3 Data Model

3.1 Introduction

This section presents the XML structure for SIF Data Model common elements and objects in a tabular format for readers less versed in parsing formal XML schema definitions, along with conventions that typically apply in the data model for easy reference.

3.1.1 Format

The Char(acteristics) column for all of the tables in this section use the following codes:

Code Characteristic
M Mandatory element or attribute
O Optional element or attribute
C Conditional element or attribute
MR Mandatory and repeatable element
OR Optional and repeatable element
CR Conditional and repeatable element

Mandatory elements MUST be present in Add events, and in non-empty and non-error responses to requests for entire SIF objects (e.g., no SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/SIF_Element elements supplied in the request). Mandatory attributes MUST always be present if their corresponding element is present.

SIF Agents and Zone Integration Servers MUST supply data according to the types specified in the Type columns and their corresponding equivalents in the most recent schema files associated with this specification. If there is a discrepancy between object and element definitions in this specification and the corresponding schema files, the definition in the schema files takes precedence; every effort will be made to note discrepancies in the errata for this document as they are identified.

3.1.2 Conventions Object Attributes/Primary Keys

XML attributes in SIF are primarily used to provide additional information regarding the associated element content. In addition, attributes at the root level of an object can have special significance. These root-level attributes often serve as the primary key or identifier for the object. In many cases this is no more than a RefId GUID of RefIdType, though these object key components may consist solely of foreign key references to other SIF objects and include school years, dates, etc. These object key components (root-level attributes) are immutable over the lifetime of an object and serve the purpose of uniquely identifying an object, especially in Change and Delete events. Some Working Groups also include non-object key components in object attributes: e.g., mandatory foreign key references to other objects or attributes that provide additional processing information regarding the object. As SIF currently does not mandate that all object attributes be included in all messages, when a SIF Association Working Group or Task Force places a non-primary key attribute in the object's attribute definitions (typically out of historical query conventions), they are indicating that this value must still be accessible to systems in Change and, more notably, Delete events. Also, all object key component attributes must be supplied to identify the object in Change and Delete events. Object References

As stated elsewhere, SIF primarily uses GUIDs as object identifiers, primary keys, or RefIds. References to primary keys (foreign key references) follow certain conventions in SIF in most objects: Lists/Repeatable Elements

For those accustomed to normalized relational databases, the SIF Data Model will appear to be not especially normalized, especially with regard to repeating groups of data not separated into their own "tables," or in SIF's case, "objects" with primary/foreign keys to maintain the relationship. Bear in mind that SIF is not a format for storing data; it is a format for transmitting data asynchronously between disparate and distributed systems needing to share data for interoperability; the format this data takes in different systems can vary greatly, and the data related to any given "entity" may come from a variety of sources and systems. The goals of normalization—eliminating redundancy, organizing data efficiently, reducing inconsistencies, etc.—take on a different meaning in a message queuing system. Of primary importance is transmitting the data needed for interoperability in a minimum number of messages. The need to "join" together a great number of separate objects is kept to a minimum in SIF, as individual systems do not have access to all the data required and due to the asynchronous nature of SIF, any one of these systems may take a fair amount of time before returning data necessary for joins (SIF_ExtendedQuery has been developed to communicate a join to a single system that may have direct access to the all the data necessary to efficiently accomplish this task). It's one thing to make a separate request for a student's picture or enrollment information, another entirely to request every available phone number, address and e-mail address separately from the SIF Zone. As such, it is often the case in SIF that repeating data is stored directly in an object, rather than being separated out into a separate object.

Repeating data is very analogous to objects, though, within any given object. In SIF's Publish/Subscribe model, repeating elements in objects can be added to, changed in or deleted from an object, much like objects can be added to, changed in or deleted from a Zone. Within an existing object, all of these actions take place within a Change event, and repeating elements—if any exist initially—are first made available within an object in an Add event or can be obtained directly via requests. Repeatable elements are contained within a parent List element in most SIF objects whether or not they support events, e.g.:

<EmailList> <Email Type="School">contact@uk.sifinfo.org</Email> <Email Type="Personal">someone@anothersite.com</Email> </EmailList>
Example EmailList

Two types of list are currently defined in SIF, ActionList and List; both consist of a list container element and a single repeatable child element. Each type of list serves different needs and has associated conventions for communication and processing in the SIF Publish/Subscribe Model. List or ActionList is specified in the Type column in tables in this section for each list; when an ActionList the key, possibly compound, is also indicated in the Type column. ActionList key values must be unique within an instance of an ActionList. ActionList

An ActionList has a key that uniquely identifies each child element within the list. This type of list is primarily used when it is desirable or necessary for systems to support or refer to a subset of the list, either due to functionally only being able to support a subset or because specifying a subset in Change events is more efficient than transmitting a whole list as in List. While one system may support the School and Personal e-mail address types above, another may additionally support Alternate1 addresses. The second system is able to communicate the addition, change or deletion of an Alternate1 address without the first system inadvertently interpreting that to mean a student or staff member's School and Personal addresses have been deleted.

Systems communicate the whole list as a cohesive unit consisting of the parent list container element and all child elements in an Add event; if the container is present with no child elements, the list is empty; the same is implied when an optional list is not present in an Add event. In a Change event, systems SHOULD only transmit those elements that have been added, changed or deleted. Deletion is not implied by the omission of a child element, but rather explicitly communicated with a SIF_Action attribute of Delete added to the deleted element, along with the element's key attribute(s)/element(s) at a minimum. An empty list in a Change event implies no changes have occurred in the list, as does the omission of the list. Systems storing ActionList data should set/replace/delete any existing values identified by primary keys in the Change event they support.

<EmailList> <Email Type="School">hjorgan@myschool.co.uk</Email> <Email Type="Personal" SIF_Action="Delete" /> </EmailList>
Example Indicating a new value for the School e-mail address and deleting the Personal address

A system that supports an Alternate1 e-mail makes no changes to its value for that address type. List

While a unique, primary key may still be identifiable in its child elements, a List is used primarily when:

Lists are always transmitted as a cohesive unit consisting of the parent list container element and all child elements. If no child elements exist in the list, the list consists of the container element alone. Omission of an optional List in an Add event also implies no list items. In a Change event, omission of the List indicates no changes have been made; otherwise the parent container element and all child elements, if any, are included. Systems storing List data should replace all corresponding data in their systems when persisting the list; likewise when a change is made to one or more list items or when all items in the list are deleted, systems should send the whole list in a Change event.

<CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountryOfCitizenship>GBR</CountryOfCitizenship> <CountryOfCitizenship>DEU</CountryOfCitizenship> </CountriesOfCitizenship>
Example Indicating an updated list of country citizenships

A system that supports CountriesOfCitizenship updates its local data to reflect United Kingdom and German citizenship. Supported Optional Elements Without Values

Some agents follow the convention of supplying an optional element as empty (e.g. <BirthDate></BirthDate> or <BirthDate/> to indicate that the application supports the element, but that it currently has no value available within a given object. To allow for this convention within SIF—as in this example an empty string does not satisfy the xs:date type definition of BirthDate—all optional elements in SIF are defined as nillable [SCHEMA]. To satisfy type constraints on an element while still supplying an empty or "nil" value, agents MUST tag the element with a true value for the nil attribute from namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance [SCHEMA] (e.g. <BirthDate xsi:nil="true"/> where the prefix xsi has been mapped to the namespace http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance), unless an empty value is valid with regard to the element's type definition, in which case supplying the nil attribute value of true is optional. See SIF and XML Namespaces for more details on namespaces, and SIF and XML Schema for more details on SIF's use of XML Schema. Externally-Defined XML

Note that XML not defined within SIF does not necessarily support ad hoc omission of XML elements at will to conform with the conventions of the SIF Publish/Subscribe Model (where unchanged elements are typically omitted in Change events, and where non-key elements are often omitted in Delete events) or of the SIF Request/Response Model (where a subset of elements can be retrieved from objects with requests). If externally-defined XML occurs within a SIF data object, SIF conventions do not extend to that XML unless that XML is defined to accommodate SIF conventions; the XML, when transmitted, must only conform to any external definitions dictating its structure, if any. Applications should be prepared for the possibility of receiving whole externally-defined XML structures in Change events (regardless of how little or much of the external XML has changed) and possibly also Delete events, likewise in responses even when a subset of the XML structure's child elements may have explicitly been requested.

3.2 Common Elements

3.2.1 Address

This element contains address data, some of which is defined by the BS7666 International Address and Geographic Location Specification. Other elements are present for support of international addresses. Applications storing address information in the traditional line format must translate this information into the appropriate data elements below.
Figure 3.2.1-1: Address Address Type LocalId StartDate EndDate PAON Description StartNumber StartNumberSuffix EndNumber EndNumberSuffix SAON Description StartNumber StartNumberSuffix EndNumber EndNumberSuffix Street Locality Town AdministrativeArea County PostTown PostCode Country UniquePropertyReferenceNumber UniqueStreetReferenceNumber LocationContext GridLocation
 Address  This element contains address data, some of which is defined by the BS7666 International Address and Geographic Location Specification. Other elements are present for support of international addresses. Applications storing address information in the traditional line format must translate this information into the appropriate data elements below.   
@TypeMCode that defines the address type. values:
 LocalIdOThe locally assigned identifier for this address in the publishing system. xs:normalizedString
 StartDateODate person began using this address. xs:date
 EndDateODate person stopped using this address. xs:date
 PAONMAn element defining the Primary Addressable Object Name (PAON), typically a building number or house name.  
 PAON/DescriptionCDwelling name, or at least a general description of the location in lieu of having any other information. This is required when no other PAON information is provided. xs:normalizedString
 PAON/StartNumberOStart (single) dwelling number. xs:normalizedString
 PAON/StartNumberSuffixOStart (single) dwelling number suffix. xs:normalizedString
 PAON/EndNumberOEnd dwelling number. xs:normalizedString
 PAON/EndNumberSuffixOEnd dwelling number suffix. xs:normalizedString
 SAONOThe Secondary Addressable Object Name (SAON), identifying a sub-division of the PAON, typically a flat number, room number or unit in a commerical property.  
 SAON/DescriptionCSub-dwelling name, or other descriptive information in lieu of having any other information. This is required when no other SAON data is provided. xs:normalizedString
 SAON/StartNumberOStart (single) dwelling number. xs:normalizedString
 SAON/StartNumberSuffixOStart (single) dwelling number suffix. xs:normalizedString
 SAON/EndNumberOEnd dwelling number. xs:normalizedString
 SAON/EndNumberSuffixOEnd dwelling number suffix. xs:normalizedString
 StreetOThe name of the street. xs:normalizedString
 LocalityCThe locality name refers to a neighbourhood, suburb, district, village, estate, settlement, or parish that may form part of a town, or stand in its own right within the context of an administrative area. Where an industrial estate contains streets it is defined as a locality in its own right. At least one of Locality, Town, or AdministrativeArea must be specified. xs:normalizedString
 TownCThe city name refers to a city or town that is not an adminstrative area, a suburb of an administrative area that does not form part of another town or a London district. At least one of Locality, Town, or AdministrativeArea must be specified. xs:normalizedString
 AdministrativeAreaCThe administrative area is a geographic area that may be the highest level local administrative area, and may be a county or a unitary authority, an island or island group, or London. At least one of Locality, Town, or AdministrativeArea must be specified xs:normalizedString
 CountyOWhere applicable, the name of the county. xs:normalizedString
 PostTownOPost Office usually assigns these based on Sorting Office. xs:normalizedString
 PostCodeO The code allocated by the Post Office (within GBR) to identify a group of postal delivery points. Valid Postcode formats are:

A9 9AA
A99 9AA
AA99 9AA
Plus BFPO 999

 CountryOCountry where physical address is located, if known. Usually this is going to be 'GBR' but could be outside the UK. Country
 UniquePropertyReferenceNumberOThe unique Property and Land Reference Number (UPRN) for this address. Numeric: 1 to 12 digits. xs:integer
 UniqueStreetReferenceNumberOThe unique Property Street Reference Number (USRN) for this address. Numeric: 1 to 8 digits. xs:integer
 LocationContextOThe physical location of an address in terms of Census District, LA Electoral Ward, Parliamentary Constituency, and other defining location-centric characteristics. LocationContext
 GridLocationOThe physical property location coordinates. GridLocation
Table 3.2.1-1: Address
<Address Type="Current"> <StartDate>2004-10-06</StartDate> <PAON> <Description>Merion House</Description> <StartNumber>42</StartNumber> <EndNumber>46</EndNumber> </PAON> <SAON> <StartNumber>2</StartNumber> <StartNumberSuffix>B</StartNumberSuffix> </SAON> <Street>Guildford Road</Street> <Locality>Knaphill</Locality> <Town>Woking</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Surrey</AdministrativeArea> <County>Surrey</County> <PostCode>GU22 7QF</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> <UniquePropertyReferenceNumber>38711462427</UniquePropertyReferenceNumber> <UniqueStreetReferenceNumber>1124805</UniqueStreetReferenceNumber> <LocationContext> <WardCode>43UMGB</WardCode> <WardName>Knaphill</WardName> </LocationContext> <GridLocation> <PropertyEasting>500431.3</PropertyEasting> <PropertyNorthing>158413.1</PropertyNorthing> <Latitude>41.850000</Latitude> <Longitude>-87.650000</Longitude> </GridLocation> </Address>
Example 3.2.1-1: Address

3.2.2 AddressList

A list of Address elements.
Figure 3.2.2-1: AddressList AddressList Address SIF_Action
 AddressList A list of Address elements. ActionList (Address/@Type)
 AddressMR Address
@SIF_ActionOIn a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present. values:
Table 3.2.2-1: AddressList
<AddressList> <Address Type="Current"> <StartDate>2004-10-06</StartDate> <PAON> <Description>Merion House</Description> <StartNumber>42</StartNumber> <EndNumber>46</EndNumber> </PAON> <SAON> <StartNumber>2</StartNumber> <StartNumberSuffix>B</StartNumberSuffix> </SAON> <Street>Guildford Road</Street> <Locality>Knaphill</Locality> <Town>Woking</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Surrey</AdministrativeArea> <County>Surrey</County> <PostCode>GU22 7QF</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> <UniquePropertyReferenceNumber>38711462427</UniquePropertyReferenceNumber> <UniqueStreetReferenceNumber>1124805</UniqueStreetReferenceNumber> <LocationContext> <WardCode>43UMGB</WardCode> <WardName>Knaphill</WardName> </LocationContext> <GridLocation> <PropertyEasting>500431.3</PropertyEasting> <PropertyNorthing>158413.1</PropertyNorthing> <Latitude>41.850000</Latitude> <Longitude>-87.650000</Longitude> </GridLocation> </Address> </AddressList>
Example 3.2.2-1: AddressList

3.2.3 ContactList

A list of contact persons associated with a school or LA.
Figure 3.2.3-1: ContactList ContactList Contact SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject PositionTitle Role PublishInDirectory
 ContactList A list of contact persons associated with a school or LA.  
 ContactMRInformation for a single contact.  
@SIF_RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the person listed as a contact. Note that this is any person listed as a contact through either a ContactPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, or even a LearnerPersonal record. IdRefType
@SIF_RefObjectMThe object type being referred to.  values:
 Contact/PositionTitleOThe contact person's position title within the school or LA. xs:normalizedString
 Contact/RoleORole played by this contact in the school or LA. Any descriptive text is allowed here. xs:normalizedString
OIndicates whether or not this contact's information should be published in a directory of school or LA information. values:
Table 3.2.3-1: ContactList
<ContactList> <Contact SIF_RefId="92E50229EC3911DBA762000E0CA41EF3" SIF_RefObject="ContactPersonal"> <PositionTitle>Resource Teacher</PositionTitle> <Role>Works with learning disabled pupils</Role> <PublishInDirectory>Yes</PublishInDirectory> </Contact> </ContactList>
Example 3.2.3-1: ContactList

3.2.4 Country

The 3-character alphabetic country code defined by ISO 3166-1. Given this code all other code and name information can be obtained directly from the standard.
Figure 3.2.4-1: Country Country
 Country The 3-character alphabetic country code defined by ISO 3166-1. Given this code all other code and name information can be obtained directly from the standard. TeachernetNationStatesAndCountriesType
Table 3.2.4-1: Country
Example 3.2.4-1: Country

3.2.5 Demographics

Demographic information about a learner, contact, workforce member, etc. This element occurs within objects such as LearnerPersonal, LearnerContact, etc.
Figure 3.2.5-1: Demographics Demographics EthnicityList Gender BirthDate BirthDateVerification PlaceOfBirth CountyOfBirth CountryOfBirth CountriesOfCitizenship CountryOfCitizenship CountriesOfResidency CountryOfResidency CountryArrivalDate EnglishProficiency EALSteps EALAcquisition LanguageList Language Code Fluent TypeList Type Source Study StudyOther MaritalStatus NonUKSystemImmigrant Refugee Religion AffiliationCode EducationStatus CollectiveWorshipStatus Source Traveller Code Source
 Demographics Demographic information about a learner, contact, workforce member, etc. This element occurs within objects such as LearnerPersonal, LearnerContact, etc.  
 EthnicityListOA list of the person's ethnicities by proportion. EthnicityList
 GenderOPerson's gender. values:
 BirthDateCThe person's date of birth. Required for learners. Optional for others. xs:date
 BirthDateVerificationOMeans by which the person's birth date was validated. UKBirthDateVerificationLevelType
 PlaceOfBirthOThe person's place of birth--like village, town, city etc. xs:normalizedString
 CountyOfBirthOThe county in which the person was born. xs:normalizedString
 CountryOfBirthOThe individual's country of birth. Country
 CountriesOfCitizenshipOA list of the countries in which this person has legal nationality.  
MRThe country of legal nationality (i.e. the country which issued the individual's passport). Country
 CountriesOfResidencyOA list of countries in which this person has residency status.  
MRA person's country of residence. Country
 CountryArrivalDateODate the person first arrived in the UK. xs:date
 EnglishProficiencyOAssessment of a learner's progress in English as an Additional Language.  
OBased on QCA Steps. (England) values:
Step 1
Step 2
Level 1 Threshold
Level 1 Secure
OBased on a differing scale from QCA Steps. (Wales) values:
New to English
Early Acquisition
Developing Competence
Not applicable
 LanguageListOA list of languages spoken by the person The person must be at least somewhat familiar with the language to have it listed here.  
MThis is the code that specifies the person's language. TeachernetLanguagesType
OIndicates that the person is fluent in this language. values:
MA list of the person's language types. List
MRA typification of the language. i.e. how is this language used? values:
Correspondence Language
First Language
Multiple First Language
Second Language
OSource of data on use of the specified language. UKSourceCodeType
OThe level in which the learner is taught this language at school. UKLanguageStudyType
OIndicates whether the learner studies subjects in this language at school separate from studying the language itself. values:
 MaritalStatusOThe person's marital status. UKMaritalStatusType
 NonUKSystemImmigrantOIndicates the learner has recently arrived from a non-English or other common UK language system. (Wales) values:
 RefugeeOIndicates the person's refugee/asylum seeker status as defined by the United Nations (Article 1 of the 1951 Refugee Convention). values:
 ReligionODefinition of a person's religious faith.  
 Religion/AffiliationCodeMPerson's religious faith. UKReligiousAffiliationType
 Religion/EducationStatusOIndicates whether the person is actively attending religious education classes. values:
OIndicates whether the person is participating in religious collective worship. values:
 Religion/SourceOSource of person's religious affiliation code. UKSourceCodeType
 TravellerOIdentifying information for traveller/gypsy status.  
 Traveller/CodeMCode to identify type of traveller/gypsy. UKTravellerGypsyCodeType
 Traveller/SourceMSource of individual's recorded traveller/gypsy code. UKSourceCodeType
Table 3.2.5-1: Demographics
<Demographics> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <Code>WIRI</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <Gender>M</Gender> <BirthDate>1995-09-12</BirthDate> <BirthDateVerification>2</BirthDateVerification> <PlaceOfBirth>Leixlip</PlaceOfBirth> <CountyOfBirth>Kildare</CountyOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth>IRL</CountryOfBirth> <CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountryOfCitizenship>IRL</CountryOfCitizenship> </CountriesOfCitizenship> <CountriesOfResidency> <CountryOfResidency>GBR</CountryOfResidency> </CountriesOfResidency> <CountryArrivalDate>1992-06-28</CountryArrivalDate> <EnglishProficiency> <EALSteps>S2</EALSteps> </EnglishProficiency> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>ENG</Code> <Fluent>Yes</Fluent> <TypeList> <Type>M</Type> <Type>H</Type> <Type>C</Type> </TypeList> <Source>P</Source> <Study>1</Study> <StudyOther>No</StudyOther> </Language> <Language> <Code>GAE</Code> <Fluent>Yes</Fluent> <TypeList> <Type>M</Type> </TypeList> <Source>P</Source> <Study>4</Study> <StudyOther>No</StudyOther> </Language> </LanguageList> <MaritalStatus>S</MaritalStatus> <NonUKSystemImmigrant>No</NonUKSystemImmigrant> <Refugee>No</Refugee> <Religion> <AffiliationCode>CE</AffiliationCode> <EducationStatus>W</EducationStatus> <CollectiveWorshipStatus>A</CollectiveWorshipStatus> <Source>P</Source> </Religion> <Traveller> <Code>NT</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Traveller> </Demographics>
Example 3.2.5-1: Demographics

3.2.6 EducationFilter

Based on feedback from publishers, instructional management and system integrator vendors, EducationFilter was developed to provide the ability to tag objects with metadata that allows for categorization, sorting, and filtering, to empower teaching and learning SIF usage. There exist two main business cases:

The use cases for EducationFilter require a contract and choreography to be understood between both sides of the transaction as is the case with all SIF_Metadata.

Figure 3.2.6-1: EducationFilter EducationFilter MediaTypes MediaType NCYearGroupList SubjectAreaList InterestLevels InterestLevel LearningStandardItems LearningStandardItemRefId BloomsTaxonomyLevels BloomsTaxonomyLevel MultipleIntelligences MultipleIntelligence InstructionalStrategies InstructionalStrategy Title Summary LearningObjectives LearningObjective ResourceTypes ResourceType
 MediaTypesOAllows an object or query to be tagged with MIME types. List
 MediaTypes/MediaTypeMR xs:token
 NCYearGroupListOApplicable National Curriculum (NC) Year Group. NCYearGroupList
 SubjectAreaListO This allows subject areas to be associated with an object or query. Although there could be overlap with LearningStandardItems, it is anticipated there will be use cases where LearningStandardItem objects may not exist or may not be available, and data may need to be tagged with high-level subject areas.  SubjectAreaList
 InterestLevelsOInterestLevels is designed to represent the NC Year Group for which the content is created. For example a year-10 learner is at a year-3 level in Algebra. You would want to present the content at year-3 level, but in a year-10 context or interest level.  List
MR NCYearGroup
 LearningStandardItemsOAllows any SIF object to be correlated to learning standards. List
MR IdRefType

This is a taxonomy of educational objectives based on three "domains:" Affective, Psychomotor, and Cognitive. For the purposes of assigning attributes to learning resources, the SIF specification is limited to the cognitive domain, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

OR values:

An educational theory that describes at least eight different kinds of "intelligences." These include linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical intelligence, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist.

OR values:

The various ways that instruction is delivered to achieve learning objectives and concepts.

OR values:
Cooperative Group
Problem-Based Learning

The title of the content.


A summary of the content.


Description of learning objective(s) for this lesson, i.e., "Student will be able to use Pythagorean Theorem."—equates to 'benchmark' or 'goal' or other terminology




Type of resource



Supplemental Resource
Remedial Resource
Core Instructional Resource
Table 3.2.6-1: EducationFilter
<EducationFilter> <MediaTypes> <MediaType>x-application/pdf</MediaType> </MediaTypes> <NCYearGroupList> <NCYearGroup>10</NCYearGroup> </NCYearGroupList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MAT</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>LIF</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <InterestLevels> <InterestLevel>3</InterestLevel> </InterestLevels> <LearningStandardItems> <LearningStandardItemRefId>502070339FA347B5B123BEF68D118332</LearningStandardItemRefId> </LearningStandardItems> <BloomsTaxonomyLevels> <BloomsTaxonomyLevel>Analysis</BloomsTaxonomyLevel> </BloomsTaxonomyLevels> <MultipleIntelligences> <MultipleIntelligence>Logical-Mathematical</MultipleIntelligence> </MultipleIntelligences> <InstructionalStrategies> <InstructionalStrategy>Self-study</InstructionalStrategy> </InstructionalStrategies> </EducationFilter>
Example 3.2.6-1: EducationFilter - Example 1
<EducationFilter> <MediaTypes> <MediaType>x-application/pdf</MediaType> </MediaTypes> <NCYearGroupList> <NCYearGroup>10</NCYearGroup> </NCYearGroupList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MAT</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>LIF</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <InterestLevels> <InterestLevel>3</InterestLevel> </InterestLevels> <LearningStandardItems> <LearningStandardItemRefId>502070339FA347B5B123BEF68D118332</LearningStandardItemRefId> </LearningStandardItems> <BloomsTaxonomyLevels> <BloomsTaxonomyLevel>Application</BloomsTaxonomyLevel> </BloomsTaxonomyLevels> <MultipleIntelligences> <MultipleIntelligence>Logical-Mathematical</MultipleIntelligence> </MultipleIntelligences> <InstructionalStrategies> <InstructionalStrategy>Self-study</InstructionalStrategy> </InstructionalStrategies> <Title>Geometry in Our World</Title> <Summary>This content provides initial definitions and instruction for line symmetry and various shapes. The students will initially learn the concepts and then go and find shapes in the appropriate context and draw them with the line of symmetry.</Summary> <LearningObjectives> <LearningObjective> The student will be able to identify and draw figures with symmetry. </LearningObjective> </LearningObjectives> <ResourceTypes> <ResourceType>Supplemental Resource</ResourceType> </ResourceTypes> </EducationFilter>
Example 3.2.6-2: EducationFilter - Example 2

3.2.7 ElectronicId

Common element used to specify entity identifiers that are read by electronic equipment. It is used in objects such as LearnerPersonal, StaffPersonal, and LibraryPatronStatus.

Figure 3.2.7-1: ElectronicId ElectronicId Type

Common element used to specify entity identifiers that are read by electronic equipment. It is used in objects such as LearnerPersonal, StaffPersonal, and LibraryPatronStatus.


Electronic ID type.

Table 3.2.7-1: ElectronicId
<ElectronicId Type="Barcode">206654</ElectronicId>
Example 3.2.7-1: ElectronicId

3.2.8 ElectronicIdList

A list of electronic identifiers associated with an entity.

Figure 3.2.8-1: ElectronicIdList ElectronicIdList ElectronicId

A list of electronic identifiers associated with an entity.

 ElectronicIdMR ElectronicId
Table 3.2.8-1: ElectronicIdList
<ElectronicIdList> <ElectronicId Type="Barcode">206654</ElectronicId> <ElectronicId Type="PIN">9823</ElectronicId> </ElectronicIdList>
Example 3.2.8-1: ElectronicIdList

3.2.9 Email

This element represents an e-mail address of one of a number of types.
Figure 3.2.9-1: Email Email Type
 Email This element represents an e-mail address of one of a number of types. xs:normalizedString
@TypeMThis attribute specifies the type of e-mail address. values:
Table 3.2.9-1: Email
<Email Type="School">contact@uk.sifinfo.org</Email>
Example 3.2.9-1: Email

3.2.10 EmailList

A list of e-mail addresses associated with an individual.
Figure 3.2.10-1: EmailList EmailList Email SIF_Action
 EmailList A list of e-mail addresses associated with an individual. ActionList (Email/@Type)
 EmailMR Email
@SIF_ActionOIn a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present. values:
Table 3.2.10-1: EmailList
<EmailList> <Email Type="School">contact@uk.sifinfo.org</Email> <Email Type="Personal">someone@anothersite.com</Email> </EmailList>
Example 3.2.10-1: EmailList

3.2.11 EstablishmentId

The DfES assigned identifier for a school or other educational establishment. The list of all known Establishment ID's is extensive and available online.
Figure 3.2.11-1: EstablishmentId EstablishmentId
 EstablishmentId The DfES assigned identifier for a school or other educational establishment. The list of all known Establishment ID's is extensive and available online. xs:token
Table 3.2.11-1: EstablishmentId

3.2.12 EthnicityList

Figure 3.2.12-1: EthnicityList EthnicityList Ethnicity Code Source
 Ethnicity/CodeMThe general ethnic category which reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. TeachernetEthnicityCodeType
 Ethnicity/SourceMSource of inidividual's recorded ethnic code. UKSourceCodeType
Table 3.2.12-1: EthnicityList

3.2.13 FirstName

A person's first name.

Figure 3.2.13-1: FirstName FirstName

A person's first name.

Table 3.2.13-1: FirstName
Example 3.2.13-1: FirstName

3.2.14 GridLocation

This element contains a map location. The GridLocation element is utilised within other objects and elements.
Figure 3.2.14-1: GridLocation GridLocation PropertyEasting PropertyNorthing Latitude Longitude
 GridLocation This element contains a map location. The GridLocation element is utilised within other objects and elements.  
 PropertyEastingMEasting coordinate format. xs:decimal
 PropertyNorthingM Northing coordinate for mapping an address. Required when PropertyEasting is also specified. This is best represented in a 7.1 format.  xs:decimal
 LatitudeOGeographical coordinate. xs:decimal
 LongitudeCGeographical coordinate. Required when Latitude is also specified. xs:decimal
Table 3.2.14-1: GridLocation
<GridLocation> <PropertyEasting>500431.3</PropertyEasting> <PropertyNorthing>158413.1</PropertyNorthing> <Latitude>41.850000</Latitude> <Longitude>-87.650000</Longitude> </GridLocation>
Example 3.2.14-1: GridLocation

3.2.15 LAId

The 3-digit number assigned to the LA by the DfES.
Figure 3.2.15-1: LAId LAId
 LAId The 3-digit number assigned to the LA by the DfES. TeachernetLAIdType
Table 3.2.15-1: LAId
Example 3.2.15-1: LAId

3.2.16 LAName

The official name of the LA.
Figure 3.2.16-1: LAName LAName
 LAName The official name of the LA. TeachernetLANameType
Table 3.2.16-1: LAName
Example 3.2.16-1: LAName

3.2.17 LastName

A person's last name.

Figure 3.2.17-1: LastName LastName

A person's last name.

Table 3.2.17-1: LastName
Example 3.2.17-1: LastName

3.2.18 LifeCycle

This common metadata element describes the life cycle of the object it represents, based on the IEEE LOM LifeCycle element [LOM].

Figure 3.2.18-1: LifeCycle LifeCycle Created DateTime Creators Creator Name ID ModificationHistory Modified By DateTime Description TimeElements TimeElement

This common metadata element describes the life cycle of the object it represents, based on the IEEE LOM LifeCycle element [LOM].

 CreatedO When the object was created by whom. This is a more persistent creation date than the date/time in the object's SIF_Header. Depending on the use case being implemented, this value could contain the date the data in the object first entered the zone or was actually created.   
 Created/DateTimeM xs:dateTime
 Created/CreatorsO List
M Human-readable name of the data's creator. If the object contains system-generated data, the name should identify the creating service or application.  xs:normalizedString
MUnique identifier of the creator. An email address or URI could be used here. xs:normalizedString
 ModificationHistoryO An ordered set of Modified elements describing which system modified the data, when the modification took place, and a brief description of the modification.  List
ORA single modification event.  
MIdentifier of the system or person that modified the data. xs:normalizedString
MThe date/time the modification occurred. xs:dateTime
OHuman readable description of the data modifications. xs:string
 TimeElementsO List
 TimeElements/TimeElementOR TimeElement
Table 3.2.18-1: LifeCycle
<LifeCycle> <Created> <DateTime>2006-08-13T09:00:00-05:00</DateTime> <Creators> <Creator> <Name>Alphonse Berdonosi</Name> <ID>http://www.edugeeks.com/aberdonosi</ID> </Creator> </Creators> </Created> <ModificationHistory> <Modified> <By>http://www.edugeeks.com/aberdonosi</By> <DateTime>2006-08-17T09:30:00-05:00</DateTime> </Modified> </ModificationHistory> </LifeCycle>
Example 3.2.18-1: LifeCycle

3.2.19 LocalId

This is a common element used to define the locally assigned identifier associated with an entity. It is used in LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, SchoolInfo, and other objects.

Figure 3.2.19-1: LocalId LocalId

This is a common element used to define the locally assigned identifier associated with an entity. It is used in LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, SchoolInfo, and other objects.

Table 3.2.19-1: LocalId
Example 3.2.19-1: LocalId

3.2.20 LocationContext

The physical location of an address in terms of Census District, LA Electoral Ward, Parliamentary Constituency, and other defining location-centric characteristics.
Figure 3.2.20-1: LocationContext LocationContext CensusDistrict WardCode WardName ConstituencyCode ConstituencyName Parish ChurchOfEnglandDiocese ChurchOfEnglandParish RomanCatholicDiocese RomanCatholicParish LSCouncilCode CatchmentArea
 LocationContext The physical location of an address in terms of Census District, LA Electoral Ward, Parliamentary Constituency, and other defining location-centric characteristics.  
 CensusDistrictONational Population Census Enumeration District. xs:normalizedString
 WardCodeMONS Ward Code ONSWardCodeType
 WardNameMONS Ward Name ONSWardNameType
 ConstituencyCodeOONS Parliamentary Constituency Code ONSParliamentaryConstituencyCodeType
 ConstituencyNameOONS Parliamentary Constituency Name ONSParliamentaryConstituencyNameType
 ParishOONS Parish Council Name ONSParishCouncilNameType
 ChurchOfEnglandDioceseOChurch of England Diocese Code TeachernetChurchOfEnglandDioceseType
 ChurchOfEnglandParishOChurch of England Parish Code xs:normalizedString
 RomanCatholicDioceseORoman Catholic Diocese Code TeachernetRomanCatholicDioceseType
 RomanCatholicParishORoman Catholic Parish xs:normalizedString
 LSCouncilCodeOLearning and Skills Council area code TeachernetLearningAndSkillsCouncilAreaCodeType
 CatchmentAreaOSchool catchment area description xs:normalizedString
Table 3.2.20-1: LocationContext
<LocationContext> <CensusDistrict>43</CensusDistrict> <WardCode>43UMGB</WardCode> <WardName>Knaphill</WardName> <ConstituencyCode>516</ConstituencyCode> <ConstituencyName>Woking</ConstituencyName> <LSCouncilCode>SUR</LSCouncilCode> <CatchmentArea>Woking Knaphill</CatchmentArea> </LocationContext>
Example 3.2.20-1: LocationContext

3.2.21 MiddleName

A person's middle name or initial.

Figure 3.2.21-1: MiddleName MiddleName

A person's middle name or initial.

Table 3.2.21-1: MiddleName
Example 3.2.21-1: MiddleName

3.2.22 Name

The Name element defines name information for a person and occurs within the PersonalInformation element.
Figure 3.2.22-1: Name Name Type Title FamilyName GivenName MiddleNames FamilyNameFirst PreferredFamilyName PreferredFamilyNameFirst PreferredGivenName Suffix FullName
 Name The Name element defines name information for a person and occurs within the PersonalInformation element.  
@TypeMCode that specifies what type of name this is. values:
Birth name
Current Legal name
Alias / Alternative
Name of Record
Former Name
Married Name
Professional Name
 TitleOA title or prefix associated with the name. If any of: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Rev, Fr, Dr, Prof, Hon, Sir, Lord, Lady - these must be as shown, otherwise free text. Note that title is not applicable to learners. xs:normalizedString
 FamilyNameCFull legal family name. That part of the person's name which is used to describe family, clan, tribal group, or marital association. Note that this element is always required. However, when associated with a contact it may not be possible to know the family name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. xs:normalizedString
 GivenNameCFull given name (forename) of the person. Note that this element is always required. However, when associated with a contact it may not be possible to know the given name in which case you should add the available information to the FullName element. xs:normalizedString
 MiddleNamesOAll other given or middle names, each separated with a single space character. xs:normalizedString
 FamilyNameFirstOAn indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. values:
 PreferredFamilyNameOThe family name preferred most by the person (as written). xs:normalizedString
 PreferredFamilyNameFirstOAn indicator used to identify the naming conventions used by some predominantly non-European, ethnic or language groups and related to the display nature of a name. values:
 PreferredGivenNameOThe given name preferred most by the person (as written). xs:normalizedString
 SuffixOTextual suffix like PHD, JP, BSc. xs:normalizedString
 FullNameCA free text field for the complete name for display purposes. If this is associated with a ContactPersonal record and the FamilyName and GivenName are not both specified, then this becomes mandatory. xs:normalizedString
Table 3.2.22-1: Name
<Name Type="R"> <Title /> <FamilyName>Henriksen</FamilyName> <GivenName>Bjorn</GivenName> <MiddleNames>Pieter Johan</MiddleNames> <FamilyNameFirst>No</FamilyNameFirst> <PreferredFamilyName>Henriksen</PreferredFamilyName> <PreferredFamilyNameFirst>No</PreferredFamilyNameFirst> <PreferredGivenName>Johan</PreferredGivenName> <Suffix /> </Name>
Example 3.2.22-1: Name

3.2.23 NCYearGroup

Code representing a National Curriculum Year Group.
Figure 3.2.23-1: NCYearGroup NCYearGroup
 NCYearGroup Code representing a National Curriculum Year Group. UKNCYearGroupType
Table 3.2.23-1: NCYearGroup
Example 3.2.23-1: NCYearGroup

3.2.24 NCYearGroupList

This is a common element used to specify a collection of supported National Curriculum Year Groups. It is used in SchoolInfo and assessment-related objects.
Figure 3.2.24-1: NCYearGroupList NCYearGroupList NCYearGroup
 NCYearGroupList This is a common element used to specify a collection of supported National Curriculum Year Groups. It is used in SchoolInfo and assessment-related objects. List
 NCYearGroupMRCode representing a National Curriculum year group. NCYearGroup
Table 3.2.24-1: NCYearGroupList
<NCYearGroupList> <NCYearGroup>N1</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>N2</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>R</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>1</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>2</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>3</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>4</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>5</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>6</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>7</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>8</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>9</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>10</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>11</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>12</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>13</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>14</NCYearGroup> </NCYearGroupList>
Example 3.2.24-1: NCYearGroupList

3.2.25 Period

Figure 3.2.25-1: Period Period PeriodIndex ShortName LongName StartTime EndTime Type



Ordinal position of period within the day (1,2,3,etc)


A short period label


A long period label


Time the period starts


Time the period ends


What this period represents. Note that currently some programs represent registration, breaks and lunches as a "period" and some don't. This Type could differ from the lesson Type (see section C4) if this teacher is doing something in this period which differs from the majority of the school.

teaching period
outside school hours (eg: clubs)
other non-teaching
'unused' period (on a non-rectangular cycle)
Table 3.2.25-1: Period
Example 3.2.25-1: Period

3.2.26 PersonalInformation

This element contains basic personal and demographic information related to a person. This element is part of all "personal" objects, including LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, and ContactPersonal.
Figure 3.2.26-1: PersonalInformation PersonalInformation Name OtherNames Name Demographics Email OtherEmailList Address OtherAddressList PhoneNumber OtherPhoneNumberList ElectronicIdList OtherIdList OtherId Type
 PersonalInformation This element contains basic personal and demographic information related to a person. This element is part of all "personal" objects, including LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, and ContactPersonal.  
 NameMName information for this person. Name
 OtherNamesOA list of other names associated with this person. List
 OtherNames/NameMRAnother name associated with this person. Name
 DemographicsOThis element contains demographic data. Demographics
 EmailOThe person's preferred e-mail address. Email
 OtherEmailListOThe person's other e-mail address(es). EmailList
 AddressOThe person's current physical address. Address
 OtherAddressListOThe person's other address(es). AddressList
 PhoneNumberOThe person's preferred phone number. PhoneNumber
 OtherPhoneNumberListOThe person's other phone number(s). PhoneNumberList
 ElectronicIdListOElectronic identifier(s) associated with this person. ElectronicIdList
 OtherIdListOA list of all "other" IDs associated with this person. List
 OtherIdList/OtherIdMRAn "other" identifier associated with this person. xs:normalizedString
@TypeMText that describes the type of this other ID. xs:normalizedString
Table 3.2.26-1: PersonalInformation
<PersonalInformation> <Name Type="C"> <FamilyName>Johnson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Hanna</GivenName> <MiddleNames>Leigh</MiddleNames> <FamilyNameFirst>No</FamilyNameFirst> <PreferredFamilyName>Johnson</PreferredFamilyName> <PreferredFamilyNameFirst>No</PreferredFamilyNameFirst> <PreferredGivenName>Hanna</PreferredGivenName> </Name> <OtherNames> <Name Type="F"> <FamilyName>Minderfeld</FamilyName> <GivenName>Hanna</GivenName> <MiddleNames>Leigh</MiddleNames> </Name> </OtherNames> <Demographics> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <Code>WENG</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <Gender>F</Gender> <BirthDate>1995-09-12</BirthDate> <BirthDateVerification>2</BirthDateVerification> <PlaceOfBirth>Reading</PlaceOfBirth> <CountyOfBirth>Reading</CountyOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth>GBR</CountryOfBirth> <EnglishProficiency> <EALSteps>1S</EALSteps> </EnglishProficiency> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>ENG</Code> <TypeList> <Type>F</Type> </TypeList> </Language> </LanguageList> <MaritalStatus>S</MaritalStatus> <Religion> <AffiliationCode>CE</AffiliationCode> <EducationStatus>W</EducationStatus> <CollectiveWorshipStatus>A</CollectiveWorshipStatus> <Source>P</Source> </Religion> <Traveller> <Code>NT</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Traveller> </Demographics> <Email Type="School">hljohnson@myschool.co.uk</Email> <OtherEmailList> <Email Type="Personal">hl37925@pmail.co.uk</Email> </OtherEmailList> <Address Type="Current"> <StartDate>2004-10-06</StartDate> <PAON> <Description>Merion House</Description> <StartNumber>42</StartNumber> <EndNumber>46</EndNumber> </PAON> <SAON> <StartNumber>2</StartNumber> <StartNumberSuffix>B</StartNumberSuffix> </SAON> <Street>Guildford Road</Street> <Locality>Knaphill</Locality> <Town>Woking</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Surrey</AdministrativeArea> <County>Surrey</County> <PostCode>GU22 7QF</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> <UniquePropertyReferenceNumber>38711462427</UniquePropertyReferenceNumber> <UniqueStreetReferenceNumber>1124805</UniqueStreetReferenceNumber> <LocationContext> <WardCode>43UMGB</WardCode> <WardName>Knaphill</WardName> </LocationContext> <GridLocation> <PropertyEasting>500431.3</PropertyEasting> <PropertyNorthing>158413.1</PropertyNorthing> <Latitude>41.850000</Latitude> <Longitude>-87.650000</Longitude> </GridLocation> </Address> <PhoneNumber Type="H"> <Number>05598765432</Number> <ListedStatus>Listed</ListedStatus> </PhoneNumber> <OtherPhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="M"> <Number>07777666555</Number> <ListedStatus>Unlisted</ListedStatus> </PhoneNumber> </OtherPhoneNumberList> <ElectronicIdList> <ElectronicId Type="Barcode">206654</ElectronicId> </ElectronicIdList> <OtherIdList> <OtherId Type="Locker">01298B</OtherId> </OtherIdList> </PersonalInformation>
Example 3.2.26-1: PersonalInformation

3.2.27 PhoneNumber

This element represents a phone number and occurs within objects such as LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, etc.
Figure 3.2.27-1: PhoneNumber PhoneNumber Type Number Extension ListedStatus
 PhoneNumber This element represents a phone number and occurs within objects such as LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, etc.  
@TypeMCode that specifies the phone number type. UKPhoneTypeType
 NumberMPhone number. Validation: 0-9 and a leading '+' (for international calls). xs:normalizedString
 ExtensionOPhone number extension. xs:normalizedString
 ListedStatusOIndicates whether or not the phone number is available to the public. values:
Table 3.2.27-1: PhoneNumber
<PhoneNumber Type="H"> <Number>05598765432</Number> <Extension>4105</Extension> <ListedStatus>Listed</ListedStatus> </PhoneNumber>
Example 3.2.27-1: PhoneNumber

3.2.28 PhoneNumberList

Lists phone numbers associated with an entity.
Figure 3.2.28-1: PhoneNumberList PhoneNumberList PhoneNumber SIF_Action
 PhoneNumberList Lists phone numbers associated with an entity. ActionList (PhoneNumber/@Type)
 PhoneNumberMR PhoneNumber
@SIF_ActionOIn a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present. values:
Table 3.2.28-1: PhoneNumberList
<PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="H"> <Number>05598765432</Number> <ListedStatus>Unlisted</ListedStatus> </PhoneNumber> <PhoneNumber Type="M"> <Number>07777666555</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList>
Example 3.2.28-1: PhoneNumberList

3.2.29 RightsElement

A common metadata element designed to carry any intellectual property or copyright information, based on the IEEE LOM Rights element [LOM].

Figure 3.2.29-1: RightsElement RightsElement Cost FeesForUse FeeForUse UseType MeteringType MeteringURL PerUseCharge CopyrightStatement TermsOfUse

A common metadata element designed to carry any intellectual property or copyright information, based on the IEEE LOM Rights element [LOM].

 CostO xs:boolean
 FeesForUseOA container for fees for use of the content in the object. List
 FeesForUse/FeeForUseORDescription of one fee structure applying to the use of this resource.  
M A description of the fee structure for this resource. Some resources may be licensed differently depending upon their context. For example, a content provider might charge one fee structure for resources used in the classroom and a separate fee for those resources available to parents from home.  xs:string
M xs:token
O xs:anyURI
O MonetaryAmountType
 CopyrightStatementO xs:string
 TermsOfUseO xs:string
Table 3.2.29-1: RightsElement
<RightsElement> <Cost>true</Cost> <FeesForUse> <FeeForUse> <UseType>UseType</UseType> <MeteringType>MeteringType</MeteringType> <MeteringURL>http://www.xmlspy.com</MeteringURL> <PerUseCharge Currency="USD">1.00</PerUseCharge> </FeeForUse> </FeesForUse> <CopyrightStatement>CopyrightStatement</CopyrightStatement> <TermsOfUse>TermsOfUse</TermsOfUse> </RightsElement>
Example 3.2.29-1: RightsElement

3.2.30 SchoolURL

URL for a school.

Figure 3.2.30-1: SchoolURL SchoolURL

URL for a school.

Table 3.2.30-1: SchoolURL
Example 3.2.30-1: SchoolURL

3.2.31 SchoolURN

The alternate DfES assigned identifier for a school or other educational establishment.
Figure 3.2.31-1: SchoolURN SchoolURN
 SchoolURN The alternate DfES assigned identifier for a school or other educational establishment. EstablishmentId
Table 3.2.31-1: SchoolURN
Example 3.2.31-1: SchoolURN

3.2.32 SchoolYear

Common element used to designate the academic school year to which an object relates.

Figure 3.2.32-1: SchoolYear SchoolYear

School year for which this information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2004" for the 2003-04 school year).

Table 3.2.32-1: SchoolYear
Example 3.2.32-1: SchoolYear

3.2.33 SIF_ExtendedElements

This element is supported at the end of all SIF objects. The element is used to extend existing SIF objects with locally-defined elements. Extended elements SHOULD NOT be used to duplicate data that can be obtained from other SIF objects.

Figure 3.2.33-1: SIF_ExtendedElements SIF_ExtendedElements SIF_ExtendedElement Name xsi:type SIF_Action

Allows an agent to include data not yet defined within a SIF data object as name/value pairs.

ActionList (SIF_ExtendedElement/@Name)

A name/value pair, the name being contained in the Name attribute, the value being the element content.


The name of the extended element. As it is possible that names for extended elements may collide from agent to agent, it is recommended that the names of extended elements be configurable in an agent, or that agents use URIs for the names of extended elements.


Allows type of element to be explicitly communicated.


In a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present.

Table 3.2.33-1: SIF_ExtendedElements
<SIF_ExtendedElements> <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="ApplicationSubmissionStatus">4</SIF_ExtendedElement> <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="DynamicXml"> <Parent xmlns="http://myapplication.com"> <Child n="1">one</Child> <Child n="2" /> <Child n="3">three</Child> </Parent> </SIF_ExtendedElement> <SIF_ExtendedElement Name="Note"> <xhtml:strong xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Double</xhtml:strong>-check submission status. </SIF_ExtendedElement> </SIF_ExtendedElements>
Example 3.2.33-1: SIF_ExtendedElements

3.2.34 SIF_Metadata

Metadata is commonly referred to as data about data and includes information such as author, grade level, or keywords relating to a learning object, as examples. Metadata can be used to structure and contain any of this kind of information in a consistent manner. In the context of SIF, SIF_Metadata provides a consistent structure to appropriate SIF objects for the purpose of cataloging and object discovery, as well as other metadata functions and purposes. One recurring use case within the SIF data model is the requirement for some form of temporal constraints and tagging on objects (see TimeElement). Other metadata elements are based on needs brought to the Data Standards Working Goup.


This data is not designed to be permanent. It is designed to frame an object instance and could dissolve as soon as it leaves the SIF framework for the application space. A data warehouse could be used to store metadata for later tracking.


Any usage of metadata is optional unless made a requirement within individual SIF objects, or if a SIF or local profile or zone installation mandates it. SIF_Metadata allows for the usage of metadata in agents and applications that choose to support it.

This element is designed to operate much like SIF_ExtendedElements. It is an approved common element that is part of any data object.

Figure 3.2.34-1: SIF_Metadata SIF_Metadata TimeElements TimeElement LifeCycle RightsElements RightsElement EducationFilter ImpactLevelElevation ImpactLevel

A commonly defined container for metadata elements defined within SIF.

 TimeElementsO List
 TimeElements/TimeElementOR TimeElement
 LifeCycleO LifeCycle
 RightsElementsO List
OR RightsElement
 EducationFilterO EducationFilter

Identifies an object as having an Impact Level (UK Data Protection Act 1998) that is more sensitive than the default for the zone.


The Impact Level that the object has been raised to.

Table 3.2.34-1: SIF_Metadata

3.2.35 SubjectAreaList

A list of subject areas.
Figure 3.2.35-1: SubjectAreaList SubjectAreaList SubjectArea
 SubjectAreaList A list of subject areas. List
 SubjectAreaMRSubject matter. UKGeneralSubjectType
Table 3.2.35-1: SubjectAreaList
<SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MAT</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>LIF</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>ENV</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>OMA</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>PSH</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList>
Example 3.2.35-1: SubjectAreaList

3.2.36 TimeElement

A common metadata element designed to contain time data, both self-defined and by type.

Figure 3.2.36-1: TimeElement TimeElement Type Code Name Value StartDateTime EndDateTime SpanGaps SpanGap Type Code Name Value StartDateTime EndDateTime IsCurrent

A common metadata element designed to contain time data, both self-defined and by type.


This element is designed to contain the time period attached to an object. Very long periods (school year, quarter, etc.) and very small periods (second, millisecond, etc.) can be defined. This element provides a scoping description of the time metadata enclosed.

Because the educational environment varies so greatly we are including here a suggested but not prescriptive list of values. Although there may be unique needs for values not covered here—and we may have missed a major one—a best practice would be to utilize the examples here to enhance interoperability.

Full school year
Long session
Spring Vacation
Summer Term

 CodeM This element provides a place for the application to send structured data (code values, unique identifier, timestamps). This code value can, depending upon the use case agreement between agents, be used to qualify the data in the Value element.


 NameM Contains a human-readable description of the value in Value.

Class of '07
Fall 2007 Parent-Teacher Conferences

 ValueMContains the human-readable value.

Evening of 10/12/06

 StartDateTimeO xs:dateTime
 EndDateTimeO xs:dateTime
 SpanGapsOA container element for holding multiple possible span gaps. List
 SpanGaps/SpanGapOR This structure duplicates much of the structure of TimeElement and is designed to represent a gap in the parent time period defined by StartDateTime and EndDateTime above.   
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/TypeM xs:normalizedString
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/CodeM xs:token
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/NameM xs:normalizedString
 SpanGaps/SpanGap/ValueM xs:normalizedString
O xs:dateTime
O xs:dateTime
 IsCurrentM This element allows for the system to tag an object as being explicitly current. Although the baseline assumption in SIF is that objects are always current (default value is typically true), there are use cases when that is not the case.  xs:boolean
Table 3.2.36-1: TimeElement
<TimeElement> <Type>Full school year</Type> <Code>01</Code> <Name>2004/2005 School Year</Name> <Value>2004-2005</Value> <StartDateTime>2004-09-01T08:00:00-05:00</StartDateTime> <EndDateTime>2005-06-30T15:00:00-05:00</EndDateTime> <SpanGaps> <SpanGap> <Type>Holiday</Type> <Code>02</Code> <Name>2005 Winter Break</Name> <Value>2005 Winter Break</Value> <StartDateTime>2005-02-21T15:00:00-05:00</StartDateTime> <EndDateTime>2005-02-25T08:00:00-05:00</EndDateTime> </SpanGap> </SpanGaps> <IsCurrent>true</IsCurrent> </TimeElement>
Example 3.2.36-1: TimeElement

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