3.4 Response

3.4.1 adminDirective

Admin Directives, empowers endpoint providers to “inform” or “direct” endpoint consumers what needs to happen. This opens the possibility to prompt the resending of data, expose what objects have been updated, initiate functional services etc. Some common use-cases and details on Admin Directive functionality can be found on the respective Admin Directives section.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.1-1: adminDirective adminDirective id timestamp timeout serviceName method methodParameters
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType

Admin Directives, empowers endpoint providers to “inform” or “direct” endpoint consumers what needs to happen. This opens the possibility to prompt the resending of data, expose what objects have been updated, initiate functional services etc. Some common use-cases and details on Admin Directive functionality can be found on the respective Admin Directives section.

idO  xs:token

Timestamp when request was issued.


When should the request expire if not fulfilled.


The name of the Service. For utilities, this is fixed to one of the defined set of Utility Service Names. For objects and functions, it is defined by the Data Model.


Unique ID/Name or requested method.

 methodParametersOnillable="false"  methodParametersType
Table 3.4.1-1: adminDirective
[ { "adminDirective": { "id": "a8c3c3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652", "timestamp": "2021-06-18T01:04:42.283Z", "timeout": "P2D", "serviceName": "StudentPersonals", "method": "Update", "methodParameters": { "methodParameter": [ { "paramName": "RefId", "paramValue": "5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14" }, { "paramName": "RefId", "paramValue": "41d38fa-3b57-488b-ac8b-5fd957e592f8" }, { "paramName": "RefId", "paramValue": "f4039cfb-6343-40df-837a-b993b7db6632" } ] } } } ]
<adminDirective id="a8c3c3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652"> <timestamp>2021-06-18T01:04:42.283Z</timestamp> <timeout>P2D</timeout> <serviceName>StudentPersonals</serviceName> <method>Update</method> <methodParameters> <methodParameter> <paramName>RefId</paramName> <paramValue>5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14</paramValue> </methodParameter> <methodParameter> <paramName>RefId</paramName> <paramValue>41d38fa-3b57-488b-ac8b-5fd957e592f8</paramValue> </methodParameter> <methodParameter> <paramName>RefId</paramName> <paramValue>f4039cfb-6343-40df-837a-b993b7db6632</paramValue> </methodParameter> </methodParameters> </adminDirective>
Example 3.4.1-1: adminDirective
[ { "adminDirective": { "id": "a8c3c3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652", "timestamp": "2021-06-18T01:04:42.283Z", "timeout": "P2D", "serviceName": "StudentPersonals", "method": "Refresh", "methodParameters": { "methodParameter": [ { "paramName": "RefId", "paramValue": "5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14", "comparisonType": "EQUAL" }, { "paramName": "DOB:Year", "paramValue": "2010", "comparisonType": "GREATER" }, { "paramName": "RequireIsolation", "paramValue": "TRUE" } ] } } } ]
<adminDirective id="a8c3c3e3-4b35-9d75-101d-00aa001a1652"> <timestamp>2021-06-18T01:04:42.283Z</timestamp> <!-- Mandatory: timestamp when request was issued. ISO 8601--> <timeout>P2D</timeout> <!-- Mandatory: When should the request expire if not fulfilled. e.g 2 days --> <serviceName>StudentPersonals</serviceName> <method>Refresh</method> <!-- Mandatory: Unique ID/Name or requested method --> <methodParameters> <!-- Optional: parameters applicable for the specific admin request. --> <methodParameter> <paramName>RefId</paramName> <paramValue>5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14</paramValue> <comparisonType>EQUAL</comparisonType> <!-- optional: If not provided EQUAL is assumed --> </methodParameter> <methodParameter> <paramName>DOB:Year</paramName> <paramValue>2010</paramValue> <comparisonType>GREATER</comparisonType> </methodParameter> <methodParameter> <paramName>RequireIsolation</paramName> <paramValue>TRUE</paramValue> </methodParameter> </methodParameters> </adminDirective>
Example 3.4.1-2: adminDirective2

3.4.2 createResponse

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 and a payload consisting of a single "createResponse" element. This includes, for each requested object successfully created, an internal status of 201 and the service-assigned refId. Any requested object that failed to be created is indicated by an error statusCode and a corresponding error payload.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.2-1: createResponse createResponse creates
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 and a payload consisting of a single "createResponse" element. This includes, for each requested object successfully created, an internal status of 201 and the service-assigned refId. Any requested object that failed to be created is indicated by an error statusCode and a corresponding error payload.

 createsM  createsType
Table 3.4.2-1: createResponse
[ { "createResponse": { "creates": { "create": [ { "id": "df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "advisoryId": "3", "statusCode": "201", "value": "" }, { "advisoryId": "1", "statusCode": "409", "error": { "id": "6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "code": 409, "scope": "StateConflict", "message": "Student already exists!" } }, { "id": "ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "advisoryId": "2", "statusCode": "201", "value": "" } ] } } } ]
<createResponse> <creates> <create id="df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" advisoryId="3" statusCode="201" /> <create advisoryId="1" statusCode="409"> <error id="6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e"> <code>409</code> <scope>StateConflict</scope> <message>Student already exists!</message> </error> </create> <create id="ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" advisoryId="2" statusCode="201" /> </creates> </createResponse>
Example 3.4.2-1: createResponse
[ { "createResponse": { "creates": { "create": [ { "id": "164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba", "advisoryId": "164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "ebd279f5-fd40-4f1a-80c1-894b922df670", "code": 400, "scope": "create student", "message": "Data not good." } }, { "id": "24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859", "advisoryId": "24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859", "statusCode": "201", "value": "" }, { "id": "2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747", "advisoryId": "2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747", "statusCode": "201", "value": "" }, { "id": "2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e", "advisoryId": "2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "db54c074-7b63-4898-9311-8b14113d1536", "code": 400, "scope": "create student", "message": "Data not good." } }, { "id": "399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639", "advisoryId": "399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639", "statusCode": "201", "value": "" } ] } } } ]
<createResponse> <creates> <create id="164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba" advisoryId="164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba" statusCode="404"> <error id="ebd279f5-fd40-4f1a-80c1-894b922df670"> <code>400</code> <scope>create student</scope> <message>Data not good.</message> </error> </create> <create id="24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859" advisoryId="24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859" statusCode="201" /> <create id="2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747" advisoryId="2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747" statusCode="201" /> <create id="2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e" advisoryId="2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e" statusCode="404"> <error id="db54c074-7b63-4898-9311-8b14113d1536"> <code>400</code> <scope>create student</scope> <message>Data not good.</message> </error> </create> <create id="399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639" advisoryId="399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639" statusCode="201" /> </creates> </createResponse>
Example 3.4.2-2: createResponse2

3.4.3 deleteResponse

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 (success). It contains a payload consisting of a single "deleteResponse" element.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.3-1: deleteResponse deleteResponse deletes
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 (success). It contains a payload consisting of a single "deleteResponse" element.

 deletesM  deleteStatusCollectionType
Table 3.4.3-1: deleteResponse
[ { "deleteResponse": { "deletes": { "delete": [ { "id": "df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" }, { "id": "abc89e1c-34e7-4cde-908a-d9abc81ea09a", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "code": 404, "scope": "Not Found", "message": "Student does not exist!" } }, { "id": "ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" } ] } } } ]
<deleteResponse> <deletes> <delete id="df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" statusCode="200" /> <delete id="abc89e1c-34e7-4cde-908a-d9abc81ea09a" statusCode="404"> <error id="6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e"> <code>404</code> <scope>Not Found</scope> <message>Student does not exist!</message> </error> </delete> <delete id="ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" statusCode="200" /> </deletes> </deleteResponse>
Example 3.4.3-1: deleteResponse

3.4.4 error

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.4-1: error error
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 error   Extension of errorCommonType
@idO  xs:token

Corresponds to the value contained in the HTTPS Header Status-Code" field in which the Error Object is the payload.


Attempted operation. Ex: "Modify Student"


Indicator if the error relates to infrastructure or data.


Machine readable second code used to eliminate ambiguity.


A simple, easy to understand, compact description of the error. The primary consumer of this message is the application user. Example: "Unable to open database."


An optional error description that is more complete and technical in nature. It is to be used as a diagnostic message in trouble-shooting procedures. Example: "The 'Students' table is opened in exclusive mode by user 'ADM1' (dbm.cpp, line 300)."

 errorDetailsO  errorDetailsType
Table 3.4.4-1: error
[ { "error": { "id": "E6011A0E-FBFD-4DD4-B361-6235E0B250FC", "code": 503, "scope": "Modify Student", "message": "Unable to open database.", "description": "The 'Students' table is opened in exclusive mode by user 'ADM1' (dbm.cpp, line 300)." } } ]
<error id="E6011A0E-FBFD-4DD4-B361-6235E0B250FC"> <code>503</code> <scope>Modify Student</scope> <message>Unable to open database.</message> <description>The 'Students' table is opened in exclusive mode by user 'ADM1' (dbm.cpp, line 300).</description> </error>
Example 3.4.4-1: error
[ { "error": { "id": "5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14", "code": 410, "scope": "Provider", "type": "INFRASTRUCTURE", "subCode": "001", "message": "Gone", "description": "The provided HTTP header dataPrivacyMarker is no longer valid.", "errorDetails": { "errorDetail": [ { "id": "89209C52-E5C4-416F-BBAF-974D09AA79F4", "type": "INFRASTRUCTURE", "subCode": "001", "message": "Invalid dataPrivacyMarker", "description": "The provided HTTP header dataPrivacyMarker is no longer valid." }, { "id": "0394E69C-4A73-4755-9C92-A64FA7F16AB8", "type": "INFRASTRUCTURE", "subCode": "002", "message": "Invalid changesSinceMarker", "description": "The provided URL Query parameter changesSinceMarker is no longer valid." }, { "id": "E60BCFE3-7ACC-4A69-9634-32FB99377F80", "type": "DATA", "subCode": "2001", "message": "Invalid birthdate", "description": "The student’s birthdate is a future date." }, { "id": "39B434FB-42F3-4FAA-9163-ED25801C7F9A", "type": "DATA", "subCode": "2017", "message": "Already Enrolled", "description": "The student is already enrolled at another school" } ] } } } ]
<error id="5b72f2d4-7a83-4297-a71f-8b5fb26cbf14"> <code>410</code> <scope>Provider</scope> <type>INFRASTRUCTURE</type> <!-- NEW --> <subCode>001</subCode> <!-- NEW --> <message>Gone</message> <description>The provided HTTP header dataPrivacyMarker is no longer valid.</description> <errorDetails> <!-- EXTENSION: NEW and optional --> <errorDetail id="89209C52-E5C4-416F-BBAF-974D09AA79F4"> <type>INFRASTRUCTURE</type> <!-- NEW --> <subCode>001</subCode> <!-- NEW --> <message>Invalid dataPrivacyMarker</message> <description>The provided HTTP header dataPrivacyMarker is no longer valid.</description> </errorDetail> <errorDetail id="0394E69C-4A73-4755-9C92-A64FA7F16AB8"> <type>INFRASTRUCTURE</type> <!-- NEW --> <subCode>002</subCode> <!-- NEW --> <message>Invalid changesSinceMarker</message> <description>The provided URL Query parameter changesSinceMarker is no longer valid.</description> </errorDetail> <errorDetail id="E60BCFE3-7ACC-4A69-9634-32FB99377F80"> <type>DATA</type> <!-- NEW --> <subCode>2001</subCode> <!-- NEW --> <message>Invalid birthdate</message> <description>The student’s birthdate is a future date.</description> </errorDetail> <errorDetail id="39B434FB-42F3-4FAA-9163-ED25801C7F9A"> <type>DATA</type> <!-- NEW --> <subCode>2017</subCode> <!-- NEW --> <message>Already Enrolled</message> <description>The student is already enrolled at another school</description> </errorDetail> </errorDetails> </error>
Example 3.4.4-2: error2

3.4.5 updateResponse

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 (success) and a location corresponding to the URL of the first successfully modified object. It contains a payload consisting of a single "updateResponse" element.

SIF_Events are not reported for this object.

Figure 3.4.5-1: updateResponse updateResponse updates
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType

An HTTP Response with a status of 200 (success) and a location corresponding to the URL of the first successfully modified object. It contains a payload consisting of a single "updateResponse" element.

 updatesM  updatesType
Table 3.4.5-1: updateResponse
[ { "updateResponse": { "updates": { "update": [ { "id": "df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" }, { "id": "41953aaa-2811-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "code": 404, "scope": "Not Found", "message": "Student does not exist!" } }, { "id": "ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" } ] } } } ]
<updateResponse> <updates> <update id="df789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" statusCode="200" /> <update id="41953aaa-2811-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77" statusCode="404"> <error id="6f789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e"> <code>404</code> <scope>Not Found</scope> <message>Student does not exist!</message> </error> </update> <update id="ff789e1c-dfe7-4c18-8ef0-d907b81ea61e" statusCode="200" /> </updates> </updateResponse>
Example 3.4.5-1: updateResponse
[ { "updateResponse": { "updates": { "update": [ { "id": "164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "7ab3ce5f-23ba-44d4-8668-3b220603b954", "code": 404, "scope": "Student Not Found", "message": "Student with GUID = 164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba does not exist." } }, { "id": "24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" }, { "id": "2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" }, { "id": "2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e", "statusCode": "404", "error": { "id": "1e982133-7a67-4955-bb57-4d3b0853d64b", "code": 404, "scope": "Student Not Found", "message": "Student with GUID = 2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e does not exist." } }, { "id": "399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639", "statusCode": "200", "value": "" } ] } } } ]
<updateResponse> <updates> <update id="164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba" statusCode="404"> <error id="7ab3ce5f-23ba-44d4-8668-3b220603b954"> <code>404</code> <scope>Student Not Found</scope> <message>Student with GUID = 164da5d9bcbf4cf8a058ba0b0efde9ba does not exist.</message> </error> </update> <update id="24ed508e1ed04bba82198233efa55859" statusCode="200" /> <update id="2ae2d4a3a3c04d77ad843b73adac7747" statusCode="200" /> <update id="2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e" statusCode="404"> <error id="1e982133-7a67-4955-bb57-4d3b0853d64b"> <code>404</code> <scope>Student Not Found</scope> <message>Student with GUID = 2bc9ff83dbbe44e596da64b7271ec25e does not exist.</message> </error> </update> <update id="399f1200f6034d8fbeda72a81b634639" statusCode="200" /> </updates> </updateResponse>
Example 3.4.5-2: updateResponse2

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