A set of objects to support the transfer of financial information representing, and not an accounting package. The assumption is that SIF is required only to exchange information about individual transactions (e.g. purchase orders, invoices, receipts, journals), and that reporting will be done out of existing applications—although those reports may be based on the transactional information received through SIF
ChargedLocationInfo represents a location in a school system. It can be used to associate accounts and purchase orders with particular schools or other cost centres.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.1-1: ChargedLocationInfoElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
ChargedLocationInfo | Low | ChargedLocationInfo represents a location in a school system. It can be used to associate accounts and purchase orders with particular schools or other cost centres. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The SIF unique identifier for the location. | RefIdType |
LocationType | M | Low | Defines whether the location is a school or a non-school location. | values:
| |
SiteCategory | M | Low | Specific site category. Examples | xs:normalizedString | |
Name | M | Low | Text name of the location. | xs:normalizedString | |
Description | O | Low | Description about the location. | xs:normalizedString | |
LocalId | O | Low | The locally-assigned identifier for this location. | LocalIdType | |
StateProvinceId | O | Low | The state-assigned identifier for this location. | StateProvinceIdType | |
ParentChargedLocationInfoRefId | O | Low | A ChargedLocationInfo instance could be related to another ChargedLocationInfo. This element will help create that relation. | IdRefType | |
SchoolInfoRefId | O | Low | The RefId of a corresponding SchoolInfo object. | IdRefType | |
AddressList | O | Low | This element has the ChargedLocationInfo address information. | AddressListType | |
PhoneNumberList | O | Low | The location's phone numbers. | PhoneNumberListType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object is used to capture general information about debtors.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.2-1: DebtorElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
Debtor | High | This object is used to capture general information about debtors. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | High | Debtor Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of this debtor. | LocalIdType | |
BilledEntity | M | High | Id of the entity referred to by this object (e.g., student, employee, organization). | IdRefType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | High | SIF object referenced by BilledEntity. | values:
AddressList | O | High | Addresses of the debtor to be used for billing. These addresses override any addresses found in the Billed Entity. | AddressListType | |
BillingName | O | High | Name of the entity to be used for billing (e.g. company name rather than individual name). | xs:normalizedString | |
BillingNote | O | High | Note about billing requirements. | xs:normalizedString | |
Discount | O | High | Any discount amount applicable to this debtor (e.g. family discount for scholarship, number of children enrolled). Is a percentage. | xs:normalizedString | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object communicates information about a financial account.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.3-1: FinancialAccountElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
FinancialAccount | High | This object communicates information about a financial account. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | High | GUID that identifies this financial account. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of Financial Account. | LocalIdType | |
ParentAccountRefId | O | High | Identifier of a parent account of the account. Can be used to construct a hierarchical tree of nesting accounts, e.g. "Revenue" -- "Revenue-Grant" -- "Revenue-Grant-Commonwealth". | IdRefType | |
ChargedLocationInfoRefId | O | High | Location associated with the account | IdRefType | |
AccountNumber | M | High | Account number used for ledger. | xs:normalizedString | |
Name | M | High | Name of the account. | xs:normalizedString | |
Description | O | High | Description of the account. | xs:normalizedString | |
ClassType | M | High | The class of the account | values:
| |
AccountCode | O | Account code charged to this item. | xs:token | ||
CreationDate | M | High | Account creation date. | xs:date | |
CreationTime | M | High | Account creation time. | xs:time | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains an amount to be invoiced to an outside entity (typically a creditor or debtor). This object can include school fees. The object is also used for payments to an outside entity (using debit amounts), where those payments are not for goods and services (PurchaseOrder object): e.g. credit notes, reimbursements, rebates.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.4-1: InvoiceElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
Invoice | High | This object contains an amount to be invoiced to an outside entity (typically a creditor or debtor). This object can include school fees. The object is also used for payments to an outside entity (using debit amounts), where those payments are not for goods and services (PurchaseOrder object): e.g. credit notes, reimbursements, rebates. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | GUID for this transaction. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of this Invoice. | LocalIdType | |
InvoicedEntity | M | High | Id of the entity being billed for this billing activity. | IdRefType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | High | RefId of SIF object referenced by Invoiced Entity. | values:
FormNumber | O | High | Invoice number assigned locally by the system issuing the invoice. | LocalIdType | |
BillingDate | M | High | Date of the transaction. | xs:date | |
TransactionDescription | M | High | Description of the transaction. | xs:normalizedString | |
BilledAmount | M | High | Gross amount to be billed, including any tax. Can be credit (e.g. for family credit notes, reimbursements, rebates). | DebitOrCreditAmountType | |
Ledger | M | High | The associated ledger for this transaction | values:
| |
ChargedLocationInfoRefId | O | High | Id of the location billed for this billing activity. | IdRefType | |
NetAmount | O | High | Net amount billed, excluding any tax. Should be BilledAmount minus TaxAmount. | MonetaryAmountType | |
TaxRate | O | High | Rate of tax included in the billed amount. | xs:decimal | |
TaxType | O | High | Tax type (e.g. G11 vs NP6) | xs:normalizedString | |
TaxAmount | O | High | Amount of tax included in the billed amount | MonetaryAmountType | |
CreatedBy | O | Low | Authority or person who created the invoice | xs:normalizedString | |
ApprovedBy | O | Low | Authority or person who approved the invoice | xs:normalizedString | |
ItemDetail | O | High | Details of items invoiced (free text) | xs:normalizedString | |
DueDate | O | High | Due date for payment. | xs:date | |
FinancialAccountRefIdList | O | High | List of RefIds of the Associated Financial Accounts. | FinancialAccountRefIdListType | |
AccountCodeList | O | High | List of Codes of the Associated Financial Accounts. | AccountCodeListType | |
AccountingPeriod | O | Low | The accounting period against which the transaction is billed. | LocalIdType | |
RelatedPurchaseOrderRefId | O | High | An invoice purchase order related to this invoice (e.g. an invoice raised for the delivery of goods on a purchase order). | IdRefType | |
PurchasingItems | O | High | Listing of line items from original purchase order. Included to indicate any variation between the items, item cost, or item quantity ordered, and what has been delivered. | PurchasingItemsType | |
Voluntary | O | High | Whether the billing is voluntary (applies to some school fees). | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object is used to adjust balances between accounts. It is typically used to correct chart of account coding errors (e.g. created invoices for parents against the maths chart of account code when it should have been English).
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.5-1: JournalElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
Journal | High | This object is used to adjust balances between accounts. It is typically used to correct chart of account coding errors (e.g. created invoices for parents against the maths chart of account code when it should have been English). | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | High | Journal Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of the journal. | LocalIdType | |
DebitFinancialAccountRefId | O | High | RefId of account to debit. | IdRefType | |
CreditFinancialAccountRefId | O | High | RefId of account to credit. | IdRefType | |
DebitAccountCode | O | High | Account to debit. | xs:token | |
CreditAccountCode | O | High | Account to credit. | xs:token | |
OriginatingTransactionRefId | O | High | RefId of the originating transaction which requires adjustment. This could be an Invoice, PaymentReceipt or PurchaseOrder. | IdRefType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | High | values:
| |
Amount | M | High | Amount to transfer between the two accounts. | MonetaryAmountType | |
GSTCodeOriginal | O | High | Original GST code for journal transfer (if required). | xs:normalizedString | |
GSTCodeReplacement | O | High | Replacement GST code for journal transfer (if required). | xs:normalizedString | |
Note | O | High | Note about the journal. | xs:normalizedString | |
JournalAdjustmentList | O | High | Details of the Adjustment if it requires more than one line. | JournalAdjustmentListType | |
CreatedDate | O | Low | Date on which journal was created. | xs:date | |
ApprovedDate | O | Low | Date on which journal was approved. | xs:date | |
CreatedBy | O | Low | Authority or person who created the journal. | xs:normalizedString | |
ApprovedBy | O | Low | Authority or person who approved the journal. | xs:normalizedString | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object complements the Invoice object, and contains information about the payment of an Invoice object.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.6-1: PaymentReceiptElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
PaymentReceipt | High | This object complements the Invoice object, and contains information about the payment of an Invoice object. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | High | GUID for this payment or receipt. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of this payment or receipt. | LocalIdType | |
TransactionType | M | High | Type of transaction. | values:
| |
InvoiceRefId | O | High | A pointer back to the Invoice object corresponding to this payment. Is omitted for general ledger transactions, creditor receipts and debtor payments. To be used if this payment is only for one invoice. | IdRefType | |
PaymentReceiptLineList | O | High | A List of pointers back to the Invoice object corresponding to this payment. Is omitted for general ledger transactions, creditor receipts and debtor payments. To be used when this payment is associated with more than one invoice. | PaymentReceiptLineListType | |
VendorInfoRefId | O | High | A pointer back to the vendor associated with the Invoice object, if applicable. | IdRefType | |
DebtorRefId | O | High | A pointer back to the debtor associated with the Invoice object, if applicable. | IdRefType | |
ChargedLocationInfoRefId | O | High | Id of the location billed for this transaction. | IdRefType | |
TransactionDate | M | High | Date transaction was made. | xs:date | |
TransactionAmount | M | High | Amount received. | DebitOrCreditAmountType | |
ReceivedTransactionId | M | High | Memo transaction Id from other vendor software. | xs:normalizedString | |
FinancialAccountRefIdList | O | High | List of RefIds of financial account codes. | FinancialAccountRefIdListType | |
AccountCodeList | O | High | List of financial account codes. | AccountCodeListType | |
TransactionDescription | O | High | Description of the transaction. | xs:normalizedString | |
TaxRate | O | High | Rate of tax included in the billed amount. | xs:decimal | |
TaxAmount | O | High | Amount of tax included in the billed amount. | MonetaryAmountType | |
TransactionMethod | O | High | Method through which transaction was made (e.g. cash, credit card). If a receipt is made using two receipt methods (e.g. $20 in cash and $80 on credit), two PaymentReceipt objects are expected to be created, rather than a single object with mixed receipt method. | xs:normalizedString | |
ChequeNumber | O | High | The cheque number issued, if paying creditors by cheque. | xs:normalizedString | |
TransactionNote | O | High | Note about the receipt or payment. | xs:normalizedString | |
AccountingPeriod | O | High | The accounting period against which the transaction is billed. | LocalIdType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object provides information down to the line item level for purchase orders.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.7-1: PurchaseOrderElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
PurchaseOrder | Low | This object provides information down to the line item level for purchase orders. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | Transaction GUID for this purchasing activity. The application that owns this object and is responsible for generating this unique Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of this purchase order. | LocalIdType | |
FormNumber | M | Low | Purchase order number. | xs:normalizedString | |
VendorInfoRefId | M | Low | This object references the VendorInfo object being billed. | IdRefType | |
ChargedLocationInfoRefId | O | Low | The location Id for this purchasing activity. | IdRefType | |
EmployeePersonalRefId | O | Low | The employee Id for the originator of this purchasing activity. | IdRefType | |
PurchasingItems | M | Low | Information about the item/s delivered. | PurchasingItemsType | |
CreationDate | O | Low | Date on which purchase order was created. | xs:date | |
TaxRate | O | Low | Rate of tax included in the billed amount. | xs:decimal | |
TaxAmount | O | Low | Amount of tax included in the billed amount. | MonetaryAmountType | |
TotalAmount | O | Low | Total amount billed. | MonetaryAmountType | |
UpdateDate | O | Low | Date on which the object was last updated. | xs:date | |
FullyDelivered | O | Low | Flag that order has been fully delivered. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
OriginalPurchaseOrderRefId | O | Low | Original purchase order that this purchase order updates (e.g. to cancel line items). | IdRefType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains basic vendor information (commonly known as creditors).
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.7.8-1: VendorInfoElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
VendorInfo | Low | This object contains basic vendor information (commonly known as creditors). | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | Vendor Id. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The Local Id of this vendor. | LocalIdType | |
Name | M | Low | Name of the vendor. | xs:normalizedString | |
ContactInfo | O | Low | Contact information. | ContactInfoType | |
CustomerId | O | Low | Account number or other Id. | xs:normalizedString | |
ABN | O | Low | Australian Business Number. | xs:normalizedString | |
RegisteredForGST | O | Low | The vendor is registered to collect GST. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
PaymentTerms | O | Low | The vendors payment terms (typically expressed as number of days e.g. 14 days). | xs:normalizedString | |
BPay | O | Low | BPay Id. | xs:normalizedString | |
BSB | O | Low | Vendor's BSB number. | xs:normalizedString | |
AccountNumber | O | Low | Vendor's account number. | xs:normalizedString | |
AccountName | O | Low | Vendor's account name. | xs:normalizedString | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |