6.7 Grade Book Working Group

The goal of the Grade Book Working Group is an efficient, functional standard that supports the entire SIF structure, allowing for easy, bi-directional transfer of data integral to grading.

6.7.1 GradingAssignment

This object provides information about a particular assignment, allows applications to synchronize each other's assignment tables, gathers the definition for a GradingAssignmentScore object, etc.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.1-1: GradingAssignment GradingAssignment RefId SectionInfoRefId TermInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId GradingCategoryRefId Description PointsPossible CreateDate DueDate Weight DetailedDescription Type SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides information about a particular assignment, allows applications to synchronize each other's assignment tables, gathers the definition for a GradingAssignmentScore object, etc.


A GUID that identifies GradingAssignment.


The GUID for the SectionInfo object.


The GUID for the TermInfo object that defines the marking period that the assignment was created in.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.


The GUID for the GradingCategory that this assignment is part of.


The text-based description of the assignment.


The points possible on the assignment.


Creation date of the assignment.


Date the assignment is due.


The weight of the assignment.


This element defines the assignment. If the Type attribute is URL, this is the location of the document that describes the assignment. If Type is PDF, this element will contain the Base64 encoding of the entire document.


The type of information that is contained in the DetailedDescription element.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.1-1: GradingAssignment
<GradingAssignment RefId="359D75101AD0A9D7A8C3DAD0A85103A2" SectionInfoRefId="D0A0A27AD0A8510AD9D75101A8C3DA39" TermInfoRefId="A8C3A2E35B359D75101D00AA001A0000" GradingCategoryRefId="98A57A0013BA8C3D00AA012B359D751A" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <Description>Pop Quiz</Description> <PointsPossible>100</PointsPossible> <CreateDate>2000-11-21</CreateDate> <DueDate>2000-11-25</DueDate> <Weight>1.0</Weight> <DetailedDescription Type="URL">http://www.assignmentinfo.com/assignment1.pdf</DetailedDescription> </GradingAssignment>
Example 6.7.1-1: GradingAssignment

6.7.2 GradingAssignmentScore

This object provides score information about a particular assignment.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.2-1: GradingAssignmentScore GradingAssignmentScore StudentPersonalRefId SectionInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId GradingAssignmentRefId ScorePoints ScorePercent ScoreLetter ScoreDescription SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides score information about a particular assignment.

StudentPersonalRefIdM IdRefType
@SectionInfoRefIdM IdRefType

The GUID that specifies the school this score was recorded at.

GradingAssignmentRefIdM IdRefType

The score represented as points. Conditionally required that one or more of ScorePoints, ScorePercent or ScoreLetter must be filled in.


The score represented as a percent. Conditionally required that one or more of ScorePoints, ScorePercent or ScoreLetter must be filled in.


The score represented as a letter grade. Conditionally required that one or more of ScorePoints, ScorePercent or ScoreLetter must be filled in.


Text description of the score.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.2-1: GradingAssignmentScore
<GradingAssignmentScore StudentPersonalRefId="A75A00101A8C301D02E3A05B359D0A00" SectionInfoRefId="D0A0A27AD0A8510AD9D75101A8C3DA39" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB" GradingAssignmentRefId="359D75101AD0A9D7A8C3DAD0A85105D2"> <ScorePoints>45</ScorePoints> <ScorePercent>90</ScorePercent> <ScoreDescription>Excellent</ScoreDescription> </GradingAssignmentScore>
Example 6.7.2-1: GradingAssignmentScore

6.7.3 GradingCategory

This object provides information about a particular grading category to provide grouping and type information for assignments.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.3-1: GradingCategory GradingCategory RefId SectionInfoRefId TermInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId Description SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides information about a particular grading category to provide grouping and type information for assignments.


GUID that identifies a grading category.


The GUID for the SectionInfo object that this category is used for grading in.


The GUID for the TermInfo object that defines the marking period that the category was created in.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.


The name/short description of the category.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.3-1: GradingCategory
<GradingCategory RefId="98157AA013BA8C3D00AA012B359D7512" SectionInfoRefId="13BA8C3D00AA098157AA012B359D7512" TermInfoRefId="D00AA012B359D798157AA013BA8C3512" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <Description>Tests</Description> </GradingCategory>
Example 6.7.3-1: GradingCategory

6.7.4 MarkInfo

This object defines each mark that can be recorded and associates it with a MarkValueInfo object that lists the types of values and valid values for each type. It also places the definition in the context of a school and a school year.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.4-1: MarkInfo MarkInfo RefId MarkValueInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear Description SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object defines each mark that can be recorded and associates it with a MarkValueInfo object that lists the types of values and valid values for each type. It also places the definition in the context of a school and a school year.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this Grading Mark entity.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the MarkValueInfo.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that this Mark applies to.


The year that this MarkInfo applies to.


Textual description of the type of Mark (e.g. "Marking Period Grade", "Comment 1", "Comment 2", "Conduct", "Effort", "WorkHabits").

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.4-1: MarkInfo
<MarkInfo RefId="46BDBA4301C11737E214A7CADCA75C87" MarkValueInfoRefId="301CADCA7511737E214A7C46BDBA4E23" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <SchoolYear>2004</SchoolYear> <Description>Marking Period Grade</Description> </MarkInfo>
Example 6.7.4-1: MarkInfo
<MarkInfo RefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C87" MarkValueInfoRefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75E23" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <SchoolYear>2004</SchoolYear> <Description>Conduct Grade</Description> </MarkInfo>
Example 6.7.4-2: MarkInfo

6.7.5 MarkValueInfo

This object defines the types of values allowed for a mark and the domain for each mark value. At least one of the Percentage, Numeric, Letter or Narrative nodes must be used to create a valid MarkValueInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.5-1: MarkValueInfo MarkValueInfo RefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear Name Percentage IsAccepted Minimum Maximum Numeric IsAccepted Precision Scale Low High Letter IsAccepted ValidMark SIF_Action Code NumericEquivalent Description Narrative IsAccepted MaximumSize SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object defines the types of values allowed for a mark and the domain for each mark value. At least one of the Percentage, Numeric, Letter or Narrative nodes must be used to create a valid MarkValueInfo.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this MarkValueInfo entity.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.


The year that this MarkValueInfo applies to.


The text name of the value list ("Letter Grades", "Letter Grades (+/-)", "ESU", "Pass/Fail", "Override Grades", "Citizenship Comment Codes", etc.).


Indicates whether a percent Mark is accepted (format ##0.00).


Indicates whether a percent Mark is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the Mark has changed, especially ended.


The minimum percent value accepted for this mark. If present, the publisher of this object is required to ensure that any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be lower than this value.


The maximum percent value accepted for this mark. If present, the publisher of this object is required to ensure that any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be higher than this value.


Indicates whether a raw numeric score is accepted.


Indicates whether a raw numeric score is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the score has changed, especially ended.


Number of significant digits.


Number of decimal places.


Lowest Mark in the range (e.g., 98, 3.95).


Highest Mark in the range (e.g., 100, 4.0).


Indicates whether a letter Mark is accepted.

ActionList (ValidMark/Code)

Indicates whether a letter Mark is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the Mark has changed, especially ended.


List of specific valid letter Marks. May be omitted when IsAccepted is false, otherwise mandatory.


In a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present.


String representing the actual Mark that would appear on the report card (e.g., "A+", "I", "100").


Numeric equivalent for the Mark (e.g., 100, 4.0).


The description for this code. (e.g. "Excellent", "Participates in Class", "Incomplete", etc...).


If present, indicates that a free-form text narrative is accepted.


Indicates whether a narrative is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for a narrative has changed, especially ended.


An integer value representing the maximum number of Unicode characters for the narrative, the UTF-8 encoding of which may be longer.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.5-1: MarkValueInfo
<MarkValueInfo RefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C87" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <SchoolYear>2004</SchoolYear> <Name>Letter Grades</Name> <Percentage IsAccepted="false" /> <Numeric IsAccepted="false" /> <Letter IsAccepted="true"> <ValidMark> <Code>A</Code> <NumericEquivalent>100</NumericEquivalent> </ValidMark> <ValidMark> <Code>B</Code> <NumericEquivalent>90</NumericEquivalent> </ValidMark> <ValidMark> <Code>C</Code> <NumericEquivalent>80</NumericEquivalent> </ValidMark> <ValidMark> <Code>D</Code> <NumericEquivalent>70</NumericEquivalent> </ValidMark> <ValidMark> <Code>F</Code> <NumericEquivalent>60</NumericEquivalent> </ValidMark> </Letter> <Narrative IsAccepted="false" /> </MarkValueInfo>
Example 6.7.5-1: MarkValueInfo
<MarkValueInfo RefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C87" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <SchoolYear>2004</SchoolYear> <Name>Numeric Grade</Name> <Percentage IsAccepted="false" /> <Numeric IsAccepted="true"> <Precision>6</Precision> <Scale>2</Scale> <Low>0</Low> <High>1000</High> </Numeric> <Letter IsAccepted="false" /> <Narrative IsAccepted="false" /> </MarkValueInfo>
Example 6.7.5-2: MarkValueInfo
<MarkValueInfo RefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C87" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <SchoolYear>2004</SchoolYear> <Name>Free Form Comment</Name> <Percentage IsAccepted="false" /> <Numeric IsAccepted="false" /> <Letter IsAccepted="false" /> <Narrative IsAccepted="true"> <MaximumSize>255</MaximumSize> </Narrative> </MarkValueInfo>
Example 6.7.5-3: MarkValueInfo

6.7.6 OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance

This object provides attendance for a student in the context of a SectionInfo object. It is used to represent the final/official attendance that has been assigned to a student. Only one agent in a zone should generate events for this object. That agent is responsible for receiving and validating all StudentPeriodAttendance events and for generating a corresponding OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance event once any unofficial events have been processed.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.6-1: OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance

This object provides attendance for a student in the context of a SectionInfo object. It is used to represent the final/official attendance that has been assigned to a student. Only one agent in a zone should generate events for this object. That agent is responsible for receiving and validating all StudentPeriodAttendance events and for generating a corresponding OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance event once any unofficial events have been processed.

Table 6.7.6-1: OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance
<OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance RefId="98157AA013BA8C3D00AA012B359D7512" StudentPersonalRefId="A75A00101A8C301D02E3A05B359D0A00" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB" Date="2001-03-05" SectionInfoRefId="D02E3A05B359DA75A00101A8C3010A00"> <TimetablePeriod>P4</TimetablePeriod> <AttendanceCode AttendanceCodeInfoRefId="1A0000359D75101A8C3D00AA00A2E35B">042</AttendanceCode> <AuditInfo> <CreationUser Type="School Admin"> <UserId>AttendanceKeeper</UserId> </CreationUser> <CreationDateTime>2006-09-26T15:43:00-05:00</CreationDateTime> </AuditInfo> </OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance>
Example 6.7.6-1: OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance

6.7.7 SectionMarkInfo

This object defines the marking periods (TermInfo) that marks (StudentSectionMarks) are recorded in for a particular section (SectionInfo) and lists the types of marks (MarkTypeInfo) that are valid for that marking period (TermInfo).

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.7-1: SectionMarkInfo SectionMarkInfo SectionInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId TermMarkLists MarkInfoList TermInfoRefId SIF_Action MarkInfoRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object defines the marking periods (TermInfo) that marks (StudentSectionMarks) are recorded in for a particular section (SectionInfo) and lists the types of marks (MarkTypeInfo) that are valid for that marking period (TermInfo).


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.

 TermMarkListsM ActionList (MarkInfoList/@TermInfoRefId)

The grading-related information for a section, repeating for each marking period (TermInfo) in which the section reports Marks.


The Id (GUID) that identifies the marking period that the following marks are recorded in.


In a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present.


The Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that this class uses for grading.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.7-1: SectionMarkInfo
<SectionMarkInfo SectionInfoRefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C87" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <TermMarkLists> <MarkInfoList TermInfoRefId="BDBA4301CA1A7C461737DCA75C87E214"> <MarkInfoRefId>A7C46BDBA4301CA11737E214DCA75C87</MarkInfoRefId> <MarkInfoRefId>BA4301CADCA75C8711737E214A7C46BD</MarkInfoRefId> </MarkInfoList> <MarkInfoList TermInfoRefId="01CA1BDBA43A7C461737DCA75C87E214"> <MarkInfoRefId>A7C46BDBA4301CA11737E214DCA75C87</MarkInfoRefId> <MarkInfoRefId>BA4301CADCA75C8711737E214A7C46BD</MarkInfoRefId> </MarkInfoList> </TermMarkLists> </SectionMarkInfo>
Example 6.7.7-1: SectionMarkInfo

6.7.8 StudentGrade

This is an object that a LMS or other application will utilize to provide grades about students in a section to a grade book. A grade book is often used to collect various assignment scores or test scores for students in a class or section and then calculate various grades or marks that are printed on report cards. When a LMS is also being used in a LEA, additional information is gathered by the LMS and some of this information needs to be available to the grade book to facilitate calculation of the report card grades or marks (i.e. StudentSectionMarks). This object is available to facilitate communication of the final grade from the LMS to the grade book.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.8-1: StudentGrade StudentGrade RefId StudentPersonalRefId SectionInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear Grade Percentage Numeric OutOf Low High Letter Narrative SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object contains the final grade for a student in a section.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies this object.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the school that these values apply to.


School year for which this information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., 2008 for the 2007-08 school year).

 GradeM This is the one grade given for this student and section. At least one numeric, percentage or letter must be provided as defined in the fields below. If Grade/Numeric is entered, Grade/OutOf, Grade/Low and Grade/High must also be entered.   
 Grade/PercentageCThe grade percentage for this grade (0.00-100.00). xs:decimal
 Grade/NumericC The raw numeric value for this grade. If this is provided, the OutOf, Low and High must be entered.  xs:decimal
 Grade/OutOfC This is the high value equivalent to 100% without extra points or extra credit (e.g. if a student received 3.5 out of 4, 4 would be the Grade/OutOf value and 3.5 would be the Grade/Numeric value).  xs:decimal
 Grade/LowCLowest grade value in the range for the numeric grade. xs:decimal
 Grade/HighC Highest grade value in the range for the numeric grade. NOTE: This could be higher than the Grade/OutOf value.  xs:decimal
 Grade/LetterCThe letter grade value for this grade. If this is provided, the numeric value or percentage value must also be entered in order to provide a numeric value for the grade to be utilized in any computations. xs:token
 Grade/NarrativeOThe free form text narrative for this grade. xs:string
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.8-1: StudentGrade
<StudentGrade RefId="0E54211E78674FC9B32E5FD5AC2A4CE0"> <StudentPersonalRefId>A137D78E00BC744EF90AF2871CEB90A2</StudentPersonalRefId> <SectionInfoRefId>AAA0937D8392BB0297ECA78D8F9A3914</SectionInfoRefId> <SchoolInfoRefId>830DCB82EA8A90243BC4E7AD902BC47D</SchoolInfoRefId> <SchoolYear>2008</SchoolYear> <Grade> <Percentage>79</Percentage> <Numeric>3.0</Numeric> <OutOf>4.0</OutOf> <Low>0.0</Low> <High>4.5</High> <Letter>C</Letter> <Narrative>Johnny is only achieving average performance.</Narrative> </Grade> <SIF_Metadata> <EducationFilter> <LearningStandardItems> <LearningStandardItemRefId>502070339FA347B5B123BEF68D118332</LearningStandardItemRefId> </LearningStandardItems> </EducationFilter> </SIF_Metadata> </StudentGrade>
Example 6.7.8-1: StudentGrade

6.7.9 StudentPeriodAttendance

This object provides attendance for a student in the context of a SectionInfo object. This object is used by all agents in a zone that provide period attendance, but don't have the logic to determine whether or not they have sufficient rights to override attendance from another user or system. Agents that represent a system that can validate attendance based on, among other things, its source, should subscribe to StudentPeriodAttendance events to collect "suggested" attendance changes from the zone, and should then publish "accepted" attendance changes as OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance events. A rejected change would result in an event that reverts the system that generated the rejected event back to its previous state or to some other state that represents the correct "official" attendance.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.9-1: StudentPeriodAttendance StudentPeriodAttendance RefId StudentPersonalRefId SectionInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId Date TimetablePeriod TimeIn TimeOut AttendanceCode AttendanceCodeInfoRefId AuditInfo CreationUser Type UserId CreationDateTime AttendanceComment SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides attendance for a student in the context of a SectionInfo object. This object is used by all agents in a zone that provide period attendance, but don't have the logic to determine whether or not they have sufficient rights to override attendance from another user or system. Agents that represent a system that can validate attendance based on, among other things, its source, should subscribe to StudentPeriodAttendance events to collect "suggested" attendance changes from the zone, and should then publish "accepted" attendance changes as OfficialStudentPeriodAttendance events. A rejected change would result in an event that reverts the system that generated the rejected event back to its previous state or to some other state that represents the correct "official" attendance.

RefIdM RefIdType

The GUID of the student that this attendance applies to.


The GUID of the section that this attendance applies to.


The school where the attendance was recorded. Somewhat redundant, needed for requests.


The date of the attendance event.


The period within which attendance is being reported, e.g. "4D". Conditional on the SectionInfo object having MeetingTime elements. If one or more are defined for the Section, this element is required.


The time the student entered or returned to this class.


The time the student left this class.


The local attendance code.

@AttendanceCodeInfoRefIdM IdRefType

An audit trail to help determine who entered this attendance event and when.


Information about which staff member created this attendance record.


The role of the staff member for that created this attendance record.

Office Staff
School Admin

Unique identifier of the user that created the attendance record. This will depend on the user and the source. The preferred identifier would be a RefId for a StaffPersonal, StudentContact, or StudentPersonal Object. However, the user may not be associated with any of these SIF objects. In that case a unique Id given by the source should be used.


The date and time of this attendance record was created.


This element contains the comments that are relevant to this attendance record.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.9-1: StudentPeriodAttendance
<StudentPeriodAttendance RefId="98157AA013BA8C3D00AA012B359D7512" StudentPersonalRefId="A75A00101A8C301D02E3A05B359D0A00" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB" Date="2001-03-05" SectionInfoRefId="D02E3A05B359DA75A00101A8C3010A00"> <TimetablePeriod>P4</TimetablePeriod> <AttendanceCode AttendanceCodeInfoRefId="1A0000359D75101A8C3D00AA00A2E35B">042</AttendanceCode> <AuditInfo> <CreationUser Type="School Admin"> <UserId>AttendanceKeeper</UserId> </CreationUser> <CreationDateTime>2006-09-26T15:43:00-05:00</CreationDateTime> </AuditInfo> </StudentPeriodAttendance>
Example 6.7.9-1: StudentPeriodAttendance

6.7.10 StudentSectionMarks

This object contains the marks entered for a student in a class section for a specific marking period.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.7.10-1: StudentSectionMarks StudentSectionMarks StudentPersonalRefId SectionInfoRefId TermInfoRefId SchoolInfoRefId IsFinal MarkList Mark MarkInfoRefId Percentage Numeric Letter Narrative SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object contains the marks entered for a student in a class section for a specific marking period.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the StudentPersonal object that this item refers to.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the SectionInfo object that this item refers to.


The Id (GUID) that identifies the marking period that the following marks are recorded in.


The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to.


Indicates if the grades are "Final" from the perspective of the teacher or school. Does not mean that change events will not occur for this item.


A list of marks received for this student in this section. For each Mark entry, at least one of the sub-elements must be specified.


Outer wrapper for marks reported for this section, in this term.


The Id (GUID) that identifies a mark that was given for this student.


The percent score for this mark (0.00 - 100.00).


The raw numeric score for this mark.


The letter grade for this mark.


The free form text narrative for this mark.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.7.10-1: StudentSectionMarks
<StudentSectionMarks StudentPersonalRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB" SectionInfoRefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75C99" TermInfoRefId="BDBA4301CA1A7C461737DCA75C87E214" SchoolInfoRefId="11737EA4301CADCA75C87214A7C46BDB"> <IsFinal>true</IsFinal> <MarkList> <Mark MarkInfoRefId="A7C46BDBA4301CA11737E214DCA75C87"> <Percentage>88</Percentage> <Letter>B</Letter> </Mark> <Mark MarkInfoRefId="737E214A7C46BDBA4301CA11DCA75C87"> <Narrative>Plays well with others and is willing to share with the one exception being food. Student is very possessive of his lunch and becomes very aggressive if anyone attempts to take any of it from him</Narrative> </Mark> <Mark MarkInfoRefId="11737E214A7C46BDBA4301CADCA75E23"> <Letter>A9</Letter> </Mark> </MarkList> </StudentSectionMarks>
Example 6.7.10-1: StudentSectionMarks

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