A potential student match to the search critieria you provided. The results of a search for a student by demographic information are returned in order of confidence in the potential match. If more than one match is found, all results are returned and each is marked as "ambigious." If only one match is found and the provider finds no ambiguities in matches, the match is returned as "confirmed." These results are meant to be reviewed by a human who can select and use the proper matching record.
Name | Mandatory | Characteristics | Type | Description | XPath |
@refId | * | gRefIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/@refId | ||
studentLocatorResult | any | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult | |||
matchConfidence | * | M | string | A scoring value that indicates the provider's level of confidence that the this result matches the query. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/matchConfidence |
rel | * | token | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/links/link/rel | ||
href | * | token | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/links/link/href | ||
@refId | gRefIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/@refId | |||
student | any | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student | |||
type | O | xPersonNameTypeType | The types of previous, alternate or other names for a person. Generally the "LegalName" for the primary name. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/type | |
prefix | O | token | An appellation, if any, used to denote rank, placement, or status (e.g., Mr., Ms., Reverend, Sister, Dr., Colonel). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/prefix | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/familyName | |
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/givenName | |
middleName | O | normalizedString | A full legal middle name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/middleName | |
suffix | O | normalizedString | An appendage, if any, used to denote a person's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/name/suffix | |
type | O | xPersonNameTypeType | The types of previous, alternate or other names for a person. Generally the "LegalName" for the primary name. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/type | |
prefix | O | token | An appellation, if any, used to denote rank, placement, or status (e.g., Mr., Ms., Reverend, Sister, Dr., Colonel). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/prefix | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/familyName | |
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/givenName | |
middleName | O | normalizedString | A full legal middle name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/middleName | |
suffix | O | normalizedString | An appendage, if any, used to denote a person's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherNames/name/suffix | |
localId | Q | xPersonIdType | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a staff member by a district or LEA. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/localId | |
loginId | Q | xLoginIdType | The login identifier for the person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/loginId | |
stateProvinceId | O | xPersonIdType | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a state. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/stateProvinceId | |
type | O | xPersonIdSystemType | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherIds/otherId/type | |
id | * | M | xPersonIdType | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherIds/otherId/id |
addressType | O | xAddressTypeForLearnerOrFamilyType | The type of address listed for a learner or a parent, guardian, family member or related person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/addressType | |
line1 | O | normalizedString | The first line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/line1 | |
line2 | O | normalizedString | The second line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/line2 | |
city | O | normalizedString | The name of the city in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/city | |
stateProvince | O | xStateCodeUSType | The abbreviation for the state, province or outlying area in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/stateProvince | |
countryCode | O | xCountryCodeType | The unique two character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/countryCode | |
postalCode | O | normalizedString | A number that identifies each postal delivery area in the locale used as a portion of an address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/address/postalCode | |
addressType | O | xAddressTypeForLearnerOrFamilyType | The type of address listed for a learner or a parent, guardian, family member or related person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/addressType | |
line1 | O | normalizedString | The first line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/line1 | |
line2 | O | normalizedString | The second line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/line2 | |
city | O | normalizedString | The name of the city in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/city | |
stateProvince | O | xStateCodeUSType | The abbreviation for the state, province or outlying area in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/stateProvince | |
countryCode | O | xCountryCodeType | The unique two character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/countryCode | |
postalCode | O | normalizedString | A number that identifies each postal delivery area in the locale used as a portion of an address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherAddresses/name/postalCode | |
phoneNumberType | O | xTelephoneTypeType | The type of communication number listed for a person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/phoneNumber/phoneNumberType | |
number | * | M | token | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/phoneNumber/number |
primaryIndicator | O | boolean | An indication that the telephone number should be used as the principal number for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/phoneNumber/primaryIndicator | |
phoneNumberType | O | xTelephoneTypeType | The type of communication number listed for a person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/phoneNumberType | |
number | * | M | token | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/number |
primaryIndicator | O | boolean | An indication that the telephone number should be used as the principal number for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/primaryIndicator | |
emailType | O | xEmailTypeType | The type of electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/email/emailType | |
emailAddress | * | M | token | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the person or organization belongs. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/email/emailAddress |
emailType | O | xEmailTypeType | The type of electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEmails/email/emailType | |
emailAddress | * | M | token | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the person or organization belongs. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEmails/email/emailAddress |
race | * | M | xRaceTypeType | Indicates the racial origins of a person. The possible values are: AmericanIndianOrAlaskaNative, Asian, BlackOrAfricanAmerican, NativeHawaiianOrOtherPacificIslander, White, DemographicRaceTwoOrMoreRaces. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/races/race/race |
hispanicLatinoEthnicity | O | boolean | An indication that the person traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/hispanicLatinoEthnicity | |
sex | O | xSexType | The concept describing the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/sex | |
birthDate | O | date | The year, month and day on which a person was born. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/birthDate | |
countryOfBirth | xCountryCodeType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/countryOfBirth | |||
usCitizenshipStatus | O | gCitizenshipStatusType | An indicator of whether or not the person is a US citizen. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics/usCitizenshipStatus | |
demographics | O | any | Demographic information about the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/demographics | |
leaRefId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the LEA | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/leaRefId |
schoolRefId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the school. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/schoolRefId |
studentSchoolAssociationRefId | O | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the SIF Student-School Association object. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/studentSchoolAssociationRefId | |
responsibleSchoolType | O | xResponsibleSchoolTypeType | The type of services/instruction the school is responsible for providing to the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/responsibleSchoolType | |
membershipType | O | xMembershipTypeType | The student's type of membership in the system. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/membershipType | |
entryDate | * | M | date | The month, day, and year on which a person enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school, institution, program, or class-section during a given session. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/entryDate |
exitDate | O | date | The year, month and day on which the student officially withdrew or graduated, i.e. the date on which the student's enrollment ended. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/exitDate | |
exitOrWithdrawalType | O | token | The circumstances under which the student exited from membership in an educational institution. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/exitOrWithdrawalType | |
homeRoomNumber | O | token | Home Room number | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/homeRoomNumber | |
refId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | A SIF RefId. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/refId |
localId | O | xPersonIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/localId | ||
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/givenName | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/familyName | |
gradeLevel | O | xGradeLevelType | The current grade or academic level of the student within a school. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/gradeLevel | |
projectedGraduationYear | O | gYear | The year and month the student is projected to graduate. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/projectedGraduationYear | |
refId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | A SIF RefId. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/counselor/refId |
localId | O | xPersonIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/counselor/localId | ||
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/counselor/givenName | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment/counselor/familyName | |
enrollment | O | any | Current enrollment information for the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/enrollment | |
leaRefId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the LEA | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/leaRefId |
schoolRefId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the school. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/schoolRefId |
studentSchoolAssociationRefId | O | gRefIdPointerType | RefId of the SIF Student-School Association object. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/studentSchoolAssociationRefId | |
responsibleSchoolType | O | xResponsibleSchoolTypeType | The type of services/instruction the school is responsible for providing to the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/responsibleSchoolType | |
membershipType | O | xMembershipTypeType | The student's type of membership in the system. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/membershipType | |
entryDate | * | M | date | The month, day, and year on which a person enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school, institution, program, or class-section during a given session. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/entryDate |
exitDate | O | date | The year, month and day on which the student officially withdrew or graduated, i.e. the date on which the student's enrollment ended. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/exitDate | |
exitOrWithdrawalType | O | token | The circumstances under which the student exited from membership in an educational institution. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/exitOrWithdrawalType | |
homeRoomNumber | O | token | Home Room number | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/homeRoomNumber | |
refId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | A SIF RefId. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/refId |
localId | O | xPersonIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/localId | ||
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/givenName | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/homeRoomTeacher/familyName | |
gradeLevel | O | xGradeLevelType | The current grade or academic level of the student within a school. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/gradeLevel | |
projectedGraduationYear | O | gYear | The year and month the student is projected to graduate. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/projectedGraduationYear | |
refId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | A SIF RefId. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/counselor/refId |
localId | O | xPersonIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/counselor/localId | ||
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/counselor/givenName | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment/counselor/familyName | |
enrollment | O | any | Enrollment information for the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/otherEnrollments/enrollment | |
cumulativeWeightedGpa | O | decimal | A measure of average performance in all courses taken by a person during his or her school career as determined for record-keeping purposes. This is obtained by dividing the total grade points received by the total number of credits attempted. This usually includes grade points received and credits attempted in his or her current school as well as those transferred from schools in which the person was previously enrolled. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/academicSummary/cumulativeWeightedGpa | |
termWeightedGpa | O | decimal | A measure of average performance in all courses taken by a person during a given session. This is obtained by dividing the total grade points received by the number of credits attempted for the same session. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/academicSummary/termWeightedGpa | |
classRank | O | integer | The academic rank of a student in relation to his or her high school graduating class (e.g., 1, 2, 3) based on high school GPA. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/academicSummary/classRank | |
academicSummary | O | any | Summary academic information for the student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/academicSummary | |
contactPersonRefId | O | gRefIdPointerType | The RefId of the contact object. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/contactPersonRefId | |
@refId | * | gRefIdType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/@refId | ||
xContact | O | any | A person associated with a student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact | |
type | O | xPersonNameTypeType | The types of previous, alternate or other names for a person. Generally the "LegalName" for the primary name. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/type | |
prefix | O | token | An appellation, if any, used to denote rank, placement, or status (e.g., Mr., Ms., Reverend, Sister, Dr., Colonel). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/prefix | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/familyName | |
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/givenName | |
middleName | O | normalizedString | A full legal middle name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/middleName | |
suffix | O | normalizedString | An appendage, if any, used to denote a person's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/name/suffix | |
type | O | xPersonNameTypeType | The types of previous, alternate or other names for a person. Generally the "LegalName" for the primary name. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/type | |
prefix | O | token | An appellation, if any, used to denote rank, placement, or status (e.g., Mr., Ms., Reverend, Sister, Dr., Colonel). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/prefix | |
familyName | O | normalizedString | The full legal last name borne in common by members of a family. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/familyName | |
givenName | O | normalizedString | The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/givenName | |
middleName | O | normalizedString | A full legal middle name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/middleName | |
suffix | O | normalizedString | An appendage, if any, used to denote a person's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherNames/name/suffix | |
localId | O | xPersonIdType | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a staff member by a district or LEA. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/localId | |
loginId | O | xLoginIdType | The login identifier for the person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/loginId | |
type | O | xPersonIdSystemType | A coding scheme that is used for identification and record-keeping purposes by schools, social services, or other agencies to refer to a student. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherIds/otherId/type | |
id | * | M | xPersonIdType | A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherIds/otherId/id |
addressType | O | xAddressTypeForLearnerOrFamilyType | The type of address listed for a learner or a parent, guardian, family member or related person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/addressType | |
line1 | O | normalizedString | The first line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/line1 | |
line2 | O | normalizedString | The second line of the address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/line2 | |
city | O | normalizedString | The name of the city in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/city | |
stateProvince | O | xStateCodeUSType | The abbreviation for the state, province or outlying area in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/stateProvince | |
countryCode | O | xCountryCodeType | The unique two character International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code for the country in which an address is located. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/countryCode | |
postalCode | O | normalizedString | A number that identifies each postal delivery area in the locale used as a portion of an address. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/address/postalCode | |
phoneNumberType | O | xTelephoneTypeType | The type of communication number listed for a person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/phoneNumber/phoneNumberType | |
number | * | M | token | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/phoneNumber/number |
primaryIndicator | O | boolean | An indication that the telephone number should be used as the principal number for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/phoneNumber/primaryIndicator | |
phoneNumberType | O | xTelephoneTypeType | The type of communication number listed for a person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/phoneNumberType | |
number | * | M | token | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/number |
primaryIndicator | O | boolean | An indication that the telephone number should be used as the principal number for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherPhoneNumbers/phoneNumber/primaryIndicator | |
emailType | O | xEmailTypeType | The type of electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/email/emailType | |
emailAddress | * | M | token | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the person or organization belongs. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/email/emailAddress |
emailType | O | xEmailTypeType | The type of electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for a person or organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherEmails/email/emailType | |
emailAddress | * | M | token | The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the person or organization belongs. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/otherEmails/email/emailAddress |
sex | O | xSexType | The concept describing the biological traits that distinguish the males and females of a species. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/sex | |
employerType | O | xEmployerType | A code that defines the employer type. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/employerType | |
studentRefId | * | M | gRefIdPointerType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/studentRefId | |
relationshipCode | O | xPersonRelationshipToLearnerType | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/relationshipCode | ||
restrictions | O | string | Restrictions for student and/or teacher contact with the individual (e.g., the student may not be picked up by the individual. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/restrictions | |
livesWith | O | boolean | Indicates whether or not the learner lives with the related person. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/livesWith | |
primaryContactIndicator | O | boolean | Indicates that a person is a primary contact within the specified context, such as a primary parental contact specified in Person Relationship to Learner or a primary administrative contact for an organization. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/primaryContactIndicator | |
emergencyContactIndicator | O | boolean | Indicates whether or not the person is a designated emergency contact for the learner. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/emergencyContactIndicator | |
financialResponsibilityIndicator | O | boolean | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/financialResponsibilityIndicator | ||
custodialIndicator | O | boolean | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/custodialIndicator | ||
communicationsIndicator | O | boolean | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/communicationsIndicator | ||
contactSequence | O | integer | The numeric order in the preferred sequence and priority for contacting a person related to the learner. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/studentContacts/xContact/relationships/relationship/contactSequence | |
type | O | xLanguageTypeType | An indication of the function and context in which a person uses a language to communicate. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/languages/language/type | |
code | O | xLanguageCodeType | The code for the specific language or dialect that a person uses to communicate. | /studentLocatorResults/studentLocatorResult/student/languages/language/code |
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