This object defines information related to a school calendar day in a given school calendar year. If both CalendarDate and CalendarSummary objects are supported, there must be an instance of this object for each date between CalendarSummary StartDate and EndDate, inclusive.
Name | Mandatory | Characteristics | Type | Description | XPath |
@RefId | * | M | RefIdType | A GUID that identifies an instance of this object. This RefId is new for 2.7M and MUST be supported like other objects that have a RefId (i.e. it is the key for the object). The alternate keys MUST continue to be supported. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/@RefId |
@Date | * | M | date | A specific school day that occurs within the school year. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/@Date |
@CalendarSummaryRefId | * | M | IdRefType | The Id (GUID) of the calendar summary in which this calendar date is. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/@CalendarSummaryRefId |
@SchoolInfoRefId | * | M | IdRefType | The Id (GUID) of the school for which this calendar information is being reported. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/@SchoolInfoRefId |
@SchoolYear | * | M | SchoolYearType | School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., "2007" for the 2006-07 school year). | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/@SchoolYear |
Code | * | M | string | Code indicating the type of school day. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/CalendarDateType/Code |
@Codeset | * | M | string | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/CalendarDateType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode/@Codeset |
OtherCode | * | MR | string | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/CalendarDateType/OtherCodeList/OtherCode |
CalendarDateNumber | O | unsignedInt | Order in which the calendar date falls within the school calendar. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/CalendarDateNumber | |
CountsTowardAttendance | * | M | string | Designates whether this date should be counted toward student attendance. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/StudentAttendance/CountsTowardAttendance |
AttendanceValue | * | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/StudentAttendance/AttendanceValue | ||
CountsTowardAttendance | * | M | string | Designates whether this date should be counted toward student attendance. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/TeacherAttendance/CountsTowardAttendance |
AttendanceValue | * | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/TeacherAttendance/AttendanceValue | ||
CountsTowardAttendance | * | M | string | Designates whether this date should be counted toward student attendance. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/AdministratorAttendance/CountsTowardAttendance |
AttendanceValue | * | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/AdministratorAttendance/AttendanceValue | ||
BellScheduleRefId | * | M | IdRefType | The GUID of a bell schedule to be utilized for the calendar date. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/BellScheduleDayList/BellScheduleDay/BellScheduleRefId |
TimetableDayIdentifier | * | M | string | The unique identifier of a timetable day to be utilized for the calendar date (from the list of timetable days defined for the calendar in the referenced BellSchedule object). | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/BellScheduleDayList/BellScheduleDay/TimetableDayIdentifier |
Type | * | M | normalizedString | This element is designed to contain the time period attached to an object.Very long periods (school year, quarter, etc.) and very small periods (second, millisecond, etc.) can be defined.This element provides a scoping description of the time metadata enclosed. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/Type |
Code | * | M | token | This element provides a place for the application to send structured data (code values, unique identifier, timestamps).This code value can, depending upon the use case agreement between agents, be used to qualify the data in the | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/Code |
Name | * | M | normalizedString | Contains a human-readable description of the value in | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/Name |
Value | * | M | normalizedString | Contains the human-readable value. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/Value |
StartDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/StartDateTime | ||
EndDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/EndDateTime | ||
Type | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Type | |
Code | * | M | token | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Code | |
Name | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Name | |
Value | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Value | |
StartDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/StartDateTime | ||
EndDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/EndDateTime | ||
IsCurrent | * | M | boolean | This element allows for the system to tag an object as being explicitly current.Although the baseline assumption in SIF is that objects are always current (default value is typically | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/TimeElements/TimeElement/IsCurrent |
DateTime | * | M | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/Created/DateTime | |
Name | * | M | normalizedString | Human-readable name of the data's creator. If the object contains system-generated data,the name should identify the creating service or application. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/Created/Creators/Creator/Name |
ID | * | M | normalizedString | Unique identifier of the creator. An email address or URI could be used here. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/Created/Creators/Creator/ID |
By | * | M | normalizedString | Identifier of the system or person that modified the data. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/ModificationHistory/Modified/By |
DateTime | * | M | dateTime | The date/time the modification occurred. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/ModificationHistory/Modified/DateTime |
Description | O | string | Human readable description of the data modifications. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/ModificationHistory/Modified/Description | |
Type | * | M | normalizedString | This element is designed to contain the time period attached to an object.Very long periods (school year, quarter, etc.) and very small periods (second, millisecond, etc.) can be defined.This element provides a scoping description of the time metadata enclosed. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/Type |
Code | * | M | token | This element provides a place for the application to send structured data (code values, unique identifier, timestamps).This code value can, depending upon the use case agreement between agents, be used to qualify the data in the | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/Code |
Name | * | M | normalizedString | Contains a human-readable description of the value in | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/Name |
Value | * | M | normalizedString | Contains the human-readable value. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/Value |
StartDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/StartDateTime | ||
EndDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/EndDateTime | ||
Type | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Type | |
Code | * | M | token | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Code | |
Name | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Name | |
Value | * | M | normalizedString | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/Value | |
StartDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/StartDateTime | ||
EndDateTime | O | dateTime | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/SpanGaps/SpanGap/EndDateTime | ||
IsCurrent | * | M | boolean | This element allows for the system to tag an object as being explicitly current.Although the baseline assumption in SIF is that objects are always current (default value is typically | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/LifeCycle/TimeElements/TimeElement/IsCurrent |
Cost | O | boolean | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/Cost | ||
UseType | * | M | string | A description of the fee structure for this resource.Some resources may be licensed differently depending upon their context.For example, a content provider might charge one fee structure for resources used in the classroom and a separate fee for thoseresources available to parents from home. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/FeesForUse/FeeForUse/UseType |
MeteringType | * | M | token | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/FeesForUse/FeeForUse/MeteringType | |
MeteringURL | O | anyURI | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/FeesForUse/FeeForUse/MeteringURL | ||
@Currency | O | ISO4217CurrencyNamesAndCodeElementsType | Currency code. Where omitted, defaults to implementation-defined local currency, typically | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/FeesForUse/FeeForUse/PerUseCharge/@Currency | |
PerUseCharge | O | MonetaryAmountType | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/FeesForUse/FeeForUse/PerUseCharge | ||
CopyrightStatement | O | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/CopyrightStatement | ||
TermsOfUse | O | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/RightsElements/RightsElement/TermsOfUse | ||
MediaType | * | MR | token | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/MediaTypes/MediaType | |
Code | * | M | string | Code representing the grade level. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/GradeLevels/GradeLevel/Code |
@Codeset | * | M | string | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/GradeLevels/GradeLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode/@Codeset |
OtherCode | * | MR | string | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/GradeLevels/GradeLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode |
Code | * | M | string | The subject area code (i.e., the first two digits of the course classification code). | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/SubjectAreas/SubjectArea/Code |
@Codeset | * | M | string | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/SubjectAreas/SubjectArea/OtherCodeList/OtherCode/@Codeset |
OtherCode | * | MR | string | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/SubjectAreas/SubjectArea/OtherCodeList/OtherCode |
Code | * | M | string | Code representing the grade level. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/InterestLevels/InterestLevel/Code |
@Codeset | * | M | string | Describes the OtherCode element content as either a state/province code, a local code, other code, or text string. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/InterestLevels/InterestLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode/@Codeset |
OtherCode | * | MR | string | A state/province code, local code, other code or a text string that crosswalks to or serves as a translation of an associated Code element. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/InterestLevels/InterestLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode |
LearningStandardItemRefId | * | MR | IdRefType | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/LearningStandardItems/LearningStandardItemRefId | |
BloomsTaxonomyLevel | OR | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/BloomsTaxonomyLevels/BloomsTaxonomyLevel | ||
MultipleIntelligence | OR | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/MultipleIntelligences/MultipleIntelligence | ||
InstructionalStrategy | OR | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/InstructionalStrategies/InstructionalStrategy | ||
Title | O | normalizedString | The title of the content. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/Title | |
Summary | O | string | A summary of the content. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/Summary | |
LearningObjective | * | MR | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/LearningObjectives/LearningObjective | |
ResourceType | * | MR | string | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_Metadata/EducationFilter/ResourceTypes/ResourceType | |
@Name | * | M | normalizedString | The name of the extended element. As it is possible that names for extended elements may collide from agent to agent, it is recommended that the names of extended elements be configurable in an agent, or that agents use URIs for the names of extended elements. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement/@Name |
@SIF_Action | O | string | In a Change event, this flag can be used to indicate an element has been deleted from the parent list container. At a minimum the key for the list must also be present. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement/@SIF_Action | |
SIF_ExtendedElement | OR | SIF_ExtendedElementType | A name/value pair, the name being contained in the Name attribute, the value being the element content. | /CalendarDates/CalendarDate/SIF_ExtendedElements/SIF_ExtendedElement |
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