This object contains information related to learning resources that may be used in educational settings. These include textbooks, Internet content, educational software, videos and DVDs, supplemental print material, etc.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.8.1-1: LearningResourceElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
LearningResource | Low | This object contains information related to learning resources that may be used in educational settings. These include textbooks, Internet content, educational software, videos and DVDs, supplemental print material, etc. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | GUID assigned to this LearningResource. | RefIdType |
Name | M | Low | Name of learning resource. | xs:normalizedString | |
Author | O | Low | Name of organization or company that created the resource. | xs:normalizedString | |
Contacts | O | Low | Contains contact information about resource authors. | ContactsType | |
Location | O | Low | Description of location of resource, i.e. location in library or URL, community resource, outside resource supplier. | xs:string | |
@ | ReferenceType | M | Low | A qualifying attribute for the Location payload. If ReferenceType is "URI", the payload contains a web address where the resource can be found. | xs:token |
Status | O | Low | Describes availability status of resource, e.g. "checked out." | xs:normalizedString | |
Description | O | Low | Description of the resource, e.g., "This textbook is intended for year 4 social studies students and addresses..." | xs:string | |
YearLevels | O | Low | Year levels the resource is suitable for. | YearLevelsType | |
SubjectAreas | O | Low | Subject areas the resource is suitable for. | ACStrandAreaListType | |
MediaTypes | O | Low | Resource media types. | MediaTypesType | |
UseAgreement | O | Low | Describes terms of use for resource. | xs:string | |
AgreementDate | O | Low | A date that defines the date of agreement. | xs:date | |
Approvals | O | Low | Authorizations to use this resource. For example, this resource may be included as part of the district's standard curriculum model. | ApprovalsType | |
Evaluations | O | Low | Evaluations/review of the resource. | EvaluationsType | |
Components | M | Low | Lesson or activity-sized portions of a resource. | ComponentsType | |
LearningStandards | O | Low | References to LearningStandardItems. | LearningStandardsType | |
LearningResourcePackageRefId | O | Low |
Reference to a | IdRefType | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
Many instructional applications in a SIF zone need to share teaching and learning objects.
Curriculum planning applications, content repositories, learning management systems, etc.—all of these systems need to share
instructional content utilizing the LearningResource
The LearningResourcePackage
object provides a transport envelope to move these files across the SIF zone.
Note: With SIF Implementation Specification version 2.4 the choice element depicted in the diagram below has changed. In the XSD files, the choice element used to be rendered as a sequence of optional elements. Now, in the XSD files, the choice element is rendered as an xs:choice. This may cause problems with agents that treat the choice element as two optional elements rather than a choice of one and only one of the choices.
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.8.2-1: LearningResourcePackageElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
LearningResourcePackage | Low | A wrapper for any external learning content to be transmitted across a SIF Zone. | AbstractContentPackageType |
A curriculum standards document or the like published by a national, state, district, school site, professional association or other interested party. The LearningStandardDocument reflects an expectation of student work.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.8.3-1: LearningStandardDocumentElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
LearningStandardDocument | Low | A curriculum standards document or the like published by a national, state, district, school site, professional association or other interested party. The LearningStandardDocument reflects an expectation of student work. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | Id for the standards document | RefIdType |
Title | M | Low | Name of curriculum document, i.e., "NSW History Curriculum K-10." | xs:normalizedString | |
Description | O | Low | Description of the standards document. | xs:string | |
RichDescription | O | Low | Description of the curriculum document that allows pictures as well as text.. | AbstractContentElementType | |
Source | M | Low |
Defines source of standard document. This is the descriptive type of the organization listed in | values:
| |
Organizations | M | Low | Name of organization represented by the document, i.e., "National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)"," "ACARA", "NSW DET". | OrganizationsType | |
Authors | O | Low | A list of the organisations of the curriculum document, i.e. "ACARA". May be the same as "Organization" above. | AuthorsType | |
OrganizationContactPoint | O | Low | A brief description of how to contact the organization maintaining the standards. It could be a phone number, email address, or URL. | xs:string | |
SubjectAreas | M | Low | ACStrandAreaListType | ||
DocumentStatus | M | Low | Current status of the document. | values:
| |
DocumentDate | O | Low | The date the current status was achieved. | xs:date | |
LocalAdoptionDate | O | Low | The date the local organization adopted this standard document | xs:date | |
LocalArchiveDate | O | Low | The date the local organization stopped using this standard document and superseded by a new document. | xs:date | |
EndOfLifeDate | O | Low | This is the date that the governing organization retired this document. | xs:date | |
Copyright | O | Low | Copyright for document. | CopyRightContainerType | |
YearLevels | O | Low | SIF common YearLevels element | YearLevelsType | |
RepositoryDate | O | Low | Date document data was added to the repository | xs:date | |
LearningStandardItemRefId | M | Low | Link to the first/top LearningStandardItem in the standard hierarchy | IdRefType | |
RelatedLearningStandards | O | Low | References to Learning Standard Documents. | LearningStandardsDocumentType | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.8.4-1: LearningStandardItemElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
LearningStandardItem | Low | This object contains information related to curriculum standards statements "standards" or "benchmarks" or the like within the document. Each LearningStandardItem reflects an individual standard statement and may occur at several levels within a hierarchially structured document. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | GUID assigned to each statement at each level within the document hierarchy | RefIdType |
Resources | O | Low | Container for related resources. | LResourcesType | |
StandardSettingBody | O | Low | The name of the state or organization that authored and manages updates to the curriculum document (i.e., ACARA, NSW DET). | StandardsSettingBodyType | |
StandardHierarchyLevel | M | Low | Description of hierarchical level within standards tree. | StandardHierarchyLevelType | |
PredecessorItems | O | Low | GUID assigned to the LearningStandardItem directly above it in the hierarchy tree. This is a repeatable element because a single granular item may relate to multiple parent levels of the hierarchy. If the object has no parent, the ParentRefId should be the same as the object's RefId. The RefId in LearningStandardDocumentRefId will always point to the parent's LearningStandardDocument object. | LearningStandardsType | |
StatementCodes | O | Low | An alphanumeric Id code as defined by the organization to identify the statement. | StatementCodesType | |
Statements | O | Low | The text of the "outcome", "standard", or other element within the structured curriculum document. | StatementsType | |
YearLevels | M | Low | A list of academic level or years. | YearLevelsType | |
ACStrandSubjectArea | O | Low | Subject matter of a student's study as codified under the Australian Curriculum. | ACStrandSubjectAreaType | |
StandardIdentifier | O | Low | This element describes the unique identifier for each LearningStandard. | StandardIdentifierType | |
LearningStandardDocumentRefId | M | Low | The RefId of the item's parent LearningStandardDocument. | IdRefType | |
RelatedLearningStandardItems | O | Low | Container for external relationships. | RelatedLearningStandardItemRefIdListType | |
Level4 | O | Low | This is the second to most granular level of the learning or performance standard associated with the grade level. | xs:normalizedString | |
Level5 | O | Low | This is the most granular level of the learning or performance standard associated with the grade level. | xs:normalizedString | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |