The Assessment Working Group concentrates on ensuring that assessment results can be made available in a timely manner and that the results are transmitted in a meaningful manner.
An assessment measures a student's progress and learning on specific academic standards.
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.1-1: AssessmentElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
Assessment | ||||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies this object. | RefIdType |
Name | M | Name of the test. | xs:normalizedString | |
AssessmentId | O | The state, local or publisher unique Id for the assessment. | xs:normalizedString | |
AssessmentPackageRefId | O | IdRefType | ||
AssessmentDescriptors | O | Describes what type of assessment this represents. | List | |
AssessmentDescriptors/AssessmentDescriptor | OR | union of: NCES0067AssessmentTypeType additional values:
| ||
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
This object represents an assessment event. It includes information related to the time of administration, place of administration, and unusual events related to the administration.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.2-1: AssessmentAdministrationElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentAdministration | This object represents an assessment event. It includes information related to the time of administration, place of administration, and unusual events related to the administration. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
@ | AssessmentFormRefId | M | The RefId of the assessment form used in the assessment administration. | IdRefType |
AdministrationName | O | xs:normalizedString | ||
SpecialConditions | O | Special conditions or unusual events related to the administration event. | ActionList (SpecialCondition/@Code) | |
SpecialConditions/SpecialCondition | MR | A text description of the special condition. Examples | xs:string | |
@ | Code | M | This is the primary key for the list of special conditions. | xs:token |
@ | SIF_Action | O |
In a | values:
AdministrationDateTime | M | Date and time the test is scheduled to be given. | xs:dateTime | |
StartDateTime | O | Date and time testing begins. | xs:dateTime | |
FinishDateTime | O | Date and time testing ends. | xs:dateTime | |
DueDateTime | O | Date and time test is due. | xs:dateTime | |
Address | O | Address of the location where the administration takes place. | Address | |
StaffPersonalRefId | O | Optional reference to a staff person associated with the administration. | IdRefType | |
LEAInfoRefId | O | Optional reference to a school district associated with the administration. | IdRefType | |
SchoolInfoRefId | O | Optional reference to a school associated with the administration. | IdRefType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
Represents the unique set of questions or stimuli given to a set of test takers. A physical correlate of the assessment form is the test booklet given to students during an assessment. However, this object does not contain the questions, it only contains elements that describe the form for use in scoring the questions.
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.3-1: AssessmentFormElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentForm | Represents the unique set of questions or stimuli given to a set of test takers. A physical correlate of the assessment form is the test booklet given to students during an assessment. However, this object does not contain the questions, it only contains elements that describe the form for use in scoring the questions. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
@ | AssessmentRefId | M | The RefId of the assessment related to this form. | IdRefType |
AssessmentType | O | Indicates whether this assessment (form) is a standard administration or alternate. | values:
| |
FormName | M | Text description for this particular arrangement of questions, etc. | xs:normalizedString | |
FormNumbers | O | Reference numbers for the form. | List | |
FormNumbers/FormNumber | MR | Reference number for the form. | xs:token | |
Level | O | Indicates the level of the form. Examples | xs:token | |
Period | O | The time period in which the form is intended to be administered. | xs:token | |
GradeLevels | O | Grade levels this assessment is designed to evaluate. | GradeLevels | |
AssessmentSubTestRefIds | O | Associated subtests (score types). Each form can provide scores in one or more subtest areas. | List | |
AssessmentSubTestRefIds/AssessmentSubTestRefId | OR | A subtest identified by RefId. | IdRefType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
This object is designed to allow software systems to provide item detail information such as the stem of the item, the distractors, the stimuli, etc. This initial version of the object does not deal with presentation aspects of the item. Instead it focuses on the item content and characteristics needed to enable interoperability and the usage of item-level information in the improvement of learning and instruction.
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.4-1: AssessmentItemElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentItem | This object is designed to allow software systems to provide item detail information such as the stem of the item, the distractors, the stimuli, etc. This initial version of the object does not deal with presentation aspects of the item. Instead it focuses on the item content and characteristics needed to enable interoperability and the usage of item-level information in the improvement of learning and instruction. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | RefIdType | |
@ | AssessmentFormRefId | M | This RefId points to the assessment form of which the item is a part. | IdRefType |
@ | ResponseType | M | A value that indicates the response type for the item. | values:
ItemLabel | M | An item number or other identifier for the item. It may be used to indicate the order or grouping of items. | xs:token | |
ItemName | O | Name or short description of the item. | xs:string | |
LearningStandardItems | O |
This object contains information related to curriculum standards statements "standards" or "benchmarks" or the like within the document.
This object primarily focuses upon state department curriculum standards, published curriculum standards and local education agency learning standards.
Each | List | |
LearningStandardItems/LearningStandardItemRefId | MR | IdRefType | ||
Stimulus | C | A piece of content to be used by the test taker in responding to the stem. Examples include a reading passage, a video, a diagram, or a picture.
Note: The | AbstractContentElementType | |
Stem | O | The question, task, or statement that prompts a response from the test taker. | AbstractContentElementType | |
ResponseChoices | C |
This complex element will not be included in the object if
Other cases will be added in the future. | ||
ResponseChoices/Choice | MR | |||
ResponseChoices/Choice/ChoiceLabel | O | A choice number or other identifier for the choice. It may be used to indicate the order or grouping of the choices. | xs:normalizedString | |
ResponseChoices/Choice/ChoiceContent | M |
The text of the choice, such as | AbstractContentElementType | |
ResponseChoices/Choice/CreditValue | O | A numeric value that indicates the amount of credit awarded for choosing the choice. | xs:float | |
ItemScoreMaximum | O | The maximum item score possible for this item. | xs:token | |
ItemScoreMinimum | O | The minimum item score possible for this item. | xs:token | |
PerformanceLevels | O | Performance Levels are an ordered set of categories that indicate the achievement level of a person on an assessment. | List | |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel | OR | Defines cut scores for placing students in an appropriate performance level. | ||
@ | LevelName | M | The name of the performance level. | xs:normalizedString |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores | O | Score bounds for the performance level. | ||
@ | ScoreMetric | M | The metric or scale used to report the scores. | NCES0056AssessmentReportingMethodType |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores/LowerCut | O | Lower bound for the performance level. | xs:token | |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores/UpperCut | O | Upper bound for the performance level. | xs:token | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.5-1: AssessmentPackageElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentPackage | A wrapper for any external standard that can define or transmit the content of an assessment. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an object instance in a zone. | RefIdType |
XMLData | C | Contains an arbitary XML element, encoded in UTF-8. | <xs:any processContents="lax" /> | |
@ | Description | O | Contains an optional description of the content or a processing hint with regard to its structure (e.g. named standard, file layout or XSD). | xs:token |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
This object represents the assignment of a specific assessment to be taken by a student.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.6-1: AssessmentRegistrationElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentRegistration | This object represents the assignment of a specific assessment to be taken by a student. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
@ | StudentPersonalRefId | M | The student associated with the registration. | IdRefType |
@ | AssessmentAdministrationRefId | M | The assessment administration associated with the registration. | IdRefType |
CreationDateTime | M | Date/time assignment is made. | xs:dateTime | |
StudentSpecialConditions | O | Records student-specific special conditions during the test. | List | |
StudentSpecialConditions/ StudentSpecialCondition | MR | A description of the special condition. Student special conditions are different from special conditions of the test. | xs:normalizedString | |
@ | Code | M | A code indicating the type of special condition. | xs:token |
StudentGradeLevel | O | Grade level of the student at the time of testing. | GradeLevel | |
AssessmentGradeLevel | O | The grade or level at which the student is to be tested. This element should be omitted unless the student is being tested out-of-level. | GradeLevel | |
AssessmentStudentSnapshot | O | The status of the student at the time of testing. The source of this information is meant to be the assessment system and not the student information system. | ||
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ RaceList | O | Person's race | RaceList | |
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ HispanicLatino | O | HispanicLatino | ||
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ Gender | O | Person's gender. | Gender | |
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ BirthDate | O | The person's date of birth. | BirthDate | |
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ Title1 | O | Title1 | ||
AssessmentStudentSnapshot/ ELL | O | ELL | ||
LEAInfoRefId | O | Optional reference to a district associated with the registration. | IdRefType | |
SchoolInfoRefId | O | Optional reference to a school associated with the registration. | IdRefType | |
StaffPersonalRefId | O | Optional reference to a staff person associated with the registration. | IdRefType | |
SectionInfoRefId | O | Optional reference to a section (or class) associated with the registration. | IdRefType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
A psychological construct measured by the assessment. Operationally, a subtest is a class of scores on an assessment. Some assessments may have only one subtest or type of score but most assessments measure more than one psychological construct. The subtest can be based upon items in a section or items that are empirically related. Subtests can also be composites of other subtests that are combined using a particular algorithm. Examples of subtests of an assessment are math total, reading composite, total test, and English composition.
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.7-1: AssessmentSubTestElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
AssessmentSubTest | A psychological construct measured by the assessment. Operationally, a subtest is a class of scores on an assessment. Some assessments may have only one subtest or type of score but most assessments measure more than one psychological construct. The subtest can be based upon items in a section or items that are empirically related. Subtests can also be composites of other subtests that are combined using a particular algorithm. Examples of subtests of an assessment are math total, reading composite, total test, and English composition. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
Name | M | Text name of the subtest. | xs:normalizedString | |
ScoreRange | O | The possible range of scores. | ||
@ | ScoreMetric | M | The metric or scale used to report the scores. | NCES0056AssessmentReportingMethodType |
ScoreRange/Minimum | O | Lowest possible score value. | xs:token | |
ScoreRange/Maximum | O | Highest possible score value. | xs:token | |
PerformanceLevels | O | Container for performance level elements. | List | |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel | OR | Defines cut scores for placing students in appropriate performance levels. | ||
@ | LevelName | M | The name of the performance level. | xs:token |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores | O | Score bounds for the performance level. | ||
@ | ScoreMetric | M | The metric or scale used to report the scores. | NCES0056AssessmentReportingMethodType |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores/LowerCut | O | Lower bound for the performance level. | xs:token | |
PerformanceLevels/PerformanceLevel/ CutScores/UpperCut | O | Upper bound for the performance level. | xs:token | |
SubjectArea | O | Content area covered by the score. | xs:token | |
GradeLevels | O | Grade levels for which the score is valid. | GradeLevels | |
AssessmentSubTestRefIds | O | References (possibly recursive) to other SIF AssessmentSubTests. This enables subtests or scores to be composites of other scores. If any references are given here, the score is a composite score. The list must be unique. | List | |
AssessmentSubTestRefIds/AssessmentSubTestRefId | MR | A reference to an AssessmentSubTest by RefId. | IdRefType | |
SubTestTier | O | An integer that defines the level or tier of the score in a multi-level arrangement of composite scores. Zero indicates the highest or root level. | xs:unsignedInt | |
LearningStandardItemRefIds | O | References to LearningStandardItems. The list must be unique. | List | |
LearningStandardItemRefIds/ LearningStandardItemRefId | MR | A reference to a LearningStandardItem by RefId. | IdRefType | |
Abbreviation | O | This is the short version of the name of the assessment that is often used for quick reference and used in reports. | xs:token | |
Description | O | The description element provides an opportunity to pass additional information about the assessment and also be used for describing elements in a test hierarchy. | xs:string | |
NumberOfItems | O | This element records the number of items included on the assessment. This number may be different than the possible score. | xs:unsignedInt | |
ContainerOnly | O | Indicator describing the purpose of an AssessmentSubTest as being that of a container for the child AssessmentSubTests. There will be no scores within this subtest. | xs:boolean | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
SIF_Events are not reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.8-1: ItemCharacteristicsElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |||||
ItemCharacteristics | This object provides specific information about each assessment item. This information includes an analysis, psychometric measures, reliability and validity information. This item-level information assists in interpreting assessment scores as well as aide in improving teaching and learning. | |||||||
@![]() | RefId | M | RefIdType | |||||
@ | AssessmentItemRefId | M | This RefId points to the assessment item of which the characteristics are a part. | IdRefType | ||||
@ | AssessmentFormRefId | M | This RefId points to the assessment form of which the item is a part. | IdRefType | ||||
PercentCorrect | O | Number of correct answers in sample. | xs:decimal | |||||
SampleSize | O | Number of total Item exposures. | xs:integer | |||||
SampleDescription | O | The description of the Sample the statistics are based on. May be District name, State or National sample. | xs:normalizedString | |||||
Measurements | O | A repeating group of psychometric measures. | List | |||||
Measurements/Measurement | MR | Container for series of item statistics. | ||||||
@ | MeasurementCode | O | A code representing the type of statistic or analysis. | values:
| ||||
Measurements/Measurement/ MeasurementDescription | O | An additional description of the statistic or analysis. | xs:string | |||||
Measurements/Measurement/ ScaleValue | O | The value of the Item based on this analysis | xs:token | |||||
Measurements/Measurement/ Min | O | The minimum value possible for the measurement and test design. | xs:token | |||||
Measurements/Measurement/ Max | O | The maximum value possible for the measurement and test design. | xs:token | |||||
Measurements/Measurement/ Optimal | O | The optimal value for this measurement and test design. | xs:token | |||||
Descriptive | O | [This element is deprecated as of release 2.5. It is replaced by the Measurements element.] | ||||||
Descriptive/PValue | O | The percent of respondents who answered correctly. This number represents the probability of the correct response to a question. | xs:float | |||||
Descriptive/SampleSize | O | The size of the student group that saw the item. | xs:integer | |||||
Descriptive/PointBiserial | O | The correlation between correct answers (dichotomous variable) on this item and total correct answers on the test. | xs:decimal
| |||||
Descriptive/Biserial | O | Similar to the Point Biserial Correlation except that answers to the item are assumed to come from an underlying continuous variable. | xs:decimal
| |||||
Descriptive/DiscriminationIndex | O | The Index of Discrimination is the difference between the proportion of an upper group who got an item right and the proportion of a lower group who got the item right. | xs:decimal
| |||||
DifferentialItemAnalysis | O | [This element is deprecated as of release 2.5. It is replaced by the Measurements element.] | ||||||
DifferentialItemAnalysis/ CMH | O | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel statistic. | xs:decimal
| |||||
DifferentialItemAnalysis/ MH | O | Mantel-Haenszel statistic. | xs:decimal
| |||||
ResponseChoicePattern | O | The distribution of responses to each choice. This element only applies to multiple choice items. | List | |||||
ResponseChoicePattern/Choice | MR | |||||||
ResponseChoicePattern/Choice/ ChoiceLabel | M | Identifier for the choice. | xs:token | |||||
ResponseChoicePattern/Choice/ Responses | M | The number of responses. | xs:integer | |||||
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||||||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
This object transmits the student's responses to stimuli presented in an assessment. These are the raw, unscored responses.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.9-1: StudentResponseSetElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
StudentResponseSet | This object transmits the student's responses to stimuli presented in an assessment. These are the raw, unscored responses. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
@ | AssessmentAdministrationRefId | M | The administration associated with the response set. | IdRefType |
@ | StudentPersonalRefId | M | The student associated with the response set. | IdRefType |
@ | AssessmentRegistrationRefId | O | The registration associated with the response set. | IdRefType |
Items | M | Container for item elements. | List | |
Items/Item | OR | The item contains response data and metadata for each item. | ||
@ | AssessmentItemRefId | O | A GUID that identifies the item object associated with this student result. | IdRefType |
Items/Item/Response | M | Answer selected or student work in raw format. Examples | xs:string | |
Items/Item/ResponseLocation | O | An optional element that contains a URL pointing to the location of the response or additional response. | xs:anyURI | |
Items/Item/ResponseStatus | O | Status of the response. | values:
| |
Items/Item/ResponseTime | O | The length of time the student took to respond. | xs:duration | |
Items/Item/ItemNumber | O | Identifies the item on the assessment by number. | xs:token | |
Items/Item/ItemName | O | Identifies the item on the assessment by name. | xs:token | |
Items/Item/DiagnosticStatement | O | Psychometric purpose or design-related comment about the question. | xs:string | |
Items/Item/NumberOfAttempts | O | The number of times a student changes their answer or attempts a response. | xs:unsignedInt | |
Items/Item/ItemScore | O | This is the score the student received on the specific item. | xs:normalizedString | |
Items/Item/ItemAidSetUsed | O | A tool or aid set used while viewing the item | xs:string | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |
The scored results from an assessment.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.3.10-1: StudentScoreSetElement/@Attribute | Char | Description | Type | |
StudentScoreSet | The scored results from an assessment. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | The GUID that uniquely identifies an instance of the object. | RefIdType |
@ | ScoreMetric | M | The metric or scale used to report the score. | NCES0056AssessmentReportingMethodType |
@ | AssessmentAdministrationRefId | M | The administration associated with this score set. | IdRefType |
@ | StudentPersonalRefId | M | The student associated with this score set. | IdRefType |
@ | AssessmentRegistrationRefId | O | The registration associated with this score set. | IdRefType |
Scores | M | Container for score elements. | List | |
Scores/Score | OR | The score with other information related to the score. | ||
@ | AssessmentSubTestRefId | M | References the AssessmentSubTest that defines the score. | IdRefType |
Scores/Score/ScoreValue | M | The value of the score. | xs:normalizedString | |
Scores/Score/DiagnosticStatement | O | Comment created by any logical analysis of this score. | xs:string | |
Scores/Score/Description | O | This is further qualification of a Student Score. | xs:string | |
Scores/Score/NumberOfResponses | O | This is the number of responses that are included with the StudentScoreSet. | xs:unsignedInt | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_Metadata | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElements |