some resources may be licensed differently depending upon their context. For example, a content provider might charge one fee structure for resources used in the classroom and a separate fee for those resources available to parents from home.  xs:string
M xs:token
O xs:anyURI
O MonetaryAmountType
 CopyrightStatementO xs:string
 TermsOfUseO xs:string
Table 6.4.4-1: RightsElement
Example 6.4.4-1: RightsElement

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