3.13 Z - For Future Deprecation

3.13.1 ResourceUsage

Note: WARNING This object has been marked for deprecation and is planned to be removed with the 3.5 SIF AU Data Model release. If you plan to use this object, please contact your SIF AU DSWG member, please note that it may become unavailable.

This object tracks resource usage by a student or staff member at a school over a defined time period.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.13.1-1: ResourceUsage ResourceUsage RefId SchoolInfoRefId ResourceUsageContentType ResourceReportColumnList ResourceReportLineList LocalCodeList SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 ResourceUsage Low

Note: WARNING This object has been marked for deprecation and is planned to be removed with the 3.5 SIF AU Data Model release. If you plan to use this object, please contact your SIF AU DSWG member, please note that it may become unavailable.

This object tracks resource usage by a student or staff member at a school over a defined time period.


The SIF RefId that uniquely identifies this object.


SIF RefId that identifies the school providing the resource being tracked.


Information about the ResourceUsage.


Definitions of the values given in ResourceReportList/ ResourceReport/ ReportRow.


List of resource reports, one per user.

 LocalCodeListOLow LocalCodeListType
 SIF_MetadataOLow SIF_MetadataType
 SIF_ExtendedElementsOLow SIF_ExtendedElementsType
Table 3.13.1-1: ResourceUsage
{ "ResourceUsage": { "RefId": "4286194F-43ED-43C1-8EE2-F0A27C4BEF87", "SchoolInfoRefId": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925", "ResourceUsageContentType": { "Code": "01", "LocalDescription": "Other Description" }, "ResourceReportColumnList": { "ResourceReportColumn": [ { "ColumnName": "userName", "ColumnDelimiter": "," }, { "ColumnName": "comment" }, { "ColumnName": "planName" }, { "ColumnName": "totalBytesIn", "ColumnDescription": "total Bytes downloaded (MB)" }, { "ColumnName": "totalBytesOut", "ColumnDescription": "total Bytes uploaded (MB)" } ] }, "ResourceReportLineList": { "ResourceReportLine": [ { "SIF_RefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "StudentPersonal", "value": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925" }, "StartDate": "2011-03-18", "EndDate": "2011-04-17", "CurrentCost": { "Currency": "AUD", "value": 5.43 }, "ReportRow": "name.surname.1,null,Year 10 Test,47,2" }, { "SIF_RefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "StaffPersonal", "value": "23B08571-E4D3-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925" }, "StartDate": "2011-03-18", "EndDate": "2011-04-17", "CurrentCost": { "Currency": "AUD", "value": 0.0 }, "ReportRow": "name.surname.2,cost waived,Year 10 Test,93,4" } ] } } }
<ResourceUsage RefId="4286194F-43ED-43C1-8EE2-F0A27C4BEF87"> <SchoolInfoRefId>23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925</SchoolInfoRefId> <ResourceUsageContentType> <Code>01</Code> <LocalDescription>Other Description</LocalDescription> </ResourceUsageContentType> <ResourceReportColumnList> <ResourceReportColumn> <ColumnName>userName</ColumnName> <ColumnDelimiter>,</ColumnDelimiter> </ResourceReportColumn> <ResourceReportColumn> <ColumnName>comment</ColumnName> </ResourceReportColumn> <ResourceReportColumn> <ColumnName>planName</ColumnName> </ResourceReportColumn> <ResourceReportColumn> <ColumnName>totalBytesIn</ColumnName> <ColumnDescription>total Bytes downloaded (MB)</ColumnDescription> </ResourceReportColumn> <ResourceReportColumn> <ColumnName>totalBytesOut</ColumnName> <ColumnDescription>total Bytes uploaded (MB)</ColumnDescription> </ResourceReportColumn> </ResourceReportColumnList> <ResourceReportLineList> <ResourceReportLine> <SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject="StudentPersonal">23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925</SIF_RefId> <StartDate>2011-03-18</StartDate> <EndDate>2011-04-17</EndDate> <CurrentCost Currency="AUD">5.43</CurrentCost> <ReportRow>name.surname.1,null,Year 10 Test,47,2</ReportRow> </ResourceReportLine> <ResourceReportLine> <SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject="StaffPersonal">23B08571-E4D3-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925</SIF_RefId> <StartDate>2011-03-18</StartDate> <EndDate>2011-04-17</EndDate> <CurrentCost Currency="AUD">0.00</CurrentCost> <ReportRow>name.surname.2,cost waived,Year 10 Test,93,4</ReportRow> </ResourceReportLine> </ResourceReportLineList> </ResourceUsage>
Example 3.13.1-1: ResourceUsage

3.13.2 SystemRole

Note: WARNING This object has been marked for deprecation and is planned to be removed with the 3.5 SIF AU Data Model release. If you plan to use this object, please contact your SIF AU DSWG member, please note that it may become unavailable.

The SystemRole Object defines the systems that a user has access to, the roles they perform within those systems, and the scope of those roles within the particular system.

The RoleScopeList is used to list the entities over which the user has access rights.

SIF_Events are reported for this object.

Figure 3.13.2-1: SystemRole SystemRole RefId SIF_RefId SystemContextList LocalCodeList SIF_Metadata SIF_ExtendedElements
 Element/@AttributeCharPrivacy RatingDescriptionType
 SystemRole Low

The SystemRole Object defines the systems that a user has access to, the roles they perform within those systems, and the scope of those roles within the particular system.

The RoleScopeList is used to list the entities over which the user has access rights.

RefIdMLowThe SIF RefId that uniquely identifies this object. RefIdType
 SIF_RefIdMLowThe SIF RefId that provides the source Object for this SystemRole Object. SystemRoleObjectRefIdType

At least one SystemContext must be provided.

 LocalCodeListOLow LocalCodeListType
 SIF_MetadataOLow SIF_MetadataType
 SIF_ExtendedElementsOLow SIF_ExtendedElementsType
Table 3.13.2-1: SystemRole
{ "SystemRole": { "RefId": "4286194F-43ED-43C1-8EE2-F0A27C4BEF86", "SIF_RefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "Identity", "value": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925" }, "SystemContextList": { "SystemContext": [ { "SystemId": "LearningPlatformSystem1", "RoleList": { "Role": [ { "RoleId": "Admin", "RoleScopeList": { "RoleScope": [ { "RoleScopeName": "SchoolGroupName1", "RoleScopeRefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "SchoolInfo", "value": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349912" } }, { "RoleScopeName": "ClassName1", "RoleScopeRefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "TeachingGroup", "value": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349945" } } ] } } ] } }, { "SystemId": "ContentManagement", "RoleList": { "Role": [ { "RoleId": "User", "RoleScopeList": { "RoleScope": [ { "RoleScopeName": "SchoolName1", "RoleScopeRefId": { "SIF_RefObject": "StudentActivityParticipation", "value": "23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349923" } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }
<SystemRole RefId="4286194F-43ED-43C1-8EE2-F0A27C4BEF86"> <SIF_RefId SIF_RefObject="Identity">23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349925</SIF_RefId> <SystemContextList> <SystemContext SystemId="LearningPlatformSystem1"> <RoleList> <Role RoleId="Admin"> <RoleScopeList> <RoleScope> <RoleScopeName>SchoolGroupName1</RoleScopeName> <RoleScopeRefId SIF_RefObject="SchoolInfo">23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349912</RoleScopeRefId> </RoleScope> <RoleScope> <RoleScopeName>ClassName1</RoleScopeName> <RoleScopeRefId SIF_RefObject="TeachingGroup">23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349945</RoleScopeRefId> </RoleScope> </RoleScopeList> </Role> </RoleList> </SystemContext> <SystemContext SystemId="ContentManagement"> <RoleList> <Role RoleId="User"> <RoleScopeList> <RoleScope> <RoleScopeName>SchoolName1</RoleScopeName> <RoleScopeRefId SIF_RefObject="StudentActivityParticipation">23B08571-E4D6-45C3-B82A-3E52E5349923</RoleScopeRefId> </RoleScope> </RoleScopeList> </Role> </RoleList> </SystemContext> </SystemContextList> </SystemRole>
Example 3.13.2-1: SystemRole

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