6.5 SIF UK

6.5.1 AssessmentLearnerSet

This object describes learners assigned to take an assessment or component grouping (can represent a markbook, exam entry, or an cohort objective).

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.1-1: AssessmentLearnerSet AssessmentLearnerSet RefId AssessmentResultComponentGroupRefId CreationDateTime LocalId LearnerList LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolGroupRefId WorkforcePersonalRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object describes learners assigned to take an assessment or component grouping (can represent a markbook, exam entry, or an cohort objective).


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies an instance of this object.


The assessment result component group (test or assessment) associated with the set of listed learners.


Date/time assignment is created.


Value supplied by publishing vendor/supplier.


A list of learners who are to take the test.

Required when SchoolGroupRefId is not supplied.


The ID (GUID) of a learner assigned to take an assessment.


Optional reference to the class group(s) to which this will be/are drawn.

Note that this is required when LearnerList is not supplied.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the teacher or staff member who created the learner set.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.1-1: AssessmentLearnerSet
<AssessmentLearnerSet RefId="AE98AE59A2841743117D9192C326B873" AssessmentResultComponentGroupRefId="8456D39051CC755293A4A4763088F3D3"> <CreationDateTime>2007-02-04T15:30:05</CreationDateTime> <LocalId>21</LocalId> <LearnerList> <LearnerPersonalRefId>8456D39051CC755293A4A4763088F3D1</LearnerPersonalRefId> <LearnerPersonalRefId>8456D39051CC755293A5A4763088F3D2</LearnerPersonalRefId> <LearnerPersonalRefId>8456D39051CC755293A6A4763088F3D3</LearnerPersonalRefId> <LearnerPersonalRefId>8456D39051CC755293A7A4763088F3D4</LearnerPersonalRefId> <LearnerPersonalRefId>8456D39051CC755293A8A4763088F3D5</LearnerPersonalRefId> </LearnerList> <WorkforcePersonalRefId>AE98AE59A2841743117D9192C326B878</WorkforcePersonalRefId> </AssessmentLearnerSet>
Example 6.5.1-1: AssessmentLearnerSet

6.5.2 AssessmentResponseComponent

This object describes a single component of the assessment or test paper/quiz taken by a learner. A response component has one or more responses.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.2-1: AssessmentResponseComponent AssessmentResponseComponent RefId Name LocalId SupplierName Description YearList Year SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object describes a single component of the assessment or test paper/quiz taken by a learner. A response component has one or more responses.


The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of this object.


The identifier used within the publishing application.


Optional reference to the school associated with the administration.


The supplier/originator/designer/owner of the described component.


Longer text describing features of the component.


A list of specific years in which this component is applicable. By convention, if a list is not supplied then this component is assumed to be always available.


A year with which the component grouping is applicable (by convention this is the end year of an academic year eg: 2007/8 resolves to 2008).

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.2-1: AssessmentResponseComponent
<AssessmentResponseComponent RefId="876602EF432763EB81928376498038E3"> <Name>Maths 4C</Name> <LocalId>MAT4C</LocalId> <SupplierName>ABC Assessments</SupplierName> <Description>Maths Level 4 Section C</Description> <YearList> <Year>2007</Year> <Year>2008</Year> </YearList> </AssessmentResponseComponent>
Example 6.5.2-1: AssessmentResponseComponent

6.5.3 AssessmentResponseComponentGroup

High level container describing components of the actual assessment or test paper/quiz taken by the learner. A response component group contains one or more components.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.3-1: AssessmentResponseComponentGroup AssessmentResponseComponentGroup RefId AssessmentSessionRefId Name LocalId SupplierName ComponentList AssessmentResponseComponentRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

High level container describing components of the actual assessment or test paper/quiz taken by the learner. A response component group contains one or more components.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies an instance of this object.


The ID (GUID) of the assessment session in which the responses were collected.


Name of the assessment/test/taken.


The identifier used for this entity within the publishing application.


The supplier/originator/designer/owner of the described component grouping.


A list of the components contained within this component group.


The SIF identifier for an assessment response component.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.3-1: AssessmentResponseComponentGroup
<AssessmentResponseComponentGroup RefId="87302A8E7492310B8CC5636A321F934E" AssessmentSessionRefId="559023AF3BC83210987477108EFA438C"> <Name>Maths Level 4</Name> <LocalId>MAT4</LocalId> <SupplierName>ABC Assessments</SupplierName> <ComponentList> <AssessmentResponseComponentRefId>73920A9834E8DF216526690AE58F3219</AssessmentResponseComponentRefId> <AssessmentResponseComponentRefId>829763D0934A98120AB87459381AB064</AssessmentResponseComponentRefId> <AssessmentResponseComponentRefId>87389EE348A23416589320A7DE456104</AssessmentResponseComponentRefId> </ComponentList> </AssessmentResponseComponentGroup>
Example 6.5.3-1: AssessmentResponseComponentGroup

6.5.4 AssessmentResultComponent

A psychological construct measured by the assessment. Operationally, an assessment component or subtest is a class of scores within an assessment that might collectively represent a column within a mark book. Some assessments may consist of only one component, aspect or subtest although it is more common for assessments to have several.

Similar to AssessmentSubTest in US model.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.4-1: AssessmentResultComponent AssessmentResultComponent RefId Name LocalId ShortDescription Description YearList Year AssessmentSubjectList Subject StageList Stage AssessmentResultGradeSetRefId MarkSetList MarkSet StartDate EndDate MinValue MaxValue ComponentType ResultQualifier AssessmentMethod SupplierName SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

A psychological construct measured by the assessment. Operationally, an assessment component or subtest is a class of scores within an assessment that might collectively represent a column within a mark book. Some assessments may consist of only one component, aspect or subtest although it is more common for assessments to have several.

Similar to AssessmentSubTest in US model.

RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of this aspect or subtest. RefIdType

The name used to identify this component or aspect.


The identifier used within the publishing application.


Shorter description used for column headers in marksheets, etc.


Longer text describing features of the component.


A list of specific years in which this component is applicable. By convention, if a list is not supplied then this component is assumed to be always available.


A year with which the component grouping is applicable (by convention this is the end year of an academic year eg: 2007/8 resolves to 2008).


A list of subject areas associated with this assessment component or aspect.


A subject area associated with this assessment component or aspect.


List of the stages that this component can be used to assess.


The assessed stage (this may well be a Keystage List, but there is no reason why it couldn’t be used for other concepts such as NcYear applicability, Level Exam Level GCSE, A-Level etc.).


The gradeset associated with the component or aspect.

Required if ComponentType is set to Grade.


Required if ComponentType is Mark.


Defines a mark range.


Start date of the range validity - ranges should not overlap. If not supplied then assumed to have always been valid in the past.


End date of the range validity - ranges should not overlap. If not supplied then assumed to always will be valid in the future.


The minimum value in the range of marks.


The maximum value in the range of marks.


Defines the associated result format.


Defines the format or type of result(s) awarded.


The method or format of the Assessment.


The supplier/originator/designer/owner of the aspect.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.4-1: AssessmentResultComponent
<AssessmentResultComponent RefId="7C834EA9EDA12090347F83297E1C290C"> <Name>AT2</Name> <ShortDescription>AT2</ShortDescription> <Description>English Reading (AT2)</Description> <YearList> <Year>2007</Year> </YearList> <AssessmentSubjectList> <Subject>ENG</Subject> </AssessmentSubjectList> <StageList> <Stage>KS1</Stage> </StageList> <MarkSetList> <MarkSet> <StartDate>2005-07-01</StartDate> <MinValue>5</MinValue> <MaxValue>17</MaxValue> </MarkSet> </MarkSetList> <ComponentType>Mark</ComponentType> <ResultQualifier>NL</ResultQualifier> <AssessmentMethod>TA</AssessmentMethod> <SupplierName>XYZ Assessment Services</SupplierName> </AssessmentResultComponent>
Example 6.5.4-1: AssessmentResultComponent

6.5.5 AssessmentResultComponentGroup

High level container describing an assessment or test or common goal. Each component group contains one or more components, also known as subtests, aspects, or sub-assessments.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.5-1: AssessmentResultComponentGroup AssessmentResultComponentGroup RefId Name LocalId SupplierName ComponentList AssessmentResultComponentRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

High level container describing an assessment or test or common goal. Each component group contains one or more components, also known as subtests, aspects, or sub-assessments.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a component group.


Name of the assessment/test/goal.


The identifier used for this entity within the publishing application.


The supplier/originator/designer/owner of the described component grouping.


A list of the components contained within this component group.


A SIF identifier for an assessment result component.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.5-1: AssessmentResultComponentGroup
<AssessmentResultComponentGroup RefId="C39048BE914227F9F32B193C408542D3"> <Name>Science Test Level KS2</Name> <SupplierName>DCSF</SupplierName> <ComponentList> <AssessmentResultComponentRefId>C39048BE914224F9F32B193C408542D5</AssessmentResultComponentRefId> <AssessmentResultComponentRefId>C39048BE914224F9F32B193C408542D5</AssessmentResultComponentRefId> <AssessmentResultComponentRefId>C39048BE914224F9F32B193C408542D5</AssessmentResultComponentRefId> </ComponentList> </AssessmentResultComponentGroup>
Example 6.5.5-1: AssessmentResultComponentGroup

6.5.6 AssessmentResultGradeSet

Represents a range of valid grades (over time) for a result.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.6-1: AssessmentResultGradeSet AssessmentResultGradeSet RefId LocalId Name Notes SupplierName GradeSets GradeSet StartDate EndDate Grades Grade Title Description RankOrder NumericValue SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

Represents a range of valid grades (over time) for a result.


The ID (GUID) of this grade set.


The locally assigned identifier for this grade set.


The descriptive identifier for the grade set.


Explanatory/usage notes for grade set.


The supplier/originator/designer/owner of the gradeset.


Collection of versions of a grade set (dated, non-overlapping).


A specific version of a grade set.


The start date from which this version is valid.


The end date until which this version is valid.


The list of grades in the set.


Description of an individual grade in the set.


The visual representation of the grade.


The meaning of the grade.


The rank position of the grade within the set where the highest value is assumed to be the best. While duplicate ranks are allowed they are discouraged.


The numeric equivalent value of the grade.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.6-1: AssessmentResultGradeSet
<AssessmentResultGradeSet RefId="B8359C32AE94474174B03008D9A2744E"> <LocalId>PScaleIndATs</LocalId> <Name>P Scale Individual ATs</Name> <Notes>Grades for use with individual P Scale ATs in English and Maths</Notes> <SupplierName>XYZ Assessment Services</SupplierName> <GradeSets> <GradeSet> <StartDate>2004-01-09</StartDate> <EndDate>2006-08-31</EndDate> <Grades> <Grade> <Title>P8</Title> <Description>P8</Description> <RankOrder>1</RankOrder> <NumericValue>8.00</NumericValue> </Grade> <Grade> <Title>P7</Title> <Description>P7</Description> <RankOrder>22</RankOrder> <NumericValue>7.00</NumericValue> </Grade> <Grade> <Title>P6</Title> <Description>P6</Description> <RankOrder>3</RankOrder> <NumericValue>6.00</NumericValue> </Grade> </Grades> </GradeSet> </GradeSets> </AssessmentResultGradeSet>
Example 6.5.6-1: AssessmentResultGradeSet

6.5.7 AssessmentSession

A session is an event where an activity is performed by or on a learner set which contributes to the attainment of the objective. Occurs at a place and time (e.g., a test is taken, assignments are handed in, a test is marked).

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.7-1: AssessmentSession AssessmentSession RefId AssessmentLearnerSetRefId SessionDate SchoolInfoRefId Activity Status StaffList WorkforcePersonalRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

A session is an event where an activity is performed by or on a learner set which contributes to the attainment of the objective. Occurs at a place and time (e.g., a test is taken, assignments are handed in, a test is marked).


The ID (GUID) of this session.


The ID (GUID) of the set of people the session refers to.


The date at which the activity takes place.


The ID (GUID) of the school that the event takes place.


The activity which takes place.


The current status of the session.


A list of the teachers or other staff responsible for administering or assisting the learner with this assessment.


The GUID that uniquely identifies a teacher or other staff member responsible for administering or assisting the learner with this assessment.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.7-1: AssessmentSession
<AssessmentSession RefId="E98AE59C32A2117D9192A6B873841743" AssessmentLearnerSetRefId="8456D39051CC755293A4A4763088F3D3"> <SessionDate>2007-01-27</SessionDate> <SchoolInfoRefId>8456D39051CC755293A4A4763088F3D3</SchoolInfoRefId> <Activity>Test</Activity> <Status>Complete</Status> <StaffList> <WorkforcePersonalRefId>E98AE59C32A2117D9192A6B873841743</WorkforcePersonalRefId> </StaffList> </AssessmentSession>
Example 6.5.7-1: AssessmentSession

6.5.8 ContactPersonal

This object describes any person created as a contact at a school, LEA, or other institution, or associated with a Learner or other Workforce person.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.8-1: ContactPersonal ContactPersonal RefId PersonalInformation SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 ContactPersonal This object describes any person created as a contact at a school, LEA, or other institution, or associated with a Learner or other Workforce person.  
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of a person referenced as a contact. Note that this GUID may be the same GUID assigned to a LearnerPersonal and/or WorkforcePersonal object record. RefIdType
 PersonalInformationMName, demographic, address, email, and phone information for a person acting as a contact. PersonalInformation
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.8-1: ContactPersonal
<ContactPersonal RefId="92E50229EC3911DBA762000E0CA41EF3"> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="C"> <FamilyName>Jorgenson</FamilyName> <GivenName>Stephen</GivenName> </Name> <Demographics> <Gender>M</Gender> </Demographics> <Email Type="Personal">sjorgens@myschool.co.uk</Email> <Address Type="Current"> <PAON> <StartNumber>27</StartNumber> </PAON> <Street>Lower Guildford Road</Street> <Locality>Knaphill</Locality> <Town>Woking</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Surrey</AdministrativeArea> <PostCode>GU22 2DE</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </Address> <PhoneNumber Type="H"> <Number>01748661731</Number> </PhoneNumber> <OtherPhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="M"> <Number>07777977341</Number> </PhoneNumber> </OtherPhoneNumberList> </PersonalInformation> </ContactPersonal>
Example 6.5.8-1: ContactPersonal

6.5.9 Identity

This object allows a system that stores network identities and/or passwords to share them with other applications through SIF. The provider of the Identity object may only support providing an identity or a password, or it may support both.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.9-1: Identity Identity RefId SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject AuthenticationSource IdentityAssertions IdentityAssertion SchemaName PasswordList Password Algorithm KeyName SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object allows a system that stores network identities and/or passwords to share them with other applications through SIF. The provider of the Identity object may only support providing an identity or a password, or it may support both.


The SIF RefId that uniquely identifies this object.


The SIF RefId of a LearnerPersonal, WorkforcePersonal, or ContactPersonal object.


The type of SIF object that the SIF_RefId attribute identifies.


The type of source system that produced this Identityobject.

See implementation notes for provider requirements.


The list of identity assertions for this user.

ActionList (IdentityAssertion/@SchemaName)

The identification string for this user.


The name of the field.

See implementation notes for details on required schema elements.



Allows a provider or publisher to specify the same password using multiple algorithms, if supported.


A representation of the user's password using the given algorithm.


The method used to encrypt the user's password. See the implementation details below.


The name of the key to be used for decryption of the password. Left blank for hash algorithms (MD5 and SHA1).

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.9-1: Identity
<Identity RefId="4286194F43ED43C18EE2F0A27C4BEF86"> <SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject="LearnerPersonal">23B08571E4D645C3B82A3E52E5349925</SIF_RefId> <AuthenticationSource>UKAccessShibboleth</AuthenticationSource> <IdentityAssertions> <IdentityAssertion SchemaName="eduPersonPrincipalName">john.doe@asdf.sch.uk</IdentityAssertion> </IdentityAssertions> </Identity>
Example 6.5.9-1: Identity published by a UK Access Federation Shibboleth Provider
<Identity RefId="4286194F43ED43C18EE2F0A27C4BEF86"> <SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject="LearnerPersonal">23B08571E4D645C3B82A3E52E5349925</SIF_RefId> <AuthenticationSource>MSActiveDirectory</AuthenticationSource> <IdentityAssertions> <IdentityAssertion SchemaName="sAmAccountName">user01</IdentityAssertion> <IdentityAssertion SchemaName="userPrincipalName">user01@asdf.sch.uk</IdentityAssertion> <IdentityAssertion SchemaName="distinguishedName">cn=User01,cn=Users,dc=org</IdentityAssertion> </IdentityAssertions> </Identity>
Example 6.5.9-2: Identity published by Microsoft Active Directory

6.5.10 LAInfo

This object contains information about a Local Authority (LA). Compare with US/Canada object: LEAInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.10-1: LAInfo LAInfo RefId LAId LAName LAFullName LAURL LAAddress AddressList LAPhoneNumber PhoneNumberList LAContactList SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 LAInfo This object contains information about a Local Authority (LA). Compare with US/Canada object: LEAInfo 
RefIdMThe GUID of the LA whose information this is. RefIdType
 LAIdMThe 3-digit LA number assigned by DfES. LAId
 LANameMThe LA's short name to be used for reporting purposes. Normally, the word "Council" should not be included. LAName
 LAFullNameMThe LA's full name. xs:normalizedString
 LAURLOURL for the main LA website. xs:anyURI
 LAAddressOThe LA's main address information. Address
 AddressListOA list of the LA's other addresses, if any. AddressList
 LAPhoneNumberOThe LA's primary phone number. PhoneNumber
 PhoneNumberListOA list of the LA's other phone number(s). PhoneNumberList
 LAContactListOA list of contacts within the LA. ContactList
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.10-1: LAInfo
<LAInfo RefId="81559915646EBEC342277E6D2AA5EAEA"> <LAId>330</LAId> <LAName>BIRMINGHAM</LAName> <LAFullName>Birmingham City Council</LAFullName> <LAURL>http://www.birmingham.gov.uk</LAURL> <LAAddress Type="Mailing"> <PAON> <Description>Victoria Square</Description> </PAON> <SAON> <Description>Council House</Description> </SAON> <AdministrativeArea>Birmingham</AdministrativeArea> <PostCode>B1 1BB</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </LAAddress> <LAPhoneNumber Type="W"> <Number>01213039944</Number> </LAPhoneNumber> <LAContactList> <Contact SIF_RefId="7B391229EC3911DBA762000E0CA444AF" SIF_RefObject="ContactPersonal"> <PositionTitle>Chief Auditor</PositionTitle> <Role>Financial auditor</Role> <PublishInDirectory>Yes</PublishInDirectory> </Contact> <Contact SIF_RefId="9AB56229EC3911DBA762000E0C57A9E3" SIF_RefObject="ContactPersonal"> <PositionTitle>Building Inspector</PositionTitle> <Role>Maintains buildings per city codes</Role> <PublishInDirectory>Yes</PublishInDirectory> </Contact> </LAContactList> </LAInfo>
Example 6.5.10-1: LAInfo

6.5.11 LearnerAssessmentResponseSet

The set of all responses provided by a learner while taking an assessment. This information represents the raw input data that is then evaluated to produce one or more scores, marks, or grades for the learner.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.11-1: LearnerAssessmentResponseSet LearnerAssessmentResponseSet RefId AssessmentResponseComponentRefId LearnerPersonalRefId Items Item Response ResponseStatus ResponseTime Mark Group ItemName ItemNumber OrderAsked NumberOfAttempts SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

The set of all responses provided by a learner while taking an assessment. This information represents the raw input data that is then evaluated to produce one or more scores, marks, or grades for the learner.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this response set.


The ID (GUID) of the assessment response component that the responses are associated with


The ID (GUID) of the Learner for whom these responses are.


A container for item responses.


An item contains response data and metadata. An item is defined as the stimuli presented to a learner to evoke a response for the purpose of evaluation. In most cases an item equates to a single question on the assessment.


Learner selection or response in raw format.


Status of the response.

Attempted (viewed but no response given)

The length of time the learner took to respond.


The mark achieved for this item as evaluated by the assessment tool at the time of assessment.


The item group within the assessment.


Identifies the item on the assessment by name.


Identifies the item by number on the assessment.


The order in which the item was asked.


The number of times a learner changes their answer or attempts a response.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.11-1: LearnerAssessmentResponseSet
<LearnerAssessmentResponseSet RefId="D6548D9AE6B87192AE98384174359C32" AssessmentResponseComponentRefId="7192AE98384139051CC755293A2117BC" LearnerPersonalRefId="7192AE98384139051CC755293A2117BC"> <Items> <Item> <Response>C</Response> <ResponseStatus>Complete</ResponseStatus> <ResponseTime>PT32S</ResponseTime> <Mark>Y</Mark> <Group>Writing Section 3</Group> <ItemName>Writing 3A</ItemName> <ItemNumber>W3A</ItemNumber> <OrderAsked>1</OrderAsked> <NumberOfAttempts>2</NumberOfAttempts> </Item> </Items> </LearnerAssessmentResponseSet>
Example 6.5.11-1: LearnerAssessmentResponseSet

6.5.12 LearnerAssessmentResult

A single result for a learner.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.12-1: LearnerAssessmentResult LearnerAssessmentResult RefId AssessmentComponentRefId LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolInfoRefId AchievementDate Result ResultStatus AssessmentSessionList AssessmentSessionRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

A single result for a learner.


The ID (GUID) of this result.


The assessment component that the result is for.


The ID (GUID) of the learner achieving the results.


The school at which the assessment was taken.


The date the results were achieved.


A grade title, a comment, or a mark (dependent on ComponentType of associated aspect). Marks and grades should be valid in the grade set or mark set on the date the assessment was achieved.


Indicates whether the result is estimated, an interim result, provisional, actual result or a target.


The sessions which led to the result generation.


The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the session associated with the result.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata

Use extended elements to define additional information to be preserved with this result data including any learner demographic data known to be valid at the time of assessment and not otherwise specified.

Table 6.5.12-1: LearnerAssessmentResult
<LearnerAssessmentResult RefId="A2117D9192AE98AE59C326B873841743" AssessmentComponentRefId="7192AE98384139051CC755293A2117BC" LearnerPersonalRefId="8456D39051CC755293A4A4763088F3D3"> <SchoolInfoRefId>845628E00D2E7129487A7AC32598F106</SchoolInfoRefId> <AchievementDate>2007-03-04</AchievementDate> <Result>11</Result> <ResultStatus>R</ResultStatus> </LearnerAssessmentResult>
Example 6.5.12-1: LearnerAssessmentResult

6.5.13 LearnerAttendance

This object provides attendance information for a particular learner in a particular school for a particular period of time. The time can be specified as before, during, or after school and may be for any period of time, including lessons.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.13-1: LearnerAttendance LearnerAttendance RefId LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolInfoRefId AttendanceDate TimeIn StartTime FinishTime Session SessionLabel AttendanceDomain AttendanceCode AttendanceNote RecordTimestamp InputSource WorkforcePersonalRefId SchoolGroupRefId SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object provides attendance information for a particular learner in a particular school for a particular period of time. The time can be specified as before, during, or after school and may be for any period of time, including lessons.


The ID (GUID) assigned to uniquely identify this attendance record.


The ID (GUID) of the learner for which this attendance mark is recorded.


The school where the attendance mark was taken.


The date of the attendance period.


The time when the learner began the attendance period.


The time the attendance period started. StartTime is required when this object represents a lesson


The time the attendance period finished.


The session within which this attendance mark applies (e.g. AM/PM). Session is required when StartTime is not specified and the object refers to a session attendance mark (i.e. AttendanceDomain is session).


A label associated with the session to further describe the session, when applicable.


The attendance type.


The attendance mark/code.


Additional comments. Required when record is specified as a correction.


The date/time when recorded. When more than one record exists using the same RefId, the record with the latest timestamp is assumed to be the most current. This is possible when a record is republished due to corrections.


The source of the attendance record data. Could be Workforce member, biometric device, or other.


The ID (GUID) of the staff member responsible for recording this attendance information.


The ID (GUID) of the group that this attendance applies to. Useful when the attendance period corresponds to a lesson time.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.13-1: LearnerAttendance
<LearnerAttendance RefId="749382AD4800123C9ED02054FB7842B7" LearnerPersonalRefId="98120AB87459381AB064829763D0934A" SchoolInfoRefId="44AC87090487621198AC4E89480D3AC1"> <AttendanceDate>2008-04-15</AttendanceDate> <TimeIn>08:03:44</TimeIn> <StartTime>08:00:00</StartTime> <FinishTime>08:40:00</FinishTime> <Session>AM</Session> <SessionLabel>AM Session</SessionLabel> <AttendanceDomain>Both</AttendanceDomain> <AttendanceCode>/</AttendanceCode> <RecordTimestamp>2008-04-16T10:45:21Z</RecordTimestamp> <InputSource>WF</InputSource> <WorkforcePersonalRefId>6589320A7DE45610487389EE348A2341</WorkforcePersonalRefId> <SchoolGroupRefId>94278329AE45903845F109E45934BA17</SchoolGroupRefId> </LearnerAttendance>
Example 6.5.13-1: LearnerAttendance

6.5.14 LearnerAttendanceSummary

This object provides a summary of a learner's daily attendance and membership information for a given school during the time period between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. As such, there may be multiple instances of this object for a learner in a school over the course of an academic school year. Note that sessions are defined by each school and in most cases is two but can be any number in the range 1-10. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentAttendanceSummary.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.14-1: LearnerAttendanceSummary LearnerAttendanceSummary LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear StartDate EndDate ReasonsList Reason Code Type Status Total SessionsAttendedTotal SessionsPossible AuthorisedAbsences UnauthorisedAbsences AlternativeTuitionHours SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 LearnerAttendanceSummary This object provides a summary of a learner's daily attendance and membership information for a given school during the time period between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. As such, there may be multiple instances of this object for a learner in a school over the course of an academic school year. Note that sessions are defined by each school and in most cases is two but can be any number in the range 1-10. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentAttendanceSummary 
LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner for whom this attendance information is being reported. IdRefType
SchoolInfoRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the school for which this attendance information is being reported. IdRefType
key SchoolYearMSchool year for which this information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). SchoolYear
key StartDateMStarting date of this attendance reporting period. xs:date
key EndDateMEnding date of this attendance reporting period. xs:date
 ReasonsListMAn enumeration of sessions by reason code within the reporting period. List
 ReasonsList/ReasonMRLearner attendance marks by code and number.  
 ReasonsList/Reason/CodeMThe attendance code. UKAttendanceCodeType
 ReasonsList/Reason/TypeMThe attendance code type. values:
MThe authorised status of the attendance code. values:
 ReasonsList/Reason/TotalMThe total number of sessions attributed to this reason between StartDate and EndDate for the specified reason. xs:unsignedInt
 SessionsAttendedTotalMThe number of sessions the learner attended school when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. xs:unsignedInt
 SessionsPossibleMThe number of sessions the learner was present plus the number of sessions the learner was absent (authorised and unauthorised) when school was in session during the period between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. xs:unsignedInt
 AuthorisedAbsencesOThe number of sessions the learner was absent from school with a valid excuse when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. Note that ts column can be derived from Reason Status. xs:unsignedInt
 UnauthorisedAbsencesOThe number of sessions the learner was absent from school without a valid excuse when school was in session between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. Note that this column can be derived from Reason Status. xs:unsignedInt
 AlternativeTuitionHoursONumber of Alternative Tuition (whole) hours attended between the StartDate and EndDate, inclusive. UKTuitionHoursType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.14-1: LearnerAttendanceSummary
<LearnerAttendanceSummary LearnerPersonalRefId="FD5976C1E29B11DBBB7C000F1F655C13" SchoolInfoRefId="43B3A82FDC8D11DBBB7C000F1F655C13"> <SchoolYear>2007</SchoolYear> <StartDate>2006-10-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2007-10-01</EndDate> <ReasonsList> <Reason> <Code>J</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>1</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>W</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>3</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>H</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>14</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>I</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>349</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>G</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>16</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>L</Code> <Type>Late</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>58</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>D</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>4187</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>C</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>573</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>V</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>20</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>U</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>1</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>N</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Unauthorised</Status> <Total>18</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>B</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>87</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>M</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>115</Total> </Reason> <Reason> <Code>O</Code> <Type>Absent</Type> <Status>Authorised</Status> <Total>462</Total> </Reason> </ReasonsList> <SessionsAttendedTotal>157</SessionsAttendedTotal> <SessionsPossible>238</SessionsPossible> <AuthorisedAbsences>73</AuthorisedAbsences> <UnauthorisedAbsences>8</UnauthorisedAbsences> </LearnerAttendanceSummary>
Example 6.5.14-1: LearnerAttendanceSummary

6.5.15 LearnerContact

This object contains information related to a contact person for a learner. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentContact.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.15-1: LearnerContact LearnerContact LearnerPersonalRefId ContactPersonalRefId Relationship LocalId ContactFlags ParentLegalGuardian PickupRights LivesWith AddressDisclosure EmailCommunication EmergencyContact DisciplinaryContact HomeDuringDay MemberOfArmedForces PrimaryCareProvider RequiresInterpreter TransferAddress ContactSequence ContactSequenceSource SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 LearnerContact This object contains information related to a contact person for a learner. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentContact 
LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner whose contact this is. IdRefType
ContactPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of this contact. IdRefType
 RelationshipMDefines the relationship of the contact to the learner. UKRelationshipType
 LocalIdOThe locally-assigned identifier for this contact. LocalId
 ContactFlagsMContains Yes/No characteristics of the contact person's role. Provide a Yes value for all that apply. Otherwise No is assumed. At least one of the child elements of ContactFlags must have a Yes value.  
CDoes the individual have parental or legal guardianship responsibility for the learner? values:
CDoes the contact have pickup rights? values:
 ContactFlags/LivesWithCDoes the learner live with this contact? values:
CCan address information be disclosed? values:
CDoes the contact prefer written communcation via email? Otherwise, postal mail will be used. values:
CShould this contact be notified in case of emergency? values:
CIs this person to be contacted in case of disciplinary action? values:
CIs the contact at home during normal daytime hours? values:
CIs this person a member of the armed forces? values:
CDoes this person provide daily living or personal assistance to the learner? values:
CDoes the contact need a translator or interpreter? values:
CShould this contact be transferred with the Learner if and when the Learner moves? values:
 ContactSequenceONumber (1-10) indicating the order in which the person should be contacted. Note that 2 or more contacts may have the same value. xs:unsignedInt
 ContactSequenceSourceOIndicates the person who provided the contact sequence order. UKSourceCodeType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.15-1: LearnerContact
<LearnerContact LearnerPersonalRefId="20C10263ECC511DB91D00002B3E94955" ContactPersonalRefId="DF1D7BA3ECC411DB91D00002B3E94955"> <Relationship>RELA</Relationship> <LocalId>01216</LocalId> <ContactFlags> <ParentLegalGuardian>No</ParentLegalGuardian> <PickupRights>Yes</PickupRights> <LivesWith>No</LivesWith> <AddressDisclosure>Yes</AddressDisclosure> <EmailCommunication>No</EmailCommunication> <EmergencyContact>Yes</EmergencyContact> <DisciplinaryContact>No</DisciplinaryContact> <HomeDuringDay>No</HomeDuringDay> <MemberOfArmedForces>No</MemberOfArmedForces> <PrimaryCareProvider>No</PrimaryCareProvider> <RequiresInterpreter>No</RequiresInterpreter> <TransferAddress>Yes</TransferAddress> </ContactFlags> <ContactSequence>3</ContactSequence> <ContactSequenceSource>P</ContactSequenceSource> </LearnerContact>
Example 6.5.15-1: LearnerContact

6.5.16 LearnerExclusion

This object contains information related to a learner being excluded from one or more sessions of school.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.16-1: LearnerExclusion LearnerExclusion RefId LearnerPersonalRefId Category Reason StartDate StartSession EndDate ActualSessions Appeal AppealDate AppealResult ReinstatementDate HeadTeacherNotificationDate GovernorMeetingDate HearingNoticeOfAppealDate SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 LearnerExclusion This object contains information related to a learner being excluded from one or more sessions of school.  
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of this exclusion. RefIdType
@LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the excluded learner. IdRefType
 CategoryMExclusion category. values:
 ReasonMReason for exclusion. UKExclusionReasonType
 StartDateMDate exclusion takes effect irrespective of any review or appeal. Normally this will not be the same as Date of Leaving (exitDate) and it should be noted that the learner will remain on the schools's roll for a period after this start date. xs:date
 StartSessionMSession to begin exclusion, starting with 1 for the first session of the day. In most cases there are two sessions per day but this is not always the case. Validation: Number between 1 and 10. xs:unsignedInt
 EndDateODate exclusion concludes. xs:date
 ActualSessionsOTotal number of sessions for which the exclusion is in effect. For lunchtime exclusions, each lunchtime for which the exclusion applies is one session. For fixed term and permanent exclusions, this is one session during the school day. For exclusions that are followed by reinstatement the actual, not the planned number of sessions should be recorded. (Exclusion sessions are used only to calculate the total allowable in a term or academic year and are not the same as an attendance session.) xs:unsignedInt
 AppealOIs there an appeal against permanent exclusion? values:
 AppealDateODate for appeal against permanent exclusion. xs:date
 AppealResultOThe result of the appeal against permanent exclusion. values:
Exclusion stands
Reinstatement would be appropriate but not in best interest of learner given other circumstances
 ReinstatementDateODate learner was reinstated, if appropriate. xs:date
 HeadTeacherNotificationDateODate head teacher notified parents, school LA, and home LA (if different) of exclusion. xs:date
 GovernorMeetingDateODate of Governors' meeting with respect to exclusion. xs:date
 HearingNoticeOfAppealDateODate of exclusion hearing/expiration of notice of appeal. xs:date
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.16-1: LearnerExclusion
<LearnerExclusion RefId="BBA61B08DC7D11DB9C010016353E6F4C" LearnerPersonalRefId="2EEC6C90DC7E11DB9C010016353E6F4C"> <Category>FIXD</Category> <Reason>OT</Reason> <StartDate>2006-10-10</StartDate> <StartSession>1</StartSession> <EndDate>2006-10-14</EndDate> <ActualSessions>10</ActualSessions> <Appeal>Yes</Appeal> <AppealDate>2006-10-11</AppealDate> <AppealResult>E</AppealResult> <ReinstatementDate>2006-10-17</ReinstatementDate> <HeadTeacherNotificationDate>2006-10-10</HeadTeacherNotificationDate> <GovernorMeetingDate>2006-10-12</GovernorMeetingDate> <HearingNoticeOfAppealDate>2006-10-12</HearingNoticeOfAppealDate> </LearnerExclusion>
Example 6.5.16-1: LearnerExclusion

6.5.17 LearnerGroupEnrolment

This object contains information about a learner's enrolment in a course (teaching group) or other (class, homeroom or registration) group. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentSectionEnrollment.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.17-1: LearnerGroupEnrolment LearnerGroupEnrolment RefId LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolGroupRefId SchoolYear EntryDate ExitDate SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 LearnerGroupEnrolment This object contains information about a learner's enrolment in a course (teaching group) or other (class, homeroom or registration) group. Compare with US/Canada object: StudentSectionEnrollment 
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this LearnerGroupEnrolment entity. RefIdType
@LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner to whom the enrolment information applies. IdRefType
@SchoolGroupRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the group in which this learner is enroled. IdRefType
 SchoolYearMSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). Where a group membership is valid across multiple years, the current year at the time of publication will be used. SchoolYear
 EntryDateODate from when this enrolment is valid. xs:date
 ExitDateODate on which the learner's enrolment ends or has ended. xs:date
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.17-1: LearnerGroupEnrolment
<LearnerGroupEnrolment RefId="E5571408DC7D11DB9C01001635359C02" LearnerPersonalRefId="9B554C90DC7E11DB9C0100163535DD18" SchoolGroupRefId="83831BA3ECC411DB91D00002B30059EC"> <SchoolYear>2007</SchoolYear> <EntryDate>2006-09-05</EntryDate> <ExitDate>2007-06-28</ExitDate> </LearnerGroupEnrolment>
Example 6.5.17-1: LearnerGroupEnrolment

6.5.18 LearnerPersonal

This object contains personal information related to a learner. As most learners are enroled in the school or establishment publishing this object, basic enrolment information is also provided to aid in overall SIF performance.

Compare with US/Canada object: StudentPersonal.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.18-1: LearnerPersonal LearnerPersonal RefId LocalId AlertMsgList AlertMsg Type MedicalAlertMsgList MedicalAlertMsg Severity PersonalInformation UIPI UPN UPNAllocationDate FormerUPNList UPN ULN FamilyStructure InCare Current Type LAId AtCurrentSchool PersonalEducationPlan ConnexionsAgreement ChildProtectionRegister IsRegistered LAId SiblingRegistered GiftedTalented HomeLA LearnerIdentity ModeOfTravel Pregnant SiblingList Sibling LearnerPersonalRefId UIPI UniformAllowance CurrentSchoolEnrolment LearnerSchoolEnrolmentRefId LAId EstablishmentId NCYearGroup PreviousEstablishmentList PreviousEstablishment EstablishmentId EstablishmentName LAId EntryDate ExitDate ExitType LastSchool SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object contains personal information related to a learner. As most learners are enroled in the school or establishment publishing this object, basic enrolment information is also provided to aid in overall SIF performance.

Compare with US/Canada object: StudentPersonal.

RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner. Note that this GUID may be the same one assigned to this person when this person is either a contact (ContactPersonal) or a member of the workforce (WorkforcePersonal). RefIdType
 LocalIdOThe locally-assigned identifier for this learner. This can be the internal pupil number or any other number as determined by the publishing agent. LocalId
 AlertMsgListO List
 AlertMsgList/AlertMsgMRThis is an alert message that is associated with the person. xs:normalizedString
@TypeMThis attribute specifies what type of alert message this is. values:
 MedicalAlertMsgListO List
MRMedical alert associated with the person. xs:normalizedString
@SeverityMThe level of severity of this medical alert. values:
 PersonalInformationMPersonal name, demographic, address, email, and phone information for this learner. PersonalInformation
 UIPIOUnique Internal Pupil Number. xs:normalizedString
 UPNOUnique Pupil Number (UPN) allocated to each learner in maintained schools in England and Wales. It is an identifier for use in the educational context during a child's school career only and subject to Data Protection restrictions. xs:normalizedString
 UPNAllocationDateODate UPN was allocated by the LA. xs:date
 FormerUPNListOA list of former UPN's assigned to the learner, since it is possible that a learner could have more than one assigned. List
 FormerUPNList/UPNMRA former UPN assigned to the pupil whilst at a school (eg temporary UPN was allocated when the pupil was first admitted to the school but subsequently replaced by the permanent UPN being retrieved from a previous school). xs:normalizedString
 ULNOUnique Learner Number (ULN), a 10-digit number where zero is not allowed as the leading digit. xs:normalizedString
 FamilyStructureOIndicates type of family structure learner is living in. UKFamilyStructureType
 InCareMInformation relating to whether the learner is "looked after" as defined by the Children Act 1989, which refers to children who are subject to care orders and those who are accommodated.  
 InCare/CurrentMIndicates if the learner is "looked after" currently. values:
 InCare/TypeOType of care the learner is in (eg fostering, children's home). UKInCareTypeType
 InCare/LAIdMThe 'originating' authority where the learner was originally placed in public care and which looks after the child for the purposes of the Children Act 1989. LAId
 InCare/AtCurrentSchoolOIndicates if the learner has ever been in care while at this school. values:
OIndicates if the learner in care has a personal education plan. values:
 ConnexionsAgreementOIndicates if parents have consented to allow learner data to be shared with Connexions (Middle, Secondary and Special Schools only). UKConnexionsAgreementType
 ChildProtectionRegisterOInformation relating to the Child Protection Register as it pertains to this learner.  
MIndicates if the learner has been registered on the Child Protection Register. values:
OThe LA in which the learner was registered for protection. LAId
OIndicates if the learner has a sibling that is also on the Child Protection Register. values:
 GiftedTalentedOLearner qualifies for Gifted/Talented status. values:
 HomeLAOThe LA in which the learner lives but not necessarily the one in which they attend school. LAId
 LearnerIdentityOClassification of national identity. (Wales) UKLearnerIdentityType
 ModeOfTravelOThe usual mode of travel normally used by the learner for the greater part (in distance) of the journey to and from school. UKUsualModeOfTravelType
 PregnantOLearner is pregnant. values:
 SiblingListOList of siblings also in same school. List
 SiblingList/SiblingMRA sibling of this learner in the same school.  
MThe ID (GUID) of the LearnerPersonal record for this sibling. IdRefType
 SiblingList/Sibling/UIPIMThe Unique Internal Pupil Number for a sibling of this learner. xs:normalizedString
 UniformAllowanceOLearner is paid a uniform allowance. values:
 CurrentSchoolEnrolmentOThis container reflects key enrolment data for the current or current main (home) school or establishment linked to a learner. This element is required except when there is no current enrolment for the learner within the school or establishment. It must also accurately reflect the data in the corresponding LearnerSchoolEnrolment object and generate change events for this object when change events are detected for LearnerSchoolEnrolment.  
@LearnerSchoolEnrolmentRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the LearnerSchoolEnrolment record associated with this learner that is also designated as the current or current main enrolment. IdRefType
MThe DfES assigned number for the LA in which the learner is currently enroled with respect to their current or current main (home) school. LAId
MThe DfES assigned number for the school or establishment in which the learner is currently enroled with respect to their current or current main (home) school. EstablishmentId
MThe current or most recent National Curriculum Year Group of the learner in the LA. NCYearGroup
 PreviousEstablishmentListOA list of known previous schools or establishments. List
ORA previous school or establishment.  
OEstablishment Number for this school EstablishmentId
OSchool's name as indicated on the Annual Schools Census. xs:normalizedString
OThe 3-digit LA number assigned by DfES. LAId
OThe date the learner entered this school or establishment. xs:date
OThe date the learner exited this school or establishment. xs:date
OCode indicating the type of exit from this school or establishment. UKLeavingReasonType
OAn indication of whether the described school or establishment was the last establishment the learner attended. Note that it is possible that more than one establishment can be marked as LastSchool when a learner is enroled in more than one school simultaneously. values:
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.18-1: LearnerPersonal
<LearnerPersonal RefId="53E6F4C0109FDE4DC7E11DB9C0100163"> <LocalId>032134</LocalId> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="B"> <FamilyName>Harris</FamilyName> <GivenName>Sonya</GivenName> <PreferredFamilyName>Harris</PreferredFamilyName> <PreferredGivenName>Sonya</PreferredGivenName> </Name> <Demographics> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <Code>WENG</Code> <Source>P</Source> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <Gender>F</Gender> <BirthDate>1990-06-23</BirthDate> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>ENG</Code> <TypeList> <Type>F</Type> </TypeList> </Language> </LanguageList> </Demographics> <Email Type="School">sonya.harris@myschool.co.uk</Email> <Address Type="Current"> <PAON> <StartNumber>17</StartNumber> </PAON> <Street>Bushmaster Close</Street> <Town>Castle Vale</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Birmingham</AdministrativeArea> <PostCode>B35 7PH</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </Address> </PersonalInformation> <UPN>F330950043367</UPN> <UPNAllocationDate>2001-08-27</UPNAllocationDate> <FormerUPNList> <UPN>C936846321107</UPN> </FormerUPNList> <ULN>1234567890</ULN> <FamilyStructure>A</FamilyStructure> <InCare> <Current>No</Current> <Type>WP</Type> <LAId>330</LAId> <AtCurrentSchool>Yes</AtCurrentSchool> <PersonalEducationPlan>No</PersonalEducationPlan> </InCare> <ConnexionsAgreement>Yes</ConnexionsAgreement> <ChildProtectionRegister> <IsRegistered>Yes</IsRegistered> <LAId>330</LAId> <SiblingRegistered>No</SiblingRegistered> </ChildProtectionRegister> <GiftedTalented>No</GiftedTalented> <HomeLA>330</HomeLA> <LearnerIdentity>ENG</LearnerIdentity> <Pregnant>No</Pregnant> <SiblingList> <Sibling> <LearnerPersonalRefId>6219B1684CF9B799640234CBB9992134</LearnerPersonalRefId> <UIPI>034887</UIPI> </Sibling> </SiblingList> <UniformAllowance>No</UniformAllowance> <CurrentSchoolEnrolment LearnerSchoolEnrolmentRefId="010C6038DC7E11DB9C010016353E6F4C"> <LAId>330</LAId> <EstablishmentId>5530</EstablishmentId> <NCYearGroup>9</NCYearGroup> </CurrentSchoolEnrolment> <PreviousEstablishmentList> <PreviousEstablishment> <EstablishmentId>2117</EstablishmentId> <EstablishmentName>Allbury Primary School</EstablishmentName> <LAId>936</LAId> <EntryDate>1999-08-20</EntryDate> <ExitDate>2001-06-14</ExitDate> <ExitType>MS</ExitType> <LastSchool>Yes</LastSchool> </PreviousEstablishment> </PreviousEstablishmentList> </LearnerPersonal>
Example 6.5.18-1: LearnerPersonal

6.5.19 LearnerSchoolEnrolment

This object defines information related to a learner's enrolment within a particular school or establishment.The current status on an enrolment is based on EntryDate and ExitDate. Future enrolments are supported where EntryDate is in the future. ExitDate may also be specified as a future occurance.

The publisher of this object must respond to all queries given EntryDate and ExitDate, when specified.

Compare with US/Canada object: StudentSchoolEnrollment.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.19-1: LearnerSchoolEnrolment LearnerSchoolEnrolment RefId LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolInfoRefId MembershipType EntryDate NCYearGroupActual ClassType ExitDate ExitType Code Destination Code LAId EstablishmentId Name Sessions FTPTStatus Boarder AlternativeTuition Category StartDate EndDate TotalHours ProvisionType SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object defines information related to a learner's enrolment within a particular school or establishment.The current status on an enrolment is based on EntryDate and ExitDate. Future enrolments are supported where EntryDate is in the future. ExitDate may also be specified as a future occurance.

The publisher of this object must respond to all queries given EntryDate and ExitDate, when specified.

Compare with US/Canada object: StudentSchoolEnrollment.

RefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a particular enrolment. RefIdType
@LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner to whom this information is linked. IdRefType
@SchoolInfoRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the school to which this enrolment applies. IdRefType
@MembershipTypeMThe type of this enrolment as it relates to the school identified by SchoolInfoRefId. UKLearnerEnrolmentStatusType
 EntryDateMThe date from when this enrolment is valid. xs:date
 NCYearGroupActualMThe year group in which the learner is taught for the majority of their time, regardless of their chronological age. NCYearGroup
 ClassTypeOIndicates if the learner is in a nursery class. Must be set to 'O' if age on August 31 is >= 6. UKClassTypeType
 ExitDateCThe ending date of this enrolment. If the learner has exited before the end of the school year, ExitDate must have a value. xs:date
 ExitType/CodeMCode indicating the type of exit for this enrolment. UKLeavingReasonType
 ExitType/DestinationODescribes the destination of this learner upon exit.  
MCode indicating the destination type. UKLeavingDestinationType
OThe LA number for destination school or college. LAId
OThe DfES number for destination school or college. EstablishmentId
OName of institution/employer of learner's destination. xs:normalizedString
 SessionsONumber of learner sessions (half days) per week. A maximum of 10 is possible per week. xs:unsignedInt
 FTPTStatusOAn indication of whether the learner is enroled only part time. values:
 BoarderOIndicates whether the learner is a boarder at the school or not. UKBoarderTypeType
 AlternativeTuitionODescribes any alternative tuition received by the learner.  
MReason for alternative tuition. UKTuitionCategoryType
MBeginning date for alternative tuition. xs:date
OEnd date for alternative tuition. xs:date
OThe total number of hours provided for with the tuition. xs:unsignedInt
MAlternative tuition provision type. UKAlternativeTuitionProvisionTypeType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.19-1: LearnerSchoolEnrolment
<LearnerSchoolEnrolment RefId="2545531BECC511DB91D00002B3E94955" LearnerPersonalRefId="2542F0C3ECC511DB91D00002B3E94955" SchoolInfoRefId="CAF16713ECC411DB91D00002B3E94955" MembershipType="P"> <EntryDate>2005-09-07</EntryDate> <NCYearGroupActual>1</NCYearGroupActual> <ClassType>O</ClassType> <ExitDate>2006-02-14</ExitDate> <ExitType> <Code>ST</Code> <Destination> <Code>MP</Code> <LAId>330</LAId> <EstablishmentId>2810</EstablishmentId> <Name>Thomas Holmes Primary School</Name> </Destination> </ExitType> <Sessions>10</Sessions> <FTPTStatus>No</FTPTStatus> <Boarder>B</Boarder> <AlternativeTuition> <Category>IL</Category> <StartDate>2005-09-07</StartDate> <EndDate>2006-02-14</EndDate> <TotalHours>103</TotalHours> <ProvisionType>HSP</ProvisionType> </AlternativeTuition> </LearnerSchoolEnrolment>
Example 6.5.19-1: LearnerSchoolEnrolment

6.5.20 LearnerSpecialNeeds

This object contains information regarding a special education need (SEN) for a learner when provisioned within a school or establishment. A new object exists for each provision. The current status of any provision can be determined by querying StartDate and EndDate. Both dates are allowed to be in the future. The publisher of this object must support queries on these dates.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.20-1: LearnerSpecialNeeds LearnerSpecialNeeds RefId LearnerPersonalRefId SchoolInfoRefId UnitMember ResourcedProvisionMember NextReviewDate Provision StartDate EndDate SENTypeList SENType Ranking AdviceAndAssessmentLevel GroupingAndSupportLevel SpecialisedResourcesLevel TeachingMethodsLevel EmbeddedBasicSkillsSupport LiteracyLevelStart LiteracyLevelEnd NumeracyLevelStart NumeracyLevelEnd NationalCurriculumList NationalCurriculum Modification Subject MedicalFlag ParamedicalSupport MedicalNotes SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object contains information regarding a special education need (SEN) for a learner when provisioned within a school or establishment. A new object exists for each provision. The current status of any provision can be determined by querying StartDate and EndDate. Both dates are allowed to be in the future. The publisher of this object must support queries on these dates.

@RefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a learner special need (provision). RefIdType
@LearnerPersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the learner with special educational needs. IdRefType
@SchoolInfoRefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the school provisioned to work with the learner's special needs. IdRefType
 UnitMemberOIs this learner with special education needs (SEN) in a mainstream school a member of an SEN Unit (sometimes called special class)? values:
 ResourcedProvisionMemberOIs this learner with special education needs (SEN) in a mainstream school a member of a resourced provision? values:
 NextReviewDateODate of learner's next SEN review. xs:date
 ProvisionMA provision (stage) accommodated for this learner within this school. UKSENProvisionType
 StartDateMDate when learner was placed on the current SEN stage. Date may be in the future. xs:date
 EndDateODate when learner finished this SEN stage. Assumed to be current unless a date in the past is specified here. xs:date
 SENTypeListOA list of Special Educational Needs types for this learner. Note that each SEN type must have its own unique ranking, and all rankings must be consecutive starting with 1. List
 SENTypeList/SENTypeMRThe code for a Special Educational Need (type) for this learner.  UKSENTypeType
@RankingMA value (starting at 1) indicating the order of significance of special educational need in relation to other SEN types listed here. xs:unsignedInt
 AdviceAndAssessmentLevelOLevel of provision for Advice and Assessment. (Wales) UKAdviceAndAssessmentWalesType
 GroupingAndSupportLevelOLevel of provision for Grouping and Support. (Wales) UKGroupingAndSupportWalesType
 SpecialisedResourcesLevelOLevel of provision for Specialised Resources. (Wales) UKSpecialisedResourcesWalesType
 TeachingMethodsLevelOLevel of provision for Curriculum and Teaching Methods. (Wales) UKCurriculumAndTeachingMethodsWalesType
 EmbeddedBasicSkillsSupportOProvision of Embedded Basic Skills support beyond the attainment of formal qualification. union of:

 LiteracyLevelStartOLevel of literacy at start of this SEN stage. (Wales) xs:normalizedString
 LiteracyLevelEndOLevel of literacy achieved by the end of this SEN stage. (Wales) xs:normalizedString
 NumeracyLevelStartOLevel of numeracy at start of this SEN stage. (Wales) xs:normalizedString
 NumeracyLevelEndOLevel of numeracy achieved by the end of this SEN stage. (Wales) xs:normalizedString
 NationalCurriculumListOA list of National Curriculum subjects that have been modified or disapplied for this Learner. List
MRA National Curriculum subject that has been modified or disapplied for this Learner.  
MHow is the National Curriculum used for this learner? values:
MNational Curriculum subject(s) for which modification or disapplication applies. UKGeneralSubjectType
 MedicalFlagOIs there medical information on this Learner? values:
 ParamedicalSupportOType of therapy needed by Learner. values:
Speech Therapy
Occupational Therapy
 MedicalNotesOSummary of learner's medical condition. xs:normalizedString
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.20-1: LearnerSpecialNeeds
<LearnerSpecialNeeds RefId="B3E949552545531BECC511DB91D00002" LearnerPersonalRefId="B7865180DC7E11DB9C010016353E6F4C" SchoolInfoRefId="3A35946CDC7D11DB9C010016353E6F4C"> <UnitMember>Yes</UnitMember> <ResourcedProvisionMember>Yes</ResourcedProvisionMember> <NextReviewDate>2007-05-25</NextReviewDate> <Provision>A</Provision> <StartDate>2006-09-01</StartDate> <EndDate>2007-06-30</EndDate> <SENTypeList> <SENType Ranking="1">MLD</SENType> </SENTypeList> <AdviceAndAssessmentLevel>AA3</AdviceAndAssessmentLevel> <GroupingAndSupportLevel>GS2</GroupingAndSupportLevel> <SpecialisedResourcesLevel>SR1</SpecialisedResourcesLevel> <TeachingMethodsLevel>CT3</TeachingMethodsLevel> <EmbeddedBasicSkillsSupport>01</EmbeddedBasicSkillsSupport> <LiteracyLevelStart>4</LiteracyLevelStart> <LiteracyLevelEnd /> <NumeracyLevelStart>3</NumeracyLevelStart> <NumeracyLevelEnd /> <NationalCurriculumList> <NationalCurriculum> <Modification>M</Modification> <Subject>PRI</Subject> </NationalCurriculum> </NationalCurriculumList> <MedicalFlag>No</MedicalFlag> <ParamedicalSupport>S</ParamedicalSupport> <MedicalNotes>Pupil must be monitored constantly.</MedicalNotes> </LearnerSpecialNeeds>
Example 6.5.20-1: LearnerSpecialNeeds

6.5.21 PersonPicture

This object either contains or references a person's picture. Compare with US/Canada objects: StudentPicture and EmployeePicture.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.21-1: PersonPicture PersonPicture PersonRefId SIF_RefObjectList SIF_RefObject SchoolYear PictureSource Type OKToPublish SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 PersonPicture This object either contains or references a person's picture. Compare with US/Canada objects: StudentPicture and EmployeePicture 
PersonRefIdMThis is the GUID of the person whose picture this is. It is important to note that using the same GUID a person may have a LearnerPersonal record, a WorkforcePersonal record, and a ContactPersonal record all at the same time. This same picture is applicable regardless of the associated object type(s). IdRefType
 SIF_RefObjectListMRA list of one or more "personal" object type codes representing objects that can be requested for this person using the specified PersonRefId. List
MThe name of a "personal" object that can be requested for this person using the specified PersonRefId. values:
 SchoolYearMSchool year for which this picture is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). SchoolYear
 PictureSourceMThis element defines the picture. If the Type attribute is URL, this is the location of the picture in [JPEG] format; if Type is JPEG, this is the [JPEG] image data encoded using the Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding defined in Section 6.8 of [RFC 2045]. URIOrBinaryType
@TypeMThe way the picture is specified (URL or JPEG). values:
 OKToPublishOCan the picture be published? values:
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.21-1: PersonPicture
<PersonPicture PersonRefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652"> <SIF_RefObjectList> <SIF_RefObject>LearnerPersonal</SIF_RefObject> </SIF_RefObjectList> <SchoolYear>2007</SchoolYear> <PictureSource Type="URL">http://www.schoolsite.com/pictures/1999/1234.jpg</PictureSource> <OKToPublish>Yes</OKToPublish> </PersonPicture>
Example 6.5.21-1: PersonPicture

6.5.22 SchoolGroup

This object describes a specific group and includes resource and time tabling information. All groups are based upon a SchoolGroupType record. However, there are courses which are not based upon any subject area and likewise may not have any teachers or other staff assigned. Compare with US/Canada object: SectionInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.22-1: SchoolGroup SchoolGroup RefId SchoolGroupTypeRefId SchoolYear LocalId GroupName Description ParentSchoolGroupRefId ScheduleInfoList ScheduleInfo TeacherList Teacher WorkforcePersonalRefId Role SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 SchoolGroup This object describes a specific group and includes resource and time tabling information. All groups are based upon a SchoolGroupType record. However, there are courses which are not based upon any subject area and likewise may not have any teachers or other staff assigned. Compare with US/Canada object: SectionInfo 
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this group entity. RefIdType
@SchoolGroupTypeRefIdMThe ID (GUID) that identifies a course upon which this group is centered. Note that this element is mandatory when GroupType is associated with a course (teaching group). IdRefType
@SchoolYearMSchool year for which the group is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). Where a group membership is valid across multiple years, the current year at the time of publication will be used. SchoolYear
 LocalIdMThe locally-assigned (unique) identifier for this group. LocalId
 GroupNameMThe name associated with this group for display purposes. xs:normalizedString
 DescriptionOA textual description. xs:normalizedString
 ParentSchoolGroupRefIdOThe parent group associated with this group, if any. IdRefType
 ScheduleInfoListO List
MRThe schedule-related information for a section repeating for each term in which the section is scheduled.  
OA list of teachers, staff, or other non-learners associated with this group. List
MRA teacher, staff, or other non-learner associated with this group.  
@WorkforcePersonalRefIdMThe ID (GUID) of a teacher, staff member, or other employee participating in a non-learner capacity within this group. IdRefType
OThe role associated with this person in the context of this group. UKGroupRoleType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.22-1: SchoolGroup
<SchoolGroup RefId="448CCF34A4B54757B09E4BB37DE69CB1" SchoolGroupTypeRefId="900B4180DC7E11DB9C0100163564AA14" SchoolYear="2007"> <LocalId>SCI200</LocalId> <GroupName>Natural Science II</GroupName> <Description>Exploration of natural sciences, 2nd Year</Description> <ScheduleInfoList> <ScheduleInfo> <TeacherList> <Teacher WorkforcePersonalRefId="5EE44B359D75101A8C3D00AA001B7B89"> <Role>TCH</Role> </Teacher> <Teacher WorkforcePersonalRefId="3D00AA001B7B895EE44B359D75101A8C"> <Role>SUP</Role> </Teacher> </TeacherList> </ScheduleInfo> </ScheduleInfoList> </SchoolGroup>
Example 6.5.22-1: SchoolGroup

6.5.23 SchoolGroupType

This object describes a high-level course or class grouping organised and/or taught within a school or establishment. Note that not all courses are based upon a subject area. One such course is "Class Group" which is the same as a homeroom or registration group. Compare with US/Canada object: SchoolCourseInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.23-1: SchoolGroupType SchoolGroupType RefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear GroupType Code Title Description SubjectAreaList SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 SchoolGroupType This object describes a high-level course or class grouping organised and/or taught within a school or establishment. Note that not all courses are based upon a subject area. One such course is "Class Group" which is the same as a homeroom or registration group. Compare with US/Canada object: SchoolCourseInfo 
RefIdMThe GUID that uniquely identifies a school course. RefIdType
@SchoolInfoRefIdMThe ID (GUID) that references the school or establishment where the course is offered or the registration group exists. IdRefType
@SchoolYearMSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). Where a group membership is valid across multiple years, the current year at the time of publication will be used. SchoolYear
@GroupTypeMThe group type. Teaching groups are used to teach subjects while other groups are organised for various other reasons. values:
Generic Group
Registration/Class Group
Teaching (course) Group
 CodeOThe school defined local code for the group (or course). xs:normalizedString
 TitleOTitle associated with this group. xs:normalizedString
 DescriptionOTextual description for the group. xs:normalizedString
 SubjectAreaListOSubject matter areas taught as part of the course, if any. SubjectAreaList
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.23-1: SchoolGroupType
<SchoolGroupType RefId="900B4180DC7E11DB9C0100163564AA14" SchoolInfoRefId="D6F60F2862CA460BAA95E57AB49CBE88" SchoolYear="2007" GroupType="T"> <Code>NSCI</Code> <Title>Natural Science Studies</Title> <Description>General classification for all study of the natural sciences</Description> <SubjectAreaList> <SubjectArea>ASC</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>BIO</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>CHM</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>CSB</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>CSC</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>CSP</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>ENV</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>GLG</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>PHY</SubjectArea> <SubjectArea>SCI</SubjectArea> </SubjectAreaList> </SchoolGroupType>
Example 6.5.23-1: SchoolGroupType

6.5.24 SchoolInfo

This object contains basic information about a school or other educational establishment. Compare with US/Canada object with the same name.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.24-1: SchoolInfo SchoolInfo RefId LAInfoRefId LocalId EstablishmentId LAId SchoolName SchoolFullName URN SchoolURL SchoolAddress AddressList SchoolPhoneNumber OtherPhoneNumberList SchoolEmail SchoolContactList HeadTeacherInfo ContactName ContactTitle Phase SchoolType Governance Intake NCYearGroupList GenderOfEntry GenderSixthForm Boarders SessionsPerDay Nursery Special OperationalStatus SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 SchoolInfo This object contains basic information about a school or other educational establishment. Compare with US/Canada object with the same name.  
RefIdMThe GUID that identifies this school. RefIdType
@LAInfoRefIdOThe ID (GUID) assigned to the LA of which this school is a member. IdRefType
 LocalIdOAn ID assigned by the publishing agent for this school or establishment. This may be set to any value. xs:normalizedString
 EstablishmentIdMDfES Establishment Number for this school. EstablishmentId
 LAIdMThe 3-digit LA number assigned by DfES. LAId
 SchoolNameMSchool's name as indicated on the Annual Schools Census. xs:normalizedString
 SchoolFullNameOSchool's full name as stated in the Instrument of Government. xs:normalizedString
 URNOSchool Unique Reference Number. This number is an alternate to the Establishment Number. SchoolURN
 SchoolURLOURL for the school. SchoolURL
 SchoolAddressOThe school's published address. Address
 AddressListOOther addresses associated with the school. AddressList
 SchoolPhoneNumberOThe main phone number for this school/establishment. PhoneNumber
 OtherPhoneNumberListOA list of the school's phone numbers. PhoneNumberList
 SchoolEmailOSchool's email address for general correspondence. Email
 SchoolContactListOA list of contacts at the school. ContactList
 HeadTeacherInfoOName and title fo the school's Head Teacher.  
MThe name of the head Teacher. xs:normalizedString
OThe official title of the Head Teacher. xs:normalizedString
 PhaseOThe high level code indicating the level of the educational institution. UKPhaseTypeType
 SchoolTypeOAn indication of the level of the educational institution. UKSchoolTypeType
 GovernanceOGovernance afforded to this school. UKGovernanceTypeType
 IntakeOIntake type. values:
Selective (Grammar)
Secondary Modern
Selective (Technical)
Religious School
 NCYearGroupListOCollection of National Curriculum Year Groups offered in this school or establishment. NCYearGroupList
 GenderOfEntryOGender of learners allowed for entry to school. values:
Female only
Male only
 GenderSixthFormOGender of learners allowed for entry to Sixth Form. values:
Female only
Male only
blank = HighestNCYear less than 12
 BoardersOIndicates whether the school supports boarders or not. values:
 SessionsPerDayMThe number of sessions in the usual school day (usually two). xs:unsignedInt
 NurseryOIndicates whether the school maintains a nursery class or not. Must be NO if Phase is set to MP, MS or SY. Must be YES if Phase is set to NY or EY. values:
 SpecialOIndicates whether the school has a special class/unit or not. Must be Yes if Phase = SP. Any details will be stored in the associated SchoolInfoDetail object. values:
 OperationalStatusOOperational condition of a school. UKOperationalStatusType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.24-1: SchoolInfo
<SchoolInfo RefId="D6F60F2862CA460BAA95E57AB49CBE88" LAInfoRefId="81559915646EBEC342277E6D2AA5EAEA"> <LocalId>005415</LocalId> <EstablishmentId>5415</EstablishmentId> <LAId>330</LAId> <SchoolName>King's Norton Boys' School</SchoolName> <SchoolFullName>King's Norton Boys' School</SchoolFullName> <SchoolURL>www.kingsnortonboys.bham.sch.uk</SchoolURL> <SchoolAddress Type="Current"> <PAON> <Description>Main Office</Description> </PAON> <Street>Northfield Road</Street> <Town>Birmingham</Town> <PostCode>B30 1DY</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </SchoolAddress> <SchoolPhoneNumber Type="W"> <Number>01216280010</Number> <ListedStatus>Listed</ListedStatus> </SchoolPhoneNumber> <OtherPhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="F"> <Number>01216280080</Number> </PhoneNumber> </OtherPhoneNumberList> <SchoolEmail Type="Business">enquiry@kingsnortonboys.bham.sch.uk</SchoolEmail> <HeadTeacherInfo> <ContactName>Mr. Roy Baylis</ContactName> <ContactTitle>Head Teacher</ContactTitle> </HeadTeacherInfo> <Phase>SY</Phase> <SchoolType>39</SchoolType> <Governance>FO</Governance> <Intake>SEL3</Intake> <NCYearGroupList> <NCYearGroup>7</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>8</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>9</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>10</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>11</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>12</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>13</NCYearGroup> <NCYearGroup>14</NCYearGroup> </NCYearGroupList> <GenderOfEntry>M</GenderOfEntry> <GenderSixthForm>M</GenderSixthForm> <Boarders>No</Boarders> <SessionsPerDay>2</SessionsPerDay> <Nursery>No</Nursery> <Special>No</Special> <OperationalStatus>1</OperationalStatus> </SchoolInfo>
Example 6.5.24-1: SchoolInfo

6.5.25 TermInfo

This object provides information about a term; i.e., a reportable period of time. Compare with US/Canada object: TermInfo.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.25-1: TermInfo TermInfo RefId SchoolInfoRefId SchoolYear StartDate EndDate Description TermCode TermsPerYear MarkingTerm SchedulingTerm AttendanceTerm SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 TermInfo This object provides information about a term; i.e., a reportable period of time. Compare with US/Canada object: TermInfo 
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies this TermInfo entity. RefIdType
@SchoolInfoRefIdMThe ID (GUID) that identifies the school where the term is used. IdRefType
 SchoolYearMSchool year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. 2007 for the 2006/07 school year). Where a group membership is valid across multiple years, the current year at the time of publication will be used. SchoolYear
 StartDateMStarting date of the term. xs:date
 EndDateMEnding date of the term. xs:date
 DescriptionOText-based description of the term. xs:normalizedString
 TermCodeOLocally-defined code. Use 'AUT', 'SPR', or 'SUM' for a 3 term year. Otherwise specify the term number within the year. xs:normalizedString
 TermsPerYearOThe number of terms in a given year (3-6). xs:unsignedInt
 MarkingTermODoes this TermInfo represent a marking period? values:
 SchedulingTermODoes this TermInfo represent a scheduling term? values:
 AttendanceTermODoes this TermInfo represent an attendance term? values:
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.25-1: TermInfo
<TermInfo RefId="7E59D75101A80A70016375DE097A0726" SchoolInfoRefId="A2E35B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A0000"> <SchoolYear>2007</SchoolYear> <StartDate>2007-01-05</StartDate> <EndDate>2007-04-01</EndDate> <Description>Spring Term 2007</Description> <TermCode>SPR</TermCode> <TermsPerYear>3</TermsPerYear> <MarkingTerm>Yes</MarkingTerm> <SchedulingTerm>Yes</SchedulingTerm> <AttendanceTerm>Yes</AttendanceTerm> </TermInfo>
Example 6.5.25-1: TermInfo

6.5.26 WorkforcePersonal

This object contains key personal information relating to a workforce member, who might be a teacher or other employee of the school or LA. Compare with US/Canada objects: EmployeePersonal and StaffPersonal.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 6.5.26-1: WorkforcePersonal WorkforcePersonal RefId LocalId AlertMsgList AlertMsg Type MedicalAlertMsgList MedicalAlertMsg Severity PersonalInformation TeacherNumber NINumber CurrentAssignmentList CurrentAssignment LAId EstablishmentId Posts Post SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 WorkforcePersonal This object contains key personal information relating to a workforce member, who might be a teacher or other employee of the school or LA. Compare with US/Canada objects: EmployeePersonal and StaffPersonal 
RefIdMThe ID (GUID) of the workforce member. Note that the same GUID may be assigned to this person when they are also a learner (via LearnerPersonal) and/or a contact (via ContactPersonal). RefIdType
 LocalIdMThe locally-assigned identifier for this workforce member. LocalId
 AlertMsgListO List
 AlertMsgList/AlertMsgMRThis is an alert message that is associated with the person. xs:normalizedString
@TypeMThis attribute specifies what type of alert message this is. values:
 MedicalAlertMsgListO List
MRMedical alert associated with the person. xs:normalizedString
@SeverityMThe level of severity of this medical alert. values:
 PersonalInformationMPersonal name, demographic, address, email, and phone information for this person. PersonalInformation
 TeacherNumberOThe DfES Teacher Reference number. For those who have one this is a unique number. xs:normalizedString
 NINumberONational Insurance Number. Do not specify temporary numbers. Format: AAnnnnnnA xs:normalizedString
 CurrentAssignmentListOA list of assignments associated with a workforce member, including school and role. This list serves as a quick lookup for information relating to a workforce member's postings or assignments to an LA, School, or other establishment. An agent will operate more eficiently if the data represented here is sufficient. Otherwise, it will be necessary for the agent to also request the WorkforceAssignment object(s). List
MRA workforce member's assignment.  
OThe DfES assigned number for the LA in which the workforce member is working, if associated. LAId
OThe DfES assigned number for the school or establishment in which the workforce member is working. Note that the school may not necessarily be in the same LA listed as the LAId. EstablishmentId
OA list of posts that are applicable to the workforce member's association with this school or LA. List
MRThe post assigned to the workforce member in the context of the school or LA. UKAssignmentPostType
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 6.5.26-1: WorkforcePersonal
<WorkforcePersonal RefId="A8C3D5EE44B359D7510100AA001B7B89"> <LocalId>593117</LocalId> <PersonalInformation> <Name Type="B"> <FamilyName>Thaxton</FamilyName> <GivenName>Joy</GivenName> <PreferredFamilyName>Thaxton</PreferredFamilyName> <PreferredGivenName>Joy</PreferredGivenName> </Name> <Demographics> <EthnicityList> <Ethnicity> <Code>WENG</Code> <Source>O</Source> </Ethnicity> </EthnicityList> <Gender>F</Gender> <BirthDate>1974-09-12</BirthDate> <LanguageList> <Language> <Code>ENG</Code> <TypeList> <Type>F</Type> </TypeList> </Language> </LanguageList> </Demographics> <Email Type="School">joy.thaxton@myschool.sch.uk</Email> <Address Type="Current"> <PAON> <StartNumber>94</StartNumber> </PAON> <Street>Middleton Way</Street> <Town>Erdington</Town> <AdministrativeArea>Birmingham</AdministrativeArea> <PostCode>B21 4SY</PostCode> <Country>GBR</Country> </Address> </PersonalInformation> <TeacherNumber>U002738664</TeacherNumber> <NINumber>CF344902B</NINumber> <CurrentAssignmentList> <CurrentAssignment> <LAId>330</LAId> <EstablishmentId>4033</EstablishmentId> <Posts> <Post>MUSS</Post> </Posts> </CurrentAssignment> </CurrentAssignmentList> </WorkforcePersonal>
Example 6.5.26-1: WorkforcePersonal

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