5 Infrastructure

This section presents the XML structure for Infrastructure common elements, messages and objects in a tabular format for readers less versed in parsing formal XML schema definitions.

The Char(acteristics) column for all of the tables in this section use the following codes:

Code Characteristic
M Mandatory element or attribute
O Optional element or attribute
C Conditional element or attribute
MR Mandatory and repeatable element
OR Optional and repeatable element
CR Conditional and repeatable element

Mandatory elements and attributes MUST be provided in the Infrastructure messages in which they appear. Infrastructure data objects (SIF_ZoneStatus, SIF_AgentACL) can be subject to SIF's request/response and event models; when impacted by these models (in a SIF_Event or in a SIF_Response), these objects follow the same conventions as listed in Data Model.

5.1 Common Elements

5.1.1 SIF_Message

The SIF_Message element is the root element of all SIF messages.

Figure 5.1.1-1: SIF_Message SIF_Message xmlns Version SIF_Ack SIF_Event SIF_Provide SIF_Provision SIF_Register SIF_Request SIF_Response SIF_Subscribe SIF_SystemControl SIF_Unprovide SIF_Unregister SIF_Unsubscribe SIF_ServiceInput SIF_ServiceOutput SIF_ServiceNotify

Contains one of the SIF message types.

choice of:


The xmlns attribute specifies the XML namespace for SIF messages. For this version of the specification, the value of this attribute MUST be http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x . This XML namespace value will remain the same until the next major release of SIF (3.0).

Note that one SIF_Message may be contained within another when a ZIS delivers a Pull-Mode Agent's next message in a SIF_Ack response to a SIF_GetMessage from the Pull-Mode Agent. If the default namespace specified for the child SIF_Message is the same as the default namespace of the parent SIF_Message, the xmlns attribute for the child message MAY be omitted.


The version of the SIF Implementation Specification that defines this message's XML structure. For this version of the specification, the value of this attribute is 2.4. This attribute can be used by ZIS and agent implementations to choose schema files to validate the message's XML.

Table 5.1.1-1: SIF_Message
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> ... </SIF_Message>
Example 5.1.1-2: SIF_Message

5.1.2 SIF_Header

SIF_Header is a common message header for all SIF messages.

Figure 5.1.2-1: SIF_Header SIF_HeaderDataModelType SIF_MsgId SIF_Timestamp SIF_Security SIF_SecureChannel SIF_AuthenticationLevel SIF_EncryptionLevel SIF_SourceId SIF_DestinationId SIF_Contexts

Header information associated with a message.


SIF_MsgId is a globally unique message identifier from the Agent or ZIS that sends out the message.


Timestamp of when the message was sent.


This element allows an originating agent to specify security requirements that the ZIS must ensure upon delivery of the message to recipient agents. SIF_Security is only examined and processed by a ZIS on SIF_Request, SIF_Response and SIF_Event messages. In this version of the specification, SIF_Security is ignored on all other messages; its use on other messages is reserved for future versions of this specification.


The originating agent uses this element to specify security requirements for the channel between the ZIS and any recipient agents at delivery time. The ZIS must ensure these requirements are met for this message when delivered to other agents.


The minimum level of authentication required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.


The minimum level of encryption required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.


The SIF_SourceId is the ID of the originator of the message. Each source needs to have a zone unique case-sensitive identifier.


This element represents the ID of the recipient of the message and may be present as follows:

SIF_Response messages MUST have this element set to the SIF_SourceId of the originator of the SIF_Request message. The ZIS will use this information to route the SIF_Response to the requesting agent.

SIF_Request messages MAY have this element set to the ID of a specific agent if the requesting agent wishes to direct the SIF_Request to a specific responder. If present, the ZIS will route the SIF_Request to the agent referenced in the element subject to the access control policies in effect for the zone.

This element SHOULD NOT be used in any other SIF Infrastructure messages. If the element is present, it will be ignored by the ZIS.


Contains each SIF Context that applies to the message. If omitted, the applicable context is SIF_Default. SIF_Context is repeatable for SIF_Events, not repeatable for SIF_Request or SIF_Response.

Table 5.1.2-1: SIF_Header
<SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T14:30:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>RamseyLIB</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header>
Example 5.1.2-1: SIF_Header
<SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T14:30:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header>
Example 5.1.2-2: SIF_Header
<SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330E</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-03-11T08:39:49-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_Security> <SIF_SecureChannel> <SIF_AuthenticationLevel>3</SIF_AuthenticationLevel> <SIF_EncryptionLevel>4</SIF_EncryptionLevel> </SIF_SecureChannel> </SIF_Security> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>RamseySIS</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header>
Example 5.1.2-3: SIF_Header

5.1.3 SIF_EncryptionLevel

The minimum level of encryption required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.

Figure 5.1.3-1: SIF_EncryptionLevel SIF_EncryptionLevel

The minimum level of encryption required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.

No encryption required
Symmetric key length of at least 40 bits is to be used
Symmetric key length of at least 56 bits is to be used
Symmetric key length of at least 80 bits is to be used
Symmetric key length of at least 128 bits is to be used
Table 5.1.3-1: SIF_EncryptionLevel

5.1.4 SIF_AuthenticationLevel

The minimum level of authentication required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.

Figure 5.1.4-1: SIF_AuthenticationLevel SIF_AuthenticationLevel

The minimum level of authentication required by the message originator to be considered a secure channel upon message delivery to other agents.

No authentication required and a valid certificate does not need to be presented.
A valid certificate must be presented.
A valid certificate from a trusted certificate authority must be presented.
A valid certificate from a trusted certificate authority must be presented and the CN field of the certificate's Subject entry must match the host sending the certificate.
Table 5.1.4-1: SIF_AuthenticationLevel

5.1.5 SIF_Contexts

A list of SIF contexts that applies to a message or operation. Typically where used as an optional element, the omission of this element implies the SIF_Default context applies.

Figure 5.1.5-1: SIF_Contexts SIF_Contexts SIF_Context

A list of SIF contexts that applies to a message or operation. Typically where used as an optional element, the omission of this element implies the SIF_Default context applies.

 SIF_ContextMR SIF_Context
Table 5.1.5-1: SIF_Contexts

5.1.6 SIF_Context

The name of a SIF Context that applies to a message or operation.

Figure 5.1.6-1: SIF_Context SIF_Context

The name of a SIF Context that applies to a message or operation.

Table 5.1.6-1: SIF_Context

5.1.7 SIF_Protocol

Contains protocol information regarding a ZIS or Agent.

Figure 5.1.7-1: SIF_Protocol SIF_Protocol Type Secure SIF_URL SIF_Property SIF_Name SIF_Value

Contains protocol information regarding a ZIS or Agent.


The type of protocol to use (HTTPS, HTTP or an implementation-defined protocol).

union of:


Whether the protocol provides a secure channel.


This element is required if the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP. It contains the https or http URL for contacting the agent.


May contain zero or more SIF_Property elements containing SIF_Name/SIF_Value pairs describing any protocol settings required to ensure proper communication.


Property name.


Property value.

Table 5.1.7-1: SIF_Protocol

5.1.8 SIF_Status

This element is used to signal a successful response.

Figure 5.1.8-1: SIF_Status SIF_Status SIF_Code SIF_Desc SIF_Data SIF_Message SIF_AgentACL SIF_ZoneStatus

This element is used to signal a successful response.

 SIF_CodeM InfrastructureStatusCodeType

An optional textual description/equivalent of SIF_Code.


Optional element to hold data related to a successful operation. This data is currently limited to a SIF_Message returned by the ZIS in response to a Pull-Mode Agent's SIF_GetMessage, SIF_AgentACL returned by the ZIS in response to SIF_Register and SIF_GetAgentACL, and SIF_ZoneStatus returned by the ZIS in response to SIF_GetZoneStatus.

choice of:

Table 5.1.8-1: SIF_Status

5.1.9 SIF_Error

This element is used to signal an unsuccessful response.

Figure 5.1.9-1: SIF_Error SIF_ErrorDataModelType SIF_Category SIF_Code SIF_Desc SIF_ExtendedDesc

This element is used to signal an unsuccessful response.

 SIF_CategoryM InfrastructureErrorCategoryType

See Error Codes.

union of:


A simple, easy to understand, description of the error. The primary consumer of this message is the application user. Example: "Unable to open database."


An optional error description that is more complete and technical in nature. It is to be used as a diagnostic message in trouble-shooting procedures. Example: "The 'Students' table is opened in exclusive mode by user 'ADM1' (dbm.cpp, line 300)."

Table 5.1.9-1: SIF_Error

5.1.10 SIF_Query

SIF's default query mechanism.
Figure 5.1.10-1: SIF_Query SIF_QueryDataModelType SIF_QueryObject ObjectName SIF_Element SIF_ConditionGroup Type SIF_Conditions Type SIF_Condition SIF_Element SIF_Operator SIF_Value SIF_Example
 SIF_Query SIF's default query mechanism.  

This is the object that is being queried for.


The actual name of the object that is being queried for.


Individual elements/attributes being requested of matching object. See SIF_Element Syntax below. If specified, only the elements/attributes requested are returned in the SIF_Response (with any parent elements/attributes); otherwise, all elements supported by the provider's object are returned.

Note that this is a means to filter or select a subset of elements/attributes from a matching object; specifying elements/attributes here that do not occur in or are not supported in a matching object does not exclude that matching object from being returned. Include any existing parent elements/attributes of the elements/attributes that are requested but not present.


Either SIF_ConditionGroup or SIF_Example may optionally be specified to present conditions matching objects should satisfy.

SIF_ConditionGroup represents the conditions that the queried object(s) must meet. If conditions are specified, only those objects that meet the conditions are returned; otherwise, all objects of the specified name are returned.


The Boolean operator for joining conditions (SIF_Conditions elements) within this element. Note that None should be used if there is only one SIF_Conditions element.


This construct allows for nested conditions.


The boolean operator for joining conditions (SIF_Condition elements) within this element. Note that None should be used if there is only one SIF_Condition element.


This element represents an individual condition.


This is the element/attribute being queried. See below for syntax.


The comparison operator for the condition.

Less Than
Greater Than
Less Than Or Equals
Greater Than Or Equals
Not Equals

SIF_Value is the data that is used to compare with the value of the element or attribute.


An example SIF object that serves as a template for matching objects. There is an implied EQ operator for every element/attribute value present and an implied And group of all resulting conditions. Currently this is an experimental feature and limited to use with select objects; wider use may be considered in future versions of this specification.

Table 5.1.10-1: SIF_Query SIF_ConditionGroup

The SIF_Query element may have a SIF_ConditionGroup element that may have one or more SIF_Conditions elements. A SIF_Conditions element may contain one or more SIF_Condition elements. Each SIF_Condition element defines a search criterion, which contains the following sub-elements.

<SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@LearnerPersonalRefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>9B004AC4F51E4867A2B3B4ED92F46DAE</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup>
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Request> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>1048576</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>PersonalInformation/Name/FamilyName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Smith</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> </SIF_Request> </SIF_Message>
Example SIF_ConditionGroup querying into an object SIF_Element Syntax

To reference individual elements/attributes in query criteria for objects, and in lists of individual elements/attributes to be returned from matching objects, SIF defines a path syntax which is based on a small subset of [XPath], for use in SIF_Element. Elements are specified by name (e.g. Name) and attributes are specified by name, prefixed with @ (e.g. @Type). Namespace prefixes may precede element/attribute names as necessary (e.g. @xml:lang) and reference the current prefix-to-namespace mappings within the XML of the request. To reference child elements or attributes of child elements, a path notation is used where each element/attribute in the path is separated by / (e.g. PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName , PersonalInformation/Name/@Type ). The object's element is the root element and is not included when referencing child elements (e.g. PersonalInformation/Name/FirstName , not LearnerPersonal/PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName ); no / is required when referencing attributes of the object itself (e.g. @RefId, not LearnerPersonal/@RefId) .

SIF_Condition/SIF_Element may also contain XPath predicates (e.g. [@Type='R] ) to allow for more precise matching, especially with regard to repeatable elements with "key" attributes. The following SIF_Condition would match object withs any GivenName of Cameron:

<SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Cameron</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition>

Using a predicate allows the requester to specifically query the person's name of record ( R ) vs. his/her previous, professional, current legal name, etc.

<SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>PersonalInformation/Name[@Type='R']/GivenName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>Cameron</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition>

Predicate expressions supported in SIF are limited to or, and, =, element/attribute names with optional prefixes and accessing nested elements/attributes using /.

5.1.11 SIF_ExtendedQuery

SIF's default query mechanism for SIF_Request, SIF_Query, has several limitations that limit its usefulness when creating reporting applications that process data from a SIF zone. SIF_Query is limited to matching only one object type per query, requiring applications to manually join together results as needed for reporting and general data processing. SIF_ExtendedQuery is designed to allow for joins on object identifiers/RefIds and to allow retrieval of data in a row/column fashion similar to SQL. Each returned column may contain hierarchical XML elements/objects. Providers and Responders in a Zone may support SIF_ExtendedQuery in addition to SIF_Query. Support for SIF_ExtendedQuery can be declared in and retrieved from the Zone is various Infrastructure messages and objects.

Note that matching rows are generated solely based on the SIF_From clause, with optional join criteria, optionally limited/filtered by the SIF_Where clause. If a repeatable element is requested as a column in SIF_Select, this does not generate multiple rows for each occurrence of matching elements; all elements are returned in the corresponding column within a single row.

Figure 5.1.11-1: SIF_ExtendedQuery SIF_ExtendedQueryDataModelType SIF_DestinationProvider SIF_Select Distinct RowCount SIF_Element Alias ObjectName SIF_From ObjectName SIF_Join Type SIF_JoinOn SIF_LeftElement ObjectName SIF_RightElement ObjectName SIF_Where SIF_ConditionGroup Type SIF_Conditions Type SIF_Condition SIF_Element ObjectName SIF_Operator SIF_Value SIF_OrderBy SIF_Element ObjectName Ordering

SIF's default query mechanism for SIF_Request, SIF_Query, has several limitations that limit its usefulness when creating reporting applications that process data from a SIF zone. SIF_Query is limited to matching only one object type per query, requiring applications to manually join together results as needed for reporting and general data processing. SIF_ExtendedQuery is designed to allow for joins on object identifiers/RefIds and to allow retrieval of data in a row/column fashion similar to SQL. Each returned column may contain hierarchical XML elements/objects. Providers and Responders in a Zone may support SIF_ExtendedQuery in addition to SIF_Query. Support for SIF_ExtendedQuery can be declared in and retrieved from the Zone is various Infrastructure messages and objects.

Note that matching rows are generated solely based on the SIF_From clause, with optional join criteria, optionally limited/filtered by the SIF_Where clause. If a repeatable element is requested as a column in SIF_Select, this does not generate multiple rows for each occurrence of matching elements; all elements are returned in the corresponding column within a single row.


If no SIF_DestinationId applies to the request and this element is supplied, the Requester specifies that the extended query be routed to the Provider on record for the given object name. If this element is omitted and no SIF_DestinationId applies to the request, the ZIS routes the request to the Provider on record for the object name in SIF_From.


Identifies which data elements/attribute are to be returned as columns in each matching row.


Specifies whether query results should return all rows (false) or just distinct ones (true). Rows are distinct if at least one column differs between them.


The maximum number of rows to return. If All, return all rows, otherwise return the top rows up to the maximum row count indicated.

union of:


additional values:


Indicates the element/attribute to return as a column. Contents can be left empty to return the whole object specified in ObjectName, or * can be designated to return all attributes and immediate child elements of the object specified in ObjectName, or SIF_Element Syntax can be specified, relative to the object specified in ObjectName. Requested attributes are to be returned as the text value of the corresponding attribute, elements as a copy of the XML element itself including attributes if they exist.


Optional caption for the column.


The name of the object from which to retrieve element/attributes.


Join specification for the query if more than one object is being queried. If only one object is being queried, specify it without the SIF_Join clause. This clause generates the matching rows returned, optionally limited/filtered by the SIF_Where clause. Each object referenced in the SIF_Select, SIF_Where and SIF_OrderBy clauses must be included here.


The name of the object to query.


Additional objects to query, with join conditions specifying the relationships between objects.


Type of relational join.


Specifies the conditions for the join.


Specifies the left-side element/attribute on which to constrain the join. Currently only support for keys/RefIds/RefId references is required.


Name of the object that contains the element/attribute.


Specifies right left-side element/attribute on which to constrain the join. Currently only support for keys/RefIds/RefId references is required.


Name of the object that contains the element/attribute.


Optionally specifies conditions to limit/filter rows resulting from the SIF_From clause.


Conditions that matching rows must meet.


The Boolean operator for joining conditions (SIF_Conditions elements) within this element. Note that None should be used if there is only one SIF_Conditions element.


This construct allows for nested conditions.


The boolean operator for joining conditions (SIF_Condition elements) within this element. Note that None should be used if there is only one SIF_Condition element.


This element represents an individual condition.


This is the element/attribute being queried.


The name of the object containing the element/attribute.


The comparison operator for the condition.

Less Than
Greater Than
Less Than Or Equals
Greater Than Or Equals
Not Equals

SIF_Value is the data that is used to compare with the value of the element or attribute.


An optional list of elements/attributes by which to sort the resulting rows.


Indicates the element/attribute by which to sort.


The name of the object containing the element/attribute.


Whether to order the element/attribute in ascending or descending order.

Table 5.1.11-1: SIF_ExtendedQuery
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="false" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example 5.1.11-2: Selecting all LearnerPersonal objects
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="false" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">*</SIF_Element> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example 5.1.11-4: Selecting all attributes and immediate child elements of LearnerPersonal as columns from all LearnerPersonal objects
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="false" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">PersonalInformation/Name/FamilyName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">PersonalInformation/Email</SIF_Element> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example 5.1.11-6: Selecting specific attributes and elements from all LearnerPersonal objects
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="true" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" Alias="Learner Entry Date">EntryDate</SIF_Element> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Join Type="Inner"> <SIF_JoinOn> <SIF_LeftElement ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">@RefId</SIF_LeftElement> <SIF_RightElement ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment">@LearnerPersonalRefId</SIF_RightElement> </SIF_JoinOn> </SIF_Join> </SIF_From> <SIF_Where> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="And"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment">@SchoolInfoRefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment">@MembershipType</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>C</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Where> <SIF_OrderBy> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" Ordering="Ascending">PersonalInformation/Name/FamilyName</SIF_Element> </SIF_OrderBy> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example 5.1.11-8: Selecting LearnerPersonal objects along with each learner's EntryDate from LearnerSchoolEnrolment for a specific school and other LearnerSchoolEnrolmnet values, sorted by learner's last name
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="false" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> <SIF_Element ObjectName="SchoolInfo">SchoolName</SIF_Element> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Join Type="Inner"> <SIF_JoinOn> <SIF_LeftElement ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">@RefId</SIF_LeftElement> <SIF_RightElement ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment">@LearnerPersonalRefId</SIF_RightElement> </SIF_JoinOn> </SIF_Join> <SIF_Join Type="Inner"> <SIF_JoinOn> <SIF_LeftElement ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment">@SchoolInfoRefId</SIF_LeftElement> <SIF_RightElement ObjectName="SchoolInfo">@RefId</SIF_RightElement> </SIF_JoinOn> </SIF_Join> </SIF_From> <SIF_Where> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>12345678901234567890123456789012</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Where> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example 5.1.11-10: Selecting a specific LearnerPersonal's LearnerSchoolEnrolment objects, along with the corresponding school name for each enrolment Mapping SIF_Query to SIF_ExtendedQuery

While there are differences in how matching objects are returned, note that all non-SIF_Example SIF_Query-based requests can be mapped to a corresponding SIF_ExtendedQuery-based request:

1 Place SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/@ObjectName in SIF_ExtendedQuery/SIF_From/@ObjectName.
2 If elements/attributes are specified in SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/SIF_Element, place them in SIF_ExtendedQuery/SIF_Select/SIF_Element with @ObjectName set to SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/@ObjectName. Otherwise in SIF_Select, specify an empty SIF_Element element with @ObjectName set to SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/@ObjectName.
3 If SIF_Query/SIF_ConditionGroup exists, place it in SIF_ExtendedQuery/SIF_Where setting @ObjectName to SIF_Query/SIF_QueryObject/@ObjectName in every occurrence of SIF_Element.
4 Set SIF_Select/@Distinct to false and SIF_Select/@RowCount to All.
Table Mapping SIF_Query to SIF_ExtendedQuery
<SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Element>PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Element>PersonalInformation/Name/FamilyName</SIF_Element> </SIF_QueryObject> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>F0F29E6AE742498D9CB91CBB3BE6890E</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query>
Example Input SIF_Query
<SIF_ExtendedQuery> <SIF_Select Distinct="false" RowCount="All"> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">PersonalInformation/Name/GivenName</SIF_Element> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">PersonalInformation/Name/FamilyName</SIF_Element> </SIF_Select> <SIF_From ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Where> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal">@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>F0F29E6AE742498D9CB91CBB3BE6890E</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Where> </SIF_ExtendedQuery>
Example Corresponding SIF_ExtendedQuery

5.1.12 SIF_ExtendedQueryResults

This element provides a wrapper for data returned in response to a SIF_ExtendedQuery. Used in SIF_Response and SIF_ReportObject.

Figure 5.1.12-1: SIF_ExtendedQueryResults SIF_ExtendedQueryResultsDataModelType SIF_ColumnHeaders SIF_Element ObjectName Alias xsi:type SIF_Rows R C

This element provides a wrapper for data returned in response to a SIF_ExtendedQuery. Used in SIF_Response and SIF_ReportObject.


Provides the element/attribute and caption information for each column supplied in SIF_ExtendedQuery. The order must correspond to the order of the elements as requested in SIF_ExtendedQuery.


The element/attribute specified for the column in SIF_ExtendedQuery.


The object in which the element/attribute occurs.


The caption for the column, if specified in SIF_ExtendedQuery.


Optionally allows type of column value to be explicitly communicated.


A list of matching rows resulting from the supplied SIF_ExtendedQuery. Note that the complete list of rows may span multiple SIF_Response messages, per the SIF_MaxBufferSize supplied in SIF_Request. If there are no matching rows, this is an empty list.


An individual matching row resulting from the supplied SIF_ExtendedQuery.


Contains the value of each column specified in SIF_ExtendedQuery/SIF_Select. The order of the columns must correspond to the order of the elements as requested in SIF_ExtendedQuery. Note the number of columns may be expanded from the requested columns if * is indicated one or more times in the SIF_Select clause.

Table 5.1.12-1: SIF_ExtendedQueryResults
<SIF_ExtendedQueryResults> <SIF_ColumnHeaders> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Element ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> <SIF_Element ObjectName="SchoolInfo">SchoolName</SIF_Element> </SIF_ColumnHeaders> <SIF_Rows> <R> <C> <LearnerPersonal RefId="12345678901234567890123456789012"> <!--...--> </LearnerPersonal> </C> <C> <LearnerSchoolEnrolment RefId="AED4AEF825284D7E9F082EBBEB1999FA" LearnerPersonalRefId="12345678901234567890123456789012" SchoolInfoRefId="AED4AEF825284D7E9F082EBBEBB12345" MembershipType="M"> <!--...--> </LearnerSchoolEnrolment> </C> <C> <SchoolName>SIFA High</SchoolName> </C> </R> <R> <C> <LearnerPersonal RefId="12345678901234567890123456789012"> <!--...--> </LearnerPersonal> </C> <C> <LearnerSchoolEnrolment RefId="AED4AEF825284D7E9F082EBBEB1999FA" LearnerPersonalRefId="12345678901234567890123456789012" SchoolInfoRefId="ED4AEF825284D7E9F082EBBEBB678902" MembershipType="G"> <!--...--> </LearnerSchoolEnrolment> </C> <C> <SchoolName>SIFA University</SchoolName> </C> </R> </SIF_Rows> </SIF_ExtendedQueryResults>
Example 5.1.12-2: SIF_ExtendedQueryResults

5.2 Messages

5.2.1 SIF_Ack

This message is used as an acknowledgement for infrastructure messages. All infrastructure messages will return a SIF_Ack as a result to indicate if the request was successful or not. A SIF_Ack must contain either a SIF_Status element acknowledging a successful result or a SIF_Error element describing the failure. The SIF_Error element contains a standardized error number as well as a description of the error.

A successful SIF_Ack is typically returned to the caller containing a SIF_Header, SIF_OriginalSourceId, SIF_OriginalMsgId and the SIF_Status element. In situations where additional information needs to be returned to the caller, a SIF_Data element can be added to the SIF_Status element.

In addition, successful SIF_Ack messages may also be sent to the ZIS under two conditions. The first is when a pull-mode agent requests that a message is to be removed from its queue. The second is when an agent which has invoked SMB wishes to end SMB handling. In that case, the agent sends a "Final" SIF_Ack to the ZIS. In each instance the ZIS returns a SIF_Ack in response to the agent's SIF_Ack message.

Figure 5.2.1-1: SIF_Ack SIF_Ack SIF_Header SIF_OriginalSourceId SIF_OriginalMsgId SIF_Status SIF_Error

This message is used as an acknowledgement to an infrastructure message.


Header information associated with this message.


The SIF_SourceId of the infrastructure message for which the SIF_Ack serves as a response.


The SIF_MsgId of the infrastructure message for which the SIF_Ack message serves as a response.


This element is used to signal a successful response.


This element is used to signal an unsuccessful response.

Table 5.2.1-1: SIF_Ack
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>AB1058CD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SifInfo_TestZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseyLib</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>1298ACEF3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>0</SIF_Code> <SIF_Data> <SIF_Message Version="2.4"> <SIF_Request> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:02-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>1048576</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>9B004AC4F51E4867A2B3B4ED92F46DAE</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> </SIF_Request> </SIF_Message> </SIF_Data> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.1-2: SIF_Ack Status Message
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>CD5087FE3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>1945CD783261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Error> <SIF_Category>3</SIF_Category> <SIF_Code>5</SIF_Code> <SIF_Desc>Sender's certificate is not trusted</SIF_Desc> <SIF_ExtendedDesc>Agent requires certificate issued by ISD11 CA</SIF_ExtendedDesc> </SIF_Error> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.1-4: SIF_Ack Error Message

5.2.2 SIF_Event

SIF_Event is used to deliver event objects as defined in SIF. Events represent the availability of a new data object, changes to, or deletions of data object.

Figure 5.2.2-1: SIF_Event SIF_Event SIF_Header SIF_ObjectData SIF_EventObject ObjectName Action

SIF_Event is used to deliver event objects as defined in SIF.


Header information associated with this message.


Contains the actual object (partial or whole) that is being added, changed or deleted.


This is the name of the object being added, changed or deleted.


This is the action associated with the object that is being conveyed by this SIF_Event.

Table 5.2.2-1: SIF_Event
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Event> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>AB34DC093261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_ObjectData> <SIF_EventObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" Action="Change"> <LearnerPersonal RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652"> <PersonalInformation> <PhoneNumber Type="H"> <Number>05598765432</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PersonalInformation> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_EventObject> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Event> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.2-2: SIF_Event Message with LearnerPersonal changes

5.2.3 SIF_Provide

The SIF_Provide message is used to attempt registering as the provider of one or more data objects.

Figure 5.2.3-1: SIF_Provide SIF_Provide SIF_Header SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts

The SIF_Provide message is used for advertising the provision of data objects.


Header information associated with this message.


This is the object that is being provided.


The actual name of the object that is being provided.


Whether or not the Agent supports SIF_ExtendedQuery for this object.


The contexts in which the object is being provided; if omitted, the context is SIF_Default.

Table 5.2.3-1: SIF_Provide
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Provide> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>34DC87FE3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_Provide> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.3-2: SIF_Provide

5.2.4 SIF_Provision

Once registered, this message allows an agent to announce to the ZIS the functionality the agent will provide. The ZIS compares the functionality to its access control list and either returns a failure or a success. Upon success, the ZIS performs an atomic update of its provide/subscribe database entries for the agent to match the objects listed in this message and atomically updates other stored settings for the agent. A ZIS must not allow an agent to perform operations that it did not successfully announce. Agents should be aware that if the access control list changes after a successful SIF_Provision, some operations may still be rejected with access control errors.

Figure 5.2.4-1: SIF_Provision SIF_Provision SIF_Header SIF_ProvideObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_SubscribeObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishAddObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishChangeObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishDeleteObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_RequestObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_RespondObjects SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_ProvideService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_RespondService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_RequestService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_Operations SIF_Operation SIF_SubscribeService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_Operations SIF_Operation

Once registered, this message allows an agent to announce to the ZIS the functionality the agent will provide. The ZIS compares the functionality to its access control list and either returns a failure or a success. Upon success, the ZIS performs an atomic update of its provide/subscribe database entries for the agent to match the objects listed in this message and atomically updates other stored settings for the agent. A ZIS must not allow an agent to perform operations that it did not successfully announce. Agents should be aware that if the access control list changes after a successful SIF_Provision, some operations may still be rejected with access control errors.


Header information associated with this message.


A list of objects an Agent wishes to provide.


The name of each object.


Whether or not SIF_ExtendedQuery is supported with regard to this object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects to which an Agent wishes to subscribe.


The name of each object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects for which an Agent wishes to publish Add events.


The name of each object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects for which an Agent wishes to publish Change events.


The name of each object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects for which an Agent wishes to publish Delete events.


The name of each object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects an Agent wishes to request.


The name of each object.


Optionally specify whether or not SIF_ExtendedQuery may be sent in requests for this object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of objects for which an Agent wishes to handle requests, whether or not it is the Provider for each object. Note that this list MUST include those objects specified in SIF_ProvideObjects.


The name of each object.


Whether or not SIF_ExtendedQuery is supported with regard to this object.


Applicable contexts for stated object support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of SIF Zone Services that the agent wishes to provide to the zone


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


Indicates that the agent desires to respond to directed requests for one or more services in the SIF Zone


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


Indicates that the agent will make service calls to the specified SIF Zone Service by sending a SIF_ServiceInput message. This is an optinal element that is used for allowing agents to report all of their expected activities within a zone. It is not used operationally within the zone, and failing to submit this element while provisioning will not prevent the agent from making service calls.


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


The agent is not required to specify which operations it will invoke on the specified SIF Zone Service. However, the agent can do so if it desires report all of the activity it does within a zone.


A specific method that the agent invokes the specified SIF Zone Service


Indicates that the agent desires to subscribe to one or more events emitted by the specified service


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


If SIF_Operations is not present, then the agent desires to subscribe to all events emitted by the service within the given context


A specific event that the agent desires to subscribe to

Table 5.2.4-1: SIF_Provision
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Provision> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A10F92EB649F4A648B5BFC44C7FD965C</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-18T11:23:11-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_ProvideObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_ProvideObjects> <SIF_SubscribeObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="PersonPicture" /> </SIF_SubscribeObjects> <SIF_PublishAddObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_PublishAddObjects> <SIF_PublishChangeObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_PublishChangeObjects> <SIF_PublishDeleteObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_PublishDeleteObjects> <SIF_RequestObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="PersonPicture" /> </SIF_RequestObjects> <SIF_RespondObjects> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment" /> </SIF_RespondObjects> </SIF_Provision> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.4-2: SIF_Provision

5.2.5 SIF_Register

SIF_Register is the message for registering an agent with a ZIS. An agent must be registered before it sends out other SIF messages. SIF_Register serves to provide the ZIS with the sender's identification information as well as to provide the information that the ZIS will need to contact this agent, should it register in Push mode.

Once a sender registers in the ZIS with the SIF_Register message, the sender can use the SIF_SourceId value in the header of all other outgoing messages as its identification. It is not necessary to send a SIF_Register message each time your agent starts up but it is not an error to do so. If there are any blocked events in the Agent's queue when a ZIS receives the SIF_Register message, the blocks will be removed.

Figure 5.2.5-1: SIF_Register SIF_Register SIF_Header SIF_Name SIF_Version SIF_MaxBufferSize SIF_Mode SIF_Protocol SIF_NodeVendor SIF_NodeVersion SIF_Application SIF_Vendor SIF_Product SIF_Version SIF_Icon

SIF_Register is the message for registering an agent with a ZIS.


Header information associated with this message.


This is the descriptive name of the agent that is registering (i.e. Ramsey Media Center).


Specifies the SIF Implementation Specification version(s) defining messages the agent can receive. If the ZIS cannot communicate in this format, it should reject the request.

The format of SIF_Version values can be found in Version Numbers. In a SIF_Register message, an individual SIF_Version element may also contain the following wildcards:

* - Any SIF version

<major version>.* - Any minor version plus revisions within a major version (e.g., 1.*)

<major version>.<minor version><r>* - Any revision within a minor version (e.g., 1.1r*)

Note: As wildcarding was first introduced in version 1.1 of the specification, 1.* does not match versions 1.0, 1.0r1 or 1.0r2. 1.1 or later agents that register with 1.* and wish to also receive messages from pre-1.1 agents must include SIF_Version element(s) with the supported pre-1.1 versions.


Specifies the maximum size of a packet to be returned by the ZIS. The ZIS may return packets smaller than, or equal to, the maximum value.


Specifies the communication mode (Pull or Push) as chosen by the message sender.


If SIF_Mode is Push, SIF_Protocol contains protocol information for contacting the agent in Push mode. A Pull-mode agent does not need to send SIF_Protocol; if received, a ZIS ignores it.


The vendor of the SIF agent.


The agent version number. The format of this field is undefined, but it should match the format used in the agent's conformance statement, if the agent is SIF Certified.



Contains information about the vendor of the product that the agent represents.


The name of the company of the product that this agent supports.


The name of the product that this agent supports.


The version of the product. This field is informative only.


HTTP URL referencing an icon for graphical representation of the application/agent. Should range from 16x16 pixels to 128x128 pixels and be of an image MIME type commonly supported by Web browsers (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF). Agents may optionally follow the more restrictive guidelines at [FAVICON].

Table 5.2.5-1: SIF_Register
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Register> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>14BA09653261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-06:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>AcmeAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Name>Acme Agent for WAP 2.x</SIF_Name> <SIF_Version>2.4</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>524288</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Mode>Push</SIF_Mode> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTPS" Secure="Yes"> <SIF_URL>https://AcmeHost:8030/StudentAdmin</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> <SIF_NodeVersion></SIF_NodeVersion> <SIF_Application> <SIF_Vendor>Acme Consulting</SIF_Vendor> <SIF_Product>Web Administration Portal 5.x</SIF_Product> <SIF_Version>5.1.2</SIF_Version> </SIF_Application> </SIF_Register> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.5-2: SIF_Register

5.2.6 SIF_Request

This message is used to request information in SIF data objects from other SIF nodes. It optionally specifies the query criteria with which to match objects, as well as an optional subset of elements to be returned for matching objects.

Figure 5.2.6-1: SIF_Request SIF_Request SIF_Header SIF_Version SIF_MaxBufferSize SIF_Query SIF_ExtendedQuery

SIF_Request is used to request information in SIF data objects from other SIF nodes.


Header information associated with this message.


Specifies which SIF Implementation Specification version should be used when returning the response data; wildcards are allowed. The responding agent SHOULD return data using the highest version it supports that falls within the specified versions.


Specifies the maximum size of a response packet to be returned to the requester. The responder may return packets smaller than, or equal to, the maximum value. To guarantee delivery of response packets, requesting agents must not specify a SIF_MaxBufferSize greater than its registered SIF_Register/SIF_MaxBufferSize.


Either SIF_Query or SIF_ExtendedQuery must be specified, which contain the criteria to be used to match response objects.

 SIF_ExtendedQueryC SIF_ExtendedQuery
Table 5.2.6-1: SIF_Request
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Request> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>A3E90785EFDA330DACB00785EFDA330D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>1048576</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Query> <SIF_QueryObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_ConditionGroup Type="None"> <SIF_Conditions Type="None"> <SIF_Condition> <SIF_Element>@RefId</SIF_Element> <SIF_Operator>EQ</SIF_Operator> <SIF_Value>9B004AC4F51E4867A2B3B4ED92F46DAE</SIF_Value> </SIF_Condition> </SIF_Conditions> </SIF_ConditionGroup> </SIF_Query> </SIF_Request> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.6-2: SIF_Request

5.2.7 SIF_Response

SIF_Response is used to respond to a SIF_Request message. A response may span multiple SIF_Response messages.

Figure 5.2.7-1: SIF_Response SIF_Response SIF_Header SIF_RequestMsgId SIF_PacketNumber SIF_MorePackets SIF_Error SIF_ObjectData SIF_ExtendedQueryResults

SIF_Response is used to respond to a SIF_Request message.


Header information associated with this message. The SIF_DestinationId needs to be the SIF_SourceId of the original SIF_Request message being processed.


This is the message ID of the SIF_Request message being processed. It provides a unique match between a SIF_Response and a previous SIF_Request. Since the ID of each message from an agent is unique, the receiver of a SIF_Response message will be able to relate the SIF_Response to a SIF_Request that it sent out previously.


This element represents the index of the SIF_Response message in the sequence of packets that make up a complete response. Its value must be in the range of 1 through n, with n equal to the total number of packets that make up a response.

The receiver of a SIF_Response message, with the help of the SIF_MorePackets and SIF_PacketNumber element in each incoming SIF_Response message, will be able to interpret and process each SIF_Response as part of a complete response to a previous SIF_Request.


This element provides an indication as to whether there are more packets besides this one to make up a complete response.

The necessity of this element stems from the requirement on an agent to break response data to fit into the SIF_MaxBufferSize provided in the SIF_Request. Agents may also break response data into multiple packets for the benefit of improving performance or for circumventing limitations of the underlying network infrastructure.

When this element's value is equal to No, it is an indication from the sender to the receiver that it has already sent out all the packets that make up a complete response for a SIF_Request as indicated by the SIF_RequestMsgId element.


The responder returns SIF_Error, SIF_ObjectData or SIF_ExtendedQueryResults.

This element allows the Responder to report an error condition that occurs while processing the SIF_Request.

If a SIF_Error element is present, the requesting agent must not expect to receive further SIF_Responses to the SIF_Request.


The SIF_ObjectData element contains the data objects matching the supplied criteria in the SIF_Request message if the SIF_Request contained SIF_Query. If the SIF_Request contained SIF_ExtendedQuery, include SIF_ExtendedQueryResults.


This element contains the elements requested by SIF_ExtendedQuery in SIF_Request.

Table 5.2.7-1: SIF_Response
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Response> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1BCD10580EF250789012AC0554321EA2</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SISAgent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>NetworkAgent</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_RequestMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A319059376B3A4898</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_ObjectData> <LearnerPersonal RefId="E3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA00184753"> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="R"> <FamilyName>Johnson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Alicia</GivenName> </Name> </PersonalInformation> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Response> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.7-2: Sample single-packet SIF_Response to a SIF_Request for the Name element from a LearnerPersonal object
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Response> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>322925BC9818433E8090D5110EE61DA3</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-04-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SISAgent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>NetworkAgent</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_RequestMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>Yes</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_ObjectData> <LearnerPersonal RefId="E3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA00184753"> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="R"> <FamilyName>Johnson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Alicia</GivenName> </Name> </PersonalInformation> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Response> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.7-4: SIF_Response (first packet)
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Response> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>322925BC9818433E8090D51256786BC9</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-04-18T08:39:49-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SISAgent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>NetworkAgent</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_RequestMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>2</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_ObjectData> <LearnerPersonal RefId="E3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA00184753"> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="R"> <FamilyName>Johnson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Alicia</GivenName> </Name> </PersonalInformation> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Response> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.7-6: SIF_Response (second packet)
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Response> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>F557D40A1367455E9F01DED76E29260C</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-04-18T08:43:08-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SISAgent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>NetworkAgent</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_RequestMsgId>971D7C7EF2684C7081A7765BF89FAD14</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_ObjectData /> </SIF_Response> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.7-8: SIF_Response with no matching objects

5.2.8 SIF_Subscribe

This message is used to subscribe to event objects that are contained in this message.

Figure 5.2.8-1: SIF_Subscribe SIF_Subscribe SIF_Header SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts

This message is used to subscribe to event objects that are contained in this message.


Header information associated with this message.


The actual name of the object that is being subscribed to. All valid SIF_Events for this object will be routed to the subscriber.


The contexts to which the subscription applies; if omitted, the context is SIF_Default.

Table 5.2.8-1: SIF_Subscribe
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Subscribe> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>AB2065FD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="WorkforcePersonal" /> </SIF_Subscribe> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.8-2: SIF_Subscribe

5.2.9 SIF_SystemControl

A SIF_SystemControl message is designed to control the flow of data between an agent and ZIS or vice-versa, and to synchronously retrieve data available from the ZIS. The SIF_SystemControl message is a container for a number of specialized control messages. SIF_SystemControl messages are handled immediately by receivers and are not persisted in a message queue for later delivery.

Figure 5.2.9-1: SIF_SystemControl SIF_SystemControl SIF_Header SIF_SystemControlData SIF_Ping SIF_Sleep SIF_Wakeup SIF_GetMessage SIF_GetZoneStatus SIF_GetAgentACL SIF_CancelRequests

This message is designed to control the flow of data an agent and ZIS or vice-versa, and to synchronously retrieve data available from the ZIS.


Header information associated with this message.


This element holds the sub-message being sent.

choice of:

Table 5.2.9-1: SIF_SystemControl
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>C332B8A9DFA5480AB89B6B6F62BE57B3</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-12-27T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_Ping /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.9-2: SIF_SystemControl

5.2.10 SIF_Ping

SIF_Ping is sent to detect if a ZIS or push-mode agent is ready to receive and process messages.

Figure 5.2.10-1: SIF_Ping SIF_Ping

This sub-message detects if an a Push-Mode Agent or ZIS is ready to receive and process messages.

Table 5.2.10-1: SIF_Ping
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>C332B8A9DFA5480AB89B6B6F62BE57B3</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-12-27T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_Ping /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.10-2: SIF_Ping
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>AE9E2BD747B94F4D8545E41F482854C8</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T14:23:20-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>9812ABFD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>1</SIF_Code> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.10-4: SIF_SystemControl—SIF_Ping ("Okay" status)
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>3C11DFF1451C4E9A8A1F07E03C1D7FBB</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T14:24:31-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>9812ABFD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>8</SIF_Code> <SIF_Desc>Receiver is sleeping</SIF_Desc> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.10-6: SIF_SystemControl—SIF_Ping ("Receiver is sleeping" status)
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1594A3B29DD34786B5EA77998899F49F</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T14:24:31-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>9812ABFD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Error> <SIF_Category>10</SIF_Category> <SIF_Code>4</SIF_Code> <SIF_Desc>Unable to establish connection</SIF_Desc> <SIF_ExtendedDesc>Error 10061: Connection refused</SIF_ExtendedDesc> </SIF_Error> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.10-8: SIF_SystemControl—SIF_Ping (Transport error returned)

5.2.11 SIF_Sleep

The SIF_Sleep message allows an agent to notify a ZIS or a ZIS to notify a push-mode agent that it must not send any more messages to the sender of the SIF_Sleep. After the sender receives a SIF_Ack indicating that the message was received, the receiver must not send any further messages to the sender.

This message provides the ability to signal an agent or ZIS that the sender will be unable to process further messages until some time in the future. Reasons for sending a SIF_Sleep message include the sender is unable to process more data because of limited resources (i.e. disk storage, network bandwidth, etc.), or the sender is being temporarily shutdown and will be unable to receive messages.

Since the sender may send a SIF_Sleep message for a variety of reasons, if the receiver sends messages after a SIF_Sleep message but prior to receiving a SIF_Wakeup or SIF_Register message from the sender, an error must be returned. A transport error will occur or be returned if a connection cannot be established with the sender, or the sender may choose to receive the connection but return an error.

If the sender is an agent, the ZIS will continue to hold any messages for the agent in the queue but the ZIS will not send those messages until a SIF_Wakeup (or SIF_Register) message is received. If an agent is processing a message requiring additional SIF_Requests to be sent to the ZIS and a SIF_Sleep message is received from the ZIS, the agent will not be able to retrieve the additional data. The agent must abort the processing of the message and only attempt to process the message after receiving a SIF_Wakeup message from the ZIS.

An agent or ZIS is not required to be able to send SIF_Sleep messages. However, if an agent or ZIS has the ability to send a SIF_Sleep, it must also be able to send a SIF_Wakeup. Although the sending of SIF_Sleep is optional, an agent or ZIS must always be able to process and respond appropriately to these messages if received.

Figure 5.2.11-1: SIF_Sleep SIF_Sleep

This sub-message tells a receiver not to send any more messages to the sender.

Table 5.2.11-1: SIF_Sleep
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1594A3B29DD34786B5EA77998899F49F</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T14:28:19-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_Sleep /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.11-2: SIF_Sleep
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>9F5167FA5CA848F99EB27544B314AF4D</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T14:29:09-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>1594A3B29DD34786B5EA77998899F49F</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>1</SIF_Code> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.11-4: SIF_Ack with "Okay" status in response to SIF_Sleep

5.2.12 SIF_Wakeup

When the "sleeping" agent or ZIS is ready to resume message processing, it will send a SIF_Wakeup message. This will signal the receiver that the sender is now able to process messages. Sending a SIF_Wakeup message without a previous SIF_Sleep message is permissible and is not considered an error.

If there are any blocked events in the Agent's queue when a ZIS receives the SIF_Wakeup message, the blocks will be removed.

Since a ZIS may choose to stop sending messages to an agent if a connection cannot be made with that agent, it is recommended that an agent send a SIF_Wakeup message to the ZIS upon agent startup.

An agent or ZIS is not required to be able to send SIF_Wakeup messages. Although the sending of SIF_Wakeup is optional, an agent or ZIS must always be able to process and respond to these messages correctly if received.

Figure 5.2.12-1: SIF_Wakeup SIF_Wakeup

This message tells a receiver that the sender is able to process messages.

Table 5.2.12-1: SIF_Wakeup
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>715A32E026B0495A826DF84E821949BD</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:34:22-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_Wakeup /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.12-2: SIF_Wakeup
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>5631E28868E3482EAA51B6CDE4145957</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:34:48-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>715A32E026B0495A826DF84E821949BD</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>1</SIF_Code> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.12-4: SIF_Ack with an "Okay" status in response to SIF_Wakeup SIF_Sleep/SIF_Wakeup versus SIF_Register/SIF_Unregister

Using the SIF_Wakeup message is the preferred method of communicating that an agent or ZIS is ready to process messages. This is preferable over the use of a SIF_Register message because a SIF_Register message specifies protocol information while the SIF_Sleep/SIF_Wakeup pair communicates flow control information. However, when a SIF_Register message is processed, the receiver must behave like a SIF_Wakeup message was also received.

It is important to note that while SIF_Sleep and SIF_Wakeup are opposites of one another, this is not the case with SIF_Register and SIF_Unregister. This is because a SIF_Unregister command removes essential agent configuration information such as the provision and subscription lists, which will not be specified by a subsequent SIF_Register command. (SIF_Unregister also causes any messages pending delivery to the agent to be purged from the agent's queue.) In other words, a SIF_Register alone will not reverse the effects of a SIF_Unregister.

5.2.13 SIF_GetMessage

The SIF_GetMessage message provides the mechanism for an agent to pull message from a ZIS. An agent sends a SIF_GetMessage and the ZIS returns the next available message, subject to Selective Message Blocking, wrapped in a SIF_Ack with a SIF_Status/SIF_Code of 0 and the message in the SIF_Status/SIF_Data element. If there are no messages to be returned, the ZIS returns a value of 9 in SIF_Status/SIF_Code.

If an agent is not registered with a mode of Pull the ZIS will return a SIF_Ack with an error category of Registration and an error code indicating the agent is registered in Push mode.

Figure 5.2.13-1: SIF_GetMessage SIF_GetMessage

This message tells the ZIS to return the first available message to the agent, subject to Selective Message Blocking.

Table 5.2.13-1: SIF_GetMessage
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>B0E80A74265A4A75ADDC0ECC50AEF737</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:54:32-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_GetMessage /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.13-2: SIF_GetMessage
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>9861A45AAC364607938A7DB440514DDF</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:54:42-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>B0E80A74265A4A75ADDC0ECC50AEF737</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>0</SIF_Code> <SIF_Data> <SIF_Message Version="2.4"> <SIF_Event> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>AB34DC093261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:40:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_ObjectData> <SIF_EventObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" Action="Change"> <LearnerPersonal RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652"> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="R"> <GivenName>William</GivenName> </Name> </PersonalInformation> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_EventObject> </SIF_ObjectData> </SIF_Event> </SIF_Message> </SIF_Data> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.13-4: SIF_Ack in response to SIF_GetMessage
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>9861A45AAC364607938A7DB440514DDF</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T15:54:42-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>B0E80A74265A4A75ADDC0ECC50AEF737</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>9</SIF_Code> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.13-6: SIF_Ack in response to SIF_GetMessage (no message in queue)

5.2.14 SIF_GetZoneStatus

The SIF_GetZoneStatus message provides the agent with the ability to synchronously retrieve the current status of the zone, by-passing the asynchronous nature of retrieving the zone status by sending a SIF_Request for SIF_ZoneStatus and waiting for the arrival of the SIF_ZoneStatus response at the top of its queue. Agents may also use the asynchronous model for requesting SIF_ZoneStatus, if and when desired.

Figure 5.2.14-1: SIF_GetZoneStatus SIF_GetZoneStatus

This message tells the ZIS to return the current SIF_ZoneStatus in a SIF_Ack.

Table 5.2.14-1: SIF_GetZoneStatus
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>91401B5073F54AB1AEBC63E51764C77A</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T16:09:54-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_GetZoneStatus /> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.14-2: SIF_GetZoneStatus
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Ack> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>C4BF5F868EEC4A41AF7DAF316C4E89DC</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-10-14T16:10:42-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_OriginalSourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_OriginalSourceId> <SIF_OriginalMsgId>91401B5073F54AB1AEBC63E51764C77A</SIF_OriginalMsgId> <SIF_Status> <SIF_Code>0</SIF_Code> <SIF_Data> <SIF_ZoneStatus ZoneId="SIFExampleZone">...</SIF_ZoneStatus> </SIF_Data> </SIF_Status> </SIF_Ack> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.14-4: SIF_Ack containing SIF_ZoneStatus

5.2.15 SIF_GetAgentACL

The SIF_GetAgentACL message provides the agent with the ability to synchronously retrieve its Access Control List permissions in the Zone via SIF_AgentACL. Agents may also use the asynchronous model of SIF_Request for requesting SIF_AgentACL, if and when desired.

Figure 5.2.15-1: SIF_GetAgentACL SIF_GetAgentACL

This message tells the ZIS to return the Agent's ACL permissions in a SIF_Ack.

Table 5.2.15-1: SIF_GetAgentACL

5.2.16 SIF_CancelRequests

The SIF_SystemControl—SIF_CancelRequests message allows an Agent or ZIS to notify a ZIS or Push-Mode Agent, respectively, that the specified SIF_Requests should be cancelled, whether pending or in process. Handling by a Push-Mode Agent is optional; if unsupported, the Agent returns a Generic Message Handling error upon receipt of the SIF_SystemControl message, error code "Message not supported."

Figure 5.2.16-1: SIF_CancelRequests SIF_CancelRequests SIF_NotificationType SIF_RequestMsgIds SIF_RequestMsgId

This sub-message asks a receiver (ZIS or Push-Mode Agent) to cancel the specified SIF_Requests, pending or in process.

 SIF_NotificationTypeM values:
ZIS will send a "final" SIF_Response for each cancelled SIF_Request.
No further SIF_Responses for these requests will be placed in the Agent's queue.
 SIF_RequestMsgIdsM The list of SIF_Requests to cancel.  List
MR This is the SIF_MsgId of the SIF_Request message being cancelled.  MsgIdType
Table 5.2.16-1: SIF_CancelRequests
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_SystemControl> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>C332B8A9DFA5480AB89B6B6F62BE57B3</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-12-27T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>AcmeAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_SystemControlData> <SIF_CancelRequests> <SIF_NotificationType>None</SIF_NotificationType> <SIF_RequestMsgIds> <SIF_RequestMsgId>C332B8A9DFA5480AB89B6B6F62BE57B3</SIF_RequestMsgId> <SIF_RequestMsgId>1058ABCDE028D076F08365109BE7C892</SIF_RequestMsgId> </SIF_RequestMsgIds> </SIF_CancelRequests> </SIF_SystemControlData> </SIF_SystemControl> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.16-2: SIF_CancelRequests

5.2.17 SIF_CancelServiceInputs

The SIF_SystemControl message is already part of the SIF Infrastructure. This messages allows for synchronous communication between an agent and a ZIS. The SIF_SystemControl - SIF_CancelServiceInputs allows an agent or ZIS to notify the other party that the specified SIF_ServiceInput should be cancelled.

Figure 5.2.17-1: SIF_CancelServiceInputs SIF_CancelServiceInputs SIF_NotificationType SIF_ServiceMsgIds SIF_ServiceMsgId

The SIF_SystemControl message is already part of the SIF Infrastructure. This messages allows for synchronous communication between an agent and a ZIS. The SIF_SystemControl - SIF_CancelServiceInputs allows an agent or ZIS to notify the other party that the specified SIF_ServiceInput should be cancelled.

 SIF_NotificationTypeM values:
ZIS will send a "final" SIF_ServiceOutput for each cancelled SIF_ServiceInput.
No further SIF_ServiceOutputs for these requests will be placed in the Agent's queue.
 SIF_ServiceMsgIdsM The list of SIF_ServiceInputs to cancel.  List
MR This is the SIF_ServiceMsgId of the SIF_ServiceInput message being cancelled.  MsgIdType
Table 5.2.17-1: SIF_CancelServiceInputs
Example 5.2.17-1: SIF_CancelServiceInputs

5.2.18 SIF_Unprovide

This message performs the opposite function of SIF_Provide. It removes the message sender as a provider of the data objects contained in this message.

Figure 5.2.18-1: SIF_Unprovide SIF_Unprovide SIF_Header SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts

This message performs the opposite function of SIF_Provide.


Header information associated with this message.


This is the object that is being removed from the provider list.


The actual name of the object that is being removed.


The contexts from which the object is being removed; if omitted, the context is SIF_Default.

Table 5.2.18-1: SIF_Unprovide
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Unprovide> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>76EFAB543261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="WorkforcePersonal" /> </SIF_Unprovide> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.18-2: SIF_Unprovide

5.2.19 SIF_Unregister

This message allows an agent to remove any association it has with the ZIS. By sending this message, the ZIS will remove all provisions and subscriptions it maintains for the sender and discards any messages pending for the agent.

Figure 5.2.19-1: SIF_Unregister SIF_Unregister SIF_Header

This message is used to unregister an agent from a Zone.


Header information contained in the message.

Table 5.2.19-1: SIF_Unregister
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Unregister> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1057FABD3261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyFOOD</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_Unregister> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.19-2: SIF_Unregister

5.2.20 SIF_Unsubscribe

This message performs the opposite function of SIF_Subscribe. It removes the message sender as a subscriber to the SIF_Events contained in this message.

Figure 5.2.20-1: SIF_Unsubscribe SIF_Unsubscribe SIF_Header SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts

This message is used to unsubscribe from SIF_Events.


Header information associated with this message.


The actual name of the object from which the agent should be unsubscribed. Events pertaining to this object published after successful unsubscription will no longer be queued for delivery to the agent. Events already queued for delivery to the agent prior to unsubscription will be delivered.


The applicable contexts; if omitted, the context is SIF_Default.

Table 5.2.20-1: SIF_Unsubscribe
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_Unsubscribe> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>101AE3703261545A31905937B265CE01</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T20:39:12-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyFOOD</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal" /> <SIF_Object ObjectName="WorkforcePersonal" /> </SIF_Unsubscribe> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.20-2: SIF_Unsubscribe

5.2.21 SIF_ServiceInput

This message is used to invoke a method that is exposed by a SIF Zone Service.

The SIF Zone Service specification may state that multiple SIF_ServiceInput messages may be sent to comprise a single invocation of a zone service method. If this is the case, the must be packetized using the following rules.

When an agent is creating SIF_ServiceInput packets, it MUST attempt to ensure that each packet is no larger than the maximum SIF_MaxBufferSize supported by the service. The default SIF_MaxBufferSize for any SIF Zone service is 64k. Each SIF_ServiceInput message be packetized using a maximum 64K to a SIF Zone Service by a service client (agent). A higher buffer size MAY be used only if the service client (agent) has verified that the service can accept a higher buffer size.

The size of a SIF_ServiceInput message SHOULD be less than or equal 65,536 bytes, unless one of the following is true:

  1. The SIF Zone Service is defined as requiring a larger buffer size for unsolicited messages. If this is the case, the SIF Specification for the SIF Zone service specifies the SIF_MaxBufferSize that is defined for this service. If that is the case, then the size specified in the SIF Zone Service definition becomes the maximum allowable buffer size.
  2. The service client has determined that a higher buffer size is supported by the publisher of the service, either through static configuration by the zone administrator or dynamically at runtime by examination of SIF_ZoneStatus.

If one or more SIF_ServiceInput packets have been sent by the service client, the following rules apply:

  1. If a single subsequent packet does not fit within the define SIF_MaxBufferSize, the agent MUST, in addition to acknowledging receipt of the message to the ZIS, send a SIF_ServiceInput message to the service with the SIF_Error element populated to indicate the nature of the error, and the SIF_MorePackets element set to indicate that no further packets will be sent in for the SIF_ServiceInput.
  2. If the service client encounters an error and is unable to continue sending SIF_ServiceInput packets, the service client SHOULD send a final SIF_ServiceInput message to the service with the SIF_Error element populated to indicate the nature of the error, and the SIF_MorePackets element set to indicate that no further packets will be sent in for the SIF_ServiceInput.

The SIF_ServiceInput message also contains SIF_Version elements that specify which SIF versions the responding agent should use when preparing the response packets.

Figure 5.2.21-1: SIF_ServiceInput SIF_ServiceInput SIF_Header SIF_Service SIF_Operation SIF_ServiceMsgId SIF_Version SIF_MaxBufferSize SIF_PacketNumber SIF_MorePackets SIF_Error SIF_Body

SIF_ServiceInput is used to invoke a method that is exposed by a SIF Zone Service.


Header information associated with this message.


The name of the SIF Zone Service that is being invoked.


This is the name of the service operation that is being invoked.


The unique ID of this service request invocation. Multiple SIF_ServiceInput packets may be sent with this same SIF_ServiceMsgId


Specifies which SIF Specification version should be used when returning the response data. If a responder cannot return response data in this format, it should reject the SIF_ServiceInput. It is recommended that clients use a wildcard version for the “minor” portion of the version, such as "2.*".

This element is mandatory for the first SIF_ServiceInput packet (SIF_PacketNumber is set to "1"). For subsequent packets, it is not required, and should be ignored, if present, for packets other than the first packet.


Specifies the maximum size of a response packet to be returned to the requester. The responder may return packets smaller than, or equal to, the maximum value. If the maximum size is too small to contain a single whole response object, the responder should reject the SIF_ServiceInput. To guarantee delivery of response packets, requesting agents must not specify a SIF_MaxBufferSize greater than its registered SIF_Register/SIF_MaxBufferSize.

This element is mandatory for the first SIF_ServiceInput packet (SIF_PacketNumber is set to "1"). For subsequent packets, it is not required, and should be ignored, if present, for packets other than the first packet.


This element represents the index of the SIF_ServiceInput message in the sequence of packets that make up a complete response. Its value must be in the range of 1 through n, with n equal to the total number of packets that make up a response.

The receiver of a SIF_ServiceInput message, with the help of the SIF_MorePackets and SIF_PacketNumber element in each incoming SIF_ServiceOutput message, will be able to interpret and process each SIF_ServiceInput as part of a complete invocation of a SIF Zone Service Operation.


This element provides an indication as to whether there are more packets besides this one to make up a complete service request. The value of this element can only be "Yes" or "No".

The necessity of this element stems from the requirement on an agent to break service response data into multiple packets to fit into the SIF_MaxBufferSize that has been registered by the service. Agents may also break response data into multiple packets for the benefit of improving performance or for circumventing limitations of the underlying network infrastructure.

When this element's value is equal to "No", it is an indication from the sender to the receiver that it has already sent out all the packets that make up a complete SIF_ServiceInput as indicated by the SIF_ServiceMsgId element.


The agent creates either a SIF_Error or SIF_Body element. The SIF_Error element allows the agent that is invoking the service to report an error condition that occurs while creating the SIF_ServiceInput. Reporting a SIF_Error in SIF_ServiceInput is normally only expected if one or more packets have already been sent so that the receiving agent is aware that an error has occurred that will halt the service invocation message packets. However, a SIF Zone Service definition may define other valid reasons for sending a SIF_Error as the first packet of a SIF_ServiceInput message.

If a SIF_Error element is present, the service must not expect to receive further SIF_ServiceInput messagest.


SIF_Body contains a single child element that has the same name as the value of the SIF_Operation element. The structure of this element is defined by the XML Schema that is defined for the Service.

Table 5.2.21-1: SIF_ServiceInput
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_ServiceInput> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1BCD10580EF250789012AC0554321EA2</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>SISAgent</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>NetworkAgent</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Service>WeatherService</SIF_Service> <SIF_Operation>GetForecast</SIF_Operation> <SIF_ServiceMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A319059376B3A4898</SIF_ServiceMsgId> <SIF_Version>2.*</SIF_Version> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>1048576</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_Body> <GetForecast> <PostalCode>55544</PostalCode> </GetForecast> </SIF_Body> </SIF_ServiceInput> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.21-2: Example 1 - Simple SIF_ServiceInput

5.2.22 SIF_ServiceOutput

SIF_ServiceOutput is used to respond to a SIF_ServiceInput message. A SIF_ServiceOutput message stream may consist of multiple packets. Each packet consists of a single service element, as defined by the service, contained as a child of the SIF_Body element.

When an agent is creating SIF_ServiceOutput packets, it MUST attempt to ensure that each packet is no larger than the SIF_MaxBufferSize specified by the SIF_ServiceInput If for any packet a single packet does fit within the supplied SIF_MaxBufferSize, the agent MUST, in addition to acknowledging receipt of the message to the ZIS, send a SIF_ServiceOutput message to the client with the SIF_Error element populated to indicate the nature of the error, and the SIF_MorePackets element set to indicate that no further packets will be sent in response to the SIF_ServiceInput.

The SIF_ServiceInput message also contains SIF_Version elements that specify which SIF versions the responding agent SHOULD use when preparing the response packets. If a responding agent can support a single requested SIF version, it returns a response packet using that version. If more than one version is specified and the responding agent supports more than one of those versions it SHOULD respond with the highest version it supports. If the agent cannot support any requested SIF version, it should send a SIF_Error ack back to the ZIS. The ZIS is responsible for constructing a SIF_ServiceOutput error message back to the original agent. The ZIS MUST send a SIF_ServiceOutput message to the client with the SIF_Error element populated to indicate the nature of the error, a SIF_PacketNumber of 1 and the SIF_MorePackets element set to indicate that no further packets will be sent in response to the SIF_ServiceInput.

If any other error occurs while creating SIF_ServiceOutput packets for a given request, in addition to acknowledging receipt of the message to the ZIS, the agent MUST send a SIF_ServiceOutput message to the client with the SIF_Error element populated to indicate the nature of the error, with SIF_MorePackets set to indicate that no further packets will be sent in response to the SIF_ServiceOutput.

Figure 5.2.22-1: SIF_ServiceOutput SIF_ServiceOutput SIF_Header SIF_ServiceMsgId SIF_PacketNumber SIF_MorePackets SIF_Error SIF_Body

SIF_ServiceOutput is used to respond to a SIF_ServiceInput message.


Header information associated with this message.


This element represents the value of the SIF_ServiceMsgId that was sent as part of the original SIF_ServiceInput message stream, and should contain the same value to allow the client and the ZIS to associate each SIF_ServiceOutput packet with the SIF_ServiceInput message stream. This value uniquely identifies the entire set of SIF_ServiceInput and SIF_ServiceOutput messages involved in a single invocation of a SIF Zone Service method.


This element represents the index of the SIF_ServiceOutput message in the sequence of packets that make up a complete response. Its value must be in the range of 1 through n, with n equal to the total number of packets that make up a response.

The receiver of a SIF_ServiceOutput message, with the help of the SIF_MorePackets and SIF_PacketNumber element in each incoming SIF_ServiceOutput message, will be able to interpret and process each SIF_ServiceOutput as part of a complete response to a previous SIF_ServiceInput.


This element provides an indication as to whether there are more packets besides this one to make up a complete response. The value of this element can only be "Yes" or "No".

The necessity of this element stems from the requirement on an agent to break response data to fit into the SIF_MaxBufferSize provided in the SIF_ServiceInput. Agents may also break response data into multiple packets for the benefit of improving performance or for circumventing limitations of the underlying network infrastructure.

When this element's value is equal to "No", it is an indication from the sender to the receiver that it has already sent out all the packets that make up a complete response for a SIF_ServiceInput as indicated by the SIF_ServiceMsgId element.


This element allows the Responder to report an error condition that occurs while processing the SIF_ServiceInput.

If a SIF_Error element is present, the requesting agent must not expect to receive further SIF_ServiceOutputs to the SIF_ServiceInput.


SIF_Body contains a single child element that has a name composed of the value of the SIF_Operation element concatenated with the string "Response". For example a SIF Zone Service Operation with the name "GetWeather" would have in it’s response SIF_Body a single child element with the name "GetWeatherResponse". The structure of this element is defined by the XML Schema that is defined for the Service.

Table 5.2.22-1: SIF_ServiceOutput
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_ServiceOutput> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1BCD10580EF250789012AC0554321EA2</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>NWS</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_DestinationId>ElectronicMarquee</SIF_DestinationId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_ServiceMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A319059376B3A4898</SIF_ServiceMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_Body> <GetForecastResponse> <Sun>Plenty</Sun> <Rain>None</Rain> <Recommendation>Go To the Beach</Recommendation> </GetForecastResponse> </SIF_Body> </SIF_ServiceOutput> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.22-2: SIF_ServiceInput

5.2.23 SIF_ServiceNotify

SIF_ServiceNotify is a message definition used to deliver service events.

SIF_ServiceNotify messages SHOULD not be sent higher than 64K unless the service knows that all subscribers can accept a higher max buffer size.

Therefore, the size of a SIF_ServiceNotify message SHOULD be less than or equal 65,536 bytes, unless one of the following is true:

  1. The SIF Zone Service is defined as requiring a larger buffer size for unsolicited messages. If that is the case, then the size specified in the SIF Zone Service definition becomes the maximum allowable buffer size.
  2. The Service publisher has determined that a higher buffer size is supported by all of the subscribers of the service, either through static configuration by the zone administrator or dynamically at runtime by examination of SIF_ZoneStatus.

Figure 5.2.23-1: SIF_ServiceNotify SIF_ServiceNotify SIF_Header SIF_Service SIF_Operation SIF_ServiceMsgId SIF_PacketNumber SIF_MorePackets SIF_Error SIF_Body

SIF_ServiceNotify is used to deliver notifications to service clients that some state associated with the service has changed.


Header information associated with this message.


The name of the SIF Zone Service that initiated the event


The name of the notification message being sent


A unique IdRefType that has been assigned to this series of messages. All SIF_ServiceNotify messages that contain this ID correspond to the same event instance.


This element represents the index of the SIF_ServiceNotify message in the sequence of packets that make up a complete notification message stream. Its value must be in the range of 1 through n, with n equal to the total number of packets that make up the message stream.

The receiver of a SIF_ServiceNotify message, with the help of the SIF_MorePackets and SIF_PacketNumber element in each incoming SIF_ServiceNotify message, will be able to interpret and process each SIF_ServiceNotify as part of a complete message.


This element provides an indication as to whether there are more packets besides this one to make up a complete notification message stream. The value of this element can only be "Yes" or "No".

The necessity of this element stems from the requirement on an agent to break the notification message stream to fit into the SIF_MaxBufferSize specified for the service. Agents may also break the message stream into multiple packets for the benefit of improving performance or for circumventing limitations of the underlying network infrastructure.

When this element's value is equal to "No", it is an indication from the sender to the receiver that it has already sent out all of the packets.


The agent creates either a SIF_Error or SIF_Body element. The SIF_Error element allows the agent that creating the notification to report an error condition that occurs while creating the SIF_ServiceNotify. Reporting a SIF_Error in SIF_ServiceNotify is normally only expected if one or more packets have already been sent so that the receiving agent is aware that an error has occurred that will halt the notification message packets. However, a SIF Zone Service definition may define other valid reasons for sending a SIF_Error as the first packet of a SIF_ServiceNotify message.

If a SIF_Error element is present, the receiver must not expect to receive further SIF_ServiceNotify messages as part of this message stream.


SIF_Body contains a single child element that has the same name as the value of the SIF_Operation element. The structure of this element is defined by the XML Schema that is defined for the Service.

Table 5.2.23-1: SIF_ServiceNotify
<SIF_Message Version="2.4" xmlns="http://www.sifinfo.org/uk/infrastructure/2.x"> <SIF_ServiceNotify> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>1BCD10580EF250789012AC0554321EA2</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-02-18T08:39:40-08:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>FoodServiceAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> <SIF_Service>Student Information System</SIF_Service> <SIF_Operation>StudentTransfer</SIF_Operation> <SIF_ServiceMsgId>FE1078BA3261545A319059376B3A4898</SIF_ServiceMsgId> <SIF_PacketNumber>1</SIF_PacketNumber> <SIF_MorePackets>No</SIF_MorePackets> <SIF_Body> <StudentTransfer> <AuditInfo> <EnteredBy>sif://StaffPersonal[@RefId=’9...12’]</EnteredBy> </AuditInfo> <StudentPersonal RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652" /> <PreviousEnrollment> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="DFEAD3E34B359D75101D00AA001A1652" /> </PreviousEnrollment> <CurrentEnrollment> <StudentSchoolEnrollment RefId="A8C3D3E34B359D75101D00AA001A1652" /> </CurrentEnrollment> </StudentTransfer> </SIF_Body> </SIF_ServiceNotify> </SIF_Message>
Example 5.2.23-2: SIF_ServiceNotify

5.3 Objects

5.3.1 SIF_AgentACL

This object provides an Agent its access control list (ACL) settings in the Zone. It does not communicate which objects the Agent is currently registered as providing, subscribing, publishing, requesting, or responding; it simply lists the ACL rights granted to the Agent in the Zone. When objects are absent from any of the access lists, the Agent does not have the necessary rights to perform the given action on the object. While an Agent may asynchronously request this object from the ZIS via SIF_Request, it is typically returned synchronously in response to the SIF_SystemControl message SIF_GetAgentACL; it is also returned synchronously in response to SIF_Register.

Typically only Change events are reported.

Figure 5.3.1-1: SIF_AgentACL SIF_AgentACL SIF_ProvideAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_SubscribeAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishAddAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishChangeAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_PublishDeleteAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_RequestAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_RespondAccess SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_ProvideService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_RespondService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_RequestService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_Operations SIF_Operation SIF_SubscribeService SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_Operations SIF_Operation SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides an Agent its access control list (ACL) settings in the Zone.


Access control list by object for SIF_Provide and corresponding section in SIF_Provision.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for SIF_Subscribe and corresponding section in SIF_Provision.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for corresponding section in SIF_Provision, whether the Agent has the right to publish Add events.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for corresponding section in SIF_Provision, whether the Agent has the right to publish Change events.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for corresponding section in SIF_Provision, whether the Agent has the right to publish Delete events.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for SIF_Request and corresponding section in SIF_Provision.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Access control list by object for corresponding section in SIF_Provision, whether the Agent has the right to respond to requests for an object regardless of being the Provider of that object.


The name of each object.


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/object apply.


Indicates that the recipient agent has permission to provide one or more services to the SIF Zone


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/service apply.


Indicates that the recipient agent has permission to respond to directed requests for one or more services in the SIF Zone


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/service apply.


Indicates that the recipient agent has permission to make service calls to a SIF Zone Service


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/service apply.


If SIF_Operations is not present, then the agent has permission to invoke all operations in the specified service.


A specific operation that the agent has permission to invoke or subscribe to


Indicates that the recipient agent has permission to subscribe to notification messages that are emitted from a SIF Service


The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


List of contexts in which rights for the given action/service apply.


If SIF_Operations is not present, then the agent has permission to subcribe to all notifications in the specified service .


A specific operation that the agent has permission to invoke or subscribe to

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 5.3.1-1: SIF_AgentACL
<SIF_AgentACL> <SIF_ProvideAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_ProvideAccess> <SIF_SubscribeAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="WorkforcePersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_SubscribeAccess> <SIF_PublishAddAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_PublishAddAccess> <SIF_PublishChangeAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_PublishChangeAccess> <SIF_PublishDeleteAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_PublishDeleteAccess> <SIF_RequestAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="WorkforcePersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_RequestAccess> <SIF_RespondAccess> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_RespondAccess> </SIF_AgentACL>
Example 5.3.1-2: SIF_AgentACL

5.3.2 SIF_LogEntry

This object captures an occurrence within a SIF node (ZIS or agent)—error, warning or information—for storage in an optionally provided zone log. SIF_LogEntry Adds are reported and are used to post new log entries to the provider of the log. Of course, subscribing agents may also filter incoming Adds as part of their own logging mechanism. Any Change or Delete SIF_Events should be ignored at the agent level, but should be routed by the ZIS (though this should not be necessary). Use of the log is optional and voluntary, except where noted as mandatory in this specification. Nodes may post as much or as little log data as required with the expectation that if there is a provider of SIF_LogEntry that the logged entries be available for a provider-defined amount of time subject to provider-defined restrictions on the quantity of data logged by any given node.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 5.3.2-1: SIF_LogEntry SIF_LogEntry Source LogLevel SIF_LogEntryHeader SIF_Header SIF_OriginalHeader SIF_Header SIF_Category SIF_Code SIF_ApplicationCode SIF_Desc SIF_ExtendedDesc SIF_LogObjects SIF_LogObject SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object captures an occurrence within a SIF node (ZIS or agent)—error, warning or information—for storage in an optionally provided zone log. SIF_LogEntry Adds are reported and are used to post new log entries to the provider of the log. Of course, subscribing agents may also filter incoming Adds as part of their own logging mechanism. Any Change or Delete SIF_Events should be ignored at the agent level, but should be routed by the ZIS (though this should not be necessary). Use of the log is optional and voluntary, except where noted as mandatory in this specification. Nodes may post as much or as little log data as required with the expectation that if there is a provider of SIF_LogEntry that the logged entries be available for a provider-defined amount of time subject to provider-defined restrictions on the quantity of data logged by any given node.


The SIF node that logged this entry.


The level of the log entry herein described.


This is a copy of the SIF_Event/SIF_Header in the message that added this SIF_LogEntry to the zone. This copy facilitates querying log entries with regard to source, time, optionally destination, etc.

M SIF_Header

If this log entry references a previous SIF_Message, this element contains a copy of the referenced message's SIF_Header.

M SIF_Header

A SIF_LogEntry category. May be omitted for informational-type postings, where typically a textual description will suffice.

Note that categories may be combined with the Source attribute of SIF_LogEntry to differentiate agent error conditions from ZIS error conditions.

Data Issues with Success Result
Data Issues with Failure Result
Error Conditions

A SIF_LogEntry code with regard to SIF_Category above. May be omitted for informational-type postings, where typically a textual description will suffice. If a SIF_Code is included, SIF_Category must be included as well.

union of:


An error code specific to the application posting the entry. Can be used by vendors to query log entries for errors specific to their applications. If a SIF_ApplicationCode is included, SIF_Category must be included as well; i.e., application-specific error codes should fall within one of the defined log entry categories.


A textual description of the error.


Any extended error description.

 SIF_LogObjectsO List

Any SIF data objects to which this log entry may apply.

<xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:any processContents="skip" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="ObjectName" use="required" type="sif:SIF_RequestObjectNamesType" /> </xs:complexType>

The name of the SIF object referenced (e.g. LearnerPersonal).

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 5.3.2-1: SIF_LogEntry
<SIF_LogEntry Source="Agent" LogLevel="Error"> <SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>83252CE5C5F14FD88607F645224E4CAA</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:36:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySISAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Category>4</SIF_Category> <SIF_Code>1</SIF_Code> <SIF_Desc>Agent has run out of memory and will shut down</SIF_Desc> <SIF_ExtendedDesc>OutOfMemoryException: ...</SIF_ExtendedDesc> </SIF_LogEntry>
Example 5.3.2-1: SIF_LogEntry when an agent encounters a system failure
<SIF_LogEntry Source="Agent" LogLevel="Error"> <SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>BA86894B795A4EB7A45093AD1CDBA54C</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:39:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySISAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_OriginalHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>74234DCB460A4BCB8937B07467EA73CC</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:29:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLibraryAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_OriginalHeader> <SIF_Category>3</SIF_Category> <SIF_Code>2</SIF_Code> <SIF_ApplicationCode>-33</SIF_ApplicationCode> <SIF_Desc>Could not delete student Sonya Harris due to business rule</SIF_Desc> <SIF_LogObjects> <SIF_LogObject ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <LearnerPersonal RefId="53E6F4C0109FDE4DC7E11DB9C0100163"> <LocalId>032134</LocalId> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="B"> <FamilyName>Harris</FamilyName> <GivenName>Sonya</GivenName> <PreferredFamilyName>Harris</PreferredFamilyName> <PreferredGivenName>Sonya</PreferredGivenName> </Name> <Demographics> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <Code>WENG</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <Gender>F</Gender> <BirthDate>1990-06-23</BirthDate> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>ENG</Code> <TypeList> <Type>F</Type> </TypeList> </Language> </LanguageList> </Demographics> <Email Type="School">sonya.harris@myschool.co.uk</Email> <Address Type="Current"> <PAON> <StartNumber>17</StartNumber> </PAON> <Street>Bushmaster Close</Street> <Town>Castle Vale</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Birmingham</AdministrativeArea> <PostCode>B35 7PH</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </Address> </PersonalInformation> <UPN>F330950043367</UPN> <UPNAllocationDate>2001-08-27</UPNAllocationDate> <FormerUPNList> <UPN>C936846321107</UPN> </FormerUPNList> <ULN>1234567890</ULN> <FamilyStructure>A</FamilyStructure> <InCare> <Current>No</Current> <Type>WP</Type> <LAId>330</LAId> <AtCurrentSchool>Yes</AtCurrentSchool> <PersonalEducationPlan>No</PersonalEducationPlan> </InCare> <ConnexionsAgreement>Yes</ConnexionsAgreement> <ChildProtectionRegister> <IsRegistered>Yes</IsRegistered> <LAId>330</LAId> <SiblingRegistered>No</SiblingRegistered> </ChildProtectionRegister> <GiftedTalented>No</GiftedTalented> <HomeLA>330</HomeLA> <LearnerIdentity>ENG</LearnerIdentity> <Pregnant>No</Pregnant> <SiblingList> <Sibling> <LearnerPersonalRefId>6219B1684CF9B799640234CBB9992134</LearnerPersonalRefId> <UIPI>034887</UIPI> </Sibling> </SiblingList> <UniformAllowance>No</UniformAllowance> <CurrentSchoolEnrolment LearnerSchoolEnrolmentRefId="010C6038DC7E11DB9C010016353E6F4C"> <LAId>330</LAId> <EstablishmentId>5530</EstablishmentId> <NCYearGroup>9</NCYearGroup> </CurrentSchoolEnrolment> <PreviousEstablishmentList> <PreviousEstablishment> <EstablishmentId>2117</EstablishmentId> <EstablishmentName>Allbury Primary School</EstablishmentName> <LAId>936</LAId> <EntryDate>1999-08-20</EntryDate> <ExitDate>2001-06-14</ExitDate> <ExitType>MS</ExitType> <LastSchool>Yes</LastSchool> </PreviousEstablishment> </PreviousEstablishmentList> </LearnerPersonal> </SIF_LogObject> </SIF_LogObjects> </SIF_LogEntry>
Example 5.3.2-2: SIF_LogEntry when an agent fails to delete a student
<SIF_LogEntry Source="Agent" LogLevel="Info"> <SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>64B0CC6CFB314A328E520A102229CBC8</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:46:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySISAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Desc>Agent starting synchronisation</SIF_Desc> </SIF_LogEntry>
Example 5.3.2-3: SIF_LogEntry when an agent starts synchronizing data
<SIF_LogEntry Source="ZIS" LogLevel="Error"> <SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>BC1D982CEC5F49D998169930FE5B271C</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:49:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyZIS</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_LogEntryHeader> <SIF_OriginalHeader> <SIF_Header> <SIF_MsgId>74234DCB460A4BCB8937B07467EA73CC</SIF_MsgId> <SIF_Timestamp>2006-08-19T10:29:00-05:00</SIF_Timestamp> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLibraryAgent</SIF_SourceId> </SIF_Header> </SIF_OriginalHeader> <SIF_Category>4</SIF_Category> <SIF_Code>2</SIF_Code> <SIF_Desc>Could not deliver PersonPicture Add to RamseyLibraryAgent (127,546 bytes) due to maximum buffer size of 16,384 bytes.</SIF_Desc> </SIF_LogEntry>
Example 5.3.2-4: SIF_LogEntry when a ZIS fails to deliver a message due to buffer size limitations

5.3.3 SIF_ZoneStatus

The SIF_ZoneStatus object is an object that is implicitly provided by all Zone Integration Servers to provide information about the ZIS. Zone Integration Servers MUST provide this object.

Change events are supported on SIF_ZoneStatus.

Figure 5.3.3-1: SIF_ZoneStatus SIF_ZoneStatus ZoneId SIF_Name SIF_Icon SIF_Vendor SIF_Name SIF_Product SIF_Version SIF_Providers SIF_Provider SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_Subscribers SIF_Subscriber SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_AddPublishers SIF_Publisher SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_ChangePublishers SIF_Publisher SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_DeletePublishers SIF_Publisher SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_Contexts SIF_Responders SIF_Responder SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_Requesters SIF_Requester SourceId SIF_ObjectList SIF_Object ObjectName SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport SIF_Contexts SIF_SIFNodes SIF_SIFNode Type SIF_Name SIF_Icon SIF_NodeVendor SIF_NodeVersion SIF_Application SIF_Vendor SIF_Product SIF_Version SIF_SourceId SIF_Mode SIF_Protocol SIF_VersionList SIF_Version SIF_AuthenticationLevel SIF_EncryptionLevel SIF_MaxBufferSize SIF_Sleeping SIF_SupportedAuthentication SIF_ProtocolName SIF_SupportedProtocols SIF_Protocol SIF_SupportedVersions SIF_Version SIF_AdministrationURL SIF_Contexts SIF_ServiceProviders SIF_ServiceProvider SourceId SIF_ServiceList SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_ServiceResponders SIF_ServiceResponder SourceId SIF_ServiceList SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Contexts SIF_ServiceRequesters SIF_ServiceRequester SourceId SIF_ServiceList SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Operations SIF_Operation SIF_Contexts SIF_ServiceSubscribers SIF_ServiceSubscriber SourceId SIF_ServiceList SIF_Service ServiceName SIF_Operations SIF_Operation SIF_Contexts SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

The SIF_ZoneStatus object is an object that is implicitly provided by all Zone Integration Servers to provide information about the ZIS. Zone Integration Servers MUST provide this object.


The identifier for this Zone. It is the same as the SIF_SourceId that the ZIS would place in any SIF_Header that it creates.


The descriptive name for the zone.


HTTP URL referencing an icon for graphical representation of the ZIS/Zone. Should range from 16x16 pixels to 128x128 pixels and be of an image MIME type commonly supported by Web browsers (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF). Agents may optionally follow the more restrictive guidelines at [FAVICON].


Contains information about the vendor that wrote this ZIS.


The name of the company that wrote the ZIS.


The product name assigned by the vendor to identify this ZIS.


The version of the vendor's product—not necessarily the SIF version.


Encompasses all the providers registered with this ZIS. This element is mandatory if there are providers registered with the ZIS.


The identifier of the SIF node that is providing objects. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.

M List

The name of the object being provided by this SIF node.

M xs:boolean
M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the subscribers registered with this ZIS. This element is mandatory if there are subscribers registered with the ZIS.


The identifier of the SIF node that is subscribing to the object events. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.

M List

The name of the object being subscribed to by this SIF node.

M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the Add SIF_Event publishers registered with this zone.


The identifier of the SIF node that can publish the SIF_Event. This is the agent identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the agent.

M List

The name of the object being published by this agent.

M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the Change SIF_Event publishers registered with this zone.


The identifier of the SIF node that can publish the SIF_Event. This is the agent identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the agent.

M List

The name of the object being published by this agent.

M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the Delete SIF_Event publishers registered with this zone.


The identifier of the SIF node that can publish the SIF_Event. This is the agent identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the agent.

M List

The name of the object being published by this agent.

M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the responders registered with this zone.


The identifier of the SIF node that can respond. This is the agent identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the agent.

M List

The name of the object for which the agent can respond to requests.

M xs:boolean
M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all the requesters registered with this zone.


The identifier of the SIF node that can request an object. This is the agent identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the agent.

M List

The name of the object being requested by this agent.

M xs:boolean
M SIF_Contexts

Encompasses all of the nodes registered with the ZIS. This element is mandatory if there are SIF nodes registered.


The type of the node registered with the ZIS. Note that ZIS is forward-looking and not used currently; all information about this Zone/ZIS is contained outside SIF_SIFNodes.


The descriptive name of the SIF node (i.e. Ramsey Food Services).


HTTP URL referencing an icon for graphical representation of the application/agent. Should range from 16x16 pixels to 128x128 pixels and be of an image MIME type commonly supported by Web browsers (e.g. PNG, JPEG, GIF). Agents may optionally follow the more restrictive guidelines at [FAVICON].


The vendor of the SIF agent.


The agent version number. The format of this field is undefined, but it should match the format used in the agent's conformance statement, if the agent is SIF Certified.



Contains information about the vendor of the product that the agent represents.


The name of the company of the product that this agent supports.


The name of the product that this agent supports.


The version of the product. This field is informative only.


The agent or ZIS identifier. This is the same value that the SIF node would place in any SIF_Header that it would create.


Specifies the communication mode (Pull or Push) as chosen by the message sender.


Describes the currently active protocol that the SIF node is using to communicate with the ZIS.

M List

This is the version or versions of the SIF Implementation Specification that define(s) the messages the SIF node can receive. For agents, this information was communicated when the SIF node registered with the ZIS.


This is the level of authentication that the SIF node supports when it wants to communicate via a secure channel.


This is the level of encryption that the SIF node supports when it wants to communicate via a secure channel.


Specifies that the ZIS should never send packets larger than this value. Query responses from other providers are controlled by the SIF_MaxBufferSize attribute in the SIF_Request message.


This element shows whether the SIF node is ready to process messages.

The SIF node is ready to process messages
The SIF node is sleeping and cannot process messages

Enumerates the various authentication protocols that the ZIS supports. If the ZIS supports an authentication protocol this element is mandatory.


Describes a particular authentication protocol supported.


Enumerates the various communication transport protocols that are supported by the ZIS.

MR SIF_Protocol

Enumerates the versions of the SIF Implementation Specification that this ZIS can use when communicating with the agent.


Lists a specific SIF Implementation Specification version.


Should a ZIS vendor provide an administration interface for the zone via a URL, the ZIS can make the URL available in SIF_ZoneStatus. Agent administrators can use the URL to access zone administration features, should they have permission to do so.

 SIF_ContextsM SIF_Contexts



A list of nodes within a SIF Zone that provide one or more SIF Zone Services. The provider of a SIF Zone Service can be a SIF Agent or the Zone Integration Server (ZIS) itself.


The identifier of the SIF node that is providing SIF Services. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.


The list of services provided by this node




The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of nodes within a SIF Zone that will respond to SIF_ServiceInput messages for one or more SIF Zone Services. The responder can be a SIF Agent or the Zone Integration Server (ZIS) itself.




The identifier of the SIF node that is providing SIF Services. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.


The list of services that will be responded to by this node.




The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


Applicable contexts for stated SIF Zone Service support. If omitted, the context defaults to SIF_Default.


A list of nodes within a SIF Zone that will respond to SIF_ServiceInput messages for one or more SIF Zone Services. The responder can be a SIF Agent or the Zone Integration Server (ZIS) itself.




The identifier of the SIF node that will respond to SIF_ServiceInput messages. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.


The list of services that will be invoked by this node




The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


The list of operations an agent may invoke on a SIF Zone Service. This information may or may not be known by the ZIS as it is optionally provided by an agent during SIF_Provision.The list of operations an agent may invoke on a SIF Zone Service. This information may or may not be known by the ZIS as it is optionally provided by an agent during SIF_Provision.


A specific operation with a SIF Zone Service that the agent will invoke.








The identifier of the SIF node that is providing SIF Services. This is the agent or ZIS identifier that would appear in the SIF_SourceId field of any SIF_Header created by the SIF node.


The list of services that are subscribed to by this node.




The name of the SIF Zone Service as defined by a SIF Zone Service specification


If SIF_Operations is not present, then the agent is subscribed to all events emitted by the service


A specific notification message that the agent is subscribed to



 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 5.3.3-1: SIF_ZoneStatus
<SIF_ZoneStatus ZoneId="RamseyZIS"> <SIF_Name>Ramsey Elementary</SIF_Name> <SIF_Vendor> <SIF_Name>ZoneMaster, Inc.</SIF_Name> <SIF_Product>ZonePlus Zone Integration Server</SIF_Product> <SIF_Version>3.01</SIF_Version> </SIF_Vendor> <SIF_Providers> <SIF_Provider SourceId="RamseySIS"> <SIF_ObjectList> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport>false</SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment"> <SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport>false</SIF_ExtendedQuerySupport> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_ObjectList> </SIF_Provider> </SIF_Providers> <SIF_Subscribers> <SIF_Subscriber SourceId="RamseyFOOD"> <SIF_ObjectList> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonalEnrolment"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_ObjectList> </SIF_Subscriber> <SIF_Subscriber SourceId="RamseyLIB"> <SIF_ObjectList> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerPersonal"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> <SIF_Object ObjectName="LearnerSchoolEnrolment"> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_Object> </SIF_ObjectList> </SIF_Subscriber> </SIF_Subscribers> <SIF_SIFNodes> <SIF_SIFNode Type="Agent"> <SIF_Name>Ramsey Food Services</SIF_Name> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyFOOD</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_Mode>Push</SIF_Mode> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTPS" Secure="Yes"> <SIF_URL>https://RamseyNT:8010/FoodService</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> <SIF_VersionList> <SIF_Version>2.3</SIF_Version> </SIF_VersionList> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>16384</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Sleeping>No</SIF_Sleeping> </SIF_SIFNode> <SIF_SIFNode Type="Agent"> <SIF_Name>Ramsey Media Resource Center</SIF_Name> <SIF_SourceId>RamseyLIB</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_Mode>Pull</SIF_Mode> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTPS" Secure="Yes"> <SIF_URL>https://RamseyNT:8020/Library</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> <SIF_VersionList> <SIF_Version>2.3</SIF_Version> </SIF_VersionList> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>16384</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Sleeping>No</SIF_Sleeping> </SIF_SIFNode> <SIF_SIFNode Type="Agent"> <SIF_Name>Ramsey Administration</SIF_Name> <SIF_SourceId>RamseySIS</SIF_SourceId> <SIF_Mode>Push</SIF_Mode> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTPS" Secure="Yes"> <SIF_URL>https://RamseyNT:8030/StudentAdmin</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> <SIF_VersionList> <SIF_Version>2.3</SIF_Version> </SIF_VersionList> <SIF_MaxBufferSize>16384</SIF_MaxBufferSize> <SIF_Sleeping>No</SIF_Sleeping> </SIF_SIFNode> </SIF_SIFNodes> <SIF_SupportedAuthentication> <SIF_ProtocolName>X.509</SIF_ProtocolName> </SIF_SupportedAuthentication> <SIF_SupportedProtocols> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTPS" Secure="Yes"> <SIF_URL>https://RamseyNT:8000/ZIS</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> <SIF_Protocol Type="HTTP" Secure="No"> <SIF_URL>http://RamseyNT:8000/ZIS</SIF_URL> </SIF_Protocol> </SIF_SupportedProtocols> <SIF_SupportedVersions> <SIF_Version>2.3</SIF_Version> </SIF_SupportedVersions> <SIF_AdministrationURL>http://RamseyNT:8000/Administer</SIF_AdministrationURL> <SIF_Contexts> <SIF_Context>SIF_Default</SIF_Context> </SIF_Contexts> </SIF_ZoneStatus>
Example 5.3.3-2: SIF_ZoneStatus

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