3.4 Data Model Task Force

3.4.1 SEAInfo

This object is designed to facilitate the transfer of State Education Agency (SEA) directory information to the Department of Education (USED) through the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN).

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.1-1: SEAInfo SEAInfo RefId LocalId NCESId SEAName SEAURL CSSOContact SEAContactList SEAContact PublishInDirectory ContactInfo PhoneNumberList AddressList OperationalStatus EDENInfo FIPSStateCode AgencyIdNumber SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

This object is designed to facilitate the transfer of State Education Agency (SEA) directory information to the Department of Education (USED) through the Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN).


The GUID of the SEA whose information this is.


The locally-assigned identifier for this SEA.


The NCES-assigned identifier for this SEA.


The full legally accepted name of the SEA.


URL for the SEA.

 CSSOContactMChief State School Officer contact information. ContactInfo
 SEAContactListOInformation on contact persons for this SEA. List
MRContainer element for SEA contact information.  
OIndicates whether or not this SEA contact's information should be published in a directory of SEA information. PublishInDirectory
MContact information for a person at the SEA. ContactInfo
 PhoneNumberListOThe SEA's phone number(s). PhoneNumberList
 AddressListOThe SEA's address(es). AddressList
 OperationalStatusOThis element is deprecated as of SIF Data Model Implementation Specification v2.5. This element applies to LEAs but not to SEAs.  OperationalStatus
 EDENInfoOContainer element for EDEN-specific information.  
 EDENInfo/FIPSStateCodeOThe two-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Code for the State, District of Columbia, and the possessions and freely associated areas of the United States (e.g. Puerto Rico). xs:token
 EDENInfo/AgencyIdNumberOA number used in EDEN to uniquely uniquely identify state agencies. xs:normalizedString
 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 3.4.1-1: SEAInfo
<SEAInfo RefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652"> <SEAName>Illinois State Board of Education</SEAName> <SEAURL>http://www.isbe.net</SEAURL> <CSSOContact> <Name Type="08"> <LastName>Geisel</LastName> <FirstName>Theodore</FirstName> </Name> <PositionTitle>Superintendent</PositionTitle> <EmailList> <Email Type="Primary">drseuss@isbe.net</Email> </EmailList> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>(312) 555-0102</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> </CSSOContact> <PhoneNumberList> <PhoneNumber Type="0096"> <Number>5555551234</Number> </PhoneNumber> </PhoneNumberList> <AddressList> <Address Type="0123"> <Street> <Line1>1 IBM Plaza</Line1> <Line2>Suite 2000</Line2> <StreetNumber>1</StreetNumber> <StreetName>IBM</StreetName> <StreetType>Plaza</StreetType> <ApartmentType>Suite</ApartmentType> <ApartmentNumber>2000</ApartmentNumber> </Street> <City>Chicago</City> <StateProvince>IL</StateProvince> <Country>US</Country> <PostalCode>60611</PostalCode> </Address> </AddressList> <EDENInfo> <FIPSStateCode>99</FIPSStateCode> <AgencyIdNumber>01</AgencyIdNumber> </EDENInfo> </SEAInfo>
Example 3.4.1-1: SEAInfo

3.4.2 StudentLEARelationship

The purpose of the StudentLEARelationship object is to represent the current information available regarding a single student's relationship/affiliation to a single LEA for a specific school year as of the time a SIF_Event or SIF_Response is generated by the system of record. This object is not designed to operate on a historical/longitudinal basis in the default context.

StudentLEARelationship instances must not span multiple school years.

Only one instance of the StudentLEARelationship object with MembershipType=Home may exist for a specific time interval between EntryDate and ExitDate (inclusive) for a given student, LEA, and school year.

Multiple instances of the StudentLEARelationship object with MembershipType=Concurrent may exist for a specific time interval between EntryDate and ExitDate (inclusive) for a given student, LEA, and school year.

Multiple instances of StudentLEARelationship will occur for specific or overlapping time intervals if a student has affiliations with multiple LEA's. This will most likely be detected during aggregate data collection from multiple LEA's. Since StudentLEARelationship/@RefId and StudentLEARelationship/@StudentPersonalRefId are zone-specific, external mechanisms (e.g. student locator) would be required to correlate multiple instances of a single student affiliating with multiple LEA's.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.2-1: StudentLEARelationship StudentLEARelationship RefId StudentPersonalRefId LEAInfoRefId SchoolYear MembershipType LEARelationshipType EntryDate EntryType Code OtherCodeList ExitDate ExitType Code OtherCodeList ExitStatus Code OtherCodeList NonResidentAttendReason GradeLevel SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements

The purpose of the StudentLEARelationship object is to represent the current information available regarding a single student's relationship/affiliation to a single LEA for a specific school year as of the time a SIF_Event or SIF_Response is generated by the system of record. This object is not designed to operate on a historical/longitudinal basis in the default context.

StudentLEARelationship instances must not span multiple school years.

Only one instance of the StudentLEARelationship object with MembershipType=Home may exist for a specific time interval between EntryDate and ExitDate (inclusive) for a given student, LEA, and school year.

Multiple instances of the StudentLEARelationship object with MembershipType=Concurrent may exist for a specific time interval between EntryDate and ExitDate (inclusive) for a given student, LEA, and school year.

Multiple instances of StudentLEARelationship will occur for specific or overlapping time intervals if a student has affiliations with multiple LEA's. This will most likely be detected during aggregate data collection from multiple LEA's. Since StudentLEARelationship/@RefId and StudentLEARelationship/@StudentPersonalRefId are zone-specific, external mechanisms (e.g. student locator) would be required to correlate multiple instances of a single student affiliating with multiple LEA's.


The unique identifier for a particular affiliation between a student and a LEA.


The SIF RefId of the StudentPersonal object to which this instance of StudentLEARelationship refers.


The SIF RefId of the LEAInfo object to which this instance of StudentLEARelationship refers.


Contains the SIF school year to which this instance of StudentLEARelationship applies. StudentLEARelationship must not span multiple school years.


The type of this affiliation as it relates to the LEA identified in LEAInfoRefId.

The LEA is responsible for reporting the student's membership/child accounting information.
The LEA is not the primary reporting unit for the student's membership/child accounting information.
A summer school enrollment, not part of the regular school year.

An instance of the OrganizationRelationshipType common element that describes the details of the student's affiliation with the LEA.


The date from when this affiliation is valid.


Code indicating the type of entry for this affiliation.

 EntryType/OtherCodeListO OtherCodeList

The last school calendar day (membership day) the student was affiliated with the LEA (inclusive).

The conditional characteristic of this element is defined such that if the student has exited the LEA, then ExitDate must have a value.


Code indicating the type of exit for this affiliation.

 ExitType/OtherCodeListO OtherCodeList

Code indicating the exit status for this affiliation.

 ExitStatus/OtherCodeListO OtherCodeList

Indicates the reason that the student has an affiliation with this LEA if the student is a not a resident of the LEA.

The conditional characteristic of this element is defined such that if the LEA participating in this affiliation is outside of the student's usual attendance area, as indicated in the LEARelationshipType/ResidencyStatus element, then this element must be reported.


The grade or academic level of the student.

 SIF_MetadataO SIF_Metadata
 SIF_ExtendedElementsO SIF_ExtendedElements
Table 3.4.2-1: StudentLEARelationship
<StudentLEARelationship RefId="98C3D3224B35AA75101D00AA201B1652" StudentPersonalRefId="D3E34B359D75101A8C3D00AA001A1652" LEAInfoRefId="D3E34B359D7511AA223D00AA001A165A" SchoolYear="2007"> <MembershipType>Home</MembershipType> <LEARelationshipType> <ResidencyStatus> <Code>1652</Code> </ResidencyStatus> <ProvidingInstruction>true</ProvidingInstruction> <ProvidingServices>true</ProvidingServices> <FinanciallyResponsible>true</FinanciallyResponsible> </LEARelationshipType> <EntryDate>2007-08-15</EntryDate> <EntryType> <Code>1838</Code> </EntryType> <GradeLevel> <Code>10</Code> </GradeLevel> </StudentLEARelationship>
Example 3.4.2-1: StudentLEARelationship

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