The Facility and Energy Management Project Team is responsible for the planning and designing of data objects for energy usage
The Facility and Energy Management objects are used to report energy usage and associated environmental information; and to convey the results of the analysis of that information in standardized reports. The Energy Usage Object provides multiple information sources with the opportunity to publish time-based events containing Energy Usage data for a school building or facility. This information includes:
The primary goal of this object is to allow maximum flexibility in the ways in which a SIF Zone may be utilized to gather energy management data published by multiple sources, while leaving it to the Energy Analysis program (the subscriber) to take the varied data events issued in conformance with this SIF standard, and correlate them into a unified format which it can use. In general this will involve storing the information in the equivalent of an Energy Management longitudinal data system (LDS).
Please see Appendix E: Energy Management Notes for more detail about this object.
Figure 3.7.1-1: EnergyUsageElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
EnergyUsage | This object contains energy usage information for an energy location. | |||
@ | RefId | M | A GUID that identifies an instance of this object. This RefId is a “transient” value; that is, it SHOULD be generated by the provider at the time the object is provided in a Response message. This value MUST NOT be used in a later Request for the object. | RefIdType |
UsageLocationInfo | M | Complex element containing the location of where measurements apply to. | ||
UsageLocationInfo/SchoolId | M | urn:sif:school:xxx.yyy.zzz where xxx.yyy.zzz is a structure that reading left to right starts with the most specific identification (school location) and works rightward to identify the higher levels. e.g., urn:sif:school:AcmeMiddleSchool1.CoyoteDistrict.Arizona. | URIOrBinaryType | |
UsageLocationInfo/Building | O | Name of the School Building. | xs:string | |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone | O | Complex element refining and narrowing the location of the contained readings within the School/Building. | ||
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ Type | M | Complex type of the facility or location supported by the Energy Zone. | ||
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ Type/Facility | C | Type of educational facility. Either the faciity type or the description must be provided. | values:
| |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ Type/Description | C | Description of type of educational facility. Either the faciity type or the description must be provided. Used when location type is not covered by prefixed values in enumerated facility type list. | xs:string | |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ EnergyZoneName | M | Text description of Energy Zone Area to which readings will apply. Examples | xs:string | |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ TagList | O | List of energy zone identifiers (each consisting of a Name and Value). | List | |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ TagList/Tag | OR | An energy zone identifier. Could include “SensorGroup”, or individual SensorId”, or anything else. | ||
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ TagList/Tag/Name | M | Name of the Tag. | xs:string | |
UsageLocationInfo/EnergyZone/ TagList/Tag/Value | O | Value of the Tag. | xs:string | |
DataSource | O | The description of the source of the measurements. | ||
DataSource/System | M | Identifier of the reporting system. | xs:string | |
DataSource/StartTime | M | Start time of measurements that follow. | xs:dateTime | |
DataSource/ReadingDataList | M | List of ReadingData. | List | |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData | MR | Complex element defining a set of parameters that apply to all the actual readings that follow. | ||
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/Measurement | M | Measurement type. | values:
| |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/SensorId | O | Identification of internal meter or data source. | xs:string | |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/Interval | O | Time in seconds between Measurements. | xs:unsignedInt | |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/EnergyUnits | M | One of enumerated list of unit types for energy readings (temperature, electrical energy usage, gas usage and the price for both). | values:
| |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/ReadingName | O | Description of collection of readings. | xs:string | |
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/ReadingList | O | Collection of reported data readings, in time order. | ||
DataSource/ReadingDataList/ ReadingData/ReadingList/Reading | OR | Values for the energy readings for each interval. | xs:decimal | |
@ | IntervalIndex | OR | Interval number when reading was taken. | xs:unsignedInt |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |