SIF Data Model Implementation Specification (NA) 3.4



This object defines the types of values allowed for a mark and the domain for each mark value. At least one of the Percentage, Numeric, Letter or Narrative nodes must be used to create a valid mark.


marks 0 @refId 1 schoolRefId 2 schoolYear 3 name 4 description 5 @isAccepted 6 minimum 7 maximum 8 percentage 8--5 8--6 8--7 9 @isAccepted 10 precision 11 scale 12 low 13 high 14 numeric 14--9 14--10 14--11 14--12 14--13 15 @IsAccepted 16 code 17 numericEquivalent 18 description 19 validMark 19--16 19--17 19--18 20 letter 20--15 20--19 21 @isAccepted 22 maximumSize 23 narrative 23--21 23--22 24 mark 24--0 24--1 24--2 24--3 24--4 24--8 24--14 24--20 24--23 25 marks 25--24

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Name Mandatory Characteristics Type Description XPath
@refId * g​Ref​Id​Type ​/marks​/mark​/@refId
schoolRefId * M string The Id (GUID) that uniquely identifies the School that these Mark Values apply to. ​/marks​/mark​/schoolRefId
schoolYear * M g​Year ​/marks​/mark​/schoolYear
name * M string The text name of the score list ("Letter Grades", "Letter Grades (+/-)", "ESU", "Pass/Fail", "Override Grades", "Citizenship Comment Codes", etc.). ​/marks​/mark​/name
description O normalized​String Textual description of the type of Mark (e.g. "Marking Period Grade", "Comment 1", "Comment 2", "Conduct", "Effort", "WorkHabits"). ​/marks​/mark​/description
@isAccepted * M boolean Indicates whether a percent Mark is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the Mark has changed, especially ended. ​/marks​/mark​/percentage​/@isAccepted
minimum O decimal The minimum percent value accepted for this mark. If present, the publisher of this object is required to ensure that any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be lower than this value. ​/marks​/mark​/percentage​/minimum
maximum O decimal The maximum percent value accepted for this mark. If present, the publisher of this object is required to ensure that any values present in the StudentSectionMarks object will not be higher than this value. ​/marks​/mark​/percentage​/maximum
@isAccepted * M boolean Indicates whether a raw numeric score is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the score has changed, especially ended. ​/marks​/mark​/numeric​/@isAccepted
precision O unsigned​Int Number of significant digits. ​/marks​/mark​/numeric​/precision
scale O unsigned​Int Number of decimal places. ​/marks​/mark​/numeric​/scale
low O decimal Lowest Mark in the range (e.g., 98, 3.95). ​/marks​/mark​/numeric​/low
high O decimal Highest Mark in the range (e.g., 100, 4.0). ​/marks​/mark​/numeric​/high
@IsAccepted * M boolean Indicates whether a letter Mark is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for the Mark has changed, especially ended. ​/marks​/mark​/letter​/@IsAccepted
code * M token String representing the actual Mark that would appear on the report card (e.g., "A+", "I", "100"). ​/marks​/mark​/letter​/validMark​/code
numericEquivalent O decimal Numeric equivalent for the Mark (e.g., 100, 4.0). ​/marks​/mark​/letter​/validMark​/numericEquivalent
description O string The description for this code. (e.g. "Excellent", "Participates in Class", "Incomplete", etc...). ​/marks​/mark​/letter​/validMark​/description
@isAccepted * M boolean Indicates whether a narrative is accepted and is used in Change events to unambiguously signal whether support for a narrative has changed, especially ended. ​/marks​/mark​/narrative​/@isAccepted
maximumSize O unsigned​Int An integer value representing the maximum number of Unicode characters for the narrative, the UTF-8 encoding of which may be longer. ​/marks​/mark​/narrative​/maximumSize

Download: .xlsx (with CEDS & Formats)


<marks xmlns=""> <mark refId=""> <schoolRefId/> <schoolYear/> <name/> <description/> <percentage isAccepted=""> <minimum/> <maximum/> </percentage> <numeric isAccepted=""> <precision/> <scale/> <low/> <high/> </numeric> <letter IsAccepted=""> <validMark> <code/> <numericEquivalent/> <description/> </validMark> </letter> <narrative isAccepted=""> <maximumSize/> </narrative> </mark> </marks>

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