SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Element/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
AGStatusReport | High | ||||
@ | RefId | M | High | GUID for this Status Report. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique Id. | RefIdType |
ReportingAuthority | M | High | Authority who submitted the collection data (e.g. FQ). | xs:normalizedString | |
ReportingAuthoritySystem | O | High | System of Reporting Authority if Systemic. | xs:normalizedString | |
ReportingAuthorityCommonwealthId | O | Low | Commonwealth identifier for the submitting entity. | xs:normalizedString | |
SubmittedBy | O | Low | Extra information about submitter. | xs:normalizedString | |
SubmissionTimestamp | O | Low | Timestamp of the original collection submission that these entities were reported on. | xs:dateTime | |
AGCollection | O | Low | The type of AG Collection being reported on. | xs:normalizedString | |
CollectionYear | M | Low | Data Year | SchoolYearType | |
AGReportingObjectResponseList | O | High | A list of the Reporting Objects being responded to. | AGReportingObjectResponseListType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_MetadataType | |||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |
SIF_Events are reported for this object.
Element/@Attribute | Char | Privacy Rating | Description | Type | |
FinancialQuestionnaireSubmission | High | ||||
@ | RefId | M | High | GUID for this Report. The application that owns this object is responsible for generating this unique Id. | RefIdType |
FQYear | M | Low | Data Year | SchoolYearType | |
ReportingAuthority | C | High | Authority who is submitting this Financial Questionnaire? This is Mandatory if being submitted on behalf of a school and not the school itself. | xs:normalizedString | |
ReportingAuthoritySystem | O | High | System of Reporting Authority if Systemic. | xs:normalizedString | |
ReportingAuthorityCommonwealthId | M | Low | Commonwealth identifier for the submitting entity. | xs:normalizedString | |
SystemSubmission | O | Low | Is this a System Submission?. | AUCodeSetsYesOrNoCategoryType | |
SoftwareVendorInfo | M | Low | Container for elements containing information on the Software Product and Vendor. | SoftwareVendorInfoContainerType | |
SubmissionContact | M | High | Information on the Contact for the submission. | EntityContactInfoType | |
FQReportComments | O | High | General comments on this submission. | xs:normalizedString | |
FQReportingList | O | High | A list of Financial Reports in this FQ AG Collection. | FQReportingListType | |
SIF_Metadata | O | SIF_MetadataType | |||
SIF_ExtendedElements | O | SIF_ExtendedElementsType |