Appendix A: Common Types

Common and supporting types referenced in this specification are included here as a reference.

A.1 AbstractContentElementType

AbstractContentPackageType used as an element rather than an object, omitting RefId, SIF_Metadata and SIF_ExtendedElements.

Figure A.1-1: AbstractContentElementType AbstractContentElementType XMLData Description TextData MIMEType FileName Description BinaryData MIMEType FileName Description Reference MIMEType Description URL

AbstractContentPackageType used as an element rather than an object, omitting RefId, SIF_Metadata and SIF_ExtendedElements.


Contains an arbitary XML element, encoded in UTF-8.

<xs:any processContents="lax" />

Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Contains arbitrary text, encoded in UTF-8.


Optional MIME type to specifically indicate the text type. Otherwise text/plain can be assumed.


Optional file name to indicate the file from which the content originated, or to suggest a name to use when saving the content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Contains the base64Binary encoding of binary or text data not encoded in UTF-8.


MIME type to indicate the content type.


Optional file name to indicate the file from which the content originated, or to suggest a name to use when saving the content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


References external content via a URL.


MIME type to indicate the content type to be expected when retrieving the external content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Location of external content.

Table A.1-1: AbstractContentElementType

A.2 AbstractContentPackageType

An abstract type for derived content package types, elements and objects. This structure may be used verbatim, optionally extending with additional attributes, or may be redefined to include only a subset of child elements and/or to add validation to XML contained in XMLData. Only one instance of XMLData, TextData, BinaryData or Reference can occur in a single instance.

Figure A.2-1: AbstractContentPackageType AbstractContentPackageType RefId XMLData Description TextData MIMEType FileName Description BinaryData MIMEType FileName Description Reference MIMEType Description URL

An abstract type for derived content package types, elements and objects. This structure may be used verbatim, optionally extending with additional attributes, or may be redefined to include only a subset of child elements and/or to add validation to XML contained in XMLData. Only one instance of XMLData, TextData, BinaryData or Reference can occur in a single instance.


The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the package.


Contains an arbitary XML element, encoded in UTF-8.

<xs:any processContents="lax" />

Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Contains arbitrary text, encoded in UTF-8.


Optional MIME type to specifically indicate the text type. Otherwise text/plain can be assumed.


Optional file name to indicate the file from which the content originated, or to suggest a name to use when saving the content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Contains the base64Binary encoding of binary or text data not encoded in UTF-8.


MIME type to indicate the content type.


Optional file name to indicate the file from which the content originated, or to suggest a name to use when saving the content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


References external content via a URL.


MIME type to indicate the content type to be expected when retrieving the external content.


Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). Contents may be mandated in instances of this type, or types that follow the AbstractContentPackageType pattern.


Location of external content.

Table A.2-1: AbstractContentPackageType

A.3 DefinedProtocolsType

The transport protocols defined in SIF.
Figure A.3-1: DefinedProtocolsType DefinedProtocolsType
 DefinedProtocolsType The transport protocols defined in SIF. values:
Table A.3-1: DefinedProtocolsType

A.4 ExtendedContentType

Allows for any mixed XML in an element.
Figure A.4-1: ExtendedContentType ExtendedContentType
 ExtendedContentType Allows for any mixed XML in an element. 
<xs:complexContent mixed="true"> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent>
Table A.4-1: ExtendedContentType

A.5 GUIDType

SIF format for a GUID.
Figure A.5-1: GUIDType GUIDType
 GUIDType SIF format for a GUID. xs:token
Table A.5-1: GUIDType

A.6 IdRefType

A reference to a RefId.
Figure A.6-1: IdRefType IdRefType
 IdRefType A reference to a RefId. RefIdType
Table A.6-1: IdRefType

A.7 MonetaryAmountType

A monetary amount.

Figure A.7-1: MonetaryAmountType MonetaryAmountType Currency

A monetary amount.

@CurrencyOCurrency code. Where omitted, defaults to implementation-defined local currency, typically USD in the United States. ISO4217CurrencyNamesAndCodeElementsType
Table A.7-1: MonetaryAmountType

A.8 MsgIdType

A message identifier.
Figure A.8-1: MsgIdType MsgIdType
 MsgIdType A message identifier. GUIDType
Table A.8-1: MsgIdType

A.9 ObjectNameType

An unenumerated SIF object name.

Figure A.9-1: ObjectNameType ObjectNameType

An unenumerated SIF object name.

Table A.9-1: ObjectNameType

A.10 ObjectType

A SIF XML object.

Figure A.10-1: ObjectType ObjectType

A SIF XML object.

<xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##any" /> </xs:sequence>
Table A.10-1: ObjectType

A.11 ONSParishCouncilNameType

This type represents the set of values for the ONS Parish Council Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Figure A.11-1: ONSParishCouncilNameType ONSParishCouncilNameType

This type represents the set of values for the ONS Parish Council Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Table A.11-1: ONSParishCouncilNameType

A.12 ONSParliamentaryConstituencyCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the Parliamentary Constituency Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Figure A.12-1: ONSParliamentaryConstituencyCodeType ONSParliamentaryConstituencyCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the Parliamentary Constituency Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Table A.12-1: ONSParliamentaryConstituencyCodeType

A.13 ONSParliamentaryConstituencyNameType

This type represents the set of values for the Parliamentary Constituency Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:

Figure A.13-1: ONSParliamentaryConstituencyNameType ONSParliamentaryConstituencyNameType

This type represents the set of values for the Parliamentary Constituency Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:


Table A.13-1: ONSParliamentaryConstituencyNameType

A.14 ONSWardCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the ONS Ward Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Figure A.14-1: ONSWardCodeType ONSWardCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the ONS Ward Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Table A.14-1: ONSWardCodeType

A.15 ONSWardNameType

This type represents the set of values for the Ward Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Figure A.15-1: ONSWardNameType ONSWardNameType

This type represents the set of values for the Ward Name code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Table A.15-1: ONSWardNameType

A.16 RefIdType

An object or element identifier.
Figure A.16-1: RefIdType RefIdType
 RefIdType An object or element identifier. GUIDType
Table A.16-1: RefIdType

A.17 ReportDataObjectType

A SIF XML object.

Figure A.17-1: ReportDataObjectType ReportDataObjectType

A SIF XML object.

<xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence>
Table A.17-1: ReportDataObjectType

A.18 ReportPackageType

This package has exactly the same structure as AbstractContentPackageType. ReportPackage can be used in addition to SIF objects specifically in reporting situations within SIF_ReportObject. At this time, it is not a SIF object. It cannot be requested via SIF_Query or SIF_ExtendedQuery in a ReportManifest. It may be included in SIF_ReportObject as part of an external report definition.
Figure A.18-1: ReportPackageType ReportPackageType
 ReportPackageType  This package has exactly the same structure as AbstractContentPackageType. ReportPackage can be used in addition to SIF objects specifically in reporting situations within SIF_ReportObject. At this time, it is not a SIF object. It cannot be requested via SIF_Query or SIF_ExtendedQuery in a ReportManifest. It may be included in SIF_ReportObject as part of an external report definition.  AbstractContentPackageType
Table A.18-1: ReportPackageType

A.19 SelectedContentType

Allows an XML fragment selected from an object to be used in an element with XML validation skipped.
Figure A.19-1: SelectedContentType SelectedContentType
 SelectedContentType Allows an XML fragment selected from an object to be used in an element with XML validation skipped. 
<xs:complexContent mixed="true"> <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="skip" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:restriction> </xs:complexContent>
Table A.19-1: SelectedContentType

A.20 ServiceNameType

An unenumerated SIF object name.

Figure A.20-1: ServiceNameType ServiceNameType

An unenumerated SIF object name.

Table A.20-1: ServiceNameType

A.21 TeachernetEthnicityCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet Ethnicity Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet LAId code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:

Figure A.21-1: TeachernetEthnicityCodeType TeachernetEthnicityCodeType

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet Ethnicity Code code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet LAId code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:


Table A.21-1: TeachernetEthnicityCodeType

A.22 TeachernetLAIdType

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet LAId code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:

Figure A.22-1: TeachernetLAIdType TeachernetLAIdType

This type represents the set of values for the Teachernet LAId code set. The set of values is not included in the SIF Specification but may be found externally in order to validate values of this type.

Some information concerning these values can be found here:

  • England and Wales LA Ids:

Table A.22-1: TeachernetLAIdType

A.23 URIOrBinaryType

Allows for a URL or a Base-64 encoding.
Figure A.23-1: URIOrBinaryType URIOrBinaryType
 URIOrBinaryType Allows for a URL or a Base-64 encoding. union of:

Table A.23-1: URIOrBinaryType

A.24 VersionType

A SIF version number.
Figure A.24-1: VersionType VersionType
 VersionType A SIF version number. xs:token
Table A.24-1: VersionType

A.25 VersionWithWildcardsType

A SIF version number, with wildcards for matching multiple versions.
Figure A.25-1: VersionWithWildcardsType VersionWithWildcardsType
 VersionWithWildcardsType A SIF version number, with wildcards for matching multiple versions. xs:token
Table A.25-1: VersionWithWildcardsType

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