3.14 Special Programs Working Group

The Special Programs Working Group's mission is to focus on support within SIF for effective data exchange regarding special education and other individualized programs.

3.14.1 StudentParticipation

This object contains information pertaining to student eligibility for and participation in an individualized special program such as special education, ESL, Section 504, etc.

Multiple instances of this object may be transmitted for a particular student because the student may participate in multiple programs and because the details of a student's participation in a given program may change over time. A separate instance of this object must be generated for each program in which the student participates, and the ProgramType element is used to identify the particular program. In addition, each time the student's participation profile changes for a particular program, a new instance of this object must be generated with the appropriate value in the ProgramType element, the effective date of the new profile in StudentParticipationAsOfDate, and a new RefId.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.14.1-1: StudentParticipation StudentParticipation RefId StudentPersonalRefId StudentParticipationAsOfDate ProgramType ProgramName ProgramFundingSources ManagingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject ManagingSchool SIF_RefObject PartCTransitionMeetingNotHeldReasons PartCTransitionMeetingDate PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes ReferralDate ReferralSource ProgramStatus GiftedEligibilityCriteria EvaluationParentalConsentDate EvaluationDate EvaluationExtensionDate ExtensionComments ReevaluationDate ExceptionalityCategories ProgramEligibilityDate ProgramPlanType ProgramPlanDate ProgramPlanEffectiveDate NOREPDate PlacementParentalConsentDate ProgramPlacementDate LeastRestrictiveEnvironment ExtendedSchoolYear ExtendedDay ProgramAvailability PrivateNotPlacedByPublic ProgramReviewDate FBADate BIPDate ProgramExitDate ProgramExitReason ProjectedExitDate ProjectedExitReason PlannedAssessmentParticipation TransitionPlanning StudentSpecialEducationFTE EntryPerson ParticipationContact AdditionalProgramAvailabilityList CaseManager SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingCEDS Id/URLDescriptionType

This object contains information pertaining to student eligibility for and participation in an individualized special program such as special education, ESL, Section 504, etc.

Multiple instances of this object may be transmitted for a particular student because the student may participate in multiple programs and because the details of a student's participation in a given program may change over time. A separate instance of this object must be generated for each program in which the student participates, and the ProgramType element is used to identify the particular program. In addition, each time the student's participation profile changes for a particular program, a new instance of this object must be generated with the appropriate value in the ProgramType element, the effective date of the new profile in StudentParticipationAsOfDate, and a new RefId.


This is the unique identification code


The GUID of the student that this object is linked to.

 StudentParticipationAsOfDateM 000590

Effective date (NOT the entry date) of this StudentParticipation instance for the identified student and program. Each time there is a change to the student's program participation profile, a new instance of this object is to be generated with the appropriate StudentParticipationAsOfDate and a new RefId.

 ProgramNameO 000626

The name or title of the program.


The GUID of the public agency (a district / LEA) to which the "ManagingSchool" reports / belongs.


The GUID of the school responsible for coordinating the student's program participation.


Date the transition meeting was held for a Part C child.


Date student was referred for evaluation/program participation.


State / local code used to determine eligibility for Gifted / Talented program.


Date parent(s) consented to completion of evaluation of child for program participation.


Date the evaluation/assessment process for student was completed.


Actual date by which evaluation must be completed (for state use in determining timeliness in event that parent and LEA agreed to an extension beyond normal state deadline).


Contains any comments on the extension. Optional even if an EvaluationExtensionDate is present.


Date students will be reevaluated for continued placement in a support program(s).

 ProgramEligibilityDateO 000590

Date student is eligible for beginning the support program(s).


Date the most recent program plan was completed and approved by the team responsible for developing it. The date the parent consented to placement is NOREPDate.

Date by which the plan must be implemented for the student. xs:date

Date the Notice of Recommended Educational Placement was signed and approved by the parent / guardian of the student.


Date the parent(s) consented to the proposed placement.

 ProgramPlacementDateO 000590

Date student began the support program.


For special education, indicates whether Extended School Year (ESY) / summer services have been determined as necessary


For special education, indicates whether Extended School Day (ESD) services have been determined as necessary.


Indicates whether the student is enrolled by a parent/guardian in a private school and has special education/services provided at public expense. Necessary for the OSEP federal IDEA reports..


Projected date of the program plan review (for IDEA, the projected annual IEP review date).


The most recent date on which the IEP Team completed a full and comprehensive review of all functional behavioral assessment materials.


The most recent date on which the IEP Team approved a behavioral intervention plan.

 ProgramExitDateO 000263

Date student exited support program(s).


The date on which it is projected that a student will exit program. Has typically been provided when student turns 14; under new IDEA, may change to 16.

 ProjectedExitReasonO 000222

Review by program / state. May be required if a ProjectedExitDate is present. The projected reason for a student's exit from program.


The student's planned level of participation in statewide assessments.

Accommodations - Students with Disabilities
Accommodations - Students with temporary or long-term disabilities and Section 504 students
Accommodations - English Language Learners
Exempted Students - Transfer
Excused - Prior to Test
Excused - During Testing


Purpose / goal for recommended transition planning services.

Postsecondary Ed - transition services should be targeted toward postsecondary education
Employment - transition services should be targeted toward employment
Community Living - transition services should be targeted toward community living
NA - not applicable (e.g., student is younger than age 16)


Calculated ratio of time the student is in a special ed setting. Values range from 0.00 to 1.00. If the student is in a special ed setting 25% of the time, the value is .25; if 100% of the time, the value is 1.00.


Identification / name of the person who created the transaction that led to the creation of this instance of the object.


Primary contact for this record.




The name of the case manager responsible for the academic plans of this student.

Table 3.14.1-1: StudentParticipation
[ { "StudentParticipation" : {"RefId" : "D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652", "StudentPersonalRefId" : "A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StudentParticipationAsOfDate" : "2006-07-13", "ProgramType" : {"Code" : "0270", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "0839"}}}, "ProgramName" : "Digital Learning Workshop", "ProgramFundingSources" : {"ProgramFundingSource" : {"Code" : "0797"}}, "ManagingPublicAgency" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "LEAInfo", "value" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ManagingSchool" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "PartCTransitionMeetingDate" : "2006-04-09", "PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes" : {"PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome" : {"Code" : "S001"}}, "ReferralDate" : "2005-09-04", "ReferralSource" : {"Code" : "2148"}, "ProgramStatus" : {"Code" : "S004"}, "GiftedEligibilityCriteria" : "G938", "EvaluationParentalConsentDate" : "2005-11-09", "EvaluationDate" : "2005-11-25", "EvaluationExtensionDate" : "2005-12-10", "ExtensionComments" : "Reason that extension was allowed", "ReevaluationDate" : "2008-11-25", "ExceptionalityCategories" : {"ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2121", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Primary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2134", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Secondary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2127", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Tertiary"}}, "ProgramEligibilityDate" : "2006-01-04", "ProgramPlanType" : {"Code" : "2196"}, "ProgramPlanDate" : "2006-01-02", "NOREPDate" : "2006-01-09", "PlacementParentalConsentDate" : "2006-01-02", "ProgramPlacementDate" : "2006-01-09", "LeastRestrictiveEnvironment" : {"Code" : "0135"}, "ExtendedSchoolYear" : true, "ExtendedDay" : false, "ProgramAvailability" : {"Code" : "0231", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "2674"}}}, "PrivateNotPlacedByPublic" : true, "ProgramReviewDate" : "2007-01-09", "FBADate" : "2006-04-15", "BIPDate" : "2006-04-24", "ProgramExitReason" : {"Code" : "2216"}, "ProjectedExitDate" : "2009-01-04", "ProjectedExitReason" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "9568"}, "PlannedAssessmentParticipation" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "Accommodations - Students with Disabilities"}, "TransitionPlanning" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "Postsecondary Ed - transition services should be targeted toward postsecondary education"}, "StudentSpecialEducationFTE" : 0.45, "EntryPerson" : "Jill Anderson", "ParticipationContact" : "John Mason"} } ]
<StudentParticipation RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652" StudentPersonalRefId="A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"> <StudentParticipationAsOfDate>2006-07-13</StudentParticipationAsOfDate> <ProgramType> <Code>0270</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">0839</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </ProgramType> <ProgramName>Digital Learning Workshop</ProgramName> <ProgramFundingSources> <ProgramFundingSource> <Code>0797</Code> </ProgramFundingSource> </ProgramFundingSources> <ManagingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject="LEAInfo">F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingPublicAgency> <ManagingSchool SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingSchool> <PartCTransitionMeetingDate>2006-04-09</PartCTransitionMeetingDate> <PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes> <PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome> <Code>S001</Code> </PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome> </PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes> <ReferralDate>2005-09-04</ReferralDate> <ReferralSource> <Code>2148</Code> </ReferralSource> <ProgramStatus> <Code>S004</Code> </ProgramStatus> <GiftedEligibilityCriteria>G938</GiftedEligibilityCriteria> <EvaluationParentalConsentDate>2005-11-09</EvaluationParentalConsentDate> <EvaluationDate>2005-11-25</EvaluationDate> <EvaluationExtensionDate>2005-12-10</EvaluationExtensionDate> <ExtensionComments>Reason that extension was allowed</ExtensionComments> <ReevaluationDate>2008-11-25</ReevaluationDate> <ExceptionalityCategories> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2121</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Primary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2134</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Secondary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2127</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Tertiary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> </ExceptionalityCategories> <ProgramEligibilityDate>2006-01-04</ProgramEligibilityDate> <ProgramPlanType> <Code>2196</Code> </ProgramPlanType> <ProgramPlanDate>2006-01-02</ProgramPlanDate> <NOREPDate>2006-01-09</NOREPDate> <PlacementParentalConsentDate>2006-01-02</PlacementParentalConsentDate> <ProgramPlacementDate>2006-01-09</ProgramPlacementDate> <LeastRestrictiveEnvironment> <Code>0135</Code> </LeastRestrictiveEnvironment> <ExtendedSchoolYear>true</ExtendedSchoolYear> <ExtendedDay>false</ExtendedDay> <ProgramAvailability> <Code>0231</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">2674</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </ProgramAvailability> <PrivateNotPlacedByPublic>true</PrivateNotPlacedByPublic> <ProgramReviewDate>2007-01-09</ProgramReviewDate> <FBADate>2006-04-15</FBADate> <BIPDate>2006-04-24</BIPDate> <ProgramExitReason> <Code>2216</Code> </ProgramExitReason> <ProjectedExitDate>2009-01-04</ProjectedExitDate> <ProjectedExitReason Codeset="StateProvince">9568</ProjectedExitReason> <PlannedAssessmentParticipation Codeset="StateProvince">Accommodations - Students with Disabilities</PlannedAssessmentParticipation> <TransitionPlanning Codeset="StateProvince">Postsecondary Ed - transition services should be targeted toward postsecondary education</TransitionPlanning> <StudentSpecialEducationFTE>0.45</StudentSpecialEducationFTE> <EntryPerson>Jill Anderson</EntryPerson> <ParticipationContact>John Mason</ParticipationContact> </StudentParticipation>
Example 3.14.1-1: StudentParticipation - Example 1
[ { "StudentParticipation" : {"RefId" : "D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652", "StudentPersonalRefId" : "A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StudentParticipationAsOfDate" : "2006-07-13", "ProgramType" : {"Code" : "0270", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "0839"}}}, "ProgramFundingSources" : {"ProgramFundingSource" : {"Code" : "0797"}}, "ManagingPublicAgency" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "LEAInfo", "value" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ManagingSchool" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "PartCTransitionMeetingDate" : "2006-04-09", "PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes" : {"PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome" : {"Code" : "S001"}}, "ReferralDate" : "2005-09-04", "ReferralSource" : {"Code" : "2148"}, "ProgramStatus" : {"Code" : "S004"}, "GiftedEligibilityCriteria" : "G938", "EvaluationParentalConsentDate" : "2005-11-09", "EvaluationDate" : "2005-11-25", "EvaluationExtensionDate" : "2005-12-10", "ExtensionComments" : "Reason that extension was allowed", "ReevaluationDate" : "2008-11-25", "ExceptionalityCategories" : {"ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2121", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Primary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2134", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Secondary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2127", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Tertiary"}}, "ProgramEligibilityDate" : "2006-01-04", "ProgramPlanType" : {"Code" : "2196"}, "ProgramPlanDate" : "2006-01-02", "NOREPDate" : "2006-01-09", "PlacementParentalConsentDate" : "2006-01-02", "ProgramPlacementDate" : "2006-01-09", "LeastRestrictiveEnvironment" : {"Code" : "0135"}, "ExtendedSchoolYear" : true, "ExtendedDay" : false, "PrivateNotPlacedByPublic" : true, "ProgramReviewDate" : "2007-01-09", "FBADate" : "2006-04-15", "BIPDate" : "2006-04-24", "ProgramExitReason" : {"Code" : "2216"}, "ProjectedExitDate" : "2009-01-04", "ProjectedExitReason" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "9568"}, "PlannedAssessmentParticipation" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "Accommodations - Students with Disabilities"}, "TransitionPlanning" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "Postsecondary Ed - transition services should be targeted toward postsecondary education"}, "StudentSpecialEducationFTE" : 0.45, "EntryPerson" : "Jill Anderson", "ParticipationContact" : "John Mason", "AdditionalProgramAvailabilityList" : {"ProgramAvailability" : {"Code" : "0231", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "2674"}}}}, "CaseManager" : "Carol Martinson"} } ]
<StudentParticipation RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652" StudentPersonalRefId="A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"> <StudentParticipationAsOfDate>2006-07-13</StudentParticipationAsOfDate> <ProgramType> <Code>0270</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">0839</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </ProgramType> <ProgramFundingSources> <ProgramFundingSource> <Code>0797</Code> </ProgramFundingSource> </ProgramFundingSources> <ManagingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject="LEAInfo">F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingPublicAgency> <ManagingSchool SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingSchool> <PartCTransitionMeetingDate>2006-04-09</PartCTransitionMeetingDate> <PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes> <PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome> <Code>S001</Code> </PartCTransitionMeetingOutcome> </PartCTransitionMeetingOutcomes> <ReferralDate>2005-09-04</ReferralDate> <ReferralSource> <Code>2148</Code> </ReferralSource> <ProgramStatus> <Code>S004</Code> </ProgramStatus> <GiftedEligibilityCriteria>G938</GiftedEligibilityCriteria> <EvaluationParentalConsentDate>2005-11-09</EvaluationParentalConsentDate> <EvaluationDate>2005-11-25</EvaluationDate> <EvaluationExtensionDate>2005-12-10</EvaluationExtensionDate> <ExtensionComments>Reason that extension was allowed</ExtensionComments> <ReevaluationDate>2008-11-25</ReevaluationDate> <ExceptionalityCategories> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2121</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Primary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2134</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Secondary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2127</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Tertiary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> </ExceptionalityCategories> <ProgramEligibilityDate>2006-01-04</ProgramEligibilityDate> <ProgramPlanType> <Code>2196</Code> </ProgramPlanType> <ProgramPlanDate>2006-01-02</ProgramPlanDate> <NOREPDate>2006-01-09</NOREPDate> <PlacementParentalConsentDate>2006-01-02</PlacementParentalConsentDate> <ProgramPlacementDate>2006-01-09</ProgramPlacementDate> <LeastRestrictiveEnvironment> <Code>0135</Code> </LeastRestrictiveEnvironment> <ExtendedSchoolYear>true</ExtendedSchoolYear> <ExtendedDay>false</ExtendedDay> <PrivateNotPlacedByPublic>true</PrivateNotPlacedByPublic> <ProgramReviewDate>2007-01-09</ProgramReviewDate> <FBADate>2006-04-15</FBADate> <BIPDate>2006-04-24</BIPDate> <ProgramExitReason> <Code>2216</Code> </ProgramExitReason> <ProjectedExitDate>2009-01-04</ProjectedExitDate> <ProjectedExitReason Codeset="StateProvince">9568</ProjectedExitReason> <PlannedAssessmentParticipation Codeset="StateProvince">Accommodations - Students with Disabilities</PlannedAssessmentParticipation> <TransitionPlanning Codeset="StateProvince">Postsecondary Ed - transition services should be targeted toward postsecondary education</TransitionPlanning> <StudentSpecialEducationFTE>0.45</StudentSpecialEducationFTE> <EntryPerson>Jill Anderson</EntryPerson> <ParticipationContact>John Mason</ParticipationContact> <AdditionalProgramAvailabilityList> <ProgramAvailability> <Code>0231</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">2674</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </ProgramAvailability> </AdditionalProgramAvailabilityList> <CaseManager>Carol Martinson</CaseManager> </StudentParticipation>
Example 3.14.1-2: StudentParticipation - Example 2

3.14.2 StudentPlacement

This object contains information that describes a specific instructional, related or transitional service that has been prescribed or recommended in the program plan developed for a student who has been placed in an individualized special program.

The following notes are intended to clarify the use of this object:

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.14.2-1: StudentPlacement StudentPlacement RefId StudentParticipationRefId StudentPersonalRefId StudentPlacementAsOfDate Service ServiceCategory Codeset ServiceFundingSources ServicingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject ServicingSchool SIF_RefObject SchoolWhereServiceDelivered SIF_RefObject ServiceProviderType AgencyType ServiceProviderName ServiceSetting WhenServiceProvided LatestStartDate StartDate EndDate FrequencyTime DirectTime IndirectTime TotalServiceDuration IncludedInSpecialEducationFTE SpecialNeedsTransportation AssistiveTechnology EntryPerson SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingCEDS Id/URLDescriptionType

This object contains information that describes a specific instructional, related or transitional service that has been prescribed or recommended in the program plan developed for a student who has been placed in an individualized special program.


This is the unique identification code


This is the reference code for student eligibility for participation


The GUID of the student that this object is linked to.


Effective date (NOT the entry date) of this StudentPlacement instance for the identified student and program. It is intended that each time the contents of this instance of the object changes, it will be published with a new RefId.


Specialized instruction or related / transitional service provided to this student.


Category of service (for example, whether it is instruction or a related / transitional service or a supplemental service). Typically designated by a state.


A unique indicator (usually a URL) that points to the codeset used.


The GUID of the public agency (a district / LEA) to which the "ServicingSchool" reports / belongs.


The GUID of the school responsible for providing and coordinating this service (but physical location where service delivered could be different and is identified in SchoolWhereServiceDelivered).


The GUID of the school where the service is delivered.


Used for an individual providing the service. Review by state / program, may be required. Service provider title (such as Physical Therapist or Psychologist).


Identifies an agency or clinic that will provide the specified service.


The name of the person who delivers the service.


Setting where service is provided (Regular Class, Resource Room, Homebound, Detention Center, etc.).


General timing of service delivery relative to school calendar / schedule.


Date by which service is supposed to start for this student.


Actual date this service began for this student.


Actual date this service ended for this student.


Code for the frequency that the service is provided.


Number of units of time per session spent directly providing the service to the student.


Number of units of time per session NOT spent directly providing the service to the student but rather spent providing consultation services to someone related to the student (e.g. parent, a general ed teacher, a new service provider, etc.).


Total of the direct and indirect time as it relates to the FrequencyTime; e.g., DirectTime 60 + IndirectTime 30 = 90.


Indicates whether the direct time for this service is included in the calculation of a student's special education FTE.


Indicates whether the student requires transportation to the location of Placement/Service.


Indicates whether the student requires assistive technology for this Placement/Service.


Identification / name of the person who created the transaction that led to the creation of this instance of the object.

Table 3.14.2-1: StudentPlacement
[ { "StudentPlacement" : {"RefId" : "A3E34B359A75101D8C3A00DD001D1652", "StudentParticipationRefId" : "D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652", "StudentPersonalRefId" : "A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StudentPlacementAsOfDate" : "2006-07-13", "Service" : {"Code" : "0290", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "8829"}}}, "ServiceFundingSources" : {"ServiceFundingSource" : {"Code" : "0797"}}, "ServicingPublicAgency" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "LEAInfo", "value" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ServicingSchool" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "SchoolWhereServiceDelivered" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ServiceProviderType" : {"Code" : "0203"}, "AgencyType" : "Public School", "ServiceProviderName" : "John Q. Public", "ServiceSetting" : {"Code" : "0356"}, "WhenServiceProvided" : {"Code" : "0231"}, "LatestStartDate" : "2006-02-01", "StartDate" : "2006-02-01", "EndDate" : "2007-01-09", "FrequencyTime" : {"Code" : "S001"}, "DirectTime" : {"UnitOfMeasure" : "Minutes", "value" : 60}, "IndirectTime" : {"UnitOfMeasure" : "Minutes", "value" : 0}, "TotalServiceDuration" : {"UnitOfMeasure" : "Minutes", "value" : 60}, "IncludedInSpecialEducationFTE" : true, "SpecialNeedsTransportation" : true, "AssistiveTechnology" : false, "EntryPerson" : "Jill Anderson"} } ]
<StudentPlacement RefId="A3E34B359A75101D8C3A00DD001D1652" StudentParticipationRefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652" StudentPersonalRefId="A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"> <StudentPlacementAsOfDate>2006-07-13</StudentPlacementAsOfDate> <Service> <Code>0290</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">8829</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </Service> <ServiceFundingSources> <ServiceFundingSource> <Code>0797</Code> </ServiceFundingSource> </ServiceFundingSources> <ServicingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject="LEAInfo">F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ServicingPublicAgency> <ServicingSchool SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ServicingSchool> <SchoolWhereServiceDelivered SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</SchoolWhereServiceDelivered> <ServiceProviderType> <Code>0203</Code> </ServiceProviderType> <AgencyType>Public School</AgencyType> <ServiceProviderName>John Q. Public</ServiceProviderName> <ServiceSetting> <Code>0356</Code> </ServiceSetting> <WhenServiceProvided> <Code>0231</Code> </WhenServiceProvided> <LatestStartDate>2006-02-01</LatestStartDate> <StartDate>2006-02-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2007-01-09</EndDate> <FrequencyTime> <Code>S001</Code> </FrequencyTime> <DirectTime UnitOfMeasure="Minutes">60</DirectTime> <IndirectTime UnitOfMeasure="Minutes">0</IndirectTime> <TotalServiceDuration UnitOfMeasure="Minutes">60</TotalServiceDuration> <IncludedInSpecialEducationFTE>true</IncludedInSpecialEducationFTE> <SpecialNeedsTransportation>true</SpecialNeedsTransportation> <AssistiveTechnology>false</AssistiveTechnology> <EntryPerson>Jill Anderson</EntryPerson> </StudentPlacement>
Example 3.14.2-1: StudentPlacement

3.14.3 StudentSpecialEducationSummary

This object provides a summary of a student's participation and placement in special education programs for a given school for a given school year, reflecting the known or calculated values at the time (SummaryDate) the summary was provided. As such, there may be multiple instances of this object for a student in a school over the course of a school year. SIF_Events are not supported by this object.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.14.3-1: StudentSpecialEducationSummary StudentSpecialEducationSummary RefId StudentPersonalRefId SummaryDate SchoolYear StudentSpecialEducationFTE PrimaryDisabilityCode Codeset NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipationList StudentParticipationList StudentPlacementList SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingCEDS Id/URLDescriptionType
This object provides a summary of a student's participation and placement in special education programs for a given school for a given school year, reflecting the known or calculated values at the time (SummaryDate) the summary was provided. As such, there may be multiple instances of this object for a student in a school over the course of a school year. SIF_Events are not supported by this object.   

A GUID that identifies an instance of this object. This RefId is a “transient” value; that is, it SHOULD be generated by the provider at the time the object is provided in a Response message. This value MUST NOT be used in a later Request for the object.

The Id (GUID) of the student for whom this special education information is being reported. IdRefType

The date the data summary was taken. Some elements are provided/calculated as of the SummaryDate, and some are provided as of the date the object is requested (i.e., some can be historical and some will represent the last information available/last known value).


School year for which the information is applicable.


Calculated ratio of time the student is in a special ed setting. Values range from 0.00 to 1.00. If the student is in a special ed setting 25% of the time, the value is .25; if 100% of the time, the value is 1.00.


A code that identifies the primary disability type for a student who is eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and who has an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Since primary disability is time-dependent a student’s primary disability can change through a school year or reporting period


A unique indicator (usually a URL) that points to the codeset used.


The type and number of days a student participated in a Neglected or Delinquent program during the reporting period.


Collects elements of interest for each StudentParticipation.


This list contains information that describes each specific instructional, related or transitional service that has been prescribed or recommended in the program plan developed for a student who has been placed in an individualized special program.

Table 3.14.3-1: StudentSpecialEducationSummary
[ { "StudentSpecialEducationSummary" : {"RefId" : "359D75101AD0A9D7A8C3DAD0A85103A2", "StudentPersonalRefId" : "A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "SummaryDate" : "2003-10-01", "SchoolYear" : "2008", "StudentSpecialEducationFTE" : 0.45, "PrimaryDisabilityCode" : {"value" : "2134"}, "NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipationList" : {"NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation" : {"Type" : "S002", "TotalDayCount" : "45", "ConsecutiveDayCount" : "45"}, "NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation" : {"Type" : "S005", "TotalDayCount" : "90", "ConsecutiveDayCount" : "68"}}, "StudentParticipationList" : {"StudentParticipationData" : {"ProgramType" : {"Code" : "0270", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "0839"}}}, "ProgramFundingSources" : {"ProgramFundingSource" : {"Code" : "0797"}}, "ManagingPublicAgency" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "LEAInfo", "value" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ManagingSchool" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ReferralDate" : "2005-09-04", "ProgramStatus" : {"Code" : "S004"}, "GiftedEligibilityCriteria" : "S001", "EvaluationDate" : "2005-11-25", "ReevaluationDate" : "2008-11-25", "ExceptionalityCategories" : {"ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2121", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Primary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2134", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Secondary"}, "ExceptionalityCategory" : {"Code" : "2127", "ExceptionalityPriority" : "Tertiary"}}, "ProgramPlanDate" : "2007-01-02", "ProgramPlanEffectiveDate" : "2007-09-14", "DaysInParticipation" : "34"}}, "StudentPlacementList" : {"StudentPlacementData" : {"Service" : {"Code" : "0290", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "8829"}}}, "ServiceCategory" : "S999", "ServiceFundingSources" : {"ServiceFundingSource" : {"Code" : "0797"}}, "ServicingPublicAgency" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "LEAInfo", "value" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ServicingSchool" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "SchoolWhereServiceDelivered" : {"SIF_RefObject" : "SchoolInfo", "value" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"}, "ServiceProviderType" : {"Code" : "0203"}, "AgencyType" : "Public School", "FrequencyTime" : {"Code" : "S008"}}}} } ]
<StudentSpecialEducationSummary RefId="359D75101AD0A9D7A8C3DAD0A85103A2" StudentPersonalRefId="A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2" SummaryDate="2003-10-01" SchoolYear="2008"> <StudentSpecialEducationFTE>0.45</StudentSpecialEducationFTE> <PrimaryDisabilityCode>2134</PrimaryDisabilityCode> <NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipationList> <NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation> <Type>S002</Type> <TotalDayCount>45</TotalDayCount> <ConsecutiveDayCount>45</ConsecutiveDayCount> </NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation> <NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation> <Type>S005</Type> <TotalDayCount>90</TotalDayCount> <ConsecutiveDayCount>68</ConsecutiveDayCount> </NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipation> </NeglectedOrDelinquentParticipationList> <StudentParticipationList> <StudentParticipationData> <ProgramType> <Code>0270</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">0839</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </ProgramType> <ProgramFundingSources> <ProgramFundingSource> <Code>0797</Code> </ProgramFundingSource> </ProgramFundingSources> <ManagingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject="LEAInfo">F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingPublicAgency> <ManagingSchool SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ManagingSchool> <ReferralDate>2005-09-04</ReferralDate> <ProgramStatus> <Code>S004</Code> </ProgramStatus> <GiftedEligibilityCriteria>S001</GiftedEligibilityCriteria> <EvaluationDate>2005-11-25</EvaluationDate> <ReevaluationDate>2008-11-25</ReevaluationDate> <ExceptionalityCategories> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2121</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Primary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2134</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Secondary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> <ExceptionalityCategory> <Code>2127</Code> <ExceptionalityPriority>Tertiary</ExceptionalityPriority> </ExceptionalityCategory> </ExceptionalityCategories> <ProgramPlanDate>2007-01-02</ProgramPlanDate> <ProgramPlanEffectiveDate>2007-09-14</ProgramPlanEffectiveDate> <DaysInParticipation>34</DaysInParticipation> </StudentParticipationData> </StudentParticipationList> <StudentPlacementList> <StudentPlacementData> <Service> <Code>0290</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">8829</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </Service> <ServiceCategory>S999</ServiceCategory> <ServiceFundingSources> <ServiceFundingSource> <Code>0797</Code> </ServiceFundingSource> </ServiceFundingSources> <ServicingPublicAgency SIF_RefObject="LEAInfo">F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ServicingPublicAgency> <ServicingSchool SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</ServicingSchool> <SchoolWhereServiceDelivered SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</SchoolWhereServiceDelivered> <ServiceProviderType> <Code>0203</Code> </ServiceProviderType> <AgencyType>Public School</AgencyType> <FrequencyTime> <Code>S008</Code> </FrequencyTime> </StudentPlacementData> </StudentPlacementList> </StudentSpecialEducationSummary>
Example 3.14.3-1: StudentSpecialEducationSummary - Example 1

3.14.4 TestAccommodation

This object provides information about test accommodation(s) required for a particular student who is registered to take a particular state test or who is about to be assigned by a teacher to take a course-related test, is participating in one or more special program(s) and for whom this set of test accommodations is prescribed in one or more specific special program plan(s). At the time that a new special program plan is developed for the student, any needed test / instructional accommodations must be specified as a part of that plan. During the life of a plan, a test accommodation may be added or removed.

Note that although a test accommodation may not be permitted for a state assessment program because it nullifies the results, it may be used for daily instruction. However, in order to use a test accommodation for a state assessment program, the test accommodation must be specified in the program plan and should be part of daily instruction. The request for this object must supply the information necessary to identify the specific student and either a specific high-stakes test or a subject area.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.14.4-1: TestAccommodation TestAccommodation RefId StudentPersonalRefId Name LocalId StateProvinceId StateDistrictId LEAInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId StateSchoolId GradeLevel AssessmentRegistrationRefId TestAdministration TestSubjectArea TestGradeLevel TestAdministrationDateRange PlannedTestAdministrationDate TestType Codeset AuthorizedActual Codeset ActualTestAdministrationDate StudentProgramAccommodations SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingCEDS Id/URLDescriptionType
 TestAccommodation  002621

This object provides information about test accommodation(s) required for a particular student who is registered to take a particular state test or who is about to be assigned by a teacher to take a course-related test, is participating in one or more special program(s) and for whom this set of test accommodations is prescribed in one or more specific special program plan(s).

RefIdM 000368

Unique Id for this set of test accommodations required for a particular student who is participating in a special program and for whom this set of test accommodation(s) is recommended / prescribed for this test administration (specific subject area and level) in a specific special programs plan.


Reference to StudentPersonal object. Typically a vendor is allowed to receive a StateProvinceId or a student's Name, but not both together. The student must be identified by StudentPersonalRefId, or Name and LocalId, or StateProvinceId.


The student's name as presented in StudentPersonal object, Name element with a Type of 02 (Current Legal Name). If Type 02 is not available, Type of 04 (Name of Record). Sub-elements to be used: LastName, FirstName, MiddleName.


The locally assigned identifier for this student.


Reference to the state code identifying the student in the StudentPersonal object, as of the date of the response.


Reference to State code (StateProvinceId for LEAInfo) for the student's district of enrollment as of the date of the response (optional because school might be independent).


The RefId for the district to which the student's home school of enrollment belongs as of the date of the response (optional because school might be independent).


The RefId for the student's home school of enrollment as of the date of the response.


Reference to State code (StateProvinceId for SchoolInfo) for student's home school of enrollment as of the date of the response (optional because state may not require).


Code for the current actual grade placement of the student as of the date of the response from StudentSchoolEnrollment.

 AssessmentRegistrationRefIdC 000126

RefId for the student's registration / assignment to take a particular test (test name, subject area, level, grade level, type) at a particular time or within a particular timeframe. An assessment may also be identified by omitting this element and specifying the whole set (TestAdministration, TestSubjectArea, TestGradeLevel, TestAdministrationDateRange or PlannedTestAdministrationDate, and TestType).


Abbreviated name of the test for which this set of accommodations is to be provided.


Subject area of the test. Teachers may only supply this element, while a high-stakes test will supply the whole set (TestAdministration, TestSubjectArea, TestGradeLevel, TestAdministrationDateRange or PlannedTestAdministrationDate, and TestType).


Grade level of the test.


General date range of the test (e.g. "Spring 2005"). Date is identified by either TestAdministrationDateRange or PlannedTestAdministrationDate


The date the test is planned to be administered. Should contain the most current known date (Date is needed in order to identify accommodations to be sent—accommodations are date-dependent).


Identifies whether the test the student is to take is a standard or alternate.


A unique indicator (usually a URL) that points to the codeset used.


Indicator - Identifies whether accommodations in this object are authorized or were actually used.


A unique indicator (usually a URL) that points to the codeset used.

 ActualTestAdministrationDateO 000022

The date the test was actually administered.


Container. If the requested student no longer requires any accomodations, this element should be omitted.

Table 3.14.4-1: TestAccommodation
[ { "TestAccommodation" : {"RefId" : "AD634F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StudentPersonalRefId" : "A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StateProvinceId" : "9289348", "LEAInfoRefId" : "F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "SchoolInfoRefId" : "D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2", "StateSchoolId" : "98283", "GradeLevel" : {"Code" : "11"}, "TestAdministration" : "Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement", "TestSubjectArea" : "Broad Reading", "TestGradeLevel" : "11", "PlannedTestAdministrationDate" : "2006-07-15", "TestType" : {"value" : "S001"}, "AuthorizedActual" : {"value" : "S002"}, "ActualTestAdministrationDate" : "2006-07-15", "StudentProgramAccommodations" : {"StudentProgramAccommodation" : {"StudentParticipationRefId" : "D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652", "StudentProgramType" : {"Code" : "0270", "OtherCodeList" : {"OtherCode" : {"Codeset" : "StateProvince", "value" : "0839"}}}, "Accommodations" : {"Accommodation" : {"Code" : "S101", "AccommodationCategory" : {"Code" : "S001"}, "SpecialMaterials" : "true"}, "Accommodation" : {"Code" : "S147", "AccommodationCategory" : {"Code" : "S006"}, "SpecialMaterials" : "false"}}}}} } ]
<TestAccommodation RefId="AD634F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2"> <StudentPersonalRefId>A2E34F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</StudentPersonalRefId> <StateProvinceId>9289348</StateProvinceId> <LEAInfoRefId>F3434F59A742C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</LEAInfoRefId> <SchoolInfoRefId>D93F4D183A42C1A4B3D11CC002B163A2</SchoolInfoRefId> <StateSchoolId>98283</StateSchoolId> <GradeLevel> <Code>11</Code> </GradeLevel> <TestAdministration>Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement</TestAdministration> <TestSubjectArea>Broad Reading</TestSubjectArea> <TestGradeLevel>11</TestGradeLevel> <PlannedTestAdministrationDate>2006-07-15</PlannedTestAdministrationDate> <TestType>S001</TestType> <AuthorizedActual>S002</AuthorizedActual> <ActualTestAdministrationDate>2006-07-15</ActualTestAdministrationDate> <StudentProgramAccommodations> <StudentProgramAccommodation> <StudentParticipationRefId>D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652</StudentParticipationRefId> <StudentProgramType> <Code>0270</Code> <OtherCodeList> <OtherCode Codeset="StateProvince">0839</OtherCode> </OtherCodeList> </StudentProgramType> <Accommodations> <Accommodation> <Code>S101</Code> <AccommodationCategory> <Code>S001</Code> </AccommodationCategory> <SpecialMaterials>true</SpecialMaterials> </Accommodation> <Accommodation> <Code>S147</Code> <AccommodationCategory> <Code>S006</Code> </AccommodationCategory> <SpecialMaterials>false</SpecialMaterials> </Accommodation> </Accommodations> </StudentProgramAccommodation> </StudentProgramAccommodations> </TestAccommodation>
Example 3.14.4-1: TestAccommodation

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