3.2 SIF NZ

The New Zealand customisation of the SIF AU data model, includes the following (high-level) changes:

3.2.1 AcademicDepartment

Information about an academic department within a provider, e.g. Maths Department.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.1-1: AcademicDepartment AcademicDepartment AcademicDepartmentRefId AcademicDepartmentLocalId Name Description Provider StaffList CourseList SubjectAreaList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 AcademicDepartment Low

Information about an academic department within a provider, e.g. Maths Department.

key AcademicDepartmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the academic department.


Free text description providing more detail about the academic department.


The ID (GUID) of the provider for this acadmic department resides in.


A list of the staff members that belong to the academic department.


A list of the courses the academic department manages.


A list of the subject areas the academic department manages.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.1-1: AcademicDepartment
{ "AcademicDepartment": { "AcademicDepartmentRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Science Department", "Provider": { "RefId": 9961 }, "StaffList": { "StaffMember": [ { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<AcademicDepartment> <AcademicDepartmentRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</AcademicDepartmentRefId> <Name>Science Department</Name> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Provider> <StaffList> <StaffMember> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </StaffMember> </StaffList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </AcademicDepartment>
Example 3.2.1-1: AcademicDepartment

3.2.2 AssessmentTask

This object provides information about a particular assignment, allows applications to synchronize each other's assignment tables, gathers the definition for a StudentAssessmentTask object, etc.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.2-1: AssessmentTask AssessmentTask AssessmentTaskRefId AssessmentTaskLocalId AssessmentName ProviderInvolvedList TeachingGroup ProviderCourse StudentList StaffInvolvedList Description PointsPossible DueDate Weight MaxAttemptsAllowed DetailedDescriptionURL AssessmentType AssessmentMethodology EvaluationType Curriculum AssessmentToolUsed AssessmentToolTest AssessmentPurpose SubAssessmentTaskList PrerequisiteList SubjectAreaList AssessedAtYearLevel LearningStandardList StandardType SpecialAssessmentConditionExclusionList Timeframe RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 AssessmentTask Low

This object provides information about a particular assignment, allows applications to synchronize each other's assignment tables, gathers the definition for a StudentAssessmentTask object, etc.

key AssessmentTaskRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the assessment task.


A list of the providers involved and their role, e.g. assessing provider, assessment provider, assessment location provider, registering provider.


Generic object reference to the TeachingGroup object in which this assignment has been set.


Generic object reference to the ProviderCourse all of whose students will be participating in the assessment task.


The GUIDs for students that are the intended participants for this Assessement Task.


A list of the staff involved and their role in relation to the assessment task, e.g. the moderator, the marker.


The text-based description of the assignment.


The points possible on the assignment.


Date the assignment is due.


The weight of the assignment.


How many attempts the student is allowed on the assignment (applicable particularly to online activities).


The location of the document that describes the assignment. If Type is PDF, this element will contain the Base64 encoding of the entire document. Preferred against DetailedDescriptionBinary for online assessment.


Type of assessment (e.g. diagnostic vs paedagogical - Summative or Formative).


Code denoting the nature of the assessment process; Primary assessment against NZ Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa; Secondary assessment against NCEA, Cambridge, International Baccalaureate, or similar.


The type of assessment evaluation, e.g. formative or summative.


The curriculum the assessment is for.


The assessment tool the assessment is used as part of. Both the original free text value sent by the SMS vendors and the value it is mapped to in this code set are held.


The tests available within an assessment tool that is being used by this assessment task.


Purpose for the assessment.


AssessmentTasks which this assessment task is composed of.


References to objects (Course, LearningStandard, AssessmentTask etc.) being prerequisite conditions to be met for assessment.


A list of the subject areas being assessed.


The year level the Assessment Task pertains to. May only contain the values 1 through to 13 inclusive.


A list of references to LearningStandards that will be assessed as part of this AssessmentTask.


The type of standard the result is for. Applies to secondary level assessments, e.g. unit and achievement standards, scholarships and International Baccalaureate.


A list of SACs that are excluded for this particular assessment task.


The timeframe of the assessment, e.g. Mid-Year, End of Year.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.2-1: AssessmentTask
{ "AssessmentTask": { "AssessmentTaskRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "AssessmentName": "NZ History Classroom Test", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 9962, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39" }, "StaffInvolvedList": { "StaffInvolved": [ { "RefId": "cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435", "StaffRole": "ASS" } ] }, "Description": "Pop Quiz", "PointsPossible": 100, "DueDate": "2018-11-25", "Weight": 1.0, "DetailedDescriptionURL": "http://www.assignmentinfo.com/assignment1.pdf", "AssessmentType": "INT", "AssessmentMethodology": "P", "EvaluationType": "F", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<AssessmentTask> <AssessmentTaskRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</AssessmentTaskRefId> <AssessmentName>NZ History Classroom Test</AssessmentName> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>9962</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39</RefId> </TeachingGroup> <StaffInvolvedList> <StaffInvolved> <RefId>cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435</RefId> <StaffRole>ASS</StaffRole> </StaffInvolved> </StaffInvolvedList> <Description>Pop Quiz</Description> <PointsPossible>100</PointsPossible> <DueDate>2018-11-25</DueDate> <Weight>1.0</Weight> <DetailedDescriptionURL>http://www.assignmentinfo.com/assignment1.pdf</DetailedDescriptionURL> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <AssessmentMethodology>P</AssessmentMethodology> <EvaluationType>F</EvaluationType> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </AssessmentTask>
Example 3.2.2-1: Assessment Task

3.2.3 BellSchedule

Defines bell schedules, each of which is a collection of periods within an academic day with start and end times associated. These bell schedules are assigned to calendar dates on which the school is in session using ScheduleDate in order to specify the school schedule on those dates. These bell schedules should generally only be used to define standard day types. Exception days (unless they repeat multiple times and follow a common template) are defined using ScheduleEvent and ScheduleCustomDayEvent.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.3-1: BellSchedule BellSchedule BellScheduleRefId BellScheduleLocalId BellScheduleName Provider Schedule SchedulePeriodList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 BellSchedule Low Defines bell schedules, each of which is a collection of periods within an academic day with start and end times associated. These bell schedules are assigned to calendar dates on which the school is in session using ScheduleDate in order to specify the school schedule on those dates. These bell schedules should generally only be used to define standard day types. Exception days (unless they repeat multiple times and follow a common template) are defined using ScheduleEvent and ScheduleCustomDayEvent.   
key BellScheduleRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the Bell Schedule.


The provider the bell schedule belongs to.


The provider schedule the bell schedule belongs to.


A list of periods that make up this academic day, e.g. Period 1, Period 2 etc.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.3-1: BellSchedule
{ "BellSchedule": { "BellScheduleRefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "BellScheduleLocalId": "2019a-Normal", "BellScheduleName": "Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule", "Provider": { "RefId": 844, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "Schedule": { "Name": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)" }, "SchedulePeriodList": { "SchedulePeriodTime": [ { "Period": { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A" }, "StartTime": "08:45:00", "EndTime": "09:35:00" }, { "Period": { "RefId": "1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34", "LocalId": "2019a-A2", "Name": "Period 2 on Day A" }, "StartTime": "09:45:00", "EndTime": "10:35:00" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<BellSchedule> <BellScheduleRefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</BellScheduleRefId> <BellScheduleLocalId>2019a-Normal</BellScheduleLocalId> <BellScheduleName>Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule</BellScheduleName> <Provider> <RefId>844</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <Schedule> <Name>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> <SchedulePeriodList> <SchedulePeriodTime> <Period> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> </Period> <StartTime>08:45:00</StartTime> <EndTime>09:35:00</EndTime> </SchedulePeriodTime> <SchedulePeriodTime> <Period> <RefId>1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A2</LocalId> <Name>Period 2 on Day A</Name> </Period> <StartTime>09:45:00</StartTime> <EndTime>10:35:00</EndTime> </SchedulePeriodTime> </SchedulePeriodList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </BellSchedule>
Example 3.2.3-1: Bell Schedule

3.2.4 Credential

A qualification or other award published by a national body, professional association or other interested party. The Credential recognises a set of learning that students have undertaken and successfully completed.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.4-1: Credential Credential CredentialRefId CredentialLocalId Title VersionNo Administrator Description SubjectAreaList Status PublicationDate SupercededDate DiscontinuedDate Credits Level RelatedLearningStandardList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 Credential Low

A qualification or other award published by a national body, professional association or other interested party. The Credential recognises a set of learning that students have undertaken and successfully completed.

key CredentialRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


Code assigned by the Credential administrator to identify the CreLocalIddential. This may not uniquely identify the Credential, where there may be multiple editions or versions of a particular Credential. The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the Credential. eg: "NCEA Level 1"


The version number of the Credential.


Generic object reference to the Provider or Organisation that administers the Credential


Description of the credential


Which standard MoE Learning / Subject Areas is this Credential part of?


A code denoting the current status of the Credential, as set by the Administrator.


This is the date that the administering organization published the Credential.


The date the administering organization superceded (or will supercede) the Credential. May be future dated.


The date the administering organization discontinued (or will discontinue) the Credential. May be future dated.


The number of course (or other qualification) credits that will be achieved by attaining this Credential.


The level of the credential if applicable, eg. 1,2 or 3 for NCEA levels


A list of related LearningStandard references


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.4-1: Credential
{ "Credential": { "CredentialRefId": "2b560779-872b-4491-afd6-3c6bd5f1c8cc", "CredentialLocalId": "91165-v2", "Title": "NCEA Level 2 - Endorsed with Merit", "VersionNo": 2, "Administrator": { "RefId": "3d614c16-9046-47d1-87b5-51438590de15", "Name": "NZQA" }, "Description": "Achieved sufficient chemistry credits endorsed with merit", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "CHEM" ] }, "Status": "PU", "Credits": 4, "Level": 2, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Credential> <CredentialRefId>2b560779-872b-4491-afd6-3c6bd5f1c8cc</CredentialRefId> <CredentialLocalId>91165-v2</CredentialLocalId> <Title>NCEA Level 2 - Endorsed with Merit</Title> <VersionNo>2</VersionNo> <Administrator> <RefId>3d614c16-9046-47d1-87b5-51438590de15</RefId> <Name>NZQA</Name> </Administrator> <Description>Achieved sufficient chemistry credits endorsed with merit</Description> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>CHEM</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Status>PU</Status> <Credits>4</Credits> <Level>2</Level> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Credential>
Example 3.2.4-1: NZQA Credential Example
{ "Credential": { "CredentialRefId": "ec907e58-bbfc-427f-be2a-daa987bf3838", "CredentialLocalId": "9709", "Title": "Pure Mathematics", "VersionNo": 2018, "Administrator": { "RefId": "75bad874-84b6-4a9e-b5d2-ef366c6c7492" }, "Description": "Cambridge International AS Mathematics (2018) - Pure Mathematics", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "MATH" ] }, "Status": "PU", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Credential> <CredentialRefId>ec907e58-bbfc-427f-be2a-daa987bf3838</CredentialRefId> <CredentialLocalId>9709</CredentialLocalId> <Title>Pure Mathematics</Title> <VersionNo>2018</VersionNo> <Administrator> <RefId>75bad874-84b6-4a9e-b5d2-ef366c6c7492</RefId> </Administrator> <Description>Cambridge International AS Mathematics (2018) - Pure Mathematics</Description> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MATH</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Status>PU</Status> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Credential>
Example 3.2.4-2: Cambridge Credential Example

3.2.5 Document

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.5-1: Document Document DocumentRefId DocumentLocalId Provider Location DocumentTitle DocumentDescription AddedDateTime ReviewDate URL NoteText RelatedToList DocumentClassification DocumentType PersonDocumentRoleList DocumentDate RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 Document Low

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.

key DocumentRefIdOLow

The ID (GUID) assigned to uniquely identify this Document.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the Provider that first uploaded this document.


Location of Documentation.


Document's full title.


What the document is and how it is related to the Student.


The date the document was added at the source system.


Document Review Date.


URL if known.


If the type of document is 'Note' then this is populated with the free text that makes up the note.


A list of objects that this document relates to, e.g. a Wellbeing Response or Characteristic, Physical Restraint.


The classification of the document to give an indication of the audience who should have access.


The type of document, e.g. Personalised Plan, Wellbeing Event or Response supporting documentation.


The list of people associated to a document and their role in relation to it, e.g. author, owner, reviewer, subject of.


The date of the document, e.g. the date the document was produced.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.5-1: Document
{ "Document": { "DocumentRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Provider": { "RefId": 386 }, "DocumentDescription": "Timmy McGannaway's IEP for 2019", "URL": "http://somehost.co.nz/docs/ghf12312", "DocumentType": "IEP", "PersonDocumentRoleList": { "PersonDocumentRole": [ { "Role": "SU", "Student": { "RefId": "17c9b7aa-bc34-435f-8bba-7e337891f53b", "ObjectType": "StudentPersonal", "NationalStudentNumber": 6788765445 } }, { "Role": "AU", "Person": { "RefId": "2a288f40-c3fb-4d9c-857e-0e562f3f5dde", "ObjectType": "StaffPersonal" } } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Document> <DocumentRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</DocumentRefId> <Provider> <RefId>386</RefId> </Provider> <DocumentDescription>Timmy McGannaway's IEP for 2019</DocumentDescription> <URL>http://somehost.co.nz/docs/ghf12312</URL> <DocumentType>IEP</DocumentType> <PersonDocumentRoleList> <PersonDocumentRole> <Role>SU</Role> <Student> <RefId>17c9b7aa-bc34-435f-8bba-7e337891f53b</RefId> <ObjectType>StudentPersonal</ObjectType> <NationalStudentNumber>6788765445</NationalStudentNumber> </Student> </PersonDocumentRole> <PersonDocumentRole> <Role>AU</Role> <Person> <RefId>2a288f40-c3fb-4d9c-857e-0e562f3f5dde</RefId> <ObjectType>StaffPersonal</ObjectType> </Person> </PersonDocumentRole> </PersonDocumentRoleList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Document>
Example 3.2.5-1: Document

3.2.6 LearningStandard

A curriculum standard or the like published by a national body, professional association or other interested party. The LearningStandard describes a set of learning that students are expected to undertake.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.6-1: LearningStandard LearningStandard LearningStandardRefId LearningStandardLocalId Title Number VersionNo Publisher StandardType LearningStandardFamily Description SubjectAreaList Status PublicationDate SupercededDate DiscontinuedDate Credits Level AssessmentType RelatedLearningStandardList CredentialList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 LearningStandard Low

A curriculum standard or the like published by a national body, professional association or other interested party. The LearningStandard describes a set of learning that students are expected to undertake.

key LearningStandardRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


Code assigned by the LearningStandard publisher to identify the LearningStandard. This may not uniquely identify the LearningStandard, where there may be multiple editions or versions of a particular LearningStandard. The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the LearningStandard. eg: "Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity"


A unique number that is used to identify the learning standard. One use of this is for NZQA standard numbers which cannot be used as a unique identifier (in LocalId) on their own as they are versioned so are part of a composite key with VersionNo.


The version number of the LearningStandard.


Generic object reference to the EducationOrganisation that published the LearningStandard


Code denoting the type of LearningStandard.


The family the learning standard is part of.


Description of the standards document.


Which standard MoE Learning / Subject Areas is this LearningStandard part of?


A code denoting the current status of the LearningStandard, as set by the Publisher.


The date the publishing organization published the standard.


The date the publishing organization superceded (or will supercede) the LearningStandard. May be future dated.


The date the publishing organization discontinued (or will discontinue) the LearningStandard. May be future dated.


The number of course (or other qualification) credits that will be achieved by passing this LearningStandard.


Where the publisher is NZQA, Which NCEA Level applies to the LearningStandard?


Code denoting how the LearningStandard is assessed.


A list of related LearningStandard references


A list of Credentials that the learning standard contributes to attaining.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.6-1: LearningStandard
{ "LearningStandard": { "LearningStandardRefId": "cedf9eae-4358-408d-af57-ec0ea1b0d210", "LearningStandardLocalId": 91165, "Title": "Chemistry", "VersionNo": 2, "Publisher": { "RefId": "cedf9eae-4358-408d-af57-ec0ea1b0d210" }, "Description": "Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "CHEM" ] }, "Status": "PU", "Credits": 4, "Level": "2", "AssessmentType": "INT", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<LearningStandard> <LearningStandardRefId>cedf9eae-4358-408d-af57-ec0ea1b0d210</LearningStandardRefId> <LearningStandardLocalId>91165</LearningStandardLocalId> <Title>Chemistry</Title> <VersionNo>2</VersionNo> <Publisher> <RefId>cedf9eae-4358-408d-af57-ec0ea1b0d210</RefId> </Publisher> <Description>Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds</Description> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>CHEM</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Status>PU</Status> <Credits>4</Credits> <Level>2</Level> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </LearningStandard>
Example 3.2.6-1: NZQA Learning Standard Example
{ "LearningStandard": { "LearningStandardRefId": "cd071ee1-d5fd-4821-8406-9852ba916231", "LearningStandardLocalId": 9709, "Title": "Pure Mathematics", "VersionNo": 2018, "Publisher": { "RefId": "a4c9f1dc-5e31-46b4-97aa-6d8534998707" }, "Description": "Cambridge International AS Mathematics (2018) - Pure Mathematics", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "MATH" ] }, "Status": "PU", "AssessmentType": "EXT", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<LearningStandard> <LearningStandardRefId>cd071ee1-d5fd-4821-8406-9852ba916231</LearningStandardRefId> <LearningStandardLocalId>9709</LearningStandardLocalId> <Title>Pure Mathematics</Title> <VersionNo>2018</VersionNo> <Publisher> <RefId>a4c9f1dc-5e31-46b4-97aa-6d8534998707</RefId> </Publisher> <Description>Cambridge International AS Mathematics (2018) - Pure Mathematics</Description> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MATH</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Status>PU</Status> <AssessmentType>EXT</AssessmentType> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </LearningStandard>
Example 3.2.6-2: Cambridge Learning Standard Example

3.2.7 Organisation

A generic organisation that operates within the education sector; but doesn’t provide education services. e.g. Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako, Ministry local offices, Industry training organisations, etc.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.7-1: Organisation Organisation AddressList CommunicationChannelList ContactList EducationRegion SpecialEducationDistrict EmailList EntityClose EntityOpen LocationList Name PhoneNumberList RelatedOrganisationList OperationalStatus OperationalStatusReason Type SectorRole ProviderSMS TeRitoConfig IsLicencedECEServiceProvider IsPlaygroupServiceProvider ECEServiceProviderOwnershipType OrganisationRefId RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 Organisation Low A generic organisation that operates within the education sector; but doesn’t provide education services. e.g. Communities of Learning | Kāhui Ako, Ministry local offices, Industry training organisations, etc.  Extension of EduOrganisationType

The set of postal and other addresses that the Organisation uses


A list of one or more methods of communication with the organisation


A list of one or more cotact persons related to the organisation


A region of New Zealand defined by the Ministry of Education for adminstrative purposes


The special education district the provider belongs to.


The set of contact email addresses that the Organisation uses


Closing date of entity. Only present for closed providers.


Opening date of entity. For proposed schools this will be the projected opening date. For open schools this may not be present.


A list of one or more locations, from which the organisation operates or provides a service.


The normal business name of the Organisation


The set of contact phone numbers that the Organisation uses


A list of other organisations that are related to the Provider


Current status of the Provider


The reason the operational status of the organisation was changed.


Describes the nature of the Organisation; for Schools this indicate the schooling levels offered.


Code denoting the role the organisation plays within the education sector, e.g. School Sector Institution, Learning Support Cluster, etc.


The name of the School Management System (SMS) that the provider is currently using. Note: not all education providers use an SMS.


Provides iinformation specific to Te Rito, e.g. which functionality in Te Rito an organisation (school, ECE etc.) is utilising.


Indicates whether or not an ECE Service Provider Organisation is a Licenced ECE Service Provider.


Indicates whether or not an ECE Service Provider Organisation is a Playgroup Service Provider.


The type of ECE Service Provider ownership, e.g. Sole Trader, Company, Charitable Trust etc.

key OrganisationRefIdMLow

1 to 5 digit Ministry Organisation Id for the Organisation, without leading zeros


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.7-1: Organisation
{ "Organisation": { "AddressList": {}, "CommunicationChannelList": {}, "ContactList": { "Contact": [ { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Dumbledore", "GivenName": "Albus", "FullName": "Albus Dumbledore" }, "PositionTitle": "Lead School Headmaster", "Role": "PRI", "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "533 Hogwart's Way", "City": "Hogsmead", "PostalCode": "7733" } ] }, "EmailList": {}, "PhoneNumberList": {} } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "stuart@gmail.com" } ] }, "LocationList": {}, "Name": "Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako", "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Notes": "Lead School Secretary (Mobile)", "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] }, "Type": "35008", "OrganisationRefId": 99204, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Organisation> <AddressList /> <CommunicationChannelList /> <ContactList> <Contact> <Name> <FamilyName>Dumbledore</FamilyName> <GivenName>Albus</GivenName> <FullName>Albus Dumbledore</FullName> </Name> <PositionTitle>Lead School Headmaster</PositionTitle> <Role>PRI</Role> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>533 Hogwart's Way</Line1> <City>Hogsmead</City> <PostalCode>7733</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList /> <PhoneNumberList /> </Contact> </ContactList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>stuart@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <LocationList /> <Name>Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako</Name> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Notes>Lead School Secretary (Mobile)</Notes> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <Type>35008</Type> <OrganisationRefId>99204</OrganisationRefId> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Organisation>
Example 3.2.7-1: Kāhui Ako Organisation Example

3.2.8 Provider

A recognised provider of education services in the New Zealand education system. Providers may operate in the Early Childhood, Compulsory Schooling or Tertiary sectors.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.8-1: Provider Provider AddressList CommunicationChannelList ContactList EducationRegion SpecialEducationDistrict EmailList EntityClose EntityOpen LocationList Name PhoneNumberList RelatedOrganisationList OperationalStatus OperationalStatusReason Type SectorRole ProviderSMS TeRitoConfig IsLicencedECEServiceProvider IsPlaygroupServiceProvider ECEServiceProviderOwnershipType ProviderRefId Authority SchoolService ECEService TertiaryService RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 Provider LowA recognised provider of education services in the New Zealand education system. Providers may operate in the Early Childhood, Compulsory Schooling or Tertiary sectors.  Extension of EduOrganisationType

The set of postal and other addresses that the Organisation uses


A list of one or more methods of communication with the organisation


A list of one or more cotact persons related to the organisation


A region of New Zealand defined by the Ministry of Education for adminstrative purposes


The special education district the provider belongs to.


The set of contact email addresses that the Organisation uses


Closing date of entity. Only present for closed providers.


Opening date of entity. For proposed schools this will be the projected opening date. For open schools this may not be present.


A list of one or more locations, from which the organisation operates or provides a service.


The normal business name of the Organisation


The set of contact phone numbers that the Organisation uses


A list of other organisations that are related to the Provider


Current status of the Provider


The reason the operational status of the organisation was changed.


Describes the nature of the Organisation; for Schools this indicate the schooling levels offered.


Code denoting the role the organisation plays within the education sector, e.g. School Sector Institution, Learning Support Cluster, etc.


The name of the School Management System (SMS) that the provider is currently using. Note: not all education providers use an SMS.


Provides iinformation specific to Te Rito, e.g. which functionality in Te Rito an organisation (school, ECE etc.) is utilising.


Indicates whether or not an ECE Service Provider Organisation is a Licenced ECE Service Provider.


Indicates whether or not an ECE Service Provider Organisation is a Playgroup Service Provider.


The type of ECE Service Provider ownership, e.g. Sole Trader, Company, Charitable Trust etc.

key ProviderRefIdMLow

1 to 5 digit Ministry Organisation Id for the Provider, without leading zeros


A code denoting the authority by which the Provider is authorised to provide education services.


Only present if the Provider is a provider of school education services. Contains properties that are school-specific.


Only present if the Provider is a provider of early childhood education services. Contains properties that are ECE specific.


Only present if the Provider is a provider of tertiary education services. Contains properties that are Tertiary Education specific.

A placeholder for future expansion


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.8-1: Provider
{ "Provider": { "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "RU", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "1175 Lake Ferry Rd", "Suburb": "RD 1", "City": "Martinborough" } ] }, "CommunicationChannelList": { "Channel": [ { "Notes": "Attendance System (Self Service)", "Type": "WEB", "Value": "http://att.hogwarts.school.nz" }, { "Notes": "School Website", "Type": "WEB", "Value": "http://www.hogwarts.school.nz" } ] }, "ContactList": { "Contact": [ { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Dumbledore", "GivenName": "Albus", "FullName": "Albus Dumbledore" }, "PositionTitle": "Headmaster", "Role": "PRI", "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "533 Hogwart's Way", "City": "Hogsmead", "PostalCode": "7733" } ] }, "EmailList": {}, "PhoneNumberList": {} }, { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Hagrid", "GivenName": "Rubeus", "FullName": "Rubeus Hagrid" }, "PositionTitle": "Gamekeeper", "Role": "DIR", "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "The Enchanted Wood", "Line2": "533 Hogwart's Way", "City": "Hogsmead", "PostalCode": "7733" } ] }, "EmailList": {}, "PhoneNumberList": {} } ] }, "EducationRegion": "TAIT", "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "stuart@gmail.com" } ] }, "EntityOpen": "1652-04-01", "LocationList": { "Location": [ { "Description": "Only Campus", "Address": { "Type": "RU", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "1175 Lake Ferry Rd", "Suburb": "RD 1", "City": "Martinborough", "PostalCode": "5781" }, "GridLocation": { "Latitude": -41.2814719, "Longitude": 175.3458472 }, "StatisticalAreaList": { "StatisticalArea": [ { "SpatialUnitType": "GE", "Code": "058" }, { "SpatialUnitType": "TA", "Code": "050" }, { "SpatialUnitType": "WA", "Code": "05003" } ] } } ] }, "Name": "Hogwart's Area School", "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Notes": "Attendance Office (Automated)", "Usage": "SMS", "Type": "WTE", "Number": "(0274) 300 9991" }, { "Notes": "Attendance Office", "Usage": "INT", "Type": "WTE", "Number": "(04) 300 9992" }, { "Notes": "School Secretary DDI", "Type": "WTE", "Number": "(04) 300 9993" } ] }, "RelatedOrganisationList": { "RelatedOrganisation": [ { "RefId": "0951bacf-fc88-4ed6-8113-11a6d6335c07", "LocalId": "99102", "Name": "Tai Tokerau", "ObjectType": "Organisation", "StartDate": "2012-10-31", "Type": "LOF" }, { "RefId": "ac0871d9-6562-4209-ae86-abdb3661842b", "LocalId": "99204", "Name": "Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako", "ObjectType": "Organisation", "StartDate": "2012-04-30", "Type": "34028" } ] }, "OperationalStatus": "O", "Type": "21", "ProviderRefId": 448, "Authority": "STATE", "SchoolService": { "CoEdStatus": "COED", "Decile": 5, "NewEntrantPolicyList": { "EnactedPolicy": [ { "EffectiveTo": "2018-12-31", "Policy": "AE" }, { "EffectiveFrom": "2019-01-01", "Policy": "CE" } ] }, "SchoolClassificationList": { "Classification": [ "52010", "52004", "52002" ] }, "SchoolYearList": { "SchoolYear": [ { "YearLevel": "1", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "2", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "3", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "4", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "5", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "6", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "7", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "8", "Gender": "C" }, { "YearLevel": "9", "Gender": "F" }, { "YearLevel": "10", "Gender": "F" }, { "YearLevel": "11", "Gender": "F" }, { "YearLevel": "12", "Gender": "F" }, { "YearLevel": "13", "Gender": "F" } ] } }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Provider> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>RU</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>1175 Lake Ferry Rd</Line1> <Suburb>RD 1</Suburb> <City>Martinborough</City> </Address> </AddressList> <CommunicationChannelList> <Channel> <Notes>Attendance System (Self Service)</Notes> <Type>WEB</Type> <Value>http://att.hogwarts.school.nz</Value> </Channel> <Channel> <Notes>School Website</Notes> <Type>WEB</Type> <Value>http://www.hogwarts.school.nz</Value> </Channel> </CommunicationChannelList> <ContactList> <Contact> <Name> <FamilyName>Dumbledore</FamilyName> <GivenName>Albus</GivenName> <FullName>Albus Dumbledore</FullName> </Name> <PositionTitle>Headmaster</PositionTitle> <Role>PRI</Role> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>533 Hogwart's Way</Line1> <City>Hogsmead</City> <PostalCode>7733</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList /> <PhoneNumberList /> </Contact> <Contact> <Name> <FamilyName>Hagrid</FamilyName> <GivenName>Rubeus</GivenName> <FullName>Rubeus Hagrid</FullName> </Name> <PositionTitle>Gamekeeper</PositionTitle> <Role>DIR</Role> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>The Enchanted Wood</Line1> <Line2>533 Hogwart's Way</Line2> <City>Hogsmead</City> <PostalCode>7733</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList /> <PhoneNumberList /> </Contact> </ContactList> <EducationRegion>TAIT</EducationRegion> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>stuart@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <EntityOpen>1652-04-01</EntityOpen> <LocationList> <Location> <Description>Only Campus</Description> <Address> <Type>RU</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>1175 Lake Ferry Rd</Line1> <Suburb>RD 1</Suburb> <City>Martinborough</City> <PostalCode>5781</PostalCode> </Address> <GridLocation> <Latitude>-41.2814719</Latitude> <Longitude>175.3458472</Longitude> </GridLocation> <StatisticalAreaList> <StatisticalArea> <SpatialUnitType>GE</SpatialUnitType> <Code>058</Code> </StatisticalArea> <StatisticalArea> <SpatialUnitType>TA</SpatialUnitType> <Code>050</Code> </StatisticalArea> <StatisticalArea> <SpatialUnitType>WA</SpatialUnitType> <Code>05003</Code> </StatisticalArea> </StatisticalAreaList> </Location> </LocationList> <Name>Hogwart's Area School</Name> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Notes>Attendance Office (Automated)</Notes> <Usage>SMS</Usage> <Type>WTE</Type> <Number>(0274) 300 9991</Number> </PhoneNumber> <PhoneNumber> <Notes>Attendance Office</Notes> <Usage>INT</Usage> <Type>WTE</Type> <Number>(04) 300 9992</Number> </PhoneNumber> <PhoneNumber> <Notes>School Secretary DDI</Notes> <Type>WTE</Type> <Number>(04) 300 9993</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <RelatedOrganisationList> <RelatedOrganisation> <RefId>0951bacf-fc88-4ed6-8113-11a6d6335c07</RefId> <LocalId>99102</LocalId> <Name>Tai Tokerau</Name> <ObjectType>Organisation</ObjectType> <StartDate>2012-10-31</StartDate> <Type>LOF</Type> </RelatedOrganisation> <RelatedOrganisation> <RefId>ac0871d9-6562-4209-ae86-abdb3661842b</RefId> <LocalId>99204</LocalId> <Name>Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako</Name> <ObjectType>Organisation</ObjectType> <StartDate>2012-04-30</StartDate> <Type>34028</Type> </RelatedOrganisation> </RelatedOrganisationList> <OperationalStatus>O</OperationalStatus> <Type>21</Type> <ProviderRefId>448</ProviderRefId> <Authority>STATE</Authority> <SchoolService> <CoEdStatus>COED</CoEdStatus> <Decile>5</Decile> <NewEntrantPolicyList> <EnactedPolicy> <EffectiveTo>2018-12-31</EffectiveTo> <Policy>AE</Policy> </EnactedPolicy> <EnactedPolicy> <EffectiveFrom>2019-01-01</EffectiveFrom> <Policy>CE</Policy> </EnactedPolicy> </NewEntrantPolicyList> <SchoolClassificationList> <Classification>52010</Classification> <Classification>52004</Classification> <Classification>52002</Classification> </SchoolClassificationList> <SchoolYearList> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>1</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>2</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>3</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>4</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>5</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>6</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>7</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>8</YearLevel> <Gender>C</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>9</YearLevel> <Gender>F</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>10</YearLevel> <Gender>F</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>11</YearLevel> <Gender>F</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>12</YearLevel> <Gender>F</Gender> </SchoolYear> <SchoolYear> <YearLevel>13</YearLevel> <Gender>F</Gender> </SchoolYear> </SchoolYearList> </SchoolService> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Provider>
Example 3.2.8-1: School Provider Example

3.2.9 ProviderCourse

A Provider defined Course that Students enrol in, and may be assessed for, and achieve passes in.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.9-1: ProviderCourse ProviderCourse ProviderCourseRefId ProviderCourseLocalId Provider Curriculum SubjectAreaList YearLevelList Title Description Duration Credits LanguageOfInstructionList NZQAShortCOurseInd LearningStandardList CredentialList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ProviderCourse Low

A Provider defined Course that Students enrol in, and may be assessed for, and achieve passes in.

key ProviderCourseRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the Provider (school) that defines and offers the Course.


Which of New Zealand's three Curricula is covered by the Course.


Subject matter areas covered by the Course.


Year Levels covered by the Course.


Title of the Course.


Textual description of the Course.


The number of weeks the course is taught for.


The number of credits awarded upon Course completion.


The language of instruction for the Course.


Indicator to advise NZQA that course does not have sufficient credits for endorsement.


A list of references to LearningStandard data objects that students are assessed against as part of the Course


A list of ObjectReferences to the Credentials that may be gained by students completing the course.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.9-1: ProviderCourse
{ "ProviderCourse": { "ProviderCourseRefId": "9d75101a-8c3d-00aa-001a-0000a2e35b35", "ProviderCourseLocalId": "12CHEM", "Provider": { "RefId": 632 }, "Curriculum": "NZC", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "CHEM" ] }, "YearLevelList": { "YearLevel": [ 12 ] }, "Title": "Year 12 Chemistry", "Description": "Organic & Inorganic Chemistry for NCEA Level 2", "Duration": 35, "Credits": 11, "LanguageOfInstructionList": { "Language": [ { "Code": "NZS01112", "Level": "1" } ] }, "LearningStandardList": { "LearningStandardRefId": [ "NC-91165-v2", "NC-91166-v2", "NC-91167-v2" ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ProviderCourse> <ProviderCourseRefId>9d75101a-8c3d-00aa-001a-0000a2e35b35</ProviderCourseRefId> <ProviderCourseLocalId>12CHEM</ProviderCourseLocalId> <Provider> <RefId>632</RefId> </Provider> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>CHEM</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <YearLevelList> <YearLevel>12</YearLevel> </YearLevelList> <Title>Year 12 Chemistry</Title> <Description>Organic &amp; Inorganic Chemistry for NCEA Level 2</Description> <Duration>35</Duration> <Credits>11</Credits> <LanguageOfInstructionList> <Language> <Code>NZS01112</Code> <Level>1</Level> </Language> </LanguageOfInstructionList> <LearningStandardList> <LearningStandardRefId>NC-91165-v2</LearningStandardRefId> <LearningStandardRefId>NC-91166-v2</LearningStandardRefId> <LearningStandardRefId>NC-91167-v2</LearningStandardRefId> </LearningStandardList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ProviderCourse>
Example 3.2.9-1: ProviderCourse Example

3.2.10 ProviderRelationship

Records a recognised relationship between two education Providers. The two providers are referred to as the Source Provider and the Related Provider.

RelationshipType records the nature of the relationship between the two providers, and gives guidance on which Provider is the Source Provider and which is the Related Provider.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.10-1: ProviderRelationship ProviderRelationship ProviderRelationshipRefId ProviderRelationshipLocalId Status RelationshipType SourceOrganisation SourceOrganisationRole SourceOrganisationAgreementDate RelatedOrganisation RelatedOrganisationRole RelatedOrganisationAgreementDate EffectiveDate ExpirationDate YearLevelList SubjectAreaList Description RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ProviderRelationship Low

Records a recognised relationship between two education Providers. The two providers are referred to as the Source Provider and the Related Provider.

RelationshipType records the nature of the relationship between the two providers, and gives guidance on which Provider is the Source Provider and which is the Related Provider.

key ProviderRelationshipRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Records if this OrganisationRelationship is Active or Inactive


The SIF GUID for the source provider in the relationship.


Generic object reference to the source provider in the relationship.


The role the source organisation is playing in this relationship.


The date the source Provider in the relationship registered their agreement to the relationship. nil value if the source Provider is yet to register their agreement ot the relationship.


Generic object reference to the related provider in the relationship.


The role the related organisation is playing in this relationship.


The date the related Provider in the relationship registered their agreement to the relationship. nil value if the related Provider is yet to register their agreement ot the relationship.


The date from which the provider relationship is active.


The date after which the provider relationship is no longer active.


A list of YearLevels, denoting the year levels of the learners being hosted or sent from the client or contributing provider


A list of Subject or Learning Areas, denoting the curriculum subjects or learning areas that the learners being sent by the Source Provider are taught at the Related Provider.


Free text description providing more detail about the provider relationship.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.10-1: ProviderRelationship

3.2.11 Schedule

A rotation of ScheduleAcademicDays that a Provider has in place to manage their timetable.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.11-1: Schedule Schedule ScheduleRefId ScheduleLocalId ScheduleName StartDate EndDate Provider AcademicDayList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 Schedule Low

A rotation of ScheduleAcademicDays that a Provider has in place to manage their timetable.

key ScheduleRefIdOLow

The ID (GUID) assigned to uniquely identify this Schedule.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the schedule.


The start date of the schedule.


The end date of the schedule.


The provider the schedule is for.


A list of the academic days within this schedule.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.11-1: Schedule
{ "Schedule": { "ScheduleRefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "ScheduleLocalId": "2019a", "ScheduleName": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)", "StartDate": "2019-01-30", "EndDate": "2019-04-07", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "AcademicDayList": { "AcademicDay": [ { "RefId": "364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9", "LocalId": "2019a-A", "Name": "Schedule 2019a, Day A", "PeriodList": { "Period": [ { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A" }, { "RefId": "1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34", "LocalId": "2019a-A2", "Name": "Period 2 on Day A" } ] } }, { "RefId": "337804c6-1247-4c0f-b288-e4aa28584aad", "LocalId": "2019a-B", "Name": "Schedule 2019a, DayB", "PeriodList": { "Period": [ { "RefId": "f6776718-4680-4cb7-b649-a84f9796905c", "LocalId": "2019a-B1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day B" }, { "RefId": "0ddaa486-adf1-4cb3-bd06-71397f4bbdd9", "LocalId": "2019a-B2", "Name": "Period 2 on Day B" } ] } } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<Schedule> <ScheduleRefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</ScheduleRefId> <ScheduleLocalId>2019a</ScheduleLocalId> <ScheduleName>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</ScheduleName> <StartDate>2019-01-30</StartDate> <EndDate>2019-04-07</EndDate> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <AcademicDayList> <AcademicDay> <RefId>364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A</LocalId> <Name>Schedule 2019a, Day A</Name> <PeriodList> <Period> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> </Period> <Period> <RefId>1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A2</LocalId> <Name>Period 2 on Day A</Name> </Period> </PeriodList> </AcademicDay> <AcademicDay> <RefId>337804c6-1247-4c0f-b288-e4aa28584aad</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-B</LocalId> <Name>Schedule 2019a, DayB</Name> <PeriodList> <Period> <RefId>f6776718-4680-4cb7-b649-a84f9796905c</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-B1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day B</Name> </Period> <Period> <RefId>0ddaa486-adf1-4cb3-bd06-71397f4bbdd9</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-B2</LocalId> <Name>Period 2 on Day B</Name> </Period> </PeriodList> </AcademicDay> </AcademicDayList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </Schedule>
Example 3.2.11-1: Schedule

3.2.12 ScheduleAcademicDay

An academic day that makes up all or part of a schedule for a provider. An academic day represents a structured day that reoccurs consistently e.g. Day A has five periods that occurs Mon-Wed and Day B has four periods and occurs Thurs-Fri.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.12-1: ScheduleAcademicDay ScheduleAcademicDay ScheduleAcademicDayRefId ScheduleAcademicDayLocalId AcademicDayName Provider Schedule BellSchedule PeriodList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ScheduleAcademicDay Low An academic day that makes up all or part of a schedule for a provider. An academic day represents a structured day that reoccurs consistently e.g. Day A has five periods that occurs Mon-Wed and Day B has four periods and occurs Thurs-Fri.   
key ScheduleAcademicDayRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the Academic Day.


The provider the academic day belongs to.


The provider schedule the academic day belongs to.


The bell schedule the academic day is following.


A list of periods that make up this academic day, e.g. Period 1, Period 2 etc.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.12-1: ScheduleAcademicDay
{ "ScheduleAcademicDay": { "ScheduleAcademicDayRefId": "364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9", "ScheduleAcademicDayLocalId": "2019a-A", "AcademicDayName": "Scheule 2019a, Day A", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "Schedule": { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)" }, "BellSchedule": { "RefId": "8bda1e4a-ddd2-4d18-9a85-ffcd7a2528b8", "Name": "Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule" }, "PeriodList": { "Period": [ { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A" }, { "RefId": "1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34", "LocalId": "2019a-A2", "Name": "Period 2 on Day A" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleAcademicDay> <ScheduleAcademicDayRefId>364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9</ScheduleAcademicDayRefId> <ScheduleAcademicDayLocalId>2019a-A</ScheduleAcademicDayLocalId> <AcademicDayName>Scheule 2019a, Day A</AcademicDayName> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> <BellSchedule> <RefId>8bda1e4a-ddd2-4d18-9a85-ffcd7a2528b8</RefId> <Name>Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule</Name> </BellSchedule> <PeriodList> <Period> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> </Period> <Period> <RefId>1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A2</LocalId> <Name>Period 2 on Day A</Name> </Period> </PeriodList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleAcademicDay>
Example 3.2.12-1: Schedule Academic Day

3.2.13 ScheduleDate

Provides information about the schedule that is being followed on a specific calendar date at a particular Provider, e.g. Academic Day A from the Term 1 Schedule using the Periods and their start and end times defined in Bell Schedule Day A.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.13-1: ScheduleDate ScheduleDate ScheduleDateRefId ScheduleDateLocalId CalendarDate Provider Term Schedule AcademicDay BellSchedule TeachingGroupEventList SchedulePeriodList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ScheduleDate Low Provides information about the schedule that is being followed on a specific calendar date at a particular Provider, e.g. Academic Day A from the Term 1 Schedule using the Periods and their start and end times defined in Bell Schedule Day A.   
key ScheduleDateRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The actual date the school is in session.


The provider, e.g. school, tertiary institution etc, that this schedule date record belongs to.


The Term in session on this calendar date.


The schedule within the provider to which this ScheduleDate applies.


The academic day from the schedule that is taking place on this calendar date.


The bell schedule that the provider used on this calendar date.


List of generic object references to the set of TeachingGroupEvents that take place on this calendar date.


A list of the periods that took place on this scheduled date and their start and end times.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.13-1: ScheduleDate
{ "ScheduleDate": { "ScheduleDateRefId": "84c40f87-769d-46cc-8077-f5efb912e099", "ScheduleDateLocalId": "2019a-A-06", "CalendarDate": "2019-03-14", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "Term": { "RefId": "2f97ed99-7291-4b88-91c3-709be4308c63", "Name": "Hogwarts High, Term I, 2019" }, "Schedule": { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)" }, "AcademicDay": { "RefId": "364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9", "LocalId": "2019a-A", "Name": "Scheule 2019a, Day A" }, "BellSchedule": { "RefId": "8bda1e4a-ddd2-4d18-9a85-ffcd7a2528b8", "Name": "Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule" }, "SchedulePeriodList": { "SchedulePeriodTime": [ { "Period": { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A" }, "StartTime": "08:45:00", "EndTime": "09:35:00" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleDate> <ScheduleDateRefId>84c40f87-769d-46cc-8077-f5efb912e099</ScheduleDateRefId> <ScheduleDateLocalId>2019a-A-06</ScheduleDateLocalId> <CalendarDate>2019-03-14</CalendarDate> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <Term> <RefId>2f97ed99-7291-4b88-91c3-709be4308c63</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High, Term I, 2019</Name> </Term> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> <AcademicDay> <RefId>364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A</LocalId> <Name>Scheule 2019a, Day A</Name> </AcademicDay> <BellSchedule> <RefId>8bda1e4a-ddd2-4d18-9a85-ffcd7a2528b8</RefId> <Name>Schedule 2019a, Normal Bell Schedule</Name> </BellSchedule> <SchedulePeriodList> <SchedulePeriodTime> <Period> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> </Period> <StartTime>08:45:00</StartTime> <EndTime>09:35:00</EndTime> </SchedulePeriodTime> </SchedulePeriodList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleDate>
Example 3.2.13-1: Schedule Date

3.2.14 ScheduleEvent

Defines events that may or may not impact the schedule. These events may simply be for display, or may affect the schools academic schedule.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.14-1: ScheduleEvent ScheduleEvent ScheduleEventRefId ScheduleEventLocalId Provider EventDate EventEndDate Duration EventTime EventName Location ScheduleEffect ScheduleList ScheduleDayList RemoveScheduleDayList BellScheduleList RemoveBellScheduleList ScheduleTermList CustomPeriodList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ScheduleEvent Low

Defines events that may or may not impact the schedule. These events may simply be for display, or may affect the schools academic schedule.

key ScheduleEventRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The provider at which this event will occur


The start date of the event.


The end date of the event.


The duration of the event. If only the "EventDate" field is populated, the duration is in days and if omitted defaults to 1 day; if the "EventDate" and "EventTime" fields are both populated, the duration is in seconds and if omitted defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour).


The start time for the event, if required.


The name of the event.


The name of location where the event will occur.


Code denoting the effect of this ScheduleEvent on the school schedule.


List of the schedules within the provider which the event will affect. If this event is to affect the school's academic schedule this field is required, otherwise it is optional.


A list of one or more academic days to be applied to the school calendar for the duration of this event.


A list of one or more academic days to be removed from the school calendar for the duration of this event. Generally only operates with a Schedule Effect of "add" or "custom".


A list of one or more bell schedules to be applied to the school calendar for the duration of this event.


A list of one or more bell schedules to be removed from the school calendar for the duration of this event. Generally only operates with a Schedule Effect of "add" or "custom".


A list of one or more terms to be affected by this event. WARNING: Terms should only be specified for events that affect the scheduling of terms. Setting Terms on other event can have a disruptive effect on the school schedule.


A list of generic object references to a set of SchedulePeriods, along with their custom start and end times, which are part of a 'CUSTOM' ScheduleEvent.

Used in the creation of "one off" events defined in ScheduleEvent to have a custom set of SchedulePeriods, each with custom start and end times that don't match any particular bell schedule.

Used for exception days in the school schedule, such as assembly days or activity days.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.14-1: ScheduleEvent
{ "ScheduleEvent": { "ScheduleEventRefId": "c79e65df-0b11-4a97-9062-9fbd1c1a38e3", "ScheduleEventLocalId": "evMarSlip", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "EventDate": "2019-03-14", "Duration": 1, "EventName": "March Floods - School Closed - Slip Schedule", "ScheduleEffect": "INSERT", "ScheduleList": { "Schedule": [ { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Schedule 2019a (Term 1)" } ] } } }
<ScheduleEvent> <ScheduleEventRefId>c79e65df-0b11-4a97-9062-9fbd1c1a38e3</ScheduleEventRefId> <ScheduleEventLocalId>evMarSlip</ScheduleEventLocalId> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <EventDate>2019-03-14</EventDate> <Duration>1</Duration> <EventName>March Floods - School Closed - Slip Schedule</EventName> <ScheduleEffect>INSERT</ScheduleEffect> <ScheduleList> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Schedule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> </ScheduleList> </ScheduleEvent>
Example 3.2.14-1: Schedule Event - Slip Schedule
{ "ScheduleEvent": { "ScheduleEventRefId": "c315d397-6d8d-46bd-b183-ad3a3653a42b", "ScheduleEventLocalId": "evMarCan", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "EventDate": "2019-03-14", "Duration": 1, "EventName": "March Floods - School Closed - Schedule day lost", "ScheduleEffect": "DISPLACE", "ScheduleList": { "Schedule": [ { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Schedule 2019a (Term 1)" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleEvent> <ScheduleEventRefId>c315d397-6d8d-46bd-b183-ad3a3653a42b</ScheduleEventRefId> <ScheduleEventLocalId>evMarCan</ScheduleEventLocalId> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <EventDate>2019-03-14</EventDate> <Duration>1</Duration> <EventName>March Floods - School Closed - Schedule day lost</EventName> <ScheduleEffect>DISPLACE</ScheduleEffect> <ScheduleList> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Schedule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> </ScheduleList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleEvent>
Example 3.2.14-2: Schedule Event - Schedule day lost
{ "ScheduleEvent": { "ScheduleEventRefId": "f84d9681-03f6-4434-a867-967dba517cf5", "ScheduleEventLocalId": "evWinSprt", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "EventDate": "2019-07-05", "Duration": 1, "EventName": "Winter Sports - 3 Short Periods, Afternoon Off", "ScheduleEffect": "CUSTOM", "ScheduleList": { "Schedule": [ { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Schedule 2019a (Term 1)" } ] }, "CustomPeriodList": { "Period": [ { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A", "StartTime": "09:00:00", "EndTime": "09:45:00" }, { "RefId": "1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34", "LocalId": "2019a-A2", "Name": "Period 2 on Day A", "StartTime": "09:50:00", "EndTime": "10:35:00" }, { "RefId": "373caf8a-e55a-418a-a21d-6511f7a8dab3", "LocalId": "2019a-A4", "Name": "Period 4 on Day A", "StartTime": "10:45:00", "EndTime": "11:30:00" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleEvent> <ScheduleEventRefId>f84d9681-03f6-4434-a867-967dba517cf5</ScheduleEventRefId> <ScheduleEventLocalId>evWinSprt</ScheduleEventLocalId> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <EventDate>2019-07-05</EventDate> <Duration>1</Duration> <EventName>Winter Sports - 3 Short Periods, Afternoon Off</EventName> <ScheduleEffect>CUSTOM</ScheduleEffect> <ScheduleList> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Schedule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> </ScheduleList> <CustomPeriodList> <Period> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> <StartTime>09:00:00</StartTime> <EndTime>09:45:00</EndTime> </Period> <Period> <RefId>1c48a0bb-a6cc-41ab-8aae-929ce5ec9c34</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A2</LocalId> <Name>Period 2 on Day A</Name> <StartTime>09:50:00</StartTime> <EndTime>10:35:00</EndTime> </Period> <Period> <RefId>373caf8a-e55a-418a-a21d-6511f7a8dab3</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A4</LocalId> <Name>Period 4 on Day A</Name> <StartTime>10:45:00</StartTime> <EndTime>11:30:00</EndTime> </Period> </CustomPeriodList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleEvent>
Example 3.2.14-3: Schedule Event - Custom Schedule

3.2.15 ScheduleHoliday

Provides information about a holiday that may or may not impact upon the schedule of a provider.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.15-1: ScheduleHoliday ScheduleHoliday ScheduleHolidayRefId ScheduleHolidayLocalId Provider HolidayDate HolidayName HolidayLongName AlwaysDisplayFlag RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ScheduleHoliday Low

Provides information about a holiday that may or may not impact upon the schedule of a provider.

key ScheduleHolidayRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The provider the ScheduleHoliday relates to. Not populated if it is a National Holiday that applies to all providers.


The date of the holiday


The name of the holiday.


The long description of the holiday, if there is one.


Display the holiday name even if an academic ScheduleDate record is defined for this date for a school.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.15-1: ScheduleHoliday
{ "ScheduleHoliday": { "ScheduleHolidayRefId": "4e8387f0-faed-4eb5-84ef-2139da62133d", "ScheduleHolidayLocalId": "2019-ANZAC", "HolidayDate": "2019-04-25", "HolidayName": "ANZAC Day", "HolidayLongName": "ANZAC Day, 2019", "AlwaysDisplayFlag": "Y", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleHoliday> <ScheduleHolidayRefId>4e8387f0-faed-4eb5-84ef-2139da62133d</ScheduleHolidayRefId> <ScheduleHolidayLocalId>2019-ANZAC</ScheduleHolidayLocalId> <HolidayDate>2019-04-25</HolidayDate> <HolidayName>ANZAC Day</HolidayName> <HolidayLongName>ANZAC Day, 2019</HolidayLongName> <AlwaysDisplayFlag>Y</AlwaysDisplayFlag> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleHoliday>
Example 3.2.15-1: Schedule Holiday

3.2.16 SchedulePeriod

Defines the periods that take place within one or more academic days. Periods are assigned to particular days in the Schedule in SchduleAcademicDay.PeriodList

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.16-1: SchedulePeriod SchedulePeriod SchedulePeriodRefId SchedulePeriodLocalId PeriodName Provider Schedule RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 SchedulePeriod Low Defines the periods that take place within one or more academic days. Periods are assigned to particular days in the Schedule in SchduleAcademicDay.PeriodList   
key SchedulePeriodRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the schedule period.


The provider the schedule period belongs to.


The provider schedule the schedule period belongs to.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.16-1: SchedulePeriod
{ "SchedulePeriod": { "SchedulePeriodRefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "SchedulePeriodLocalId": "2019a-1", "PeriodName": "Period 1", "Provider": { "RefId": 783, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "Schedule": { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "LocalId": "2019a", "Name": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)" }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<SchedulePeriod> <SchedulePeriodRefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</SchedulePeriodRefId> <SchedulePeriodLocalId>2019a-1</SchedulePeriodLocalId> <PeriodName>Period 1</PeriodName> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <LocalId>2019a</LocalId> <Name>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </SchedulePeriod>
Example 3.2.16-1: Schedule Period

3.2.17 ScheduleTerm

Provides information about school terms, tertiary terms etc., either at a national, or provider level, within a school year. If the term is being supplied at a national level, no provider information will be linked.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.17-1: ScheduleTerm ScheduleTerm ScheduleTermRefId ScheduleTermLocalId TermName Provider SchoolYear StartDate EndDate RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ScheduleTerm Low

Provides information about school terms, tertiary terms etc., either at a national, or provider level, within a school year. If the term is being supplied at a national level, no provider information will be linked.

key ScheduleTermRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The name of the schedule term.


The provider the schedule term applies to, ommitted if it applies to all providers.


The school year the Term is part of.


The start date of the term


The end date of the term


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.17-1: ScheduleTerm
{ "ScheduleTerm": { "ScheduleTermRefId": "eed03e3c-b088-4b69-bba7-b042f6f7a040", "ScheduleTermLocalId": "2019-1", "TermName": "Term I of 2019", "Provider": { "RefId": 783 }, "StartDate": "2019-01-28", "EndDate": "2019-03-13", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<ScheduleTerm> <ScheduleTermRefId>eed03e3c-b088-4b69-bba7-b042f6f7a040</ScheduleTermRefId> <ScheduleTermLocalId>2019-1</ScheduleTermLocalId> <TermName>Term I of 2019</TermName> <Provider> <RefId>783</RefId> </Provider> <StartDate>2019-01-28</StartDate> <EndDate>2019-03-13</EndDate> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </ScheduleTerm>
Example 3.2.17-1: Schedule Term

3.2.18 StaffAssignment

Records assignment of a Staff member to a particular role at a Provider or other EducationOrganisation. A staff member can have multiple concurrent roles at Schools (via Provider data object) and Kāhui Ako (via the EducationOrganisation data object); each role would be a separate StaffAssignment record.

Role assignments can be restricted to categories of Students with the StaffSubjectList and YearLevelList. This allows for assignment to roles with particular responsibility for general cohorts of students, such as "Head of Department (Maths)" or "Year 8 Student Dean".

While assignment to student contact roles such as Subject Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Whānau Teacher or House Master is made with this data object; Details of the particular group of specific students the staff member is responsible for are made via the TeachingGroup data object.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.18-1: StaffAssignment StaffAssignment StaffAssignmentRefId StaffAssignmentLocalId StaffAssignmentStatus StaffMember AssignedLocation EmployingOrAccommodatingProvider Description StaffRole StartDate EndDate CasualReliefTeacher EmploymentStatus StaffSubjectList YearLevels RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StaffAssignment Low

Records assignment of a Staff member to a particular role at a Provider or other EducationOrganisation. A staff member can have multiple concurrent roles at Schools (via Provider data object) and Kāhui Ako (via the EducationOrganisation data object); each role would be a separate StaffAssignment record.

Role assignments can be restricted to categories of Students with the StaffSubjectList and YearLevelList. This allows for assignment to roles with particular responsibility for general cohorts of students, such as "Head of Department (Maths)" or "Year 8 Student Dean".

While assignment to student contact roles such as Subject Teacher, Homeroom Teacher, Whānau Teacher or House Master is made with this data object; Details of the particular group of specific students the staff member is responsible for are made via the TeachingGroup data object.

key StaffAssignmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


States whether or not this is an inactive or active assignment for a staff member.


Generic object reference to the staff member, as represented in the StaffPersonal object. 


A generic object reference to either Provider or Organisation that the staff member is assigned to.


Indicates whether or not this is the staff member's employing/accommodating provider. Only applies to staff members assigned to schools.


Short description of the staff member's assignment to the provider.


The single role the StaffMember has in relation to all students at the assigned location.


This is the date from which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive).


This is the date through which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). This can be NULL when the staff member's assignment to a particular role is open-ended.


Is this teacher a casual relief teacher CRT?


Status of staff member within this school. Where a Staff member is employed by an organisation that covers more than one school, employment status may be different at each school.


The set of SubjectArea/LearningAreas the that the staff member is responsible for. e.g. "Head of Dept (Maths)" includes students learning any flavour of Mathematics.


The set of student Year Levels that the staff member is responsible for. e.g. "Junior Student Dean" could have responsibility for all students in year levels 9 & 10.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.18-1: StaffAssignment
{ "StaffAssignment": { "StaffAssignmentRefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652", "StaffMember": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1651" }, "AssignedLocation": { "RefId": 203, "Name": "Wellington College" }, "Description": "Senior English Teacher", "StaffRole": "1102", "StartDate": "2000-09-05", "EndDate": "2001-06-25", "CasualReliefTeacher": "N", "EmploymentStatus": "A", "StaffSubjectList": { "StaffSubject": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "Code": "ENGL", "YearLevels": { "YearLevel": [ 11, 12, 13 ] } }, { "PreferenceNumber": 2, "Code": "HIST" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StaffAssignment> <StaffAssignmentRefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</StaffAssignmentRefId> <StaffMember> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1651</RefId> </StaffMember> <AssignedLocation> <RefId>203</RefId> <Name>Wellington College</Name> </AssignedLocation> <Description>Senior English Teacher</Description> <StaffRole>1102</StaffRole> <StartDate>2000-09-05</StartDate> <EndDate>2001-06-25</EndDate> <CasualReliefTeacher>N</CasualReliefTeacher> <EmploymentStatus>A</EmploymentStatus> <StaffSubjectList> <StaffSubject> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <Code>ENGL</Code> <YearLevels> <YearLevel>11</YearLevel> <YearLevel>12</YearLevel> <YearLevel>13</YearLevel> </YearLevels> </StaffSubject> <StaffSubject> <PreferenceNumber>2</PreferenceNumber> <Code>HIST</Code> </StaffSubject> </StaffSubjectList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StaffAssignment>
Example 3.2.18-1: StaffAssignment English Teacher Example
{ "StaffAssignment": { "StaffAssignmentRefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652", "StaffMember": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1651", "LocalId": "SMcG", "Name": "Steve McGannaway" }, "AssignedLocation": { "RefId": 9556, "Name": "Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako" }, "Description": "Kāhui Ako Cross School Teacher", "StaffRole": "1102", "StartDate": "2000-09-05", "EndDate": "2001-06-25", "CasualReliefTeacher": "N", "EmploymentStatus": "A", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StaffAssignment> <StaffAssignmentRefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</StaffAssignmentRefId> <StaffMember> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1651</RefId> <LocalId>SMcG</LocalId> <Name>Steve McGannaway</Name> </StaffMember> <AssignedLocation> <RefId>9556</RefId> <Name>Masterton (Whakaoriori) Kāhui Ako</Name> </AssignedLocation> <Description>Kāhui Ako Cross School Teacher</Description> <StaffRole>1102</StaffRole> <StartDate>2000-09-05</StartDate> <EndDate>2001-06-25</EndDate> <CasualReliefTeacher>N</CasualReliefTeacher> <EmploymentStatus>A</EmploymentStatus> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StaffAssignment>
Example 3.2.18-2: StaffAssignment Kāhui Ako Cross School Teacher Example

3.2.19 StaffPersonal

All the personal contact and demographic information relating to a staff member, who might be a teacher or other employee of a Provider.

Non personal information relating to the staff member's relationship with Providers is stored in the StaffAssignment data object.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.19-1: StaffPersonal StaffPersonal StaffPersonalRefId StaffPersonalLocalId ESLPairwiseId SchoolSMSUserId EnableLogin PersonInfo RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StaffPersonal High

All the personal contact and demographic information relating to a staff member, who might be a teacher or other employee of a Provider.

Non personal information relating to the staff member's relationship with Providers is stored in the StaffAssignment data object.

key StaffPersonalRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The GUID used by Education Sector Logon (ESL) to identify the Staff Member


The identifier used by the school's SMS to identify the Staff Member


Indicates whether or not the staff member's ability to login is enabled. Yes, means the staff member can log in. No means they cannot.


Personal Information


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.19-1: StaffPersonal
{ "StaffPersonal": { "StaffPersonalRefId": "d3e34f41-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652", "PersonInfo": { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Smith", "GivenName": "Fred", "FullName": "Fred Smith", "Type": "LGL", "IsVerified": "Y" }, "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "The Enchanted Wood", "Line2": "533 Hogwart's Way", "Suburb": "RD 1", "City": "Hogsmeade", "PostalCode": 5780 } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "ALT1", "Address": "fsmith@yahoo.com" }, { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "freddy@gmail.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "WTE", "Number": "03 9637-2289", "Extension": 72289 }, { "Type": "HTE", "Number": "0437-765-234" } ] } }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StaffPersonal> <StaffPersonalRefId>d3e34f41-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</StaffPersonalRefId> <PersonInfo> <Name> <FamilyName>Smith</FamilyName> <GivenName>Fred</GivenName> <FullName>Fred Smith</FullName> <Type>LGL</Type> <IsVerified>Y</IsVerified> </Name> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>The Enchanted Wood</Line1> <Line2>533 Hogwart's Way</Line2> <Suburb>RD 1</Suburb> <City>Hogsmeade</City> <PostalCode>5780</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>ALT1</Type> <Address>fsmith@yahoo.com</Address> </Email> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>freddy@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>WTE</Type> <Number>03 9637-2289</Number> <Extension>72289</Extension> </PhoneNumber> <PhoneNumber> <Type>HTE</Type> <Number>0437-765-234</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </PersonInfo> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StaffPersonal>
Example 3.2.19-1: StaffPersonal

3.2.20 StaffTeachingGroupAssignment

Records assignment of a Staff member to a particular role with a particular TeachingGroup at a Provider

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.20-1: StaffTeachingGroupAssignment StaffTeachingGroupAssignment StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentRefId StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentLocalId Status StaffMember Provider TeachingGroup Role StartDate EndDate RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType

Records assignment of a Staff member to a particular role with a particular TeachingGroup at a Provider

key StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


States whether or not this is an inactive or active assignment for a staff member.


Generic object reference to the staff member, as represented in the StaffPersonal object. 


A generic object reference to the Provider making the assignment.


A generic object reference to the TeachingGroup that the staff member is assigned to.


Code denoting the role the staff member plays within the TeachingGroup, eg. ClassroomTeacher, SubjectTeacher, ClassroomAide, etc.


This is the date from which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive).


This is the date through which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). This can be NULL when the staff member's assignment to a particular role is open-ended.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.20-1: StaffTeachingGroupAssignment
{ "StaffTeachingGroupAssignment": { "StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentRefId": "92828e71-c702-4944-841e-761203142ccd", "StaffMember": { "RefId": "6c12f5ae-ca86-40e2-b252-593154c8b967" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 636 }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "edc3ac19-264f-4734-b75b-6d56fbf84a18", "LocalId": "11FrenA", "Name": "Year 11 French, Stream A" }, "Role": 1201, "StartDate": "2000-09-05", "EndDate": "2001-06-25", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StaffTeachingGroupAssignment> <StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentRefId>92828e71-c702-4944-841e-761203142ccd</StaffTeachingGroupAssignmentRefId> <StaffMember> <RefId>6c12f5ae-ca86-40e2-b252-593154c8b967</RefId> </StaffMember> <Provider> <RefId>636</RefId> </Provider> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>edc3ac19-264f-4734-b75b-6d56fbf84a18</RefId> <LocalId>11FrenA</LocalId> <Name>Year 11 French, Stream A</Name> </TeachingGroup> <Role>1201</Role> <StartDate>2000-09-05</StartDate> <EndDate>2001-06-25</EndDate> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StaffTeachingGroupAssignment>
Example 3.2.20-1: Staff TeachingGroup Assignment French Teacher Example

3.2.21 StudentActivityParticipation

This object provides information on a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in which a student participates during a given school year.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.21-1: StudentActivityParticipation StudentActivityParticipation StudentActivityParticipationRefId StudentActivityParticipationLocalId Student Provider ActivityGroup ActivityType ActivityName LearningArea ParticipationComment StartDate EndDate Role RecognitionList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentActivityParticipation   This object provides information on a co-curricular or extra-curricular activity in which a student participates during a given school year.   
key StudentActivityParticipationRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student participating in the activity.


Generic object reference to the Provider running the activity the student is participating in, e.g. schools.


Standard codes denoting the group of the activity the student is participating in, e.g. sport, art, cultural, music.


Standard codes denoting the type of activity the student is participating in, e.g. rugby, drama, Kapa Haka, Violin.


The name of the activity the student participated in.


The learning area the student activity the student is participating in relates to.


Comment related to the student's participation in the activity.


This is the date from which the activity participation is valid (inclusive).


This is the date through which the activity participation is valid (inclusive). If element is supported by the publisher/responder, should contain a date if the student withdraws from the activity before the end of the school year.


Specific role the student plays in the activity (e.g., band leader, student body president).


List of awards and other types of recognition given to the student for this activity.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.21-1: StudentActivityParticipation
{ "StudentActivityParticipation": { "StudentActivityParticipationRefId": "9ecc9683-0e02-406f-926c-1c4d3542d122", "Student": { "RefId": "646c5d4a-c829-4886-a02b-971695c7bc06" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 2342 }, "ActivityGroup": "SPO", "ActivityType": "CRI", "ActivityName": "First XI", "ParticipationComment": "First year of participation", "StartDate": "2008-09-01", "Role": "Team Member", "RecognitionList": { "Recognition": [ "Player of the Day" ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentActivityParticipation> <StudentActivityParticipationRefId>9ecc9683-0e02-406f-926c-1c4d3542d122</StudentActivityParticipationRefId> <Student> <RefId>646c5d4a-c829-4886-a02b-971695c7bc06</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>2342</RefId> </Provider> <ActivityGroup>SPO</ActivityGroup> <ActivityType>CRI</ActivityType> <ActivityName>First XI</ActivityName> <ParticipationComment>First year of participation</ParticipationComment> <StartDate>2008-09-01</StartDate> <Role>Team Member</Role> <RecognitionList> <Recognition>Player of the Day</Recognition> </RecognitionList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentActivityParticipation>
Example 3.2.21-1: StudentActivityParticipation

3.2.22 StudentAssessmentTask

Record of a student's attempt at a particular assessment task.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.22-1: StudentAssessmentTask StudentAssessmentTask StudentAssessmentTaskRefId StudentAssessmentTaskLocalId Student AssessmentTask StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration ProviderInvolvedList StaffInvolvedList DateTimeAssessmentScheduled DateTimeAssessed Status NCEAStatusDate AssessmentAttempt SpecialAssessmentConditionList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAssessmentTask Low

Record of a student's attempt at a particular assessment task.

key StudentAssessmentTaskRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student held in the StudentPersonal data object who is being assessed against the assessment task.


Generic object reference to the AssessmentTask data object that the student assessment is for.


Generic object reference to the registration made on behalf of the student by the school to sit this assessment.


A list of the providers involved and their role, e.g. assessing provider, assessment provider, assessment location provider.


A list of the staff involved and their role in relation to the assessment task, e.g. the staff members that supervise the undertaking of the assessment task by the student.


The date and time the student is scheduled to be assessed against the assessment task.


The date and time the student was assessed against the assessment task.


Code denoting the current status of the student assessment task


Date the current NCEA status was set.


The attempt number the student is making to pass this assessment, e.g. is it their first, second attempt.


The list of the special assessment conditions that the student is entitled to have when sitting this assessment task.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.22-1: StudentAssessmentTask
{ "StudentAssessmentTask": { "StudentAssessmentTaskRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "Student": { "RefId": "cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435", "LocalId": "850139-HP", "Name": "Harry Potter", "NationalStudentNumber": 23423421 }, "AssessmentTask": { "RefId": "d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39" }, "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 762, "ProviderRole": "LOC" }, { "RefId": 9962, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "StaffInvolvedList": { "StaffInvolved": [ { "RefId": "228a2cbe-93c4-46ba-91fa-b3ae689eb437", "Name": "Prof. McGonnegal", "StaffRole": "INV" } ] }, "DateTimeAssessmentScheduled": "2018-11-25T10:00:00+13:00", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTask> <StudentAssessmentTaskRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskRefId> <Student> <RefId>cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435</RefId> <LocalId>850139-HP</LocalId> <Name>Harry Potter</Name> <NationalStudentNumber>23423421</NationalStudentNumber> </Student> <AssessmentTask> <RefId>d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39</RefId> </AssessmentTask> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>762</RefId> <ProviderRole>LOC</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>9962</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <StaffInvolvedList> <StaffInvolved> <RefId>228a2cbe-93c4-46ba-91fa-b3ae689eb437</RefId> <Name>Prof. McGonnegal</Name> <StaffRole>INV</StaffRole> </StaffInvolved> </StaffInvolvedList> <DateTimeAssessmentScheduled>2018-11-25T09:00:00+12:00</DateTimeAssessmentScheduled> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTask>
Example 3.2.22-1: Student Assessment Task

3.2.23 StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration

The student's registration for an assessment task they are intending to participate in.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.23-1: StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationRefId StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationLocalId AssessmentRegistrationStatus ProviderInvolvedList Student StaffMember AssessmentTask NZQA SpecialAssessmentConditionList ProviderCourse LearningStandard SubjectArea YearLevel DateRegistered AssessmentYear RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration Low

The student's registration for an assessment task they are intending to participate in.

key StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The status of the student's registration for an assessment task, e.g. applied, approved, withdrawn.


A list of the providers involved and their role, e.g. assessment provider, registering provider.


Generic object reference to the student held in the StudentPersonal data object whose intention to participate in an assessment task is being registered.


Generic object reference to the StaffPersonal data object representing the teacher who registered the student's intention to participate in the assessment task.


Generic object reference to the AssessmentTask data object that the registration is for.


Extra details to support NZQA assessment registration process


A list of references identifying any Special Assessment Conditions that the student is entitled to for the assessment task they are registering for.


Generic object reference to the ProviderCourse that the assessment task is being set as part of.


Generic object reference to the LearningStandard the student is registering for.


Code denoting the Learning or Subject Area the assessment task registration is for.


The Year Level of the assessment task the registration is for. May only contain the values 1 through to 13 inclusive.


The date the student's intent to participate in the assessment task was registered.


The assessment year the student's intent to participate in the assessment task was registered for.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.23-1: StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration
{ "StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration": { "StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": { "RefId": 377, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } }, "Student": { "LocalId": "851039-HP", "Name": "Harry Potter", "NationalStudentNumber": 23423421 }, "StaffMember": { "RefId": "c23c6fa1-4093-4c21-9ea8-4cdd3c7dd7fb" }, "AssessmentTask": { "RefId": "cedd0ce7-f555-482b-887b-d130e5c40d02" }, "SpecialAssessmentConditionList": { "SpecialAssessmentCondition": [ "COM", "EXT", "SEP" ] }, "SubjectArea": "PHYS", "YearLevel": 12, "DateRegistered": "2018-03-30", "AssessmentYear": 2018, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration> <StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskRegistrationRefId> <ProviderInvolvedList> <!-- NZQA is Assessor --> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>9772</RefId> <ProviderRole>ASR</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> <!-- School is Provider --> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>377</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <Student> <LocalId>851039-HP</LocalId> <Name>Harry Potter</Name> <NationalStudentNumber>23423421</NationalStudentNumber> </Student> <StaffMember> <RefId>c23c6fa1-4093-4c21-9ea8-4cdd3c7dd7fb</RefId> </StaffMember> <AssessmentTask> <RefId>cedd0ce7-f555-482b-887b-d130e5c40d02</RefId> </AssessmentTask> <SpecialAssessmentConditionList> <SpecialAssessmentCondition>COM</SpecialAssessmentCondition> <SpecialAssessmentCondition>EXT</SpecialAssessmentCondition> <SpecialAssessmentCondition>SEP</SpecialAssessmentCondition> </SpecialAssessmentConditionList> <SubjectArea>PHYS</SubjectArea> <YearLevel>12</YearLevel> <DateRegistered>2018-03-30</DateRegistered> <AssessmentYear>2018</AssessmentYear> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTaskRegistration>
Example 3.2.23-1: Student Assessment Task Registration

3.2.24 StudentAssessmentTaskResult

Records the result achieved by a single student at a particular assessment task.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.24-1: StudentAssessmentTaskResult StudentAssessmentTaskResult StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId StudentAssessmentTaskResultLocalId NZQAEntryId AssessmentTask StudentAssessmentTask Student AssessmentType AssessmentMethodology ProviderInvolvedList StaffInvolvedList ProviderCourse LearningStandardList SubjectAreaList AssessedAtYearLevel Curriculum AssessmentToolUsed AssessmentToolTest Timeframe AssessmentAttempt EvaluationType StandardType DateMarked DateTimeAssessed DateStudentNotified NZQAConfirmation Published PublishedDate Iteration CreditsAchieved ResultScoreList Weight EffortComment OtherComment DocumentList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAssessmentTaskResult High

Records the result achieved by a single student at a particular assessment task.

key StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The student's NZQA entry Id provided upon confirmation of the student's registration to be assessed against a unit or achievement standard. Identifies what entry the result is for to NZQA.


Reference to the AssessmentTask the student was assessed against and the result is for.


Reference to the StudentAssessmentTask data object that the assessment result belongs to.


Generic object reference to the student held in the StudentPersonal data object whose assessment task result this is.


The type of assessment the result is for.


Code denoting the nature of the assessment process; Primary assessment against NZ Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa; Secondary assessment against NCEA, Cambridge, International Baccalaureate, or similar.

 ProviderInvolvedListMLow ProviderInvolvedListType

A list of the staff involved and their role in relation to the assessment task, e.g. the moderator, the marker.


Reference to the ProviderCourse that this assessment task belongs to.


A list of references to the LearningStandards the assessment task result is related to.


A list of the subject areas that the assessment pertains to.


Year Level of the Assessment Task the student is being assessed against. May only contain the values 1 through to 13 inclusive.


Code denoting the Year Level of the Assessment Task the result is for.


The type of assessment tool used for the assessment task. Both the original free text value sent by the SMS vendors and the value it is mapped to in this code set are held.


The tests available within an assessment tool that is being used by this assessment task.


The timeframe of the assessment, e.g. Mid-Year, End of Year.


The attempt number the student is making to pass this assessment, e.g. is it their first, second attempt.

 EvaluationTypeOLowThe type of assessment evaluation, e.g. formative or summative. NZCodeSetsAssessmentEvaluationTypeType
 StandardTypeOLowThe type of standard the result is for. Applies to secondary level assessments, e.g. unit and achievement standards, scholarships and International Baccalaureate. NZCodeSetsLearningStandardTypeType

Date the assessment task was marked.


The date and time the student was assessed against the assessment task.


The date the student was notified of their final mark for the assessment task.


Confirmation from NZQA that they have received the result record for the student.


Indicates whether or not the result has been published.


The date the assessment task result was first published in a report.


The iteration of this result for the assessment, e.g. some tasks require multiple assessments before being achieved.


The number of credits the student achieved.


A list of the assessment result scores that the student received for this assessment task.


Weight placed upon this result


Free text comment about the effort the student made for the assessment.


Free text comments providing additional information for the students assessment result.


List which describes the meta-data for, and the Location of any associated documents.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.24-1: StudentAssessmentTaskResult
{ "StudentAssessmentTaskResult": { "StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "Student": { "RefId": "a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00" }, "AssessmentType": "INT", "AssessmentMethodology": "P", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 9953, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "MATH" ] }, "Curriculum": "NZC", "AssessmentToolUsed": "PATCOMP", "EvaluationType": "F", "DateTimeAssessed": "2018-11-21T15:34:22", "ResultScoreList": { "ResultScore": [ { "ScoreType": "FIN", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "25" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "ScoreMetric": "SCA", "ScoreValue": "38.5" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "ScoreMetric": "MAR", "ScoreValue": "5.0" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "ScoreMetric": "YEA", "ScoreValue": "4" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "ScoreMetric": "STA", "ScoreValue": "6" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTaskResult> <StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId> <Student> <RefId>a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00</RefId> </Student> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <AssessmentMethodology>P</AssessmentMethodology> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>9953</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MATH</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <AssessmentToolUsed>PATCOMP</AssessmentToolUsed> <EvaluationType>F</EvaluationType> <DateTimeAssessed>2018-11-21T15:34:22</DateTimeAssessed> <ResultScoreList> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>25</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <ScoreMetric>SCA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Scale Score --> <ScoreValue>38.5</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <ScoreMetric>MAR</ScoreMetric> <!-- Margin of Error --> <ScoreValue>5.0</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <ScoreMetric>YEA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Year Level --> <ScoreValue>4</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <ScoreMetric>STA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Stanine --> <ScoreValue>6</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> </ResultScoreList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTaskResult>
Example 3.2.24-1: Student Assessment Task Result - PAT Example
{ "StudentAssessmentTaskResult": { "StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "Student": { "RefId": "a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00" }, "AssessmentType": "INT", "AssessmentMethodology": "P", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 722, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "ENGL" ] }, "Curriculum": "NZC", "AssessmentToolUsed": "STARREA", "EvaluationType": "F", "DateTimeAssessed": "2018-11-01T15:34:22", "ResultScoreList": { "ResultScore": [ { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "SubTest1", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "8" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "SubTest2", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "7" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "SubTest3", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "10" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "SubTest9", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "9" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Summary", "ScoreMetric": "SCA", "ScoreValue": "22" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Summary", "ScoreMetric": "YEA", "ScoreValue": "5" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Summary", "ScoreMetric": "STA", "ScoreValue": "4" } ] }, "EffortComment": "Good progress this year...", "OtherComment": "Read more at home", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTaskResult> <StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId> <Student> <RefId>a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00</RefId> </Student> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <AssessmentMethodology>P</AssessmentMethodology> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>722</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>ENGL</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <AssessmentToolUsed>STARREA</AssessmentToolUsed> <EvaluationType>F</EvaluationType> <DateTimeAssessed>2018-11-01T15:34:22</DateTimeAssessed> <ResultScoreList> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>SubTest1</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>8</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>SubTest2</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>7</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>SubTest3</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>10</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>SubTest9</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>9</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Summary</Competency> <ScoreMetric>SCA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Scale Score --> <ScoreValue>22</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Summary</Competency> <ScoreMetric>YEA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Year Level --> <ScoreValue>5</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Summary</Competency> <ScoreMetric>STA</ScoreMetric> <!-- Stanine Score --> <ScoreValue>4</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> </ResultScoreList> <EffortComment>Good progress this year...</EffortComment> <OtherComment>Read more at home</OtherComment> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTaskResult>
Example 3.2.24-2: Student Assessment Task Result - STAR Example
{ "StudentAssessmentTaskResult": { "StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "Student": { "RefId": "a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00" }, "AssessmentType": "INT", "AssessmentMethodology": "P", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 752, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "ENGL" ] }, "Curriculum": "NZC", "AssessmentToolUsed": "EASREAD", "EvaluationType": "F", "DateTimeAssessed": "2018-11-01T15:34:22", "ResultScoreList": { "ResultScore": [ { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Overall", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "1591" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Overall", "ScoreMetric": "CUR", "ScoreValue": "5" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Ideas", "ScoreMetric": "RAW", "ScoreValue": "1234" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Ideas", "ScoreMetric": "CUR", "ScoreValue": "5" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTaskResult> <StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId> <Student> <RefId>a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00</RefId> </Student> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <AssessmentMethodology>P</AssessmentMethodology> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>752</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>ENGL</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <AssessmentToolUsed>EASREAD</AssessmentToolUsed> <EvaluationType>F</EvaluationType> <DateTimeAssessed>2018-11-01T15:34:22</DateTimeAssessed> <ResultScoreList> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Overall</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>1591</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Overall</Competency> <ScoreMetric>CUR</ScoreMetric> <!-- Curriculum Level --> <ScoreValue>5</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Ideas</Competency> <ScoreMetric>RAW</ScoreMetric> <!-- Raw Score --> <ScoreValue>1234</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Ideas</Competency> <ScoreMetric>CUR</ScoreMetric> <!-- Curriculum Level --> <ScoreValue>5</ScoreValue> </ResultScore> </ResultScoreList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTaskResult>
Example 3.2.24-3: Student Assessment Task Result - asTTle Example
{ "StudentAssessmentTaskResult": { "StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "Student": { "RefId": "a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00" }, "AssessmentType": "INT", "AssessmentMethodology": "P", "ProviderInvolvedList": { "ProviderInvolved": [ { "RefId": 277, "ProviderRole": "PRO" } ] }, "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "MATH" ] }, "Curriculum": "NZC", "EvaluationType": "F", "DateTimeAssessed": "2018-11-01T15:34:22", "ResultScoreList": { "ResultScore": [ { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Number Sequence and Order", "ScoreMetric": "NKS", "ScoreValue": "NKS-AP" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Fractions", "ScoreMetric": "NKS", "ScoreValue": "NKS-AM" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Place Value", "ScoreMetric": "NKS", "ScoreValue": "NKS-AP" }, { "ScoreType": "FIN", "Competency": "Basic Facts", "ScoreMetric": "NKS", "ScoreValue": "NKS-AM" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAssessmentTaskResult> <StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAssessmentTaskResultRefId> <Student> <RefId>a75a0010-1a8c-301d-02e3-a05b359d0a00</RefId> </Student> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <AssessmentMethodology>P</AssessmentMethodology> <ProviderInvolvedList> <ProviderInvolved> <RefId>277</RefId> <ProviderRole>PRO</ProviderRole> </ProviderInvolved> </ProviderInvolvedList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>MATH</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <EvaluationType>F</EvaluationType> <DateTimeAssessed>2018-11-01T15:34:22</DateTimeAssessed> <ResultScoreList> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Number Sequence and Order</Competency> <ScoreMetric>NKS</ScoreMetric> <!-- Number Knowledge Stage --> <ScoreValue>NKS-AP</ScoreValue> <!-- Advanced Proportional --> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Fractions</Competency> <ScoreMetric>NKS</ScoreMetric> <!-- Number Knowledge Stage --> <ScoreValue>NKS-AM</ScoreValue> <!-- Advanced Multiplicative --> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Place Value</Competency> <ScoreMetric>NKS</ScoreMetric> <!-- Number Knowledge Stage --> <ScoreValue>NKS-AP</ScoreValue> <!-- Advanced Proportional --> </ResultScore> <ResultScore> <ScoreType>FIN</ScoreType> <Competency>Basic Facts</Competency> <ScoreMetric>NKS</ScoreMetric> <!-- Number Knowledge Stage --> <ScoreValue>NKS-AM</ScoreValue> <!-- Advanced Multiplicative --> </ResultScore> </ResultScoreList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAssessmentTaskResult>
Example 3.2.24-4: Student Assessment Task Result - IKAN Example

3.2.25 StudentAttainment

Records a student gaining an Attainment e.g. NCEA Qualification, Learning Standard etc.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.25-1: StudentAttainment StudentAttainment StudentAttainmentRefId StudentAttainmentLocalId GrantingProvider Attainment Student AuthorisingStaffMember DateAttained YearAttained JustificationList SubjectAreaList EndorsementLevel RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAttainment Low

Records a student gaining an Attainment e.g. NCEA Qualification, Learning Standard etc.

key StudentAttainmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the Provider/Organisation who is granting the attainment to the student, e.g. NZQA, TEC.


A generic object reference to the type of attainment the student has achieved e.g. ProviderCourse, LeanringStandard etc.


Generic object reference to the student held in the StudentPersonal data object who the attainment is for.


Generic object reference to the StaffPersonal data object representing the staff member who authorised the attainment.


The date the student achieved the attainment.


The year the student achieved the attainment.


A list of references identifying the assessment task results that justify the student achieving this attainment.


Code denoting the Learning or Subject Area the assessment task is for.


The NCEA endorsement level that was attained by the student.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.25-1: StudentAttainment
{ "StudentAttainment": { "StudentAttainmentRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "GrantingProvider": { "RefId": 762 }, "Attainment": { "RefId": "d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39", "Name": "NCEA Level 2 Chemistry - Endorsed with merit", "ObjectType": "Credential" }, "Student": { "RefId": "cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435", "LocalId": "HP85-1039", "Name": "Harry Potter", "NationalStudentNumber": 23423421 }, "DateAttained": "2018-07-25", "JustificationList": { "Justification": [ { "RefId": "2752a16b-b62a-4973-9d44-23e13e1c037b", "LocalId": "91165-v2", "Name": "Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds", "ObjectType": "StudentAssessmentTaskResult", "AssessmentType": "EXT", "Result": "Achieved", "Date": "2016-06-28", "CreditValue": 4 }, { "RefId": "eca0da5d-94af-4223-aaa6-7c0083006efd", "LocalId": "91166-v2", "Name": "Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity", "ObjectType": "StudentAssessmentTaskResult", "AssessmentType": "INT", "Result": "Achieved with merit", "Date": "2016-06-01", "CreditValue": 3 }, { "RefId": "12f4761d-5e97-4e12-804e-e16d882c86c7", "LocalId": "91167-v2", "Name": "Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction", "ObjectType": "StudentAssessmentTaskResult", "AssessmentType": "EXT", "Result": "Achieved", "Date": "2016-06-28", "CreditValue": 3 } ] }, "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "CHEM" ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAttainment> <StudentAttainmentRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAttainmentRefId> <GrantingProvider> <RefId>762</RefId> </GrantingProvider> <Attainment> <RefId>d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39</RefId> <Name>NCEA Level 2 Chemistry - Endorsed with merit</Name> <ObjectType>Credential</ObjectType> </Attainment> <Student> <RefId>cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435</RefId> <LocalId>HP85-1039</LocalId> <Name>Harry Potter</Name> <NationalStudentNumber>23423421</NationalStudentNumber> </Student> <DateAttained>2018-07-25</DateAttained> <JustificationList> <Justification> <RefId>2752a16b-b62a-4973-9d44-23e13e1c037b</RefId> <LocalId>91165-v2</LocalId> <Name>Demonstrate understanding of the properties of selected organic compounds</Name> <ObjectType>StudentAssessmentTaskResult</ObjectType> <AssessmentType>EXT</AssessmentType> <Result>Achieved</Result> <Date>2016-06-28</Date> <CreditValue>4</CreditValue> </Justification> <Justification> <RefId>eca0da5d-94af-4223-aaa6-7c0083006efd</RefId> <LocalId>91166-v2</LocalId> <Name>Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity</Name> <ObjectType>StudentAssessmentTaskResult</ObjectType> <AssessmentType>INT</AssessmentType> <Result>Achieved with merit</Result> <Date>2016-06-01</Date> <CreditValue>3</CreditValue> </Justification> <Justification> <RefId>12f4761d-5e97-4e12-804e-e16d882c86c7</RefId> <LocalId>91167-v2</LocalId> <Name>Demonstrate understanding of oxidation-reduction</Name> <ObjectType>StudentAssessmentTaskResult</ObjectType> <AssessmentType>EXT</AssessmentType> <Result>Achieved</Result> <Date>2016-06-28</Date> <CreditValue>3</CreditValue> </Justification> </JustificationList> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>CHEM</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAttainment>
Example 3.2.25-1: Student Attainment - NCEA Course Endorsement
{ "StudentAttainment": { "StudentAttainmentRefId": "359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2", "GrantingProvider": { "RefId": 9962 }, "Attainment": { "RefId": "d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39", "Name": "Introduction to Astrophysics", "ObjectType": "ProviderCourse" }, "Student": { "RefId": "cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435", "LocalId": "HP-850139", "Name": "Harry Potter", "NationalStudentNumber": 23423421 }, "AuthorisingStaffMember": { "RefId": "5f399b12-b81f-405a-aa55-648341ca2e3c", "Name": "Prof. McGonnegal" }, "DateAttained": "2018-07-25", "SubjectAreaList": { "SubjectArea": [ "PHYS" ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAttainment> <StudentAttainmentRefId>359d7510-1ad0-a9d7-a8c3-dad0a85103a2</StudentAttainmentRefId> <GrantingProvider> <RefId>9962</RefId> </GrantingProvider> <Attainment> <RefId>d0a0a27a-d0a8-510a-d9d7-5101a8c3da39</RefId> <Name>Introduction to Astrophysics</Name> <ObjectType>ProviderCourse</ObjectType> </Attainment> <Student> <RefId>cd106d6d-d9d5-41fb-9943-5feb967c9435</RefId> <LocalId>HP-850139</LocalId> <Name>Harry Potter</Name> <NationalStudentNumber>23423421</NationalStudentNumber> </Student> <AuthorisingStaffMember> <RefId>5f399b12-b81f-405a-aa55-648341ca2e3c</RefId> <Name>Prof. McGonnegal</Name> </AuthorisingStaffMember> <DateAttained>2018-07-25</DateAttained> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>PHYS</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAttainment>
Example 3.2.25-2: Student Attainment - School Course Completion

3.2.26 StudentAttendanceSummary

Provides a summary of a student's daily attendance and membership information for a given provider during the time period between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. There will be multiple instances of this object for a student in a school over the course of a school year. This summary may be generated by aggregating more granular attendance records, in which case all fields will be read-only; and RefId element may not be applicable.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.26-1: StudentAttendanceSummary StudentAttendanceSummary StudentAttendanceSummaryRefId StudentAttendanceSummaryLocalId Student Provider SchoolCalendarYear StartDate EndDate StartDay EndDay FTE AttendancePercentageHalfDays AttendanceUnjustifiedHalfDays HalfDaysYearPresent HalfDaysYearAbsent HalfDaysYearJustified HalfDaysYearTotal HalfDaysYearIntermittantUnjustified HalfDaysYearPercentagePresent HalfDaysYearUnjustified RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAttendanceSummary Low

Provides a summary of a student's daily attendance and membership information for a given provider during the time period between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. There will be multiple instances of this object for a student in a school over the course of a school year. This summary may be generated by aggregating more granular attendance records, in which case all fields will be read-only; and RefId element may not be applicable.

key StudentAttendanceSummaryRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The ID (GUID) of the student for whom this attendance information is being reported.


The SIF ID of the Provider who is recording this attendance information.


School year for which the information is applicable.


Starting date of this attendance reporting period.


Ending date of this attendance reporting period.


Number of the school day represented in StartDate.


Number of the school day represented in EndDate.


Full time equivalent numeric value of the student's course load during this attendance period, expressed in decimal form, where 1.00 represents a full time enrollment.


The percentage of half days the student was present when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. Number of Sessions Present / Total Number of possible sessions = Percentage, e.g. 294/319 = 92.2%.


The percentage of half days the student had unjustified absences when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The number of half days the student was present when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The number of half days the student was absent when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The number of half days the student was absent that were justified when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The total number of half days.


The number of days the student was absent from school for an unjustifiable reason when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive, and weren't absence for the complete half-day.


The percentage of half days the student was present when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The number of days the student was absent from school for an unjustifiable reason when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.26-1: StudentAttendanceSummary
{ "StudentAttendanceSummary": { "StudentAttendanceSummaryRefId": "d3476fae-8647-384b-da24-31eda3583211", "Student": { "RefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 743 }, "SchoolCalendarYear": 2015, "StartDate": "2014-08-30", "EndDate": "2015-06-10", "StartDay": 1, "EndDay": 180, "FTE": 1.0, "HalfDaysYearPresent": 178, "HalfDaysYearJustified": 2, "HalfDaysYearTotal": 2, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentAttendanceSummary> <StudentAttendanceSummaryRefId>d3476fae-8647-384b-da24-31eda3583211</StudentAttendanceSummaryRefId> <Student> <RefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>743</RefId> </Provider> <SchoolCalendarYear>2015</SchoolCalendarYear> <StartDate>2014-08-30</StartDate> <EndDate>2015-06-10</EndDate> <StartDay>1</StartDay> <EndDay>180</EndDay> <FTE>1.00</FTE> <HalfDaysYearPresent>178</HalfDaysYearPresent> <HalfDaysYearJustified>2</HalfDaysYearJustified> <HalfDaysYearTotal>2</HalfDaysYearTotal> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentAttendanceSummary>
Example 3.2.26-1: StudentAttendanceSummary

3.2.27 StudentAttendanceTimeList

This object provides more detail about the attendance spans for a single student during the day: it provides more detailed information than the single TimeIn and TimeOut elements in StudentDailyAttendance.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.27-1: StudentAttendanceTimeList StudentAttendanceTimeList StudentAttendanceTimeListRefId Student Provider TeachingGroup AttendanceTimeList
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentAttendanceTimeList Low

This object provides more detail about the attendance spans for a single student during the day: it provides more detailed information than the single TimeIn and TimeOut elements in StudentDailyAttendance.

key StudentAttendanceTimeListRefIdOLow RefIdType

The student for whom this attendance time list is being reported.


The provider who is providing this attendance time list record.


The teaching group that is reporting this student's attenandce time list.


Breakdown of times that the student was recorded as being present or absent from school or class.

Table 3.2.27-1: StudentAttendanceTimeList
{ "StudentAttendanceTimeList": { "Student": { "RefId": "7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd991234" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 762 }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd993378" }, "AttendanceTimeList": { "AttendanceTime": [ { "AttendanceTimeLocalId": "7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd934554", "AttendanceType": "SCH", "Code": "P", "AttendanceDate": "2018-06-26", "SchedulePeriod": { "RefId": "7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd999999" }, "SubmissionDateTime": "2018-06-30T06:30:57", "Note": "Student was present.", "RecordAudit": { "LastUpdatedDateTime": "2018-06-28T06:30:57" } }, { "AttendanceTimeLocalId": "7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd934667", "AttendanceType": "ADH", "Code": "E", "AttendanceDate": "2018-06-27", "StartTime": "09:45:00", "EndTime": "10:30:00", "SubmissionDateTime": "2018-06-30T06:30:57", "Note": "Explained absence, but unjustified.", "RecordAudit": { "LastUpdatedDateTime": "2018-06-28T06:30:57" } } ] } } }
<StudentAttendanceTimeList> <Student> <RefId>7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd991234</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>762</RefId> </Provider> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd993378</RefId> </TeachingGroup> <AttendanceTimeList> <AttendanceTime> <AttendanceTimeLocalId>7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd934554</AttendanceTimeLocalId> <AttendanceType>SCH</AttendanceType> <Code>P</Code> <AttendanceDate>2018-06-26</AttendanceDate> <SchedulePeriod> <RefId>7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd999999</RefId> </SchedulePeriod> <SubmissionDateTime>2018-06-30T06:30:57</SubmissionDateTime> <Note>Student was present.</Note> <RecordAudit> <LastUpdatedDateTime>2018-06-28T06:30:57</LastUpdatedDateTime> </RecordAudit> </AttendanceTime> <AttendanceTime> <AttendanceTimeLocalId>7f11e3ed-3ac5-4673-9fdc-bcdbcd934667</AttendanceTimeLocalId> <AttendanceType>ADH</AttendanceType> <Code>E</Code> <AttendanceDate>2018-06-27</AttendanceDate> <StartTime>09:45:00</StartTime> <EndTime>10:30:00</EndTime> <SubmissionDateTime>2018-06-30T06:30:57</SubmissionDateTime> <Note>Explained absence, but unjustified.</Note> <RecordAudit> <LastUpdatedDateTime>2018-06-28T06:30:57</LastUpdatedDateTime> </RecordAudit> </AttendanceTime> </AttendanceTimeList> </StudentAttendanceTimeList>
Example 3.2.27-1: Student Attendance Time List

3.2.28 StudentConsent

A record of Student's consent or non-consent to some action taking place.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.28-1: StudentConsent StudentConsent StudentConsentRefId StudentConsentLocalId Student Organisation StaffMember ConsentTo ConsentGiven ConsentGivenBy ConsentDate ConsentRevokedDate RelatedObject AdditionalInformation RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentConsent ExtremeA record of Student's consent or non-consent to some action taking place.  
key StudentConsentRefIdOMedium

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student granting or revoking this student consent.


Generic object reference to the organisation being granted this student consent.


Generic object reference to the staff member that is recording this consent.


What the student is consenting or not consenting to.


Indicates whether or not censent was given, or specifically not given


The role of the person who gave consent on behalf of the student, e.g. Whānau, Learner.


The date the consent or no consent was given.


The date the consent ended, if it was given.


Generic object reference to a data object that relates to this consent. e.g. the student enrolment record this consent was captured as part of.


Additional free text information provided about the consent.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.28-1: StudentConsent
{ "StudentConsent": { "StudentConsentRefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c", "StudentConsentLocalId": "S1234567", "Student": { "RefId": "fe659ed3-8a78-4bc0-8876-7b75ac585edf" }, "Organisation": { "RefId": 9961 }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentConsent> <StudentConsentRefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c</StudentConsentRefId> <StudentConsentLocalId>S1234567</StudentConsentLocalId> <Student> <RefId>fe659ed3-8a78-4bc0-8876-7b75ac585edf</RefId> </Student> <Organisation> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Organisation> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentConsent>
Example 3.2.28-1: Student Consent

3.2.29 StudentContactPersonal

Information about a Student's whānau member.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.29-1: StudentContactPersonal StudentContactPersonal StudentContactPersonalRefId StudentContactPersonalLocalId HasBOTVote PersonInfo HealthcareServiceInfo RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentContactPersonal High Information about a Student's whānau member.   

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Records that this Whānau member holds the Whānau's Board of Trustees vote.


Personal Information collected about the StudentContact, when that contact is a member of the Student's whānau.


Information about the StudentContact, when that contact is a healthcare service. Details about the actual healthcare pratitioner are kept in the PersonInfo fields.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.29-1: StudentContactPersonal
{ "StudentContactPersonal": { "StudentContactPersonalRefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290f", "StudentContactPersonalLocalId": "P1234567", "HasBOTVote": "N", "PersonInfo": { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Hagrid", "GivenName": "Fridwulfa", "FullName": "Fridwulfa Hagrid", "Type": "LGL" }, "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "The Enchanted Wood", "Line2": "533 Hogwart's Way", "City": "Hogsmead", "PostalCode": "7733" }, { "Type": "RU", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "1175 Lake Ferry Rd", "Suburb": "RD 1", "City": "Martinborough" } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "ridwulfa@gmail.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] }, "HouseholdContactInfoList": { "HouseholdContactInfo": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "HouseholdContactId": "7d5c3f5c-d89c-4551-9442-6b008207986e", "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "DE", "Role": "POS", "Line1": "P O Box 81", "City": "Martinborough", "PostalCode": "5781" } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "WORK", "Address": "ridwulfa@gmail.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] } } ] } }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentContactPersonal> <StudentContactPersonalRefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290f</StudentContactPersonalRefId> <StudentContactPersonalLocalId>P1234567</StudentContactPersonalLocalId> <HasBOTVote>N</HasBOTVote> <PersonInfo> <Name> <FamilyName>Hagrid</FamilyName> <GivenName>Fridwulfa</GivenName> <FullName>Fridwulfa Hagrid</FullName> <Type>LGL</Type> </Name> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>The Enchanted Wood</Line1> <Line2>533 Hogwart's Way</Line2> <City>Hogsmead</City> <PostalCode>7733</PostalCode> </Address> <Address> <Type>RU</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>1175 Lake Ferry Rd</Line1> <Suburb>RD 1</Suburb> <City>Martinborough</City> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>ridwulfa@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <HouseholdContactInfoList> <HouseholdContactInfo> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <HouseholdContactId>7d5c3f5c-d89c-4551-9442-6b008207986e</HouseholdContactId> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>DE</Type> <Role>POS</Role> <Line1>P O Box 81</Line1> <City>Martinborough</City> <PostalCode>5781</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>WORK</Type> <Address>ridwulfa@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </HouseholdContactInfo> </HouseholdContactInfoList> </PersonInfo> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentContactPersonal>
Example 3.2.29-1: StudentContactPersonal Family Member Example
{ "StudentContactPersonal": { "StudentContactPersonalRefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-face7e1c290f", "StudentContactPersonalLocalId": "P1234567", "HasBOTVote": "N", "PersonInfo": { "Name": { "FullName": "Dr Phillips" }, "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "Regent St.", "City": "Martinborough", "PostalCode": "5741" } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "Phillips@mboroHealth.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] } }, "HealthcareServiceInfo": { "OrganisationName": "Martinborough Medical Centre", "OrganisationPhoneNum": "06 306 9311", "Notes": "Dr Amy also knows about the epilepsy", "Type": "DOC" }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentContactPersonal> <StudentContactPersonalRefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-face7e1c290f</StudentContactPersonalRefId> <StudentContactPersonalLocalId>P1234567</StudentContactPersonalLocalId> <HasBOTVote>N</HasBOTVote> <PersonInfo> <Name> <FullName>Dr Phillips</FullName> </Name> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>Regent St.</Line1> <City>Martinborough</City> <PostalCode>5741</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>Phillips@mboroHealth.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </PersonInfo> <HealthcareServiceInfo> <OrganisationName>Martinborough Medical Centre</OrganisationName> <OrganisationPhoneNum>06 306 9311</OrganisationPhoneNum> <Notes>Dr Amy also knows about the epilepsy</Notes> <Type>DOC</Type> </HealthcareServiceInfo> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentContactPersonal>
Example 3.2.29-2: StudentContactPersonal Doctor Example

3.2.30 StudentContactRelationship

A relationship between a person who is part of a Student's whānau and that Student. Relationship properties include the relationship type and roles played by the student contact in respect of the student.

Individual details about the student and student contact are provided in other data objects - StudentPersonal and StudentContactPersonal respectively.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.30-1: StudentContactRelationship StudentContactRelationship StudentContactRelationshipRefId StudentContactRelationshipLocalId Status StartDate EndDate Student StudentContact Provider Relationship LanguageUsed HouseholdList ContactFlags ContactSequence RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentContactRelationship High

A relationship between a person who is part of a Student's whānau and that Student. Relationship properties include the relationship type and roles played by the student contact in respect of the student.

Individual details about the student and student contact are provided in other data objects - StudentPersonal and StudentContactPersonal respectively.

key StudentContactRelationshipRefIdOMedium

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


States whether or not this is an inactive or active Student Contact Relationship.


The date the relationship between the student and contact was recorded.


The date the relationship between the student and contact was removed.

 StudentMMediumGeneric object reference to the Student. StudentObjectReferenceType
 StudentContactMMediumGeneric object reference to the student contact. ObjectReferenceType
 ProviderMLowGeneric object reference to the Provider associated with the relationship. ObjectReferenceType

Defines the relationship of the contact to the student.

 LanguageUsedOLowThe language the student and their contact use to communicate. NZCodeSetsLanguageType

A list of one or more household identifiers indicating the households associated with this relationship.


Contains characteristics of the contact person's role with the Student. At least one of the flags must be populated with a 'Yes' value.


Number indicating the order in which the student contact should be contacted.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.30-1: StudentContactRelationship
{ "StudentContactRelationship": { "StudentContactRelationshipRefId": "7572b261-0947-583a-463d-bb345291b332", "Student": { "RefId": "dee34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "StudentContact": { "RefId": "6472b261-0947-583a-463d-bb345291b001" }, "Provider": { "RefId": "4661c4c8-fd03-4fc6-8af7-5084338494db" }, "Relationship": { "Code": "LEG" }, "HouseholdList": { "HouseholdId": [ "FamilyA", "FamilyB" ] }, "ContactFlags": { "ParentLegalGuardian": "Y", "LivesWith": "N", "AccessToRecords": "N", "ReceivesAssessmentReport": "Y", "EmergencyContact": "Y", "CivilDefenceEmergencyContact": "N", "DisciplinaryContact": "N", "AttendanceContact": "N", "PrimaryCareProvider": "N", "FeesBilling": "Y", "FamilyMail": "Y", "CourtOrder": "N" }, "ContactSequence": 1, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentContactRelationship> <StudentContactRelationshipRefId>7572b261-0947-583a-463d-bb345291b332</StudentContactRelationshipRefId> <Student> <RefId>dee34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <StudentContact> <RefId>6472b261-0947-583a-463d-bb345291b001</RefId> </StudentContact> <Provider> <RefId>4661c4c8-fd03-4fc6-8af7-5084338494db</RefId> </Provider> <Relationship> <Code>LEG</Code> </Relationship> <HouseholdList> <HouseholdId>FamilyA</HouseholdId> <HouseholdId>FamilyB</HouseholdId> </HouseholdList> <ContactFlags> <ParentLegalGuardian>Y</ParentLegalGuardian> <LivesWith>N</LivesWith> <AccessToRecords>N</AccessToRecords> <ReceivesAssessmentReport>Y</ReceivesAssessmentReport> <EmergencyContact>Y</EmergencyContact> <CivilDefenceEmergencyContact>N</CivilDefenceEmergencyContact> <DisciplinaryContact>N</DisciplinaryContact> <AttendanceContact>N</AttendanceContact> <PrimaryCareProvider>N</PrimaryCareProvider> <FeesBilling>Y</FeesBilling> <FamilyMail>Y</FamilyMail> <CourtOrder>N</CourtOrder> </ContactFlags> <ContactSequence>1</ContactSequence> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentContactRelationship>
Example 3.2.30-1: StudentContactRelationship

3.2.31 StudentCurriculumProgressReport

A single curriculum progress and achievement report provided for a student. Used in technology centres allowing the host provider to report on student progress to their base school.

May be extended in the future to cover reporting on other curriculum areas.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.31-1: StudentCurriculumProgressReport StudentCurriculumProgressReport StudentCurriculumProgressReportRefId StudentCurriculumProgressReportLocalId Student Provider TeachingGroup AuthorList RepositoryReceivedDate TimeFrame TechnologyClassList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentCurriculumProgressReport Low

A single curriculum progress and achievement report provided for a student. Used in technology centres allowing the host provider to report on student progress to their base school.

May be extended in the future to cover reporting on other curriculum areas.

key StudentCurriculumProgressReportRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student whose progress is being reported.


Generic object reference to the Provider (school) who is making this curriculum progress report.


Generic object reference to the TeachingGroup the student is enrolled in for which the progress report is being made.


A list of StaffMembers who are the authors of the curriculum progress report


The date the repository received the students technology centre progress and achievement report.


The timeframe of the provided information e.g. Routine Update, Mid-Year, End of Year etc.


A list of records of the Student's progress in particular classes from the Technology curriculum. e.g. Hard Materials, Food Technology, Digital Design etc.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.31-1: StudentCurriculumProgressReport
{ "StudentCurriculumProgressReport": { "StudentCurriculumProgressReportRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "ca285746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 9961 }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "4f6dce25-cca6-49ef-8be4-675e2cfce8b8", "LocalId": "HM8P", "Name": "Year 8 Hard Materials, Pinehurst School" }, "AuthorList": { "Author": [ { "RefId": "1b6fabed-2af9-4395-b48c-f46c8edb1b78", "LocalId": "SMcG", "Name": "Steve McGannaway" } ] }, "TimeFrame": "TRM", "TechnologyClassList": { "TechnologyClass": [ { "Class": "HM", "BehaviourComment": "Excellent", "EffortComment": "Not particularly interested, attention wanders", "StrandList": { "Strand": [ { "LearningStrand": "TP", "AchievementObjectiveList": { "AchievementObjective": [ { "AchievementObjective": "BD", "CurriculumLevel": 2, "ProgressLevel": "B", "AchievementObjectiveDesc": "Brief Development in hard materials", "OverallStudentEffortNote": "Not particularly interested, attention wanders", "PracticalAbilityDesc": "Beginner", "PracticalAbilityProgressNote": "Struggles with the planning required" } ] } } ] } } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentCurriculumProgressReport> <StudentCurriculumProgressReportRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</StudentCurriculumProgressReportRefId> <Student> <RefId>ca285746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Provider> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>4f6dce25-cca6-49ef-8be4-675e2cfce8b8</RefId> <LocalId>HM8P</LocalId> <Name>Year 8 Hard Materials, Pinehurst School</Name> </TeachingGroup> <AuthorList> <Author> <RefId>1b6fabed-2af9-4395-b48c-f46c8edb1b78</RefId> <LocalId>SMcG</LocalId> <Name>Steve McGannaway</Name> </Author> </AuthorList> <TimeFrame>TRM</TimeFrame> <TechnologyClassList> <TechnologyClass> <Class>HM</Class> <BehaviourComment>Excellent</BehaviourComment> <EffortComment>Not particularly interested, attention wanders</EffortComment> <StrandList> <Strand> <LearningStrand>TP</LearningStrand> <AchievementObjectiveList> <AchievementObjective> <AchievementObjective>BD</AchievementObjective> <CurriculumLevel>2</CurriculumLevel> <ProgressLevel>B</ProgressLevel> <AchievementObjectiveDesc>Brief Development in hard materials</AchievementObjectiveDesc> <OverallStudentEffortNote>Not particularly interested, attention wanders</OverallStudentEffortNote> <PracticalAbilityDesc>Beginner</PracticalAbilityDesc> <PracticalAbilityProgressNote>Struggles with the planning required</PracticalAbilityProgressNote> </AchievementObjective> </AchievementObjectiveList> </Strand> </StrandList> </TechnologyClass> </TechnologyClassList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentCurriculumProgressReport>
Example 3.2.31-1: Student Curriculum Progress Report

3.2.32 StudentLearningSupport

Provides information about a student's learning support.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.32-1: StudentLearningSupport StudentLearningSupport StudentLearningSupportRefId StudentLearningSupportLocalId Student Provider LearnerStatus LearnerArchivedDate StudentConsentList DyslexiaScreeningTool OtherScreening OtherScreeningDetail AdolescentHealthScreening NonAttendance NewToNewZealand NumberOfSchoolChanges B4SchoolCheck OtherFamilyContext OtherFamilyContextDetail StudentVoiceList SupportNeedList LearnerInterests LearnerWhanauGoal LearnerWhanauVoice RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentLearningSupport Low

Provides information about a student's learning support.

key StudentLearningSupportRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Reference to the student the learning support record is for.


Reference to the Provider that created the learning support record for the student.


The learners learning support status, e.g. are they currently being managed or not.


The date the learner's learning support status was changed from Active to Archived.


A list of the consents the student has provided / not provided in regards to learning support, e.g. Cluster Sharing COnsent, Recieve Service Consent.


Indicates whether or the student has been assessed using dyslexia screening tools.


Indicates whether or not the student has under gone any other type of screening.


Free text describing any other type of screening the student has undergone. Mandatory if 'OtherScreening' = 'Y'.


Indicates whether or not the student has undergone an adolescent health screening, e.g. NZ Aotearoa Adolescent Health and development (NZAAHD) assessment, HEEADDSS (Home, Education/employment, Eating, Activities, Drugs and Alcohol, Sexuality, Suicide/depression, Safety).


Indicates whether or not the student has not been attending the education provider they are enrolled at.


Indicates whether or not the student is new to New Zealand.


Indicates whether or not the student has changed education providers reasonably frequently.


Indicates whether or not the student has undergone a B4 School Check.


Indicates whether or not there is other family context that pertains to the student and their needs.


Additional free text detail about any family context that pertains to the student and their needs. Mandatory if OtherStudentContext = 'Y'.


A list of the student's or their whānau's voice about their learning support in regards to the student 's interests, goals, and voice (comments, opinions).


A list of learning support needs that have been identified for the student.


Free text that describes the interests a learner has that pertains to this wellbeing Characteristic.


Free text describing any goals the student wants to achieve, or any goals their whānau want them to achieve that pertain to this wellbeing characteristic.


Free text capturing the learners and/or their whānaus opinions and point of view in regards to this wellbeing characteristic.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.32-1: StudentLearningSupport
{ "StudentLearningSupport": { "StudentLearningSupportRefId": "461b63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "ca285746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 744 }, "LearnerStatus": "ACT", "StudentConsentList": { "StudentConsent": [ { "RefId": "461423b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb" } ] }, "DyslexiaScreeningTool": "Y", "OtherScreening": "N", "AdolescentHealthScreening": "N", "NonAttendance": "Y", "NewToNewZealand": "N", "NumberOfSchoolChanges": "Y", "B4SchoolCheck": "Y", "OtherFamilyContext": "N", "StudentVoiceList": { "StudentVoice": [ { "RefId": "461423b4-cfef-4820-8345-e7d1e54555cb" }, { "RefId": "461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e7d1e54555cb" } ] }, "SupportNeedList": { "SupportNeed": [ { "Need": { "RefId": "461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e724e54555cb", "Name": "Literacy" }, "ResponseList": { "Response": [ { "RefId": "461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e724e5455bbb" } ] } } ] } } }
<StudentLearningSupport> <StudentLearningSupportRefId>461b63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</StudentLearningSupportRefId> <Student> <RefId>ca285746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>744</RefId> </Provider> <LearnerStatus>ACT</LearnerStatus> <StudentConsentList> <StudentConsent> <RefId>461423b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> </StudentConsent> </StudentConsentList> <DyslexiaScreeningTool>Y</DyslexiaScreeningTool> <OtherScreening>N</OtherScreening> <AdolescentHealthScreening>N</AdolescentHealthScreening> <NonAttendance>Y</NonAttendance> <NewToNewZealand>N</NewToNewZealand> <NumberOfSchoolChanges>Y</NumberOfSchoolChanges> <B4SchoolCheck>Y</B4SchoolCheck> <OtherFamilyContext>N</OtherFamilyContext> <StudentVoiceList> <StudentVoice> <RefId>461423b4-cfef-4820-8345-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> </StudentVoice> <StudentVoice> <RefId>461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> </StudentVoice> </StudentVoiceList> <SupportNeedList> <SupportNeed> <Need> <RefId>461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e724e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Literacy</Name> </Need> <ResponseList> <Response> <RefId>461423b4-bbef-4820-8345-e724e5455bbb</RefId> </Response> </ResponseList> </SupportNeed> </SupportNeedList> </StudentLearningSupport>
Example 3.2.32-1: StudentLearningSupport

3.2.33 StudentLearningSupportResponse

Provides information about a response provided for a students learning support need.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.33-1: StudentLearningSupportResponse StudentLearningSupportResponse StudentLearningSupportResponseRefId StudentLearningSupportResponseLocalId Student Provider LearningSupportNeed ResponseType ResponseDetail ReviewDate ResponseGoals ResponseNote NoteList ResponseDesc TierOfResponse ExternalResponse InternalResponse ReviewList AttachmentList CompletionDate Outcome OutcomeComment ClosureStatus ClosureStatusDetail CompletionNote RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentLearningSupportResponse Low

Provides information about a response provided for a students learning support need.

key StudentLearningSupportResponseRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


The student that the learning support need response its for.


The provider that created this learning support need reponse.


The learning support need the reponse is for.


The type of response provided to the student to support the need.


Code set denoting the additional detail about the response type provided to the student to support the need.


The date the response is due to be reviewed.


The goals of the response in relation to the student's learning support need.


Free text notes about the response.


A list of notes that have been written about the learning support response.


Free text description about the response type and detail. Mandatory when a response detail of 'Other' is selected.


The tier of response for the learning support need response.


Additional information for an external response.


Additional information for an internal response.


A list of the reviews made about the response.


A list of attachments associated to the learning support need response.


The date the response was completed.


The outcome of the response.


Free text comment about the outcome of the response made for the students learning support need.


The status of the learning support need response when it is closed.


Additional detail about the responses closure status.


Free text notes about the completion of the response to the students learning support need.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.33-1: StudentLearningSupportResponse
{ "StudentLearningSupportResponse": { "StudentLearningSupportResponseRefId": "461b63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7dbbb4555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "8631e737-c9db-4e6c-804d-a78c65f98f67" }, "LearningSupportNeed": { "RefId": "ca222226-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16" }, "ResponseType": "ADA", "ResponseDetail": "ACU", "ResponseGoals": "The student is confident in their reading ability.", "TierOfResponse": "IND", "InternalResponse": { "ProvidedBy": "TEA", "ProvidedByName": "Jane Doe", "Status": "MON", "FundedBy": "BOA" }, "ReviewList": { "Review": [ { "Reviewer": { "RefId": "ca2bbb26-359d-2480-1a8c-36432a901a16" }, "ReviewDate": "2019-11-11", "ReviewComments": "The student is progressing well. Ability to identify words is increasing and is gaining confidence in trying to sound out words they do not recognise.", "NextReviewDate": "2010-01-21" } ] }, "AttachmentList": { "Document": [ { "RefId": "ca2bbb26-359d-3480-1a8c-36432a901a16" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-10-28T06:30:57", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "ca222226-359d-2480-1a8c-36432a901a16" } } } }
<StudentLearningSupportResponse> <StudentLearningSupportResponseRefId>461b63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7dbbb4555cb</StudentLearningSupportResponseRefId> <Student> <RefId>8631e737-c9db-4e6c-804d-a78c65f98f67</RefId> </Student> <LearningSupportNeed> <RefId>ca222226-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </LearningSupportNeed> <ResponseType>ADA</ResponseType> <ResponseDetail>ACU</ResponseDetail> <ResponseGoals>The student is confident in their reading ability.</ResponseGoals> <TierOfResponse>IND</TierOfResponse> <InternalResponse> <ProvidedBy>TEA</ProvidedBy> <ProvidedByName>Jane Doe</ProvidedByName> <Status>MON</Status> <FundedBy>BOA</FundedBy> </InternalResponse> <ReviewList> <Review> <Reviewer> <RefId>ca2bbb26-359d-2480-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </Reviewer> <ReviewDate>2019-11-11</ReviewDate> <ReviewComments>The student is progressing well. Ability to identify words is increasing and is gaining confidence in trying to sound out words they do not recognise.</ReviewComments> <NextReviewDate>2010-01-21</NextReviewDate> </Review> </ReviewList> <AttachmentList> <Document> <RefId>ca2bbb26-359d-3480-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </Document> </AttachmentList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-10-28T06:30:57</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>ca222226-359d-2480-1a8c-36432a901a16</RefId> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentLearningSupportResponse>
Example 3.2.33-1: StudentLearningSupportResponse - External Response

3.2.34 StudentPersonal

Contains all the personal information related to the student.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.34-1: StudentPersonal StudentPersonal StudentPersonalRefId StudentPersonalLocalId NationalStudentNumber NZQAStudentId FirstNZSchoolingDate EarlyChildhoodEducation PersonInfo BiographicChangeReason CustodyNote RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentPersonal ExtremeContains all the personal information related to the student.  
key StudentPersonalRefIdOMedium

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from. This identifier may be set for each student independently for each provider. Each identifier is only available to be retrieved or maintained by the provider that created it.


The unique identifier allocated to every student in New Zealand, also known as the NSN.


NZQA's unique identifier for a student who has been registered for assessments to be conducted against the NZQA framework to achieve unit/achievement standards and national qualifications.


The date a student first ever started schooling in New Zealand. This field is used to establish most students’ Funding Year Level.


The type of early childhood education the student received before enrolling in their first school.


Personal Information


The reason that the persons biographic data was changed.


Notes about a students care and custody status.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.34-1: StudentPersonal
{ "StudentPersonal": { "StudentPersonalRefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c", "StudentPersonalLocalId": "S1234567", "NationalStudentNumber": 2234523, "FirstNZSchoolingDate": "1996-05-04", "PersonInfo": { "Name": { "FamilyName": "Hagrid", "GivenName": "Rubeus", "FullName": "Rubeus Hagrid", "Type": "LGL", "IsVerified": "N" }, "OtherNameList": { "Name": [ { "FamilyName": "Anderson", "GivenName": "Samuel", "FullName": "Samuel Anderson", "Type": "AKA", "IsVerified": "Y", "Verification": { "Source": "NZPAS", "DocumentSerialNumber": "L905673", "DocumentExpiryDate": "2019-03-30", "IsConfirmed": true, "Timestamp": "2003-11-30T12:34:56.7", "Provider": { "RefId": "822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba" } } }, { "FamilyName": "Rowinski", "GivenName": "Sam", "FullName": "Sam Rowinski ", "Type": "PRF", "IsVerified": "N" } ] }, "Demographics": { "BirthDate": "1990-09-26", "PlaceOfBirth": "Dunedin", "CountryOfBirth": "ZAF", "CitizenshipList": { "Country": [ "NZL", "ZAF" ] }, "CitizenshipStatus": "NZCI", "CitizenshipVerification": { "Source": "NZPAS", "DocumentSerialNumber": "L905673", "DocumentExpiryDate": "2019-03-30", "IsConfirmed": true, "Timestamp": "2003-11-30T12:34:56.7", "Provider": { "RefId": "822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba" } }, "Gender": 2, "LanguageList": { "Language": [ { "Code": "NZS01110", "Usage": "FL", "ProficiencyList": { "Proficiency": [ { "Level": "AD", "Type": "SP" } ] } }, { "Code": "NZS01112", "Usage": "SL", "ProficiencyList": { "Proficiency": [ { "Level": "BE", "Type": "SP" } ] } } ] }, "EthnicityList": { "Ethnicity": [ { "PreferenceOrderNumber": 1, "Code": 111 }, { "PreferenceOrderNumber": 1, "Code": 211 } ] }, "IwiAffiliationList": { "Iwi": [ { "Code": "NZS1001", "PreferenceOrderNumber": 1, "HapuAffiliationList": { "Hapu": [ { "HapuName": "Manukorihi", "PreferenceOrderNumber": 1 } ] } } ] }, "ReligiousAffiliationList": { "ReligiousAffiliation": [ "NZS212", "NZS215" ] } }, "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "TH", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "The Enchanted Wood", "Line2": "533 Hogwart's Way", "City": "Hogsmead", "PostalCode": "7733" }, { "Type": "RU", "Role": "PHY", "Line1": "1175 Lake Ferry Rd", "Suburb": "RD 1", "City": "Martinborough" } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "hagrid@gmail.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] }, "HouseholdContactInfoList": { "HouseholdContactInfo": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "HouseholdContactId": "7d5c3f5c-d89c-4551-9442-6b008207986e", "AddressList": { "Address": [ { "Type": "DE", "Role": "POS", "Line1": "P O Box 81", "City": "Martinborough", "PostalCode": "5781" } ] }, "EmailList": { "Email": [ { "Type": "PRIM", "Address": "hagrid@gmail.com" } ] }, "PhoneNumberList": { "PhoneNumber": [ { "Type": "MOB", "Number": "(021) 300 999" } ] } } ] } }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentPersonal> <StudentPersonalRefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c</StudentPersonalRefId> <StudentPersonalLocalId>S1234567</StudentPersonalLocalId> <NationalStudentNumber>2234523</NationalStudentNumber> <FirstNZSchoolingDate>1996-05-04</FirstNZSchoolingDate> <PersonInfo> <Name> <FamilyName>Hagrid</FamilyName> <GivenName>Rubeus</GivenName> <FullName>Rubeus Hagrid</FullName> <Type>LGL</Type> <IsVerified>N</IsVerified> </Name> <OtherNameList> <Name> <FamilyName>Anderson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Samuel</GivenName> <FullName>Samuel Anderson</FullName> <Type>AKA</Type> <IsVerified>Y</IsVerified> <Verification> <Source>NZPAS</Source> <DocumentSerialNumber>L905673</DocumentSerialNumber> <DocumentExpiryDate>2019-03-30</DocumentExpiryDate> <IsConfirmed>true</IsConfirmed> <Timestamp>2003-11-30T12:34:56.7</Timestamp> <Provider> <RefId>822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba</RefId> </Provider> </Verification> </Name> <Name> <FamilyName>Rowinski</FamilyName> <GivenName>Sam</GivenName> <FullName>Sam Rowinski </FullName> <Type>PRF</Type> <IsVerified>N</IsVerified> </Name> </OtherNameList> <Demographics> <BirthDate>1990-09-26</BirthDate> <PlaceOfBirth>Dunedin</PlaceOfBirth> <CountryOfBirth>ZAF</CountryOfBirth> <CitizenshipList> <Country>NZL</Country> <Country>ZAF</Country> </CitizenshipList> <CitizenshipStatus>NZCI</CitizenshipStatus> <CitizenshipVerification> <Source>NZPAS</Source> <DocumentSerialNumber>L905673</DocumentSerialNumber> <DocumentExpiryDate>2019-03-30</DocumentExpiryDate> <IsConfirmed>true</IsConfirmed> <Timestamp>2003-11-30T12:34:56.7</Timestamp> <Provider> <RefId>822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba</RefId> </Provider> </CitizenshipVerification> <Gender>2</Gender> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>NZS01110</Code> <Usage>FL</Usage> <ProficiencyList> <Proficiency> <Level>AD</Level> <Type>SP</Type> </Proficiency> </ProficiencyList> </Language> <Language> <Code>NZS01112</Code> <Usage>SL</Usage> <ProficiencyList> <Proficiency> <Level>BE</Level> <Type>SP</Type> </Proficiency> </ProficiencyList> </Language> </LanguageList> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <PreferenceOrderNumber>1</PreferenceOrderNumber> <Code>111</Code> </Ethnicity> <Ethnicity> <PreferenceOrderNumber>1</PreferenceOrderNumber> <Code>211</Code> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <IwiAffiliationList> <Iwi> <Code>NZS1001</Code> <PreferenceOrderNumber>1</PreferenceOrderNumber> <HapuAffiliationList> <Hapu> <HapuName>Manukorihi</HapuName> <PreferenceOrderNumber>1</PreferenceOrderNumber> </Hapu> </HapuAffiliationList> </Iwi> </IwiAffiliationList> <ReligiousAffiliationList> <ReligiousAffiliation>NZS212</ReligiousAffiliation> <ReligiousAffiliation>NZS215</ReligiousAffiliation> </ReligiousAffiliationList> </Demographics> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>TH</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>The Enchanted Wood</Line1> <Line2>533 Hogwart's Way</Line2> <City>Hogsmead</City> <PostalCode>7733</PostalCode> </Address> <Address> <Type>RU</Type> <Role>PHY</Role> <Line1>1175 Lake Ferry Rd</Line1> <Suburb>RD 1</Suburb> <City>Martinborough</City> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>hagrid@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <HouseholdContactInfoList> <HouseholdContactInfo> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <HouseholdContactId>7d5c3f5c-d89c-4551-9442-6b008207986e</HouseholdContactId> <AddressList> <Address> <Type>DE</Type> <Role>POS</Role> <Line1>P O Box 81</Line1> <City>Martinborough</City> <PostalCode>5781</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EmailList> <Email> <Type>PRIM</Type> <Address>hagrid@gmail.com</Address> </Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber> <Type>MOB</Type> <Number>(021) 300 999</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </HouseholdContactInfo> </HouseholdContactInfoList> </PersonInfo> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentPersonal>
Example 3.2.34-1: StudentPersonal

3.2.35 StudentPhysicalRestraint

Provides information about an incident where staff members or other parties used physical restraint on a child.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.35-1: StudentPhysicalRestraint StudentPhysicalRestraint StudentPhysicalRestraintRefId StudentPhysicalRestraintLocalId Provider Student PrincipalOrDelegate WellbeingEvent ConsideredNecessaryReason FirstTimeStudentRestrained IncidentDate LocationDescription OtherComment ReportedDate RestraintEndedTime RestraintStartedTime RestraintReason DocumentList RestraintWitnessList RestraintAdministeredByList BehaviourDirectedAtList StaffReflectionList RestraintDebriefingList RestraintQuestionList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentPhysicalRestraint Low

Provides information about an incident where staff members or other parties used physical restraint on a child.

key StudentPhysicalRestraintRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the provider under whose supervision the student was, at the time the physical restraint incient occured.


Generic object refernece to the student to whom the physical restraint was applied.


Generic object reference to the StaffPersonal object of the Principal or their delegate who oversaw the recording of the physical restraint incident.


Generic object reference to the Wellbeing Event created for the student the physical reatrint was used on.


Free text description on why the physical restraint of the student was considered necessary.


Indicates whether or not this was the first time the student was restrained.


The date the physical restraint was used on the student.


Free text description of the location the physical restraint of the student occurred in.


Any other comments on the physical restraint incident.


The date the use of physical restraint on the student was report.


The time the physical restraint stopped being used.


The time the physical restraint started being used.


The reason the physical restraint was applied to the child.


Describes the Location of any associated documents kept in relation to this physical restraint incident.


A list of the people that witnessed the physical constraint.


A list of the people who administered the physical restraint to the student.


The list of the people and/or property that the student, who was restrained, was directing their behaviour at.


A list of the reflections made by the staff members who applied the physical restraint.


A list of the debriefings that took place after the physical restraint incident occurred.


A list of questions and their answers about the physical restraint incident.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.35-1: StudentPhysicalRestraint

3.2.36 StudentProviderEnrolment

A student's association with an education provider for the purpose of receiving educational servics.

Provider enrolments span multiple years with the ProviderEnrolment containing one or more ECE, School or Tertiary Enrolment sub-objects for each particular year.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.36-1: StudentProviderEnrolment StudentProviderEnrolment StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId Student Provider StudentId EntryDate ExitDate Status Exit ECEEducationHistoryList EarlyChildhoodEnrolment SchoolEnrolmentList TertiaryEducationEnrolment RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentProviderEnrolment High

A student's association with an education provider for the purpose of receiving educational servics.

Provider enrolments span multiple years with the ProviderEnrolment containing one or more ECE, School or Tertiary Enrolment sub-objects for each particular year.

key StudentProviderEnrolmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the Student enrolling at the Provider


Generic object reference to the education Provider, eg school.


A unique identifier assigned to a Student for a period of enrolment by a provider.


The date from when this enrolment is ACTIVE. The date of the student’s first attendance at the provider. If future dated, then the intended first attendance date of the enrolment.


The date of a student’s last attendance at the provider.


The status of the enrolment WiP


Details of the reasons, and interventions leading up to the student's enrolment being terminated.


The list of the types of early childhood education the parent told a primary school that the student received and the hours per week and/or day the student attended.


Properties of an enrolment in an early childhood service (WiP).


Properties of an enrolment in a school


Properties of an enrolment in a Tertiary Education service (WiP).


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.36-1: StudentProviderEnrolment
{ "StudentProviderEnrolment": { "StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId": "a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652", "StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId": "2004H102", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 872 }, "StudentId": "123ABC", "EntryDate": "2018-01-29", "Status": "WIT", "SchoolEnrolmentList": { "SchoolEnrolment": [ { "SchoolCalendarYear": 2018, "MembershipType": "BASE", "YearLevel": "11", "EligibilityCriteria": "GAE", "EligibilityVerification": { "Source": "AUSPA", "DocumentSerialNumber": "L905673", "DocumentExpiryDate": "2019-03-30", "IsConfirmed": true, "Timestamp": "2003-11-30T12:34:56.7", "Provider": { "RefId": "822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba" } }, "FTE": 1.0, "FundingType": "EX", "FundingYearLevel": "1", "Curriculum": "NZC", "CurriculumLevel": 5, "InternationalEnrolment": { "NZArrivalDate": "2018-05-02", "ExchangeScheme": "STA" } } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentProviderEnrolment> <StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId>a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652</StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId> <StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId>2004H102</StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>872</RefId> </Provider> <StudentId>123ABC</StudentId> <EntryDate>2018-01-29</EntryDate> <Status>WIT</Status> <SchoolEnrolmentList> <SchoolEnrolment> <SchoolCalendarYear>2018</SchoolCalendarYear> <MembershipType>BASE</MembershipType> <YearLevel>11</YearLevel> <EligibilityCriteria>GAE</EligibilityCriteria> <EligibilityVerification> <Source>AUSPA</Source> <DocumentSerialNumber>L905673</DocumentSerialNumber> <DocumentExpiryDate>2019-03-30</DocumentExpiryDate> <IsConfirmed>true</IsConfirmed> <Timestamp>2003-11-30T12:34:56.7</Timestamp> <Provider> <RefId>822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba</RefId> </Provider> </EligibilityVerification> <FTE>1.0</FTE> <FundingType>EX</FundingType> <FundingYearLevel>1</FundingYearLevel> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <CurriculumLevel>5</CurriculumLevel> <InternationalEnrolment> <NZArrivalDate>2018-05-02</NZArrivalDate> <ExchangeScheme>STA</ExchangeScheme> </InternationalEnrolment> </SchoolEnrolment> </SchoolEnrolmentList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentProviderEnrolment>
Example 3.2.36-1: Completed International Student School Enrolment
{ "StudentProviderEnrolment": { "StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId": "a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652", "StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId": "2004H102", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 9961 }, "StudentId": "123ABC", "EntryDate": "2017-01-29", "Status": "ACT", "SchoolEnrolmentList": { "SchoolEnrolment": [ { "SchoolCalendarYear": 2017, "MembershipType": "BASE", "YearLevel": "10", "EligibilityCriteria": "NZC", "EligibilityVerification": { "Source": "NZBIR", "DocumentSerialNumber": "L905673", "DocumentExpiryDate": "2019-03-30", "IsConfirmed": true, "Timestamp": "2003-11-30T12:34:56.7", "Provider": { "RefId": "822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba" } }, "FTE": 1.0, "FundingType": "RE", "FundingYearLevel": "10", "Curriculum": "NZC", "CurriculumLevel": 4, "LanguageOfInstructionList": { "Language": [ { "Code": "NZS01112", "Level": "1" } ] }, "SubjectChoiceList": { "StudentSubjectChoice": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "Code": "FREN" }, { "PreferenceNumber": 2, "Code": "HIST" } ] } }, { "SchoolCalendarYear": 2018, "MembershipType": "BASE", "YearLevel": 11, "EligibilityCriteria": "NZC", "EligibilityVerification": { "Source": "NZPAS", "DocumentSerialNumber": "L905673", "DocumentExpiryDate": "2019-03-30", "IsConfirmed": true, "Timestamp": "2003-11-30T12:34:56.7", "Provider": { "RefId": "822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba" } }, "FTE": 1.0, "FundingType": "RE", "FundingYearLevel": 11, "Curriculum": "NZC", "CurriculumLevel": 5, "LanguageOfInstructionList": { "Language": [ { "Code": "NZS01112", "Level": "5" } ] }, "SubjectChoiceList": { "StudentSubjectChoice": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "Code": "HIST" }, { "PreferenceNumber": 2, "Code": "GEOG" } ] }, "CourseChoiceList": { "StudentCourseChoice": [ { "PreferenceNumber": 1, "Course": { "LocalId": "Y11HIST" } }, { "PreferenceNumber": 2, "Course": { "LocalId": "Y11GEOG" } } ] } } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentProviderEnrolment> <StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId>a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652</StudentProviderEnrolmentRefId> <StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId>2004H102</StudentProviderEnrolmentLocalId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Provider> <StudentId>123ABC</StudentId> <EntryDate>2017-01-29</EntryDate> <Status>ACT</Status> <SchoolEnrolmentList> <SchoolEnrolment> <SchoolCalendarYear>2017</SchoolCalendarYear> <MembershipType>BASE</MembershipType> <YearLevel>10</YearLevel> <EligibilityCriteria>NZC</EligibilityCriteria> <EligibilityVerification> <Source>NZBIR</Source> <DocumentSerialNumber>L905673</DocumentSerialNumber> <DocumentExpiryDate>2019-03-30</DocumentExpiryDate> <IsConfirmed>true</IsConfirmed> <Timestamp>2003-11-30T12:34:56.7</Timestamp> <Provider> <RefId>822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba</RefId> </Provider> </EligibilityVerification> <FTE>1.0</FTE> <FundingType>RE</FundingType> <FundingYearLevel>10</FundingYearLevel> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <CurriculumLevel>4</CurriculumLevel> <LanguageOfInstructionList> <Language> <Code>NZS01112</Code> <Level>1</Level> </Language> </LanguageOfInstructionList> <SubjectChoiceList> <StudentSubjectChoice> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <Code>FREN</Code> </StudentSubjectChoice> <StudentSubjectChoice> <PreferenceNumber>2</PreferenceNumber> <Code>HIST</Code> </StudentSubjectChoice> </SubjectChoiceList> </SchoolEnrolment> <SchoolEnrolment> <SchoolCalendarYear>2018</SchoolCalendarYear> <MembershipType>BASE</MembershipType> <YearLevel>11</YearLevel> <EligibilityCriteria>NZC</EligibilityCriteria> <EligibilityVerification> <Source>NZPAS</Source> <DocumentSerialNumber>L905673</DocumentSerialNumber> <DocumentExpiryDate>2019-03-30</DocumentExpiryDate> <IsConfirmed>true</IsConfirmed> <Timestamp>2003-11-30T12:34:56.7</Timestamp> <Provider> <RefId>822f6c83-2841-4a87-9ff9-49730951b3ba</RefId> </Provider> </EligibilityVerification> <FTE>1.0</FTE> <FundingType>RE</FundingType> <FundingYearLevel>11</FundingYearLevel> <Curriculum>NZC</Curriculum> <CurriculumLevel>5</CurriculumLevel> <LanguageOfInstructionList> <Language> <Code>NZS01112</Code> <Level>5</Level> </Language> </LanguageOfInstructionList> <SubjectChoiceList> <StudentSubjectChoice> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <Code>HIST</Code> </StudentSubjectChoice> <StudentSubjectChoice> <PreferenceNumber>2</PreferenceNumber> <Code>GEOG</Code> </StudentSubjectChoice> </SubjectChoiceList> <CourseChoiceList> <StudentCourseChoice> <PreferenceNumber>1</PreferenceNumber> <Course> <LocalId>Y11HIST</LocalId> </Course> </StudentCourseChoice> <StudentCourseChoice> <PreferenceNumber>2</PreferenceNumber> <Course> <LocalId>Y11GEOG</LocalId> </Course> </StudentCourseChoice> </CourseChoiceList> </SchoolEnrolment> </SchoolEnrolmentList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentProviderEnrolment>
Example 3.2.36-2: Multiple Years, Regular Student School Enrolment

3.2.37 StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment

Records a student's arrival to and departure from a TeachingGroup.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.37-1: StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentRefId StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentLocalId Status Student Provider TeachingGroup StartDate EndDate RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment High

Records a student's arrival to and departure from a TeachingGroup.

key StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


States whether or not this is an inactive or active TeachingGroup enrolment.


Generic object reference to the Student enrolling in the TeachingGroup


Generic object reference to the education Provider, eg school, that has the TeachingGroup


Generic object reference to the TeachingGroup the student is enroling in.


The date the Student's enrolment in the teaching group starts.


The date of a student’s enrolment in the teaching group ends.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.37-1: StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment
{ "StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment": { "StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentRefId": "a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652", "StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentLocalId": "2004H102", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 9961 }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "93b9b77e-a23f-4acd-a65e-e26f1034317f" }, "StartDate": "2018-01-29", "EndDate": "2018-12-05", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment> <StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentRefId>a8c3d3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652</StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentRefId> <StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentLocalId>2004H102</StudentTeachingGroupEnrolmentLocalId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Provider> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>93b9b77e-a23f-4acd-a65e-e26f1034317f</RefId> </TeachingGroup> <StartDate>2018-01-29</StartDate> <EndDate>2018-12-05</EndDate> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentTeachingGroupEnrolment>
Example 3.2.37-1: Student TeachingGroup Enrolment

3.2.38 StudentVoice

A record of a student's interests as well as their social, academic and academic goals.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.38-1: StudentVoice StudentVoice StudentVoiceRefId StudentVoiceLocalId Student Provider VoiceType StudentVoiceNote StudentInterestList SocialGoalList AcademicGoalList CareerGoalList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 StudentVoice MediumA record of a student's interests as well as their social, academic and academic goals.  
key StudentVoiceRefIdOMedium

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to The GUID for the student's StudentPersonal record.


Generic object reference to the school that collected this StudentVoice entry.


Code set denoting the type of student voice being heard, e.g. their interests, goals, voice (comments, opinions).


Extra notes about the student, and their voice


A list of the diffent interests the student has expressed.


A list of the diffent social goals the student has expressed.


A list of the diffent academic goals the student has expressed.


A list of the diffent career goals the student has expressed.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.38-1: StudentVoice
{ "StudentVoice": { "StudentVoiceRefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c", "StudentVoiceLocalId": 2234523, "Student": { "RefId": "5c33548a-1141-40eb-94d3-9267a2258435" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 234 }, "StudentVoiceNote": "Timothy doesn't like talking about setting goals. These goals have been gathered through observation.", "StudentInterestList": { "StudentInterest": [ { "InterestRecordedDate": "2018-11-30", "InterestDescription": "Timothy spends most lunchtimes playing with the piano, or watching others playing music", "InterestName": "Music/Piano", "InterestType": "MUS", "SubjectArea": "MUSP" } ] }, "SocialGoalList": { "SocialGoal": [ { "GoalRecordedDate": "2018-11-30", "GoalDescription": "Timothy would like to have more friends to play with at lunchtime.", "GoalName": "Have more friends" } ] }, "AcademicGoalList": { "AcademicGoal": [ { "GoalRecordedDate": "2018-11-30", "GoalDescription": "Timothy wants to excel at Te Reo Māori", "GoalName": "Excel Te Reo", "SubjectArea": "MAOR" } ] }, "CareerGoalList": { "CareerGoal": [ { "GoalRecordedDate": "2018-11-30", "GoalDescription": "Timothy would like to be a Marine Biologist, or Deep Sea Diver", "GoalName": "Marine Biologist" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<StudentVoice> <StudentVoiceRefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290c</StudentVoiceRefId> <StudentVoiceLocalId>2234523</StudentVoiceLocalId> <Student> <RefId>5c33548a-1141-40eb-94d3-9267a2258435</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>234</RefId> </Provider> <StudentVoiceNote>Timothy doesn't like talking about setting goals. These goals have been gathered through observation.</StudentVoiceNote> <StudentInterestList> <StudentInterest> <InterestRecordedDate>2018-11-30</InterestRecordedDate> <InterestDescription>Timothy spends most lunchtimes playing with the piano, or watching others playing music</InterestDescription> <InterestName>Music/Piano</InterestName> <InterestType>MUS</InterestType> <SubjectArea>MUSP</SubjectArea> </StudentInterest> </StudentInterestList> <SocialGoalList> <SocialGoal> <GoalRecordedDate>2018-11-30</GoalRecordedDate> <GoalDescription>Timothy would like to have more friends to play with at lunchtime.</GoalDescription> <GoalName>Have more friends</GoalName> </SocialGoal> </SocialGoalList> <AcademicGoalList> <AcademicGoal> <GoalRecordedDate>2018-11-30</GoalRecordedDate> <GoalDescription>Timothy wants to excel at Te Reo Māori</GoalDescription> <GoalName>Excel Te Reo</GoalName> <SubjectArea>MAOR</SubjectArea> </AcademicGoal> </AcademicGoalList> <CareerGoalList> <CareerGoal> <GoalRecordedDate>2018-11-30</GoalRecordedDate> <GoalDescription>Timothy would like to be a Marine Biologist, or Deep Sea Diver</GoalDescription> <GoalName>Marine Biologist</GoalName> </CareerGoal> </CareerGoalList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </StudentVoice>
Example 3.2.38-1: StudentVoice

3.2.39 TeachingGroup

Identifies a particular class or other group of students. Such groups can have multiple staff assigned in a variety of roles, may be assigned students from multiple year levels and may be taught multiple courses.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.39-1: TeachingGroup TeachingGroup TeachingGroupRefId TeachingGroupLocalId ShortName LongName GroupType Provider TeachingProvider ScheduleTerm StudentList TeacherList CourseList SubjectAreaList YearLevelList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 TeachingGroup Medium

Identifies a particular class or other group of students. Such groups can have multiple staff assigned in a variety of roles, may be assigned students from multiple year levels and may be taught multiple courses.

key TeachingGroupRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Short free format label that describes the group.


Longer description if required.


Provides the means of identifying the type of group such as roll class or subject class for instance and treat them accordingly.


RefId of the Provider who defines the TeachingGroup. Either RefId or LocalId must be provided.


RefId of the Provider who actually teaches the TeachingGroup. Only present when the teaching provider is not the defining provider.


The term that the teaching groups run for, e.g. Term 1, Full Year etc.


List of Students in this Teaching Group


A List of staff associated with the group – may or may not include the teacher timetabled in the schedule.


List of generic references denoting the Courses the TeachingGroup is being taught.


List of codes denoting the Learning or Subject Areas of the Course the TeachingGroup is being taught.


For Subject Class teaching groups: the list of codes denoting the Year Levels of the Course the TeachingGroup is being taught.

For Roll Class teaching groups, the Year Levels of the students in the roll class group.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.39-1: TeachingGroup
{ "TeachingGroup": { "TeachingGroupRefId": "64a309da-063a-2e35-b359-d75101a8c3d1", "TeachingGroupLocalId": "20087ASPN", "ShortName": "7A SPN", "LongName": "Year 7A Maths - Space and Numbers", "GroupType": "SC", "Provider": { "RefId": 234 }, "ScheduleTerm": { "LocalId": "FY2020" }, "StudentList": { "Student": [ { "RefId": "9897466f-200e-4bc1-b9ae-d1507da15cef", "LocalId": "SMI001", "Name": "Peter Smith" }, { "RefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290d", "LocalId": "SMI002", "Name": "Jennifer Smith" }, { "RefId": "7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290e", "LocalId": "SMI003", "Name": "Terence Smith" } ] }, "TeacherList": { "StaffMember": [ { "RefId": "a8c3a2e3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000", "LocalId": "SMI1", "Name": "Thomas Smith", "Role": "1001" }, { "RefId": "a8cccce3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000", "LocalId": "LONG2", "Name": "Tamara Long", "Role": "1002" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<TeachingGroup> <TeachingGroupRefId>64a309da-063a-2e35-b359-d75101a8c3d1</TeachingGroupRefId> <TeachingGroupLocalId>20087ASPN</TeachingGroupLocalId> <ShortName>7A SPN</ShortName> <LongName>Year 7A Maths - Space and Numbers</LongName> <GroupType>SC</GroupType> <Provider> <RefId>234</RefId> </Provider> <ScheduleTerm> <LocalId>FY2020</LocalId> </ScheduleTerm> <StudentList> <Student> <RefId>9897466f-200e-4bc1-b9ae-d1507da15cef</RefId> <LocalId>SMI001</LocalId> <Name>Peter Smith</Name> </Student> <Student> <RefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290d</RefId> <LocalId>SMI002</LocalId> <Name>Jennifer Smith</Name> </Student> <Student> <RefId>7c834ea9-eda1-2090-347f-83297e1c290e</RefId> <LocalId>SMI003</LocalId> <Name>Terence Smith</Name> </Student> </StudentList> <TeacherList> <StaffMember> <RefId>a8c3a2e3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000</RefId> <LocalId>SMI1</LocalId> <Name>Thomas Smith</Name> <Role>1001</Role> </StaffMember> <StaffMember> <RefId>a8cccce3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000</RefId> <LocalId>LONG2</LocalId> <Name>Tamara Long</Name> <Role>1002</Role> </StaffMember> </TeacherList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </TeachingGroup>
Example 3.2.39-1: TeachingGroup

3.2.40 TeachingGroupEvent

Defines a single SchedulePeriod in a Schedule where the TeachingGroup meets.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.40-1: TeachingGroupEvent TeachingGroupEvent TeachingGroupEventRefId TeachingGroupEventLocalId Provider TeachingGroup Schedule SchedulePeriod AcademicDay RoomId RoomName TakeAttendanceFlag TeacherList CourseList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 TeachingGroupEvent Low

Defines a single SchedulePeriod in a Schedule where the TeachingGroup meets.

key TeachingGroupEventRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the Provider defining the TeachingGroup.


Generic object reference to the TeachingGroup that is meeting.


Generic object reference to the Provider Schedule defining when the TeachingGroup meets.


Generic object reference to the SchedulePeriod that the TeachingGroup meets.


Generic object reference to the ScheduleAcademicDay that the TeachingGroup meets.


The Id of the room the teaching group is meeting in.


The name of the room the teaching group is meeting in.


Indicates whether or not attendance should be taken for this teaching group event.


List of the teacher(s) teaching the class during this timetable event.


The list of Courses that is being taught to the teaching group at this event.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.40-1: TeachingGroupEvent
{ "TeachingGroupEvent": { "TeachingGroupEventRefId": "9356909d-e46a-456a-a177-6a914af861ae", "TeachingGroupEventLocalId": "20197A-SPN-1", "Provider": { "RefId": 9961, "Name": "Hogwarts High" }, "TeachingGroup": { "RefId": "64a309da-063a-2e35-b359-d75101a8c3d1", "LocalId": "20197ASPN", "Name": "Year 7A Maths - Space and Numbers" }, "Schedule": { "RefId": "d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c", "Name": "Scheule 2019a (Term 1)" }, "SchedulePeriod": { "RefId": "215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830", "LocalId": "2019a-A1", "Name": "Period 1 on Day A" }, "AcademicDay": { "RefId": "364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9", "LocalId": "2019a-A", "Name": "Scheule 2019a, Day A" }, "RoomId": "TB202", "RoomName": "Tower Block, Room 202", "TakeAttendanceFlag": "Y", "TeacherList": { "StaffMember": [ { "RefId": "a8c3a2e3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000", "LocalId": "SMI1", "Name": "Thomas Smith", "Role": "1001" } ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<TeachingGroupEvent> <TeachingGroupEventRefId>9356909d-e46a-456a-a177-6a914af861ae</TeachingGroupEventRefId> <TeachingGroupEventLocalId>20197A-SPN-1</TeachingGroupEventLocalId> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> <Name>Hogwarts High</Name> </Provider> <TeachingGroup> <RefId>64a309da-063a-2e35-b359-d75101a8c3d1</RefId> <LocalId>20197ASPN</LocalId> <Name>Year 7A Maths - Space and Numbers</Name> </TeachingGroup> <Schedule> <RefId>d2f4aea9-564f-4bdf-a18e-42a111a0602c</RefId> <Name>Scheule 2019a (Term 1)</Name> </Schedule> <SchedulePeriod> <RefId>215f796c-67f7-4855-83dc-28ad9d002830</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A1</LocalId> <Name>Period 1 on Day A</Name> </SchedulePeriod> <AcademicDay> <RefId>364f0aa5-49e2-434e-9c82-45770f4c71a9</RefId> <LocalId>2019a-A</LocalId> <Name>Scheule 2019a, Day A</Name> </AcademicDay> <RoomId>TB202</RoomId> <RoomName>Tower Block, Room 202</RoomName> <TakeAttendanceFlag>Y</TakeAttendanceFlag> <TeacherList> <StaffMember> <RefId>a8c3a2e3-5b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a0000</RefId> <LocalId>SMI1</LocalId> <Name>Thomas Smith</Name> <Role>1001</Role> </StaffMember> </TeacherList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </TeachingGroupEvent>
Example 3.2.40-1: TeachingGroupEvent

3.2.41 WellbeingAlert

Alert indicating to teachers and systems that this student has a 'concern' that needs to be known for 'duty of care', which could be Medical, Legal or other.

The alert may merely draw attention to Wellbeing Characteristics or Events, that contain more detail.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.41-1: WellbeingAlert WellbeingAlert WellbeingAlertRefId WellbeingAlertLocalId Student Provider StaffMember PublishedDate StartDate EndDate AlertCategory AlertDescription AcknowledgementList KeyContactList WellbeingResponseList WellbeingAppealList WellbeingCharacteristicList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 WellbeingAlert High

Alert indicating to teachers and systems that this student has a 'concern' that needs to be known for 'duty of care', which could be Medical, Legal or other.

The alert may merely draw attention to Wellbeing Characteristics or Events, that contain more detail.

key WellbeingAlertRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student to whom this WellbeingAlert belongs.


Generic object reference to the school for which this WellbeingAlert is being reported.


Generic object reference to the staff member that is a key contact for this wellbeing alert.


The calendar date on which this wellbeing alert was published.


The date the wellbeing alert period commenced.


The date the wellbeing alert is due to finish.


Category of WellbeingAlert.


Description of this particular wellbeing alert.


Key Contact to get information about this wellbeing alert from.


A list of key contacts for the alert.


A list of the Wellbeing Responses that contributed to the creation of this Wellbeing Alert.


A list of the Wellbeing Appeal outcomes that contributed to the creation of this Wellbeing Alert.


A list of the Wellbeing Characteristics that contributed to the creation of this Wellbeing Alert.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.41-1: WellbeingAlert
{ "WellbeingAlert": { "WellbeingAlertRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 672 }, "StaffMember": { "RefId": "ba265776-359d-7510-1a8c-77432a901a16" }, "PublishedDate": "2017-11-01", "StartDate": "2017-11-01", "AlertCategory": "MED", "AlertDescription": "This Student is allergic to peanuts", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<WellbeingAlert> <WellbeingAlertRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</WellbeingAlertRefId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>672</RefId> </Provider> <StaffMember> <RefId>ba265776-359d-7510-1a8c-77432a901a16</RefId> </StaffMember> <PublishedDate>2017-11-01</PublishedDate> <StartDate>2017-11-01</StartDate> <AlertCategory>MED</AlertCategory> <AlertDescription>This Student is allergic to peanuts</AlertDescription> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </WellbeingAlert>
Example 3.2.41-1: Wellbeing Alert

3.2.42 WellbeingAppeal

Records detail of any "appeal" or "request" made by involved parties in regard to a negative/punitive Wellbeing Response that was the result of a student Wellbeing Event.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.42-1: WellbeingAppeal WellbeingAppeal WellbeingAppealRefId WellbeingAppealLocalId Student Provider WellbeingResponse WellbeingAlert AppealStatus RegisteredDate AppealNotes AppealOutcome AppealDeterminationBy DocumentList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 WellbeingAppeal High

Records detail of any "appeal" or "request" made by involved parties in regard to a negative/punitive Wellbeing Response that was the result of a student Wellbeing Event.

key WellbeingAppealRefIdOMedium

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student to whom this WellbeingAppeal belongs.


Generic object reference to the school for which this WellbeingAppeal is being reported.


Generic object reference to the WellbeingResponse for which this WellbeingAppeal is in response to.


Generic object reference to the WellbeingAlert this WellbeingAppeal's outcome has triggered.


The status of WellbeingAppeal.


The calendar date on which this WellbeingAppeal was registered.


Text relating to the particular WellbeingAppeal.


The outcome of the appeal.


The type of individual or group that determined the appeal outcome.


Describes the Location of any associated documents kept in relation to this Appeal.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.42-1: WellbeingAppeal
{ "WellbeingAppeal": { "WellbeingAppealRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 9961 }, "WellbeingResponse": { "RefId": "bc385746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a36" }, "AppealStatus": "SU", "RegisteredDate": "2017-11-01", "AppealNotes": "This Appeal was successful.", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<WellbeingAppeal> <WellbeingAppealRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</WellbeingAppealRefId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>9961</RefId> </Provider> <WellbeingResponse> <RefId>bc385746-359d-7510-1a8c-36432a901a36</RefId> </WellbeingResponse> <AppealStatus>SU</AppealStatus> <RegisteredDate>2017-11-01</RegisteredDate> <AppealNotes>This Appeal was successful.</AppealNotes> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </WellbeingAppeal>
Example 3.2.42-1: Wellbeing Appeal

3.2.43 WellbeingCharacteristic

Core Wellbeing Characteristic that is integral to the Student. This may be a Medical condition, special needs or a characteristic such as a known disability or any other characteristic or condition that is student specific and impacts their learning.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.43-1: WellbeingCharacteristic WellbeingCharacteristic WellbeingCharacteristicRefId WellbeingCharacteristicLocalId Student RecordingProvider StartDate EndDate ReviewDate CharacteristicNotes NoteList Classification Category SubCategory SubSubCategory SubCategoryDetail CharacteristicPriority CaseLead CaseLeadOtherDesc CaseLeadContactPerson DailyManagement EmergencyManagement EmergencyResponsePlan Trigger ConfidentialFlag Alert MedicationList DocumentList WellbeingEventList WellbeingAlertList SpecialAssessmentConditionList Status MedicalCharacteristicDesc OfficialDiagnosis OfficialDiagnosisList StudentVoiceList RecordAudit LearnerInterests LearnerWhanauGoal LearnerWhanauVoice
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 WellbeingCharacteristic High

Core Wellbeing Characteristic that is integral to the Student. This may be a Medical condition, special needs or a characteristic such as a known disability or any other characteristic or condition that is student specific and impacts their learning.

key WellbeingCharacteristicRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Generic object reference to the student to whom this WellbeingCharacteristic belongs.


Generic object reference to the provider which recorded this Wellbeing Characteristic.


Starting Date for this Characteristic to be noted.


End date for this Characteristic to be noted, if there is one.


Date at which this information should be reviewed.


Text relating to the particular WellbeingCharacteristic.


A list of notes that have been written about the wellbeing characteristic.


Top most category of WellbeingCharacteristic.


Category of WellbeingCharacteristic.


Sub category of the WellbeingCharacteristic.


An additional layer to provide more detail around a wellbeing characteristic sub category. For examples for the learner’s support need sub category, e.g. if the support need of ‘Vision’ is selected for the user, the sub needs ‘Low Vision’ and ‘Blind’ are available to further define the type of vision issue the learner has. Not all support needs have sub needs.


Additional detail about a sub category.


The priority of the characteristic in relation to other characteristics within the same classification.


The Agency taking the lead on the learning support need case, e.g. MOE, Police, Corrections etc.)


Free text describing the Case Lead Agency when a Case Lead of 'Other' is selected.


The name of the contact person for the Case Lead Agency.










Flag indicating if the characteristic is confidential or not. If ‘Y’ should not be shared with any other system/school.


Create an Alert for this Characteristic?




Describes the Location of any associated documents kept in relation to this Characteristic.


A list of any Wellbeing Events that have arisen as a result of this Characteristic.


A list of any Wellbeing Alerts that have arison as a result of this Chracteristic.


A list of the special assessment conditions that a student is entitled to have when sitting an assessment.


The staus of the Wellbeing Characteristic.


Free text providing additional information about a medical need of a student. Especially when a medical need of 'Other' is selected.


Indicates whether or not the student has an official diagnosis that pertains to this Wellbeing Characteristic.


A list of official diagnoses that pertains to this wellbeing characteristic. At least one diagnosis is required if OfficialDiagnosis = 'Y'.


A list of the student's or their whānau's voice about their wellbeing characteristic in regards to the student 's interests, goals, and voice (comments, opinions).


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.


Free text that describes the interests a learner has that pertains to this wellbeing Characteristic.


Free text describing any goals the student wants to achieve, or any goals their whānau want them to achieve that pertain to this wellbeing characteristic.


Free text capturing the learners and/or their whānaus opinions and point of view in regards to this wellbeing characteristic.

Table 3.2.43-1: WellbeingCharacteristic
{ "WellbeingCharacteristic": { "WellbeingCharacteristicRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "RecordingProvider": { "RefId": 672 }, "StartDate": "2017-11-01", "EndDate": "2017-11-10", "CharacteristicNotes": "This Student has a special need.", "Classification": "LSN", "Category": "LSN-SOC", "SubCategory": "LSN-HYP", "CaseLead": "RT", "CaseLeadContactPerson": "Dr RTL Bush", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<WellbeingCharacteristic> <WellbeingCharacteristicRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</WellbeingCharacteristicRefId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <RecordingProvider> <RefId>672</RefId> </RecordingProvider> <StartDate>2017-11-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2017-11-10</EndDate> <CharacteristicNotes>This Student has a special need.</CharacteristicNotes> <Classification>LSN</Classification> <Category>LSN-SOC</Category> <SubCategory>LSN-HYP</SubCategory> <CaseLead>RT</CaseLead> <CaseLeadContactPerson>Dr RTL Bush</CaseLeadContactPerson> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </WellbeingCharacteristic>
Example 3.2.43-1: WellbeingCharacteristic

3.2.44 WellbeingEvent

Record of an event happening that impacts on a school's duty of care to its students. The event records both 'positive' and 'negative' behaviours and is not just the recording of a discipline incident or an accident.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.44-1: WellbeingEvent WellbeingEvent WellbeingEventRefId WellbeingEventLocalId Student ReportingProvider PhysicalRestraint EventNotes PossibleMotivationList EventCategoryClass EventCategoryList ReportingStaffMember EventLocationList EventLocationDescription EventCreationTimeStamp EventDate EventTime EventDescription EventTimePeriod ConfidentialFlag PersonInvolvementList Status BehaviourIdentifiedList RestraintType ActionTakenList DocumentList RelatedWellbeingEventList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 WellbeingEvent High

Record of an event happening that impacts on a school's duty of care to its students. The event records both 'positive' and 'negative' behaviours and is not just the recording of a discipline incident or an accident.

key WellbeingEventRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Object reference to the student to whom this WellbeingEvent belongs.


Object reference to the provider for which this WellbeingEvent is being reported.


Object reference tothe StudentPhysicalRestraint if it was administered to the student as part of this WellbeingEvent.


Text relating to the particular WellbeingEvent.


A list of the possible motivations that triggered the event.


Category of WellbeingEvent.


List of Categories of WellbeingEvent.


Object refernece to the staff member who logged the Wellbeing Event record.


A list of the locations where the incident took place.


Details of Event Location.


Date and time of the WellbeingEvent record creation.


The calendar date on which this WellbeingEvent occured.


The time when WellbeingEvent occured.


A description of the WellbeingEvent.


Time period of when the event occurred.


Flag indicating if the incident is confidential or not. If ‘Y’ should not be shared with any other system/school.


List of People involved in the Wellbeing event. Mandatory if more people than the student to which this event occurs is involved.


Current Status.


A list of the problem behaviours identified for the student as a result of the Wellbeing Event. There are both minor and major behaviours.


The StudentPhysicalRestraint if it was administered to the student as part of this WellbeingEvent.


A list of the actions taken as a result of this WellbeingEvent.


Describes the Location of any associated documents kept in relation to this Response.


A Wellbeing Event gets created for every student involved in an event. This list links together all related Wellbeing Events.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.44-1: WellbeingEvent
{ "WellbeingEvent": { "WellbeingEventRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "ReportingProvider": { "RefId": 773 }, "EventCategoryClass": "POS", "EventDate": "2017-11-01", "EventTimePeriod": "AM", "RestraintType": "NON", "ActionTakenList": { "ActionTaken": [ "ININ" ] }, "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<WellbeingEvent> <WellbeingEventRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</WellbeingEventRefId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <ReportingProvider> <RefId>773</RefId> </ReportingProvider> <EventCategoryClass>POS</EventCategoryClass> <EventDate>2017-11-01</EventDate> <EventTimePeriod>AM</EventTimePeriod> <RestraintType>NON</RestraintType> <ActionTakenList> <ActionTaken>ININ</ActionTaken> </ActionTakenList> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </WellbeingEvent>
Example 3.2.44-1: WellbeingEvent

3.2.45 WellbeingResponse

A record of the outcome and follow ups generated by a WellbeingEvent

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.2.45-1: WellbeingResponse WellbeingResponse WellbeingResponseRefId WellbeingResponseLocalId Student Provider PublishedDate StartDate EndDate ResponseStatus ResponseCategory ResponseNotes PersonInvolvementList Suspension Detention PlanRequiredList Award OtherResponse DocumentList WellbeingAlert WellbeingEvent WellbeingAppealList RecordAudit
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 WellbeingResponse High

A record of the outcome and follow ups generated by a WellbeingEvent

key WellbeingResponseRefIdOLow

The universally unique identifier for the data object record that is used across systems.


The Id of the data object record that was provided by the system that the information was originally sourced from.


Object reference to the student to whom this WellbeingResponse belongs.


Object reference to the provider for which this WellbeingResponse is being reported.


The calendar date on which this WellbeingResponse was published.


The date the WellbeingResponse period commenced.


The date the WellbeingResponse is due to finish.


The current status of the response to the wellbeing event.


Category of WellbeingResponse.


Text relating to the particular WellbeingResponse.


List of People involved in the Wellbeing Event/Response. Mandatory if more people than the student to which this event/response occurs is involved.


Container for details of a Suspension or Expulsion.


Container for details of a Detention.


List of plans that are required to be generated as part of the WellbeingResponse


Container for details of an Award.


Container for details of another type of Response.


Describes the Location of any associated documents kept in relation to this Response.


The ID (GUID) of the Wellbeing Alert that was generated in response to this WellbeingResponse.


The ID (GUID) of the WellbeingEvent this WellbeingResponse is for.


A list of any appeals that have been made in relation to this Wellbeing Response.


The audit details for a record, e.g. Created/Last Updated DateTime and Created/Last Updated By.

Table 3.2.45-1: WellbeingResponse
{ "WellbeingResponse": { "WellbeingResponseRefId": "2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Student": { "RefId": "d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652" }, "Provider": { "RefId": 877 }, "PublishedDate": "2017-11-01", "StartDate": "2017-11-01", "EndDate": "2017-11-10", "ResponseCategory": "S", "ResponseNotes": "This Student is to be withdrawn.", "RecordAudit": { "CreatedDateTime": "2019-01-01T03:15:00", "CreatedBy": { "RefId": "44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb", "Name": "Bobby Test" } } } }
<WellbeingResponse> <WellbeingResponseRefId>2ffb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</WellbeingResponseRefId> <Student> <RefId>d3e34b35-9d75-101a-8c3d-00aa001a1652</RefId> </Student> <Provider> <RefId>877</RefId> </Provider> <PublishedDate>2017-11-01</PublishedDate> <StartDate>2017-11-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2017-11-10</EndDate> <ResponseCategory>S</ResponseCategory> <ResponseNotes>This Student is to be withdrawn.</ResponseNotes> <RecordAudit> <CreatedDateTime>2019-01-01T03:15:00</CreatedDateTime> <CreatedBy> <RefId>44fb63b4-cfef-4820-8501-e7d1e54555cb</RefId> <Name>Bobby Test</Name> </CreatedBy> </RecordAudit> </WellbeingResponse>
Example 3.2.45-1: WellbeingResponse

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