This represents the objects in the original SBP, SchoolInfo, StudentPersonal, StudentSchoolEnrollment, StudentContactRelationship, StudentContactPersonal and TeachingGroup. Other Objects included in this group as supporting objects.
This object allows a system that stores network identities and/or passwords to share them with other applications through SIF. The provider of the Identity
object may only support providing an identity or a password, or it may support both.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.1-1: IdentityElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
Identity | High |
This object allows a system that stores network identities and/or passwords to share them with other applications through SIF. The provider of the | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | High | The SIF RefId that uniquely identifies this object. | RefIdType |
SIF_RefId | M | High | The SIF RefId of a StudentPersonal, StaffPersonal, or StudentContactPersonal object. | IdRefType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | High |
The type of SIF object that the | values:
AuthenticationSource | M | High |
The type of source system that produced this See implementation notes for provider requirements. | values:
| |
IdentityAssertions | O | High | The list of identity assertions for this user. | IdentityAssertionsType | |
PasswordList | O | High | Allows a provider or publisher to specify the same password using multiple algorithms, if supported. | PasswordListType | |
AuthenticationSourceGlobalUID | O | High | The globally unique person identifier that links together separate Identity objects which reference the same Person. | IdRefType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | A list of local values important to transmit with this object. | LocalCodeListType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains information about a school district, region, or other Local, State or Jurisdiction Educational Authority.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.2-1: LEAInfoElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
LEAInfo | Low | This object contains information about a school district, region, or other Local, State or Jurisdiction Educational Authority. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The GUID of the LEA whose information this is. | RefIdType |
LocalId | M | Low | The locally-assigned identifier for this LEA. | LocalIdType | |
StateProvinceId | O | Low | The state-assigned identifier for this LEA. | StateProvinceIdType | |
CommonwealthId | O | Low | Commonwealth Identifier for this Entity. | xs:normalizedString | |
LEAName | M | Low | Name of LEA. | xs:normalizedString | |
LEAURL | O | Low | URL for the LEA. | xs:anyURI | |
EducationAgencyType | O | Low | The classification of the education agency within the geographic boundaries of a state according to the level of administrative and operational control. | AgencyType | |
LEAContactList | O | Low | A list of information on contact persons for this LEA. | LEAContactListType | |
PhoneNumberList | O | Low | The LEA's phone number(s). | PhoneNumberListType | |
AddressList | O | Low | The LEA's address(es). | AddressListType | |
OperationalStatus | O | Low | Operational condition of a school. | OperationalStatusType | |
JurisdictionLowerHouse | O | Low | Lower House area that the school/campus belongs to. | xs:normalizedString | |
SLA | O | Low | Statistical Local Area that the school/campus belongs to. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardGeographicalClassificationASGCType | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains information about the person's picture.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.3-1: PersonPictureElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
PersonPicture | Medium | This object contains information about the person's picture. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Medium | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the picture. | RefIdType |
ParentObjectRefId | M | Medium | The GUID of the personal object to which this picture is linked | IdRefType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Medium | The name of the object reference. | values:
SchoolYear | M | Medium |
School year for which this enrollment is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year
ends (e.g. | SchoolYearType | |
PictureSource | M | Medium | This element defines the picture. If the Type attribute is URL, this is the location of the picture in [JPEG] format; if Type is JPEG, this is the [JPEG] image data encoded using the Base64 Content-Transfer-Encoding defined in Section 6.8 of [RFC 2045]. | URIOrBinaryType | |
@ | Type | M | Medium | The way the picture is specified. | AUCodeSetsPictureSourceType |
OKToPublish | O | Medium | Can the picture be published? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
PublishingPermissionList | O | Medium | List of Permissions Applicable. | PublishingPermissionListType | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Medium | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Medium | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains information about the school or campus.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.4-1: SchoolInfoElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
SchoolInfo | Low | This object contains information about the school or campus. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The GUID that identifies this school. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Low | The locally-assigned identifier for this school. | LocalIdType | |
StateProvinceId | O | Low | The state-assigned identifier for this school. | StateProvinceIdType | |
CommonwealthId | O | Low | Commonwealth identifier for this school/campus. | xs:normalizedString | |
ACARAId | O | Low | ACARA identifier for this school/campus. | xs:normalizedString | |
OtherIdList | O | Low | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the school. | OtherIdListType | |
SchoolName | M | Low | Name of school/campus. | xs:normalizedString | |
LEAInfoRefId | O | Low | The ID (GUID) that references the school district of which this school is a member. | RefIdType | |
OtherLEA | O | Low | The ID (GUID) of another related education agency, such as a regional service agency. | RefIdType | |
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Low | The name of the object reference. | values:
SchoolDistrict | O | Low | The school district of which this school/campus is a member. Equivalent to DEECD Region. | xs:normalizedString | |
SchoolDistrictLocalId | O | Low | The school district Local ID. This should be the same as the LocalId in the LEAInfo if LEAInfo details are supplied. | LocalIdType | |
SchoolType | O | Low | An indication of the level of the educational institution. | AUCodeSetsSchoolLevelType | |
SchoolFocusList | O | Low | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the student. | SchoolFocusListType | |
SchoolURL | O | Low | URL for the school. | SchoolURLType | |
SchoolEmailList | O | Low | List of contact emails for the school. | EmailListType | |
PrincipalInfo | O | Low | Information about the campus or school principal. | PrincipalInfoType | |
SchoolContactList | O | Low | A list of contact persons associated with a school. | SchoolContactListType | |
AddressList | O | Low | The school's addresses. | AddressListType | |
PhoneNumberList | O | Low | The school's phone numbers. | PhoneNumberListType | |
SessionType | O | Low | Code that specifies the session type. | AUCodeSetsSessionTypeType | |
YearLevels | O | Low | List of year levels offered by the school. | YearLevelsType | |
ARIA | O | Low | Accessibility/Remoteness Indicator of Australia. | xs:decimal | |
OperationalStatus | O | Low | Operational condition of a school. | OperationalStatusType | |
FederalElectorate | O | Low | Australian Federal Electorate. | AUCodeSetsFederalElectorateType | |
Campus | O | Low | Optional campus details. | CampusContainerType | |
SchoolSector | M | Low | (Government, or Non-Government). | AUCodeSetsSchoolSectorCodeType | |
IndependentSchool | O | Low | Indicator as to whether school is an independent school (as opposed to government or catholic school). | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
NonGovSystemicStatus | O | Low | Used to clarify a non-government school's systemic status. Either Systemic or Non-Systemic. | AUCodeSetsSystemicStatusType | |
System | O | Low | System if a systemic school. | AUCodeSetsSchoolSystemType | |
ReligiousAffiliation | O | Low | Religious affiliation (if any). | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardClassificationOfReligiousGroupsASCRGType | |
SchoolGeographicLocation | O | Low | School Location | AUCodeSetsSchoolLocationType | |
LocalGovernmentArea | O | Low | LocalGovernmentArea that that school/campus is located in. | xs:normalizedString | |
JurisdictionLowerHouse | O | Low | Lower House area that the school/campus belongs to. | xs:normalizedString | |
SLA | O | Low | Statistical Local Area that the school/campus belongs to. | AUCodeSetsAustralianStandardGeographicalClassificationASGCType | |
SchoolCoEdStatus | O | Low | Gender of student population. | AUCodeSetsSchoolCoEdStatusType | |
BoardingSchoolStatus | O | Low | Is this school a Boarding School? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
YearLevelEnrollmentList | O | Low | Container for number of students enrolled per year level. | YearLevelEnrollmentListType | |
TotalEnrollments | O | Low | Optional School/Campus enrolments. | TotalEnrollmentsType | |
Entity_Open | O | Low | Opening date of entity. | xs:date | |
Entity_Close | O | Low | Closing date of entity. This element is allowed to be omitted and/or null. | xs:date | |
SchoolGroupList | O | Low | List of Local identifiers used to identify a loosely connected group of schools. E.g. Yarra Valley Cluster. | SchoolGroupListType | |
SchoolTimeZone | O | Low | An optional placeholder for a school's time zone. | AUCodeSetsAustralianTimeZoneType | |
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object defines information related to a staff member's assignment(s); commonly, this will be a school assignment.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.5-1: StaffAssignmentElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |||||||
StaffAssignment | Low | This object defines information related to a staff member's assignment(s); commonly, this will be a school assignment. | |||||||||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The GUID that uniquely identifies a particular staff assignment. | RefIdType | ||||||
SchoolInfoRefId | M | Low | The ID (GUID) that identifies the school where the staff member is assigned. | IdRefType | |||||||
SchoolYear | O | Low |
School year for which the information is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g., | SchoolYearType | |||||||
StaffPersonalRefId | M | Low | ID (GUID) of this staff member, as represented in the StaffPersonal object. | IdRefType | |||||||
Description | O | Low | Short assignment description | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
PrimaryAssignment | M | Low |
Is this the staff member's primary assignment? Note: There must be one and only one instance of the object with a | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
JobStartDate | O | Low | This is the date from which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). | xs:date | |||||||
JobEndDate | O | Low | This is the date through which the staff assignment is valid (inclusive). | xs:date | |||||||
JobFTE | O | Low | Full-time job equivalent ratio for this assignment. (Format is x.xx; an employee who is full-time and who is 50% of their time on this assignment would be represented as 0.50) | xs:decimal
| |||||||
JobFunction | O | Low | The purpose of the activities as related to students. | xs:string | |||||||
EmploymentStatus | O | Low | Status of staff member within this school. Where a Staff member is employed by an organisation that covers more than one school, employment status may be different at each school. Not for NSSC Reporting | AUCodeSetsStaffStatusType | |||||||
StaffSubjectList | O | Low | Subject(s) Staff member is eligible to teach. | StaffSubjectListType | |||||||
StaffActivity | O | Low | The purpose of the Teacher's role as related to students. Equivalent to 'JobFunction' in US Object. | StaffActivityExtensionType | |||||||
YearLevels | O | Low | Year level(s) that the teacher is allowed to teach. | YearLevelsType | |||||||
CasualReliefTeacher | O | Low | Is this teacher a casual relief teacher CRT? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
Homegroup | O | Low | The name of the homegroup the staff member is assigned to. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
House | O | Low | The name of the house the staff member is assigned to. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
CalendarSummaryList | O | Low | The ID (GUID) of a calendar summary to which this Staff Member is associated with. | CalendarSummaryListType | |||||||
PreviousSchoolName | O | Low | If the staff member has previously been enrolled at a school, the previous school name. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
AvailableForTimetable | O | High | Active staff that are not teaching will have "N" here, active staff who are teachers and are available to be rostered will have a "Y" here. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
LocalCodeList | O | Low | LocalCodeListType | ||||||||
SIF_Metadata | O | Low | SIF_MetadataType | ||||||||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Low | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains all the personal information relating to a staff member, who might be a teacher or other employee of the school or district.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.6-1: StaffPersonalElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
StaffPersonal | High | This object contains all the personal information relating to a staff member, who might be a teacher or other employee of the school or district. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The GUID of the staff member. | RefIdType |
LocalId | M | Medium | The locally-assigned identifier for this staff member. | LocalIdType | |
StateProvinceId | O | Medium | The state-assigned identifier for this staff member. | StateProvinceIdType | |
ElectronicIdList | O | Medium | Electronic identifier(s) associated with this entity. | ElectronicIdListType | |
OtherIdList | O | Medium | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the staff member. | OtherIdListType | |
PersonInfo | M | High | Personal Information | PersonInfoType | |
Title | O | Low | The staff member's title. | xs:normalizedString | |
EmploymentStatus | O | Medium | Status of staff member within employing organisation. Not for NSSC Reporting | AUCodeSetsStaffStatusType | |
MostRecent | O | Medium | Container for elements reflecting the most recent assignment of a staff member. If the staff member is currently assigned, the elements contain current information. | StaffMostRecentContainerType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.7-1: StudentContactPersonalElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
StudentContactPersonal | High | This object contains information about the people who are referenced as student contacts. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies the instance of the object. | RefIdType |
LocalId | O | Medium | The locally-assigned identifier for this person. Note: LocalId may be used as a unique person identifier rather than a unique contact identifier. In this case there may be more than one StudentContactPersonal instance with the same LocalId. | LocalIdType | |
OtherIdList | O | Medium | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the contact. | OtherIdListType | |
PersonInfo | M | High | Personal Information | PersonInfoType | |
EmploymentType | O | Medium | Code that defines employment type. This is compulsory for Parents or Guardians of the Student. | AUCodeSetsEmploymentTypeType | |
SchoolEducationalLevel | O | Medium | The highest level of education completed by the contact person. | EducationalLevelType | |
NonSchoolEducation | O | Medium | This reflects the level of the Contact's Non-School Education. | AUCodeSetsNonSchoolEducationType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.8-1: StudentContactRelationshipElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
StudentContactRelationship | High | This object defines a relationship between a contact person and a student. | |||
@![]() | StudentContactRelationshipRefId | M | Medium | An ID (GUID) for this particular student-contact relationship. This GUID would be used to form a REST URL. | IdRefType |
StudentPersonalRefId | M | Medium | GUID that identifies the student for the relationship. | RefIdType | |
StudentContactPersonalRefId | M | Medium | GUID that identifies the contact person for the relationship. | RefIdType | |
Relationship | M | Medium | Defines the relationship of the contact to the student. | RelationshipType | |
ParentRelationshipStatus | O | Medium | Confirms whether or not this contact defined in the relationship is to be tracked for MCEECDYA Data Implementation Manual Reporting. | values:
| |
HouseholdList | O | Medium | List of households. | HouseholdListType | |
ContactFlags | C | High |
Contains Yes/No characteristics of the contact person's role. Provide a | ContactFlagsType | |
MainlySpeaksEnglishAtHome | O | Medium | Is English the main language spoken at home? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
ContactSequence | O | Low | Number indicating the order in which the person should be contacted. | xs:unsignedInt | |
ContactSequenceSource | O | Low | Indicates the source who provided the contact sequence order. | AUCodeSetsSourceCodeTypeType | |
SchoolInfoRefId | C | Low | GUID that identifies a school associated with the relationship. | IdRefType | |
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object contains all the personal information related to the student.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.9-1: StudentPersonalElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
StudentPersonal | Extreme | This object contains all the personal information related to the student. | |||
@![]() | RefId | M | Medium | The GUID of the student. | RefIdType |
AlertMessages | O | Extreme | A list of Alert message/s associated with the student. | AlertMessagesType | |
MedicalAlertMessages | O | Extreme | A list of Medical alert/s associated with the student. | MedicalAlertMessagesType | |
LocalId | M | Medium | The locally-assigned identifier for this student. | LocalIdType | |
StateProvinceId | O | High | The state-assigned identifier for this student. | StateProvinceIdType | |
ElectronicIdList | O | Medium | Electronic identifier(s) associated with this entity. | ElectronicIdListType | |
OtherIdList | O | Medium | Lists all "other" identifiers associated with the student. | OtherIdListType | |
PersonInfo | M | High | Personal Information | PersonInfoType | |
ProjectedGraduationYear | O | Low | Currently projected graduation year. | ProjectedGraduationYearType | |
OnTimeGraduationYear | O | Low | First projected graduation year, usually determined when student is accepted into 9th grade. | OnTimeGraduationYearType | |
GraduationDate | O | Low | Date student officially graduated from secondary education. | GraduationDateType | |
MostRecent | O | Medium | Container for elements reflecting the most recent enrollment of a student. If the student is currently enrolled in the district, the elements contain current information. | StudentMostRecentContainerType | |
AcceptableUsePolicy | O | Low | Does the student have a current signed Acceptable Use Policy document for system access? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
GiftedTalented | O | High | Is the student in Gifted/Talented programs? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
EconomicDisadvantage | O | High | Does the student meet the State criteria for classification as having an economic disadvantage? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
ESL | O | High | Does the student meet 'English as a Second Language Criteria'? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
ESLDateAssessed | O | Medium | Date ESL eligibility was assessed. Having access to the date the last ESL assessment took place enables a school or the department to initiate a new assessment if required. | xs:date | |
YoungCarersRole | O | High | Is the student a carer of other family members? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
Disability | O | High | Does the student have funding for disability? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
IntegrationAide | O | High | Does the Student require an Integration Aide? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
EducationSupport | O | High | Is the student in receipt of education support? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
HomeSchooledStudent | O | Medium | Student is not attending any school registered in the Australian School List. Mandatory if true. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
Sensitive | O | High | For local use by jurisdictions where a court order, custody order or other restriction or risk exists and the student's record needs to be treated sensitively as restrictions on use apply. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
OfflineDelivery | O | Low | Note that the student is unable to sit an assessment via an online delivery mode. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
ESLSupport | O | High | Is the student in receipt of ESL support? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
PrePrimaryEducation | O | High | Care prior to kinder enrolment (eg. Family day care/home/extended care etc). | xs:normalizedString | |
PrePrimaryEducationHours | O | High | Hours of attendance at care prior to kinder enrolment | AUCodeSetsPrePrimaryHoursType | |
FirstAUSchoolEnrollment | O | Low | Date of the first enrolment in an Australian School | xs:date | |
LocalCodeList | O | Extreme | LocalCodeListType | ||
SIF_Metadata | O | Extreme | SIF_MetadataType | ||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | Extreme | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
This object defines information related to a student's enrollment. StudentSchoolEnrollment instances must not span multiple school years.
Note there is only one current home enrollment at a time per student.
Only one instance of the StudentSchoolEnrollment
object must exist for a given student with MembershipType
(Home School) and TimeFrame
for the time interval between EntryDate
and ExitDate
, inclusive.
A StudentSchoolEnrollment
object should be re-published when the
attribute changes, regardless of when the data entry is done.
This is in addition to the practice of publishing the object at the time the data changes in the corresponding application.
When the object is re-published, it must contain all the data in the object that is supported by the publisher.
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Figure 3.10.10-1: StudentSchoolEnrollmentElement/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |||||||
StudentSchoolEnrollment | High | This object defines information related to a student's enrollment. StudentSchoolEnrollment instances must not span multiple school years.
Note there is only one current home enrollment at a time per student.
Only one instance of the
A When the object is re-published, it must contain all the data in the object that is supported by the publisher. | |||||||||
@![]() | RefId | M | Low | The ID (GUID) that uniquely identifies a particular enrollment. | RefIdType | ||||||
StudentPersonalRefId | M | Low | The ID (GUID) of the student to whom this information is linked. | IdRefType | |||||||
SchoolInfoRefId | M | Low | The ID (GUID) of the school to which this enrollment applies. | IdRefType | |||||||
MembershipType | M | Low | The type of this enrollment as it relates to the school identified in SchoolInfoRefId. | AUCodeSetsSchoolEnrollmentTypeType | |||||||
LocalId | O | Low | The locally-assigned identifier for this student enrollment. | LocalId | |||||||
TimeFrame | M | Low |
The timeframe of the enrollment based on the | AUCodeSetsEnrollmentTimeFrameType | |||||||
SchoolYear | M | Low |
School year for which this enrollment is applicable, expressed as the four-digit year in which the school year ends (e.g. | SchoolYearType | |||||||
EntryDate | M | Low | The date from when this enrollment is valid. | xs:date | |||||||
EntryType | O | Low | Container elements for EntryType information | StudentEntryContainerType | |||||||
YearLevel | O | Low | Year or academic level of student. | YearLevelType | |||||||
Homeroom | O | Low | Homeroom for this enrollment. | IdRefType | |||||||
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Low | The name of the object referenced. | values:
| ||||||
Advisor | O | Low | Staff member assigned as an advisor. | IdRefType | |||||||
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Low | The name of the object referenced. | values:
| ||||||
Counselor | O | Low | Staff member assigned as an advisor. | IdRefType | |||||||
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Low | The name of the object referenced. | values:
| ||||||
Homegroup | O | Low | The name of the homegroup the student enrollment belongs to. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
ACARASchoolId | O | Low | ACARA School Id. | LocalIdType | |||||||
ClassCode | O | Low | The name of the class code the student belongs to, for the purposes of NAPLAN registration. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
TestLevel | O | Low | Values: 3,5,7,9. The test level that the student is registering for. | YearLevelType | |||||||
ReportingSchool | O | Low | Is this the school to which student's report is to be made available? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
House | O | Low | The name of the house the student belongs to. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
IndividualLearningPlan | O | Medium | Does this student have an individual learning plan in place? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
Calendar | O | Low | The calendar assigned to this enrollment. | IdRefType | |||||||
@ | SIF_RefObject | M | Low | The name of the object referenced. | values:
| ||||||
ExitDate | C | Low |
The last school calendar day of this enrollment. If the student has exited the school or the enrollment has a | xs:date | |||||||
ExitStatus | O | High | Container element for exit status codes. | StudentExitStatusContainerType | |||||||
ExitType | O | High | The type of exit for this enrollment. | StudentExitContainerType | |||||||
FTE | O | Low | Full-time equivalent numeric value of the student's course load during this enrollment, expressed in decimal form, where 1.00 represents a full-time enrollment. | xs:decimal
| |||||||
FTPTStatus | O | Low | An indication of whether the student is enrolled full time or part time. | AUCodeSetsFTPTStatusCodeType | |||||||
FFPOS | O | Low | Enrolled Full-fee Paying Overseas Student (FFPOS) Status. Enrolment Frame Element 10 NSCC Collection. The status of an enrolment in a CRICOS course and whether the person is liable for a fee which reflects the imputed full average cost of the person's education at the school (including both recurrent and capital costs) irrespective of the actual arrangements to meet the fee. | AUCodeSetsFFPOSStatusCodeType | |||||||
CatchmentStatus | O | Low | Container element for location of an individual's legal residence relative to (within or outside) the boundaries of the school for this enrolment. Enrolment Catchment Status. | CatchmentStatusContainerType | |||||||
RecordClosureReason | O | High | The reason why this enrollment was closed. The EndOfYear option must be used to convey status change due to rollover activity. | values:
| |||||||
PromotionInfo | O | Medium | Information on a student's promotion, retention, or demotion related to this enrollment instance. | PromotionInfoType | |||||||
PreviousSchool | O | Low | If the student has previously been enrolled at a school, i.e. student is transferring, the previous school number. | LocalIdType | |||||||
PreviousSchoolName | O | Low | If the student has previously been enrolled at a school, i.e. student is transferring, the previous school name. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
DestinationSchool | O | Low | If the student has exited the school, the local id of the school to which the student has transferred to. | LocalIdType | |||||||
DestinationSchoolName | O | Low | If the student has exited the school, the school name to which the student has transferred to, or is transferring to. | xs:normalizedString | |||||||
StudentSubjectChoiceList | O | Low | List of Student Subject Choices where available. | StudentSubjectChoiceListType | |||||||
StartedAtSchoolDate | O | Low | First date the student was enrolled at this school if known. | xs:date | |||||||
StudentGroupList | O | Medium | List of groups that this student is a member of. | StudentGroupListType | |||||||
PublishingPermissionList | O | Medium | List of permissions applicable in general to publication of materials relating to the student. | PublishingPermissionListType | |||||||
DisabilityLevelOfAdjustment | O | High | Level of Adjustment made for a student's disability. | values:
| |||||||
DisabilityCategory | O | High | Category of a student's disability. | values:
| |||||||
CensusAge | O | High | Age of the StudentCalculated for Non-gov Census reporting. | xs:decimal | |||||||
DistanceEducationStudent | O | High | Is this student a Distance Education Student for Non-gov Census reporting. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
BoardingStatus | O | Medium | Is this student a Boarding or Day Student for AG Collection reporting? | AUCodeSetsBoardingType | |||||||
InternationalStudent | O | High | Is this student classified as an International Student? | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |||||||
LocalCodeList | O | High | LocalCodeListType | ||||||||
SIF_Metadata | O | High | SIF_MetadataType | ||||||||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | High | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |