Appendix F: Index of Examples

Example 2.2.3‑1 Examples Convention
Example‑1 EmailList
Example‑1 Indicating a new value for the School e-mail address and deleting the Personal address
Example‑1 Indicating an updated list of country citizenships
Example 3.2.1‑1 Address
Example 3.2.2‑1 AddressList
Example 3.2.3‑1 ContactList
Example 3.2.4‑1 Country
Example 3.2.5‑1 Demographics
Example 3.2.6‑1 EducationFilter - Example 1
Example 3.2.6‑2 EducationFilter - Example 2
Example 3.2.7‑1 ElectronicId
Example 3.2.8‑1 ElectronicIdList
Example 3.2.9‑1 Email
Example 3.2.10‑1 EmailList
Example 3.2.13‑1 FirstName
Example 3.2.14‑1 GridLocation
Example 3.2.15‑1 LAId
Example 3.2.16‑1 LAName
Example 3.2.17‑1 LastName
Example 3.2.18‑1 LifeCycle
Example 3.2.19‑1 LocalId
Example 3.2.20‑1 LocationContext
Example 3.2.21‑1 MiddleName
Example 3.2.22‑1 Name
Example 3.2.23‑1 NCYearGroup
Example 3.2.24‑1 NCYearGroupList
Example 3.2.25‑1 Period
Example 3.2.26‑1 PersonalInformation
Example 3.2.27‑1 PhoneNumber
Example 3.2.28‑1 PhoneNumberList
Example 3.2.29‑1 RightsElement
Example 3.2.30‑1 SchoolURL
Example 3.2.31‑1 SchoolURN
Example 3.2.32‑1 SchoolYear
Example 3.2.33‑1 SIF_ExtendedElements
Example 3.2.35‑1 SubjectAreaList
Example 3.2.36‑1 TimeElement
Example 3.3.1‑1 AssessmentLearnerSet
Example 3.3.2‑1 AssessmentResponseComponent
Example 3.3.3‑1 AssessmentREsponseComponentGroup
Example 3.3.4‑1 AssessmentResultComponent
Example 3.3.5‑1 AssessmentResultComponentGroup
Example 3.3.6‑1 AssessmentResultGradeSet
Example 3.3.7‑1 AssessmentSession
Example 3.3.8‑1 ContactPersonal
Example 3.3.9‑1 Cycle
Example 3.3.10‑1 Identity published by a UK Access Federation Shibboleth Provider
Example 3.3.10‑2 Two Identity objects with the same IdentityAssertion and AuthenticationSourceGlobalUID
Example 3.3.10‑3 Identity published by Microsoft Active Directory
Example 3.3.10‑4 An Identity object using the RSA enumeration value
Example 3.3.11‑1 Junction - 1
Example 3.3.11‑2 Junction - 2
Example 3.3.11‑3 Junction - 3
Example 3.3.11‑4 Junction - 3
Example 3.3.12‑1 LAInfo
Example 3.3.13‑1 LearnerAssessmentResposeSet
Example 3.3.14‑1 LearnerAssessmentResult
Example 3.3.15‑1 LearnerAttendance
Example 3.3.16‑1 LearnerAttendanceSummary
Example 3.3.17‑1 LearnerBehaviourIncident
Example 3.3.18‑1 LearnerContact
Example 3.3.19‑1 LearnerEntitlement
Example 3.3.20‑1 LearnerExclusion
Example 3.3.21‑1 LearnerGroupEnrollment
Example 3.3.22‑1 LearnerPersonal
Example 3.3.23‑1 LearnerSchoolEnrollment
Example 3.3.24‑1 LearnerSpecialNeeds
Example 3.3.25‑1 Lesson
Example 3.3.25‑2 Lesson
Example 3.3.25‑3 Lesson
Example 3.3.26‑1 NonTeachingActivity
Example 3.3.26‑2 NonTeachingActivity
Example 3.3.26‑3 NonTeachingActivity
Example 3.3.27‑1 PersonDietaryPreference
Example 3.3.28‑1 PersonPicture
Example 3.3.29‑1 SchoolDiaryEntry
Example 3.3.30‑1 SchoolGroup
Example 3.3.31‑1 SchoolGroupType
Example 3.3.32‑1 SchoolInfo
Example 3.3.33‑1 TTScope
Example 3.3.34‑1 TeachingGroup - 1
Example 3.3.34‑2 TeachingGroup - 2
Example 3.3.35‑1 TermInfo
Example 3.3.36‑1 TTRoom - 1
Example 3.3.36‑2 TTRoom - 2
Example 3.3.37‑1 TTSite
Example 3.3.38‑1 TTSubject - 1
Example 3.3.38‑2 TTSubject - 2
Example 3.3.39‑1 TTTeacher - 1
Example 3.3.39‑2 TTTeacher - 2
Example 3.3.40‑1 WorkforceAbsence
Example 3.3.41‑1 WorkforceAssignment
Example 3.3.42‑1 WorkforceAssignment
Example 3.3.43‑1 WorkforcePersonal

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